708 research outputs found

    Criteria of Offenses as Part of Ta'zir Penalty [Kriteria Tindak Pidana yang Diancam Hukuman Ta‘Zir]

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    Abstract: Jarimah is all deeds that are prohibited by God and threatened with hadd and ta'zir punishment. Hadd is the criminal sanctions that have been regulated in such a way in the texts of the Alquran and Al-Hadith, which consist of: hadd for fornication, hadd for qadhaf, hadd for sariqah (theft), hadd for drink, hadd for hirabah (robbery), hadd for al -baghyu (rebellion), and hadd for riddah (apostasy). The seven forms of hadd are the rights of Allah swt. which cannot be changed in future time. The judge in this case only has to decide with authentic evidence that is determined according to Alquran and al-Hadith. Hadd here also includes jarimah qishash/diyat because there is already a limit on the provisions in the texts. Meanwhile, jarimah ta'zir is a crime that is not determined by God, both in the Alquran and Al-Hadith. Therefore, the authority to determine this kind of punishment is ulil amri or the leader for the sake of achieving the benefit of the ummah. There are three criteria for jarimah ta'zir, namely: first, jarimah hudud that does not meet the requirements or there are doubts, second, jarimah qishash that does not meet the requirements or there are doubts, and thirdly, jarimah ta'zir that stands alone, and has nothing to do with jarimah hudud and qishash that do not meet the requirements or there are doubts. Thus, the ta'zir becomes the authority of the leader to determine it and it is also flexible which can change or even be deleted one day because the existence of the ta'zir follows the demands of benefit. Abstrak: Jarimah yaitu segala perbuatan yang dilarang oleh Allah swt. dan diancam dengan hukuman had dan ta’zir. Had adalah tindak pidana dan sanksi pidananya sudah diatur sedemikian rupa dalam nash Alquran dan Al-Hadis, yang terdiri dari: Had zina, had qadhaf, had sariqah (pencurian), had minum, had hirabah (perampokan), had al-baghyu (pemberontakan) dihukum mati, dan had riddah (murtad). Ketujuh bentuk had tersebut merupakan hak Allah swt. yang tidak dapat diubah lagi. Hakim dalam hal ini tinggal memutuskan dengan bukti-bukti otentik yang ditetapkan menurut Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadis. Had di sini juga termasuk jarimah qishash/diyat, karena sudah ada batas ketentuannya di dalam nas. Sedangkan jarimah ta’zir adalah tindak pidana yang tidak ditentukan oleh Syari’, baik dalam Alquran dan Al-Hadis. Oleh karena itu yang berwenang menentukannya adalah ulil amri atau pemimpin demi tercapainya kemaslahatan umat. Terdapat tiga kriteria jarimah ta’zir, yaitu: pertama, jarimah hudud yang tidak memenuhi syarat atau terdapat syubhat, kedua, jarimah qishash yang tidak memenuhi syarat atau terdapat syubhat, dan yang ketiga, jarimah ta’zir yang berdiri sendiri, tidak ada kaitannya dengan jarimah hudud dan qishash yang tidak memenuhi syarat atau terdapat syubhat. Dengan demikian jarimah ta’zir menjadi kewenangan pemimpin menentukannya. Jarimah ta’zir yang berdiri sendiri bersifat fleksibel yang suatu saat bisa berubah bahkan dihapus, karena keberadaan jarimah ta’zir mengikuti tuntutan kemaslahatan

    PENDIDIKAN ANAK DALAM KELUARGA (Suatu Kajian dalam Perspektif Gender)

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    Proses dan tawaran pendidikan dewasa ini cenderung memperlihatkan adanya ketimpangan dari sisi perolehan pendidikan bagi sang anak di dalam keluarga. Pada kenyataanya pendidikan anak-laki lebih diutamakan daripada pendidikan anak perempuan dalam keluarga. Ketimpangan ini seharusnya bisa dihindari karena keluarga adalah komunitas terkecil yang dapat memudahkan untuk memahami sejumlah kebutuhan sang anak. Akibatnya, anak perempuan adalah pilihan yang harus menerima sanksi mental-pendidikan lantaran praktek budaya patriarkhi. Untuk itu, solusi yang ditawarkan adalah menjadikan nilai profetik agama sebagai upaya pencegahan, agar anak perempuan memiliki hak yang sama dengan anak laki-laki, dan gender sebagai alat ukur untuk merespon praktek masyarakat yang dinilai keliru. Oleh karena itu, etika keislaman menjadi titik ukuran yang dipakai dalam menentukan pendidikan anak dalam keluarga. Bagaimanapun, tujuan dari strategi pendidikan Islam adalah membentuk ruang batin si anak agar memperoleh nilai-nilai Ilahiah. Sementara dalam konteks penentuan strategi pendidikan, nilai-nilai ilahiah perlu diperhatikan agar kadar etika keislaman dapat membentuk mental si anak, termasuk karakteristik jiwa si anak itu sendiri

    Efisiensi Penggunaan Jumlah Bibit Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Sawah

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    The number of seedlings per hill of rice plants affects the level of productivity , the use of seeds per hill with the right amount of rice production. This research aims to determine the effect of the number of seeds/clump on the growth and production of rice. Research using randomized block design (RBD) consists of five treatments with four replications. The treatments tested were: A (1 seedling/hill), B (3 seedling/hill), C (5 seedling/hill), D (7 seedling/hill), and E (9 seedling/hill). The seeds used are Batang Piaman variety, 25x25 cm spacing. The experiment sites in lowland farmers Lubuk Minturun Sungai Lareh village, Koto Tangah district, Padang city, West Sumatra province on wed season 2009/2010. Fertilizer is given as 150 kg Urea, 100 kg SP36 and 75 kg KCl per hectare. Urea and KCl are given three times, with brocasting system at 7, 28, and 45 Days After Planting (DAP), while the SP36 is given at 7 DAP combined with Urea and KCl. The results showed the treatment number of seedlings provide significant effect (P<0.05) on the number of grains per panicle and grain yield. However, no significantly effect (P<0.05) on plant height, maximum number of tillers, number of productive tillers, panicle length, percentage of empty grains, and weight of 1000 grains. The use number of seedlings less than five seedling per hill produces the high number of seeds per panicle and grain yield per hectare. Based on these results it can be concluded that the number of seed on the rice crops are not more than five seedling per hill

    Penampilan Bawang Merah Pada Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) Di Pulau Punjung Kabupaten Dharmasraya

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    To support the growth of onion plants are optimal, the price factor is one of the easiest growth factors and factors of the environment that can be modified through fertilization.The used of fertilizers with the right amount could be increased plant growth. This research aims to get the best fertilizers on the growth and yield of onion. The experiment was conducted at farmers yard members of KRPL Ranah Lintas, Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency, from June to October 2012. The experiment was arranged in a Randomized Block Design (RBD), with involving five farmers as replication, where the sub-sample of each farmer 2 times so that the experimental units totaling 50 units. Seeds of onion used are varieties of Bima (derived from Balitsa Lembang), planted in polybags size 30 x 35 cm, before cutting the seedlings planted in the upper third. The treatments tasted were; (A) 0.0 g / pot equivalent to 0 kg/ha, (B) 0.375 g/pot equivalent to 125 kg/ha, (C) 0.75 g / pot equivalent to 250 kg/ha, (D) 1,125 g/pot equivalent to 375 kg/ha, and (E) of 500 kg / ha or 1.5 g/pot equivalent to 500 kg/ha. As a basic fertilizer used cow manure 20 t, Urea 150 kg, and SP36 200 kg / ha. The results showed that no significant effect on plant height and weight of a small bulb. The highest weight bulb/pot obtained of KCl giving 0.375 g/pot with the average weight of bulb/pot 50.65 g. The results suggested that to obtain optimal growth and yield of onion in this location (KRPL) of KCl should be given at a dose of 0.375 g/pot equivalent to 125 kg / ha

    Studi Penggunaan Pupuk Hayati Pada Tanaman Kedelai

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    Study of the use of biological fertilizers on soybean. One of the efforts to improve the growth and yield of soybean is to utilize biological fertilizer in the form of inoculants, both root nodule bacteria and endophytic bacteria. Assessment carried out on land formerly used for rice cultivation in Palangki, District Ampek Nagari, Sijunjung regency, West Sumatra, in the dry season (June to September 2010). The design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications, plot size of 5 x 4 m, using Anjasmoro soybean varieties, spacing of 40 x 10 cm, each planted 2 seeds / hole. Treatment in this study, namely: Land given lime without bacterial inoculation (A1); Land without lime, and soy beans inoculated bacteria (A2); Land given lime and soy beans inoculated bacteria (A3); and Land sown with soybean planting land former, given lime and seeds not inoculated bacteria (A4). Data were collected for plant height, number of primary branches, total number of pods, number of pods, amount number of seeds, seed fresh weight and dry weight of seeds. The study showed that treatment of ex-land sprinkled with soybean planting, and seeds were not inoculated lime and (A4) gives the highest response for each parameter of observation compared with other treatments

    Studi Sistem Tanam Jajar Legowo Terhadap Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Sawah

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    The studies of row planting system “legowo” to the increased productivity of lowland rice. This research aims to determine the best planting system in order to obtain optimum growth and yield. The experiment site in lowland farmers Piruko Sitiung, Dharmasraya district, West Sumatra, from May to September 2009. The research using a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 replications and 5 treatments planting systems, namely: (A) the Row “Legowo” 2:1, (B) the Row “Legowo” 4:1, (C) the Row “Legowo” 6:1, (D) the Row “Legowo” 8:1, and (e) Without the Row “Legowo” Control. Fertilizers are used ; 200 kg Urea, 100 kg SP36, and 50 kg KCl/ha. Urea and KCl are given three times with brocasting system at 1, 4 , and 7 weeks after planting (wap), while the SP36 is given at 1 wap combined with Urea and KCl. The seeds used Batang Piaman variety planted three seedling per hill, spacing of 25x25 cm . Data were collected on; plant height , maximum number of tillers/hill, number of productive tiller/hill, yield components, and yield. The results showed that “legowo” row planting system significantly affect the agronomic component plants, except at plant height. Against the yield components and the results also showed a marked influence on the percentage of empty grains unless and 1000 grain weight. “Legowo” row planting system can increase the yield of dry grain harvest around 19.90 to 22%. This experiment suggests that in order to obtain optimum productivity of lawland rice is recommended to use of “Legowo” row planting system

    URGENCY OF RUNNING HANDLING IN DIVORCE CASE (Study of the Circuit Court Program at the Jantho Syar'iyyah Court)

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    According to a 2007 study, the poor face major financial barriers to accessing the Religious Courts relating to court fees and transportation costs to come to court. The Supreme Court responded to these findings by paying great attention to the holding of circuit courts and waiving court fees with the Prodeo process. This response is manifested in the Supreme Court Circular (SEMA) Number 10 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Legal Aid, which is divided into two attachments, namely attachment A for the General Courts and Annex B for the Religious Courts. Based on data from the Syar'iyah Jantho Court, the divorce case that occurred in Aceh Besar District was classified as high. The divorce rate is the number registered with the Jantho Syar'iyah Court, not including those who are not registered or divorce in secret without being registered with the Jantho Syar'iyah Court. Because traditionally, many people divorce without registering with the Syar'iyah Court, especially those whose social, educational and economic status is middle to lower, coupled with the long distance between their homes and the Syar'iyah Court. Therefore, the problems in this thesis are how the circuit court procedure in divorce cases at the Jantho Syar'iyah Court, how the community's participation in the implementation of circuit courts in divorce cases at the Jantho Syar'iyah Court and how the influence of circuit courts in the social life of the community. With the method of field research (field research) conducted at the Syar'iyah Jantho Court, the result of the research is that the procedure for conducting a circuit court consists of pre-trial stages, namely case registration, appointment of a panel of judges (PMH), appointment of a substitute clerk (PP) and a substitute bailiff. (JSP), Determination of Session Day (PHS), and Summons of the parties. The second stage of the trial is peace efforts, reading of lawsuit / petition, answer-answer, verification, deliberation of the panel of judges, reading of decisions / decisions, implementing the divorce vow and submitting divorce certificates. Insofar as it is implemented, community participation is very high so that it affects public awareness that the termination of a marriage relationship is very important to obtain legal certainty

    Combined Punishment in Islamic Criminal Law Theory

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    The combined theory of punishment is a theory which means a threat of punishment that is more than one punishment because there are several crimes committed by the perpetrator. The combined theory of punishment in Islamic law and positive law tends to be different, both regarding the types and forms and in terms of the fulfillment of the principles of legal justice, benefit, and legal certainty. There are two research questions in this paper. First, how is the combined theory of punishment according to positive law? Second, how to fulfill the principles of justice, benefit, and legal certainty in the combined theory of punishment according to positive law. This research was conducted with a literature study approach, in which research data were analyzed qualitatively by means of descriptive analysis. The results show that: First, the theory of combined punishment according to positive law is included in three theories, namely multiple, absorption and mixed theories. The three combined theories of punishment are covered in Articles 60 to 71 of the Criminal Code which teaches about the combination of criminal acts of concursus idealism, concursus realis, and voortgezette handelling. Second, the combined theory of punishment according to positive law has fulfilled the principles of justice, expediency, and legal certainty. Third, conceptually, the combined theory of punishment in positive law is not exactly the same as that stipulated in Islamic criminal law. These provisions tend to be looser than those regulated in Islamic law. Islamic law only recognizes the imposition of one penalty for different actions if each action has the same direction and purpose. If the purpose of the legal sanctions is different, the perpetrator must be punished according to the type of crime he has committed

    ‘Azl sebagai Pencegah Kehamilan (Studi Perbandingan antara Mazhab Hanafi dan Mazhab Syafi’i)

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    ‘Azl mungkin metode kontrasepsi tertua di dunia, karena ‘azl cara efektif untuk mencegah kehamilan.’azl berarti menarik penis dari vagina keluarnya sperma. Pastinya orang yang melakukan ‘azl (senggama terputus) ada maksudnya,seperti menunda kehamilan atau menjaga jarak dari anak sebelumnya. Karena Ketika sperma yang dikeluarkan di luar vagina pasti tidak akan terjadi pembuahan sehingga tidak terjadi kehamilan. Dalam konteks kekinian ‘azl mengalami pergeseran, ini dapat kita lihat dari pelaksanaan maksud dan tujuan program keluarga berencana (KB), yaitu mengatur jumlah kelahiran. Pengertian secara khusus KB adalah pencegahan konsepsi atau pencegahan pertemuan sel mani laki-laki dengan sel telur perempuan. Jika dilihat hasilnya nya antara ‘azl dan KB adalah sama, karena tujuannya sama-sama untuk mencegah pembuahan (kehamilan), tapi yang membedakan antara KB dan ‘azl hanya pada proses dan alat yang digunakan, ‘azl tidak mengggunakan alat apapun (secara alami) sendangkan KB mengunakan alat kontrasepsi baik berupa pil kb atau suntikan obat. Berdasarkan hasil istinbath hukum antara mazhab hanafi dan mazhab syafi`i, praktek ‘azl di bolehkan, meskipun berbeda pendapat dari segi pelaksanaanya. Mazhab hanafi membolehkan praktek ‘azl dilakukan oleh pasangan suami istri asal adanya persetujuan dari istri, sedangkan menurut pandangan mazhab syafi`i praktek ‘azl  malah dibebaskan tanpa harus adanya persetujuan dari istri