52 research outputs found

    Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al-Majid “Al-Nur” Karya T.M. Hasbi Ash- Shiddieqy (Corak Tafsir Berdasarkan Perkembangan Kebudayaan Islam Nusantara)

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    Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Majid “al-Nur” is a work by T.M.Hasbi Al-Siddieqy, by applying tahlili writing method with tafsir fiqh characteristic, this work is present to meet the demands of Islamic culture development in Indonesia. With Indonesia nuanced interpretation (tafsir) provides convenience for those who do not understand Arabic well, so it can lead Indonesian people practicing the Qur'an and the Hadith, for the development of religion and nation

    Studi Penerapan Al-Qur’an (QS. Al- Ahzab/ 33:59) terhadap Prilaku Berbusana Mahasiswi Perguruan Tinggi di Makassar

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang prilaku berbusana muslimah di kalangan mahasiswi Perguruan Tinggi di Makassar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1. Mengetahui prilaku berbusana muslimah di kalangan Mahasiswi.2. mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menjadi motivasi bagi mereka berbusana muslimah.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan mendeskripsikan data yang diperoleh dari beberapa informan dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prilaku dan motivasi berbusana muslimah di kalangan mahasiswi perguruan tinggi cukup bervariasi. Diantaranya yang mengenakan busana press body, sederhana dan menutup, ada pula yang longgar dan panjang (jubah dan kerudung besar). Motivasi berbusana mereka, ada yang disebabkan oleh aturan lembaga/kampus dan lingkungan, ada yang karena faktor kebiasaan dan ada pula karena kesadaran atas tuntutan syariat. Kecenderungan sikap mahasiswi (termasuk ketaatan beragama) ternyata sangat berkaitan dengan motivasi berbusana mereka . Bagi mereka yang berbusana karena aturan kampus cenderung mengikuti trend dan berlebihan, pergaulan kurang terkontrol, kurang taat beragama. Sementara yang memiliki motivasi kesadaran tuntutan syariat, terindikasi taat beragama, cenderung berpenampilan sederhana, bersikap dan bergaul dalam batas kewajaran

    Corak Pemikiran Tafsir pada Perkembangan Awal Tradisi Tafsir di Nusantara (Hamzah al-Fansuri, Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani dan Abd Rauf al-Singkel)

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    The early growth tafsir science tradition in Indonesia, marked by the birth of interpretation toward the sentences of al-Qur'an in the form of sufistik interpretation which is expressed in verses which have tasawuf pattern , which have done by Hamzah al-Fansuri with his student of Syamsuddin Al-Sumatrani as the form of religion recognition through the effort of interpreting and understanding of the holy al-Qur'an as source of religion. Whereas Abd Rauf alSingkel ( a student of Syamsuddin al-Sumatrani) wrote a book ( related to syariat) antitle of Tarjuman al-Mustafid wich become the first copy of al-Qur'an interpretation by using Malay Ianguage in Indonesia. This Masterpiece represented first step in the field of Qur'anic interpretation in Indonesia and become valuable contribution to Islam religion, that is helpful for society in comprehending meaning the sentences of al-Qur'an in local Ianguage

    Al-Amr Bi Al-Ma’ruf Wa Al-Nahyu An Al-Munkar Edisi Revisi

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    Amar ma’ruf nahy munkar adalah suatu istilah yang mengandung dua makna, yaitu anjuran kepada kebaikan dan pencegahan terhadap perbuatan munkar. Konsep ini sangat urgen untuk selalu ditegakkan dalam segala aspek kehidupan masyarakat, karena berkaitan langsung dengan hakekat keberagamaan seseorang

    Pelestarian Budaya Lokal di Sulawesi dengan Tafsir Berbahasa Bugis (Telaah Fungsional dan Metodologi Tafsir al-Munir dan Tafsir Akorang Mabbasa Ugi)

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    This study discussess the Buginese Lontara exegesis which includes 30 juz, namely al-Munir exegesis written by AG.H. Daud Ismail and Akorang Mabbasa Ogi exegesis written by AG.H. Abd Muin Yusuf. This study tries explore two main points, namaely how the methodology or style interpretation of these two interpretations and how its influence in religious life in Sulawesi. The Researcher analyzes the style and form interpretation in these two books of interpretation in which it used various interpretive techniques, such as linguistic interpretation tecnique, socio historic, textual and contextual, with Tahlili method which is classified with Muqaran method by using interpretation bi al-Ma’tsur with the fiqh exegesis style. Urgency of this discussion is to determine the role of this Buginese interpretation in the preservation of local culture and its influence on the religious life of Sulawesi people, especially the Buginese. Theresult of this research indicates that this Buginese exegesis becomes a handbook and referenceby most Muballigh in delivering sermon and religious lectures in mosques. This book exegesis gives a very significant influence among the people in understanding the content of the Qur’an by planting the values of the Qur’an in their religious life both vertically and horizontaly in the tradition of the lives of Buginese society. The understanding of this exegesis is supported by use of interpretive technique which contain social and spiritual values. The interesting thing that this exegesis is a vehicle for bringing Buginese community closer to the Qur’anic values with language relevant to their own culture, as well as showing the preservation of local wisdom and culture values of Buginese

    Wawasan Al-Qur'an tentang Al-Nahyu

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    Dalam tulisan ini, salah satu sigat dalam Alquran yang berimplikasi hukum adalah al-Nahyu. Yaitu salah satu ketetapan Allah yang berhubungan dengan mukallaf dalam bentuk igtida’ (tuntutan), yakni tuntutan dalam bentuk larangan. Al-Nahyu yang berarti tuntutan untuk meninggalkan suatu perbuatan. Dimana orang yang patuh pada Allah dengan meninggalkan larangan tersebut akan mendapat pujia

    Perkembangan Tafsir Al-Qur’an pada Masa Sahabat

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    Interpretation of al-Qur'an have grown during Prophet life and he is the first mufassir. After Rasulullah passed away the prophet companies occupied the second interpretor. The first person interpreted al-Qur'an after Rasul is Ali and than Ibnu Abbas. Al-Qur'an was interpreted by prophet companieas by using sources such as Qur’an, prophet tradition,their own opinions (ijtihad) and israiliyat stories ( though this was not mentioned and not allowed by the Prophet.). Meanwhile interpretation of Prophet directly come from Allah or passed by jibril or from himself, difference ways of this two interpretation are not far differences, but the quality of these interpretations is far more eminent. Generally, the form of interpretation applied by prophet companies is called al-Ma'tsur interpretation which means that the interpretation is based on prophet interpretation, tradition and hisrory. This doesn’t mean the ra’yu or thought was not exluded but included. Precisely in certain condition, they used ideas called interpretation method (ijtihadi). The methode of interpretation used was ijmali ( global), which means a brief and clear interpretation of verses


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     Patient is the ability of some one to endure from difficulty of life and to control emotion for the shake of reaching a target. People are often confronted by collision or condition that bring them into insulation, dissapointment and stress. So that patient can become control of some one personally and socially. Patience does not mean surrender bacause it some time brings someone into fatalism. Patient is a word that covers a whole set of moral values that’s most infortant. In fact, patient is a key from some one to success. Qur’an also suggest to use patient as benefactor in facing all aspect of life’s temptation

    Wawasan Al-Qur'an tentang Sabar

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    Patience is the ability of someone to endure from difficulty of life and to control emotion for the sake ofreaching a target. People are often confronted by collision or condition that bring them into insulation,dissapointment and stress. So that patience can become control of someone personally and socially. Patience does 'not mean surrender bacause it sometime brings someone into fatalism. Patience is a word that covers a whole set of moral values that's most important. In fact, patience is a key for someone to reach success. Qur'an also· suggests human- being to be patient in facing any aspects of life's temptation
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