33 research outputs found

    Assessment of left ventricle diastolic function in myocardial infarction patients treated with primary angioplasty

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    Background: More than 5% of patients over the age of 65 have been found to develop heart failure, and over half of them preserve normal left ventricular systolic function. In the last few years, diastolic heart failure has become a serious clinical and epidemiological problem. Methods: This prospective study was carried out on 99 patients. Patients were evaluated up to three months after primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Evaluation was performed three times: within the first 24 hours after primary PCI, on day seven after PCI and at three months after PCI. We analyzed the relationship between the severity of left ventricle diastolic dysfunction and atherosclerosis risk factors, infarction site, maximum levels of cardiac biomarkers such as troponin I, CPK and CK-MB, CRP protein levels, angioplasty effectiveness, reperfusion time, TIMI and TMPG grade. Results: Most patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with primary PCI demonstrated left ventricle diastolic dysfunction on the first day of myocardial infarction. Levels of cardiac biomarkers were significantly higher in patients with restrictive filling pattern. The inflammatory response (CRP levels) was found to have an important role in the development of diastolic abnormalities. There was a close relationship between diastolic and systolic function. Average values of left ventricular ejection fraction in patients with restrictive filling pattern were significantly lower than in those with impaired relaxation (44.7 vs. 52.7%; p < 0.001) and normal filling (54.2%; p = 0.002). Conclusions: More than half of patients with a first STEMI have left ventricle diastolic dysfunction within the first day after PCI, and these abnormalities are still present three months after PCI. Time and effectiveness of reperfusion, CRP level, troponin I, max, CPK max and CK-MB max levels as well as left ventricular ejection fraction have an important influence on the development of diastolic dysfunction. Infarct extension contributes significantly to the process

    Seasonal and nutritional changes in the short form of the leptin receptor expression and VEGF system in the choroid plexus, arcuate nucleus, and anterior pituitary in MTS-leptin and resistin-treated sheep

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    The short form of the leptin receptor (LeptRa) plays a key role in the transport of leptin to the central nervous system (CNS). Here, MTS-leptin and recombinant ovine (ro) leptin-mediated expression of LeptRa and VEGFA and VEGFR2 concentration in selected hypothalamic nuclei, choroid plexus (ChP), and anterior pituitary (AP) were analyzed considering the photoperiod and acute-fasting (experiment 1), and nutritional status (experiment 2) of ewes. In experiment 1, 60 sheep were fed normally or fasted for 72 h and received one injection of saline, MTS-leptin, or roleptin 1 h prior to euthanasia. LeptRa mRNA transcript levels and VEGF system protein concentrations were detected in the ARC, ChP predominantly in the SD, and AP for the LD without detection of LeptRa in the POA and VMH/DMH. In experiment 2, an altered diet for 5 months created lean or fat sheep. Twenty sheep were divided into four groups: the lean and fat groups were given saline, while the lean-R and fat-R groups received resistin 1 h prior to euthanasia. Changes in adiposity influenced the lowering effect of resistin on the expression of LeptRa and VEGF system protein concentrations. Overall, both photoperiodic and nutritional signals influence the effects of MTS-leptin/roleptin and resistin-mediated leptin transport to the CNS via LeptRa. Resistin seems to be another adipokine involved in the adaptive/pathological phenomenon of leptin resistance in sheep

    Indoxyl Sulfate Promotes Arterial Thrombosis in Rat Model via Increased Levels of Complex TF/VII, PAI-1, Platelet Activation as Well as Decreased Contents of SIRT1 and SIRT3

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    Patients suffering from chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at a 20-fold higher risk of dying due to cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), primarily thrombosis following vascular injury. CKD is connected with retention of uremic toxins, especially indoxyl sulfate (IS), which are currently considered as a non-classical CKD-specific risk factor for CVDs. The present study aimed to examine the effect of chronic exposure to IS on the hemostatic system and arterial thrombosis in a model without greater interferences from the uremic milieu consisting of additional uremic toxins. Forty-eight male Wistar Crl:WI (cmdb) rats were divided into three groups: one control group and two experimental groups, which were exposed to 100 or 200 mg/kg of b.w./day of IS in drinking water for a period of 28 days. The control group received water without IS. At the end of the experiment, the induction of arterial thrombosis was performed. We investigated the impact of IS on thrombosis incidence, kinetics and strength of clot formation, platelet activity, aortic contents of sirtuin (SIRT) 1 and sirtuin 3 (SIRT3), hemostatic system, cardiorespiratory parameters, biochemistry of plasma and urine as well as histology of the thrombus, kidney, and liver. Obtained data revealed that chronic exposure to IS promotes arterial thrombosis via increased levels of complex tissue factor/factor VII, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), platelet activation, as well as decreased aortic levels of SIRT1 and SIRT3. Therefore, we hypothesize that IS enhances primary hemostasis leading to augmented formation of platelet plug with increased amounts of fibrin and affects secondary hemostasis through the influence on plasma coagulation and fibrinolysis factors, which results in the increased kinetics and strength of clot formation. The findings described may contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms leading to increased thrombotic events in patients with CKD with elevated levels of IS

    Administracja, zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w warunkach integracji. Materiały konferencyjne - Handel Zagraniczny

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    Ze wstępu: "Obrady w sekcji H - „Handel zagraniczny” - prowadzone w ramach Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej „Administracja, zarządzanie i handel zagraniczny w warunkach integracj i” dotyczyły szeroko rozumianej wymiany handlowej i współpracy gospodarczej Polski z innymi krajami, zarówno z punktu widzenia gospodarki, jak i poszczególnych przedsiębiorstw. Prezentowane w naszej sekcji referaty dotyczyły w głównej mierze problematyki ujednolicania polskich przepisów w zakresie prowadzenia działalności w szeroko pojętym handlu zagranicznym w celu dostosowania ich do regulacji obowiązujących w Unii Europejskiej."(...

    Mediation in criminal matters as an instrument for a victim

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    Tematyką pracy jest instytucja mediacji wpisana w szerszy kontekst sprawiedliwości naprawczej, która jest filozofią przeciwstawiającą się pojmowaniu sprawiedliwości w sensie retrybutywnym. Koncepcja naprawczości w prawie karnym wywodzi się z idei demokratycznego państwa prawa i praw człowieka. Zgodnie z jej założeniami sprawiedliwość powinna dotyczyć w pierwszej kolejności zadośćuczynienia za krzywdę i naprawienia materialnych i moralnych szkód. Teoretycy tego nurtu operują takimi pojęciami jak pojednanie, naprawa, wspólnota, szacunek. To właśnie na takich wartościach opierają się instytucje pojednawczego rozwiązywania sporów. Praca zawiera nie tylko tematy związane z konstytucyjną ideą demokratycznego państwa prawa, sprawiedliwością wyrównawczą i mediacją, ale także rozszerza się na inne instytucje konsensualnego rozwiazywania sporów karnych takie jak konferencja sprawiedliwości naprawczej i negocjacje. W dalszej kolejności, w pracy poruszony został temat pozycji pokrzywdzonego w obecnej procedurze karnej zarówno w postępowaniu przygotowawczym jak i jurysdykcyjnym. Na koniec przeanalizowane zostały funkcjonujące w polskim prawie karnym przepisy dotyczące mediacji oraz problemy praktycznego stosowania tej instytucji.The subject of this work is the institution of mediation set within the larger context of restorative justice, which is the philosophy standing in the opposition to the perception of justice in the retributive sense. Concept of reparation in criminal law derives from the idea of democracy and human rights. Under this concept justice should refer to compensation for pain as well as material and moral damages in the first place. Writers relating to this movement operate with such concepts as reconciliation, repair, community, respect. Those values are the base for instruments of peaceful ways of settling disputes. The work includes not only topics related to the idea of a constitutional democratic state, retributive justice and mediation, but also extends to the other institutions of consensual dispute resolution, such as restorative justice conference and negotiation. Subsequently, the work discusses the current position of the victim in criminal procedure both in the preparatory proceedings and jurisdiction. At the end of this work there is an analysis of the current criminal law provisions on mediation and the problems of practical application of this institution