6 research outputs found

    Tolerance to zinc and lead of the suspension cells derived from metallophytes of the calamine soils

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    W niniejszej pracy badano poziom tolerancji kom贸rek kultur zawiesinowych trzech wybranych gatunk贸w metalofit贸w fakultatywnych z teren贸w metalono艣nych: Arabidopsis halleri subsp. halleri, Armeria maritima subsp. halleri, Silene vulgaris subsp. humilis w celu odniesienia uzyskanych wynik贸w do uzyskanych wcze艣niej, a opartych o analogiczne eksperymenty, nad kilkoma gatunkami metalofit贸w fakultatywnych, obligatoryjnych, niemetalofit贸w z rodzaju Viola. Kom贸rki badanych metalofit贸w r贸偶ni艂y si臋 prze偶ywalno艣ci膮 po osobnym traktowaniu solami cynku i o艂owiu (200 碌M, 500 碌M, 1000 碌M) przez 24, 48 i 72 godziny oszacowan膮 testem alamarBlue庐. Kom贸rki A. maritima subsp. halleri, S. vulgaris subsp. humilis by艂y wysoce tolerancyjne na cynk, w przeciwie艅stwie do A. halleri subsp. halleri. Wszystkie analizowane metalofity wykazywa艂y nisk膮 tolerancj臋 na o艂贸w. W szczeg贸lno艣ci zaskakuj膮ca jest niska tolerancja na cynk i o艂贸w A. halleri subsp. halleri, hiperakumulatora cynku i kadmu. Kom贸rki wybranych metalofit贸w gleb galmanowych wykaza艂y ni偶sz膮 tolerancj臋 na cynk i o艂贸w ni偶 gatunki z rodzaju Viola. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzaj膮 hipotez臋, 偶e gatunki z rodzaju Viola, niezale偶nie od ich statusu (metalofit vs. niemetalofit), maj膮 wrodzon膮, wysok膮 tolerancj臋 na metale ci臋偶kie.In this study, the tolerance level of suspended cells derived from three selected species of facultative metallophytes from metalliferous areas: Arabidopsis halleri subsp. halleri, Armeria maritima subsp. halleri, Silene vulgaris subsp. humilis was examined in order to compare the obtained results with analogous experiment on facultative,obligatory metallophytes and non-metallophytes of the Viola genus. The tested metallophyte cells differed in the survival rate after treatment with zinc and lead salts (200 碌M, 500 碌M, 1000 碌M) for 24, 48 and 72 hours assessed by the alamarBlue test庐. A. maritima subsp. halleri, S. vulgaris subsp. humilis cells were highly tolerant to zinc, in contrast to A. halleri subsp. halleri. All three analysed metallophytes showed low tolerance to lead. In particular, low tolerance to zinc and lead of A. halleri subsp. halleri, zinc and cadmium hyperaccumulator, was surprising. The cells of selected species of calamine metallophytes showed lower tolerance to zinc and lead than species of the genus Viola independently of their status (metallophyte vs. non-metallophyte). The obtained results support the hypothesis that species of the genus Viola have an innate, high tolerance to heavy metals

    Konstytutywna tolerancja na metale ci臋偶kie w rodzaju Viola L. (Violaceae Batsch.) na podstawie bada艅 prze偶ywalno艣ci, parametr贸w fizjologicznych oraz gromadzenia metali w kom贸rkach zawiesinowych.

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    Badania mia艂y na celu potwierdzenie wrodzonej tolerancji na metale ci臋偶kie u gatunk贸w z rodzaju Viola L. (fio艂ki) W tej grupie wyst臋puje wiele gatunk贸w, kt贸re rosn膮 na glebach z metalami ci臋偶kimi, od fakultatywnych metalofit贸w po hiperakumulatory. Nie wiadomo, czy jest to wynikiem stopniowych proces贸w mikroewolucyjnych prowadz膮cych do adaptacji, czy cecha ta zosta艂a odziedziczona po tolerancyjnym przodku (-ach).Wyprowadzono kultury zawiesinowe kom贸rek z tkanki kalusa pi臋ciu ro艣lin: dw贸ch niemetalofit贸w; Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) i Viola x wittrockiana oraz trzech metalofit贸w; V. philippica, V. tricolor i Silene vulgaris subsp. humilis. Zmierzono 偶ywotno艣膰 kom贸rek, zawarto艣膰 nieenzymatycznych przeciwutleniaczy i akumulacj臋 metali ci臋偶kich po traktowaniach kom贸rek Zn lub Pb.Kom贸rki gatunk贸w z rodzaju Viola charakteryzowa艂y si臋 wysok膮 tolerancj膮 na Zn i Pb (1000 渭M), niezale偶nie od ich statutu ekologicznego (niemetalofity vs metalofity). Fio艂ki b臋d膮ce -metalofitami wykazywa艂y wysok膮 zawarto艣膰 przeciwutleniaczy, co 艣wiadczy o ich wysokiej reaktywno艣ci na metale ci臋偶kie. U wszystkich gatunk贸w o艂贸w wykryto w protoplazmie kom贸rek, nie w wakuoli lub 艣cianie kom贸rkowej. Kom贸rki wszystkich gatunk贸w fio艂k贸w charakteryzowa艂y si臋 zdolno艣ci膮 do akumulacji o艂owiu.Wyniki wskazuj膮 na wrodzon膮 (konstytutywn膮) tolerancj臋 fio艂k贸w na metale ci臋偶kie. Co wi臋cej, wyniki uzyskane w badaniach fizjologicznych i biochemicznych na kom贸rkach ro艣linnych przek艂adaj膮 si臋 na tolerancj臋 na metale ci臋偶kie na poziomie ca艂ej ro艣liny.This research aimed to evaluate hypothesis of innate tolerance to heavy metals within Viola L. genus (violets). Violets enclose many species, which are heavy metal-tolerant, ranging from facultative metallophytes to hyperaccumulators. It is unknown, whether this tolerance is a re-sult of gradual microevolutionary adaptive processes or whether this trait was inherited from tolerant ancestors(s).Cell suspension cultures from callus tissue of five plants: two non-metallophytes; Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) and Viola x wittrockiana, and three metallophytes; V. philippica, V. tricolor and Silene vulgaris subsp. humilis were developed. Cell viability, non-enzymatic antioxidant content and the accumulation of heavy metals after cell treatment with Zn or Pb were exam-ined.Cells of violets were characterized by high tolerance, independently on their ecological status (non-metallophyte vs metallophyte), after exposure to Zn or Pb (1000 渭M). Metallophytes belonging to Viola genus had high content of antioxidants, indicating their high responsivity to these metals. In all species, lead was detected in the protoplasm of the cells, not in the vac-uole or cell wall. All violets were characterized by the capacity to accumulate lead.The results indicate innate (constitutive) tolerance to heavy metals in violets. Furthermore, physiological and biochemical results obtained using plant cells translate into heavy metal tol-erance of the whole plant

    Low and high elevation Heliosperma species (Caryophyllaceae) : insight based on chromosome number, pollen characters and seed micromorphology

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    Miszczak, Szymon, Shuka, Donald, Shuka, Lul毛zim, Migda艂ek, Grzegorz, S艂omka, Aneta (2022): Low and high elevation Heliosperma species (Caryophyllaceae)-insight based on chromosome number, pollen characters and seed micromorphology. Phytotaxa 554 (1): 32-46, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.554.1.2, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.554.1.

    Innate, high tolerance to zinc and lead in violets confirmed at the suspended cell level

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    Many species of the Viola L. genus (violets) colonize areas with high concentrations of trace elements in the soil, e.g., nickel, cadmium, zinc, and lead. Although tolerance to heavy metals is a common phenomenon in violets, it is not clear whether this is the result of gradual microevolutionary processes as a part of the adaptation to the specific conditions, or whether the tolerance was inherited from the ancestor(s). We developed cell suspension cultures of five plant species: two non-metallophytes鈥擜rabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) and Viola 路 wittrockiana, and three metallophytes鈥擵. philippica, V. tricolor, and Silene vulgaris subsp. humilis for tolerance tests. The aim of the study was to measure the level of tolerance of violets in comparison with species from the other genera to verify the hypothesis of the high, innate tolerance of the former. We measured cell viability, non-enzymatic antioxidant content, and the accumulation of heavy metals after cell treatment with Zn or Pb. The results indicate they are innate and independent on the ecological status (metallophyte vs. non-metallophyte) and high in comparison with other species tolerance to Zn and Pb in violets. Viability of the cells after Zn and Pb (1000 渭M) exposure for 72 h was the highest in violets. Antioxidant content, after heavy metal treatment, increased significantly, particularly in metallophyte violets, indicating their high responsivity to metals. In all species, lead was detected in the protoplasm of the cells, not in the vacuole or cell wall. All violets were characterized by the accumulation capacity of lead. Here, we clearly show that the physiological and biochemical studies conducted with the use of heavy metals on plant cells translate into the heavy metal tolerance of the species

    Stable Artificial Autopolyploids of the Zn/Cd Accumulator Arabidopsis arenosa—A Promising Genetic Resource for Phytoremediation

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    Arabidopsis arenosa is a good candidate for phytoremediation due to its high tolerance to Zn and Cd as well as its accumulation ability. However, its small size and low biomass are the largest obstacles to applying it on a broad scale. The aim was to obtain polyploid specimens, which tend to have higher biomass to increase the accumulation and translocation capacity of heavy metals in this metal-tolerant plant. Doubled polyploids (octaploids) were obtained via indirect organogenesis on a ½ MS medium supplemented with 1 mg L−1 TDZ, followed by rooting on the same medium without growth regulators. Callus tissue of a high endopolyploidy level (the (Ʃ>2C)/2C ratio over 2.5) obtained on seedling fragments on ½ MS supplemented with 2 mg L−1 2,4-D + 2 mg L−1 BAP served as a source material. Among the regenerants successfully obtained (without using antimitotic agents), over half, regardless of the stage of regenerant development, were octaploid (54–78%; 2C DNA = 1.642 pg). Octaploids were not affected by ploidy or in vitro culture conditions; they were fully fertile, produced normal pollen (~97% of viability), and set seeds capable of germinating (78%). Their cell and organ size was affected by genome doubling resulting in longer stomata, bigger pollen grains, and flowers with a larger area and width in comparison with tetraploid regenerants and initial plants. The promising results of measurements of morpho-anatomical, physiological, and reproductive parameters indicate that, in the future, after passing tolerance tests, the obtained polyploids could be used in phytoremediation of metal-contaminated areas