89 research outputs found

    Evidence of the causal role of human papillomavirus type 58 in an oropharyngeal carcinoma

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    Persistent human papillomavirus infection (HPV) is recognized as an important etiologic factor for a subset of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), especially those arising from the oropharynx. Whereas HPV16 accounts for the majority of HPV DNA-positive oropharyngeal SCC, infections with other mucosal high-risk HPV types are quite rare and biological data demonstrating their causal involvement are insufficient. Here we present the first case of an oropharyngeal SCC driven by HPV type 58. A 69-year-old Caucasian woman presented with an enlarged and firm left tonsil. A computed tomography scan showed a left tonsillar mass, extending to the soft palate and the glossotonsillar sulcus. The patient underwent extended radical tonsillectomy and ipsilateral selective neck dissection. Pathology confirmed an infiltrating, poorly differentiated SCC of the left tonsil with node metastasis (pT2N1). Adjuvant external beam radiation therapy (60 Grays (Gy)) was administered. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient is well with no evidence of cancer recurrence. HPV analyses of the tumor tissue by BSGP5+/6+-PCR/MPG, targeting 51 mucosal HPV types, showed single positivity for HPV type 58. Presence of HPV58 E6*I RNA demonstrated biological activity of the virus in the tumor tissue, and presence of serum antibodies to HPV58 oncoproteins E6 and E7 indicated presence of an HPV58-driven cancer. Overexpression of cellular protein p16(INK4a) and reduced expression of pRb, two cellular markers for HPV-induced cell transformation, were observed. Exons 4-10 of TP53 showed no mutations or polymorphisms. The presence of HPV58 as single HPV infection in combination with a broad variety of direct and indirect markers of HPV transformation provides comprehensive evidence that this oropharyngeal SCC was driven by HPV58

    Sensitivity and specificity of antibodies against HPV16 E6 and other early proteins for the detection of HPV16-driven oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

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    To determine the sensitivity and specificity of HPV16 serology as diagnostic marker for HPV16-driven oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC), 214 HNSCC patients from Germany and Italy with fresh-frozen tumor tissues and sera collected before treatment were included in this study. Hundred and twenty cancer cases were from the oropharynx and 94 were from head and neck cancer regions outside the oropharynx (45 oral cavity, 12 hypopharynx and 35 larynx). Serum antibodies to early (E1, E2, E6 and E7) and late (L1) HPV16 proteins were analyzed by multiplex serology and were compared to tumor HPV RNA status as the gold standard. A tumor was defined as HPV-driven in the presence of HPV16 DNA and HPV16 transformation-specific RNA transcript patterns (E6*I, E1∧E4 and E1C). Of 120 OPSCC, 66 (55%) were HPV16-driven. HPV16 E6 seropositivity was the best predictor of HPV16-driven OPSCC (diagnostic accuracy 97% [95%CI 92–99%], Cohen's kappa 0.93 [95%CI 0.8–1.0]). Of the 66 HPV-driven OPSCC, 63 were HPV16 E6 seropositive, compared to only one (1.8%) among the 54 non-HPV-driven OPSCC, resulting in a sensitivity of 96% (95%CI 88–98) and a specificity of 98% (95%CI 90–100). Of 94 HNSCC outside the oropharynx, six (6%) were HPV16-driven. In these patients, HPV16 E6 seropositivity had lower sensitivity (50%, 95%CI 19–81), but was highly specific (100%, 95%CI 96–100). In conclusion, HPV16 E6 seropositivity appears to be a highly reliable diagnostic marker for HPV16-driven OPSCC with very high sensitivity and specificity, but might be less sensitive for HPV16-driven HNSCC outside the oropharynx

    Multicenter research into the quality of life of patients with advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma with long-term survival associated with human papilloma virus

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    The treatment of advanced-stage oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma may utilize various modes, including combining surgery with chemoradiotherapy (CTRT), or primary CTRT followed by rescue surgery. In previous literature it has been revealed how patients treated with combined modes report a low quality of life (QoL) and severe consequences following surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, in the short and in the long-term. The decrease in the QoL of patients treated with high-intensity multi-modal strategies highlights the necessity of modifying treatments, particularly for young HPV-positive patients, where an increased survival rate has already been reported. The modified treatment for HPV-positive tumors in the tonsils and at the base of the tongue is based on the deintensification of therapies aiming to reduce toxicity and thereby improve QoL in the long term, whilst still maintaining therapeutic effectiveness. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the QoL in patients with a long-term survival, who were treated with combined therapy for squamous cell tumors in the tonsils and at the base of the tongue, and to compare the results observed in HPV-positive and HPV-negative patients. According to statistical analysis, differences in the general QoL and in the single scales of the European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer questionnaires were not correlated with the type of therapy selected for the particular patient. QoL considered the presence of HPV, the type of treatment, the subregion of the tonsils vs. the base of the tongue and the disease stage at the time of diagnosis, and was determined to be non-influential with regard to these specific variables

    Predictive and prognostic significance of telomerase levels/telomere length in tissues and peripheral blood in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

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    A growing body of evidence indicates that the expression of TERT, the catalytic subunit of telomerase, is a biological marker of progression in several cancers. We investigated the predictive and prognostic role of TERT levels and telomere length in tissues and peripheral blood in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). High TERT levels in cancer tissues were independently associated with worse response to therapy (odds ratio [OR]:6.26), regional failure (hazard ratio [HR]:5.75), progression (HR:2.12), and death (HR:3.53). Longer telomeres in the mucosa surrounding the tumor (SM) were independently associated with a lower risk of mucosal failure (HR:0.39). While telomere length in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) significantly decreased with age, no correlation was found between age and telomere length in SM. No associations were found between TERT levels in plasma and telomere length in PBMC and the prognostic variables. High levels of TERT transcripts in cancer cells represent a reliable prognostic marker for identifying HNSCC patients with risk of progression. The altered relationship of telomere length to age in SM compared with PBMC suggests that in a subset of cases the phenotypically normal SM constitutes an acquired telomere-shortened epithelial field prone to genetic instability

    Cervical cancer screening in women vaccinated against human papillomavirus infection: Recommendations from a consensus conference

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    In Italy, the cohorts of women who were offered Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in 2007/08 will reach the age (25 years) for cervical cancer (CC) screening from 2017. The simultaneous shift from cytology-based screening to HPV test-based screening gives the opportunity for unprecedented reorganisation of CC prevention. The ONS (National Screening Monitoring Centre) Directive and the GISCi (Italian Group for Cervical Screening) identified the consensus conference as the most suitable method for addressing this topic. A summary of consensus recommendations is reported here. The main objective was to define the best screening methods in girls vaccinated against HPV and the knowledge required for defining evidence-based screening strategies. A Jury made recommendations about questions and proposals formulated by a panel of experts representative of Italian scientific societies involved in CC prevention and based on systematic reviews of literature and evidence. The Jury considered changing the screening protocols for girls vaccinated in their twelfth year as appropriate. Tailored screening protocols based on vaccination status could be replaced by \u201cone size fits all\u201d protocols only when a herd immunity effect has been reached. Vaccinated women should start screening at age 30, instead of 25, with HPV test. Furthermore, there is a strong rationale for applying longer intervals for re-screening HPV negative women than the currently recommended 5 years, but research is needed to determine the optimal screening time points. For non-vaccinated women and for women vaccinated in their fifteenth year or later, the current protocol should be kept

    Telomeres and telomerase in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: from pathogenesis to clinical implications

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    Serological and molecular evidence of infection by human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II in Italian drug addicts by use of synthetic peptides and polymerase chain reaction.

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    Infection with human T lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) is associated with specific forms of tumours and neurological disorders, but the pathogenic activity of HTLV-II is not yet established. Moreover, due to high crossreactivity between the two viruses, differential diagnosis is not readily achieved. To discriminate between HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections, we employed synthetic peptides specific for HTLV-I and HTLV-II env regions, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In a series of 962 intravenous drug addicts (IVDAs) and 50 patients with haematological malignancies, 51 and 2 samples, respectively, were reactive against HTLV-I proteins; among these, HTLV-I infection was confirmed only in 1 patient with adult T-cell lymphoma, while HTLV-II infections were identified in 6 out of 14 PCR-tested IVDAs. These findings provide evidence of HTLV-II infection among Italian IVDAs. The differentiation between HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections may contribute to a better understanding of HTLV-II pathogenicity in man
