29 research outputs found

    Black Hole--Scalar Field Interactions in Spherical Symmetry

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    We examine the interactions of a black hole with a massless scalar field using a coordinate system which extends ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates to dynamic spherically symmetric-spacetimes. We avoid problems with the singularity by excising the region of the black hole interior to the apparent horizon. We use a second-order finite difference scheme to solve the equations. The resulting program is stable and convergent and will run forever without problems. We are able to observe quasi-normal ringing and power-law tails as well an interesting nonlinear feature.Comment: 16 pages, 26 figures, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Casimir effect from macroscopic quantum electrodynamics

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    The canonical quantization of macroscopic electromagnetism was recently presented in New J. Phys. 12 (2010) 123008. This theory is here used to derive the Casimir effect, by considering the special case of thermal and zero-point fields. The stress-energy-momentum tensor of the canonical theory follows from Noether's theorem, and its electromagnetic part in thermal equilibrium gives the Casimir energy density and stress tensor. The results hold for arbitrary inhomogeneous magnetodielectrics and are obtained from a rigorous quantization of electromagnetism in dispersive, dissipative media. Continuing doubts about the status of the standard Lifshitz theory as a proper quantum treatment of Casimir forces do not apply to the derivation given here. Moreover, the correct expressions for the Casimir energy density and stress tensor inside media follow automatically from the simple restriction to thermal equilibrium, without the need for complicated thermodynamical or mechanical arguments.Comment: Minor corrections. 21 pages. To appear in New J. Phy

    Exact boundary conditions in numerical relativity using multiple grids: scalar field tests

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    Cauchy-Characteristic Matching (CCM), the combination of a central 3+1 Cauchy code with an exterior characteristic code connected across a time-like interface, is a promising technique for the generation and extraction of gravitational waves. While it provides a tool for the exact specification of boundary conditions for the Cauchy evolution, it also allows to follow gravitational radiation all the way to infinity, where it is unambiguously defined. We present a new fourth order accurate finite difference CCM scheme for a first order reduction of the wave equation around a Schwarzschild black hole in axisymmetry. The matching at the interface between the Cauchy and the characteristic regions is done by transfering appropriate characteristic/null variables. Numerical experiments indicate that the algorithm is fourth order convergent. As an application we reproduce the expected late-time tail decay for the scalar field.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Included changes suggested by referee

    Event Horizons in Numerical Relativity II: Analyzing the Horizon

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    We present techniques and methods for analyzing the dynamics of event horizons in numerically constructed spacetimes. There are three classes of analytical tools we have investigated. The first class consists of proper geometrical measures of the horizon which allow us comparison with perturbation theory and powerful global theorems. The second class involves the location and study of horizon generators. The third class includes the induced horizon 2-metric in the generator comoving coordinates and a set of membrane-paradigm like quantities. Applications to several distorted, rotating, and colliding black hole spacetimes are provided as examples of these techniques.Comment: 23 double column pages including 28 figures. Higher quality figures (big size!) available upon request (jmasso OR [email protected]

    Momentum flow in black-hole binaries: II. Numerical simulations of equal-mass, head-on mergers with antiparallel spins

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    Research on extracting science from binary-black-hole (BBH) simulations has often adopted a "scattering matrix" perspective: given the binary's initial parameters, what are the final hole's parameters and the emitted gravitational waveform? In contrast, we are using BBH simulations to explore the nonlinear dynamics of curved spacetime. Focusing on the head-on plunge, merger, and ringdown of a BBH with transverse, antiparallel spins, we explore numerically the momentum flow between the holes and the surrounding spacetime. We use the Landau-Lifshitz field-theory-in-flat-spacetime formulation of general relativity to define and compute the density of field energy and field momentum outside horizons and the energy and momentum contained within horizons, and we define the effective velocity of each apparent and event horizon as the ratio of its enclosed momentum to its enclosed mass-energy. We find surprisingly good agreement between the horizons' effective and coordinate velocities. To investigate the gauge dependence of our results, we compare pseudospectral and moving-puncture evolutions of physically similar initial data; although spectral and puncture simulations use different gauge conditions, we find remarkably good agreement for our results in these two cases. We also compare our simulations with the post-Newtonian trajectories and near-field energy-momentum. [Abstract abbreviated; full abstract also mentions additional results.]Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Waves in Brans-Dicke Theory : Analysis by Test Particles around a Kerr Black Hole

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    Analyzing test particles falling into a Kerr black hole, we study gravitational waves in Brans-Dicke theory of gravity. First we consider a test particle plunging with a constant azimuthal angle into a rotating black hole and calculate the waveform and emitted energy of both scalar and tensor modes of gravitational radiation. We find that the waveform as well as the energy of the scalar gravitational waves weakly depends on the rotation parameter of black hole aa and on the azimuthal angle. Secondly, using a model of a non-spherical dust shell of test particles falling into a Kerr black hole, we study when the scalar modes dominate. When a black hole is rotating, the tensor modes do not vanish even for a ``spherically symmetric" shell, instead a slightly oblate shell minimizes their energy but with non-zero finite value, which depends on Kerr parameter aa. As a result, we find that the scalar modes dominate only for highly spherical collapse, but they never exceed the tensor modes unless the Brans-Dicke parameter \omega_{BD} \lsim 750 for a/M=0.99a/M=0.99 or unless \omega_{BD} \lsim 20,000 for a/M=0.5a/M=0.5, where MM is mass of black hole. We conclude that the scalar gravitational waves with \omega_{BD} \lsim several thousands do not dominate except for very limited situations (observation from the face-on direction of a test particle falling into a Schwarzschild black hole or highly spherical dust shell collapse into a Kerr black hole). Therefore observation of polarization is also required when we determine the theory of gravity by the observation of gravitational waves.Comment: 24 pages, revtex, 18 figures are attached with ps file

    Revisiting Event Horizon Finders

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    Event horizons are the defining physical features of black hole spacetimes, and are of considerable interest in studying black hole dynamics. Here, we reconsider three techniques to localise event horizons in numerical spacetimes: integrating geodesics, integrating a surface, and integrating a level-set of surfaces over a volume. We implement the first two techniques and find that straightforward integration of geodesics backward in time to be most robust. We find that the exponential rate of approach of a null surface towards the event horizon of a spinning black hole equals the surface gravity of the black hole. In head-on mergers we are able to track quasi-normal ringing of the merged black hole through seven oscillations, covering a dynamic range of about 10^5. Both at late times (when the final black hole has settled down) and at early times (before the merger), the apparent horizon is found to be an excellent approximation of the event horizon. In the head-on binary black hole merger, only {\em some} of the future null generators of the horizon are found to start from past null infinity; the others approach the event horizons of the individual black holes at times far before merger.Comment: 30 pages, 15 figures, revision

    Collapse to Black Holes in Brans-Dicke Theory: II. Comparison with General Relativity

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    We discuss a number of long-standing theoretical questions about collapse to black holes in the Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation. Using a new numerical code, we show that Oppenheimer-Snyder collapse in this theory produces black holes that are identical to those of general relativity in final equilibrium, but are quite different from those of general relativity during dynamical evolution. We find that there are epochs during which the apparent horizon of such a black hole passes {\it outside\/} the event horizon, and that the surface area of the event horizon {\it decreases\/} with time. This behavior is possible because theorems which prove otherwise assume Rablalb≥0R_{ab}l^al^b \ge 0 for all null vectors lal^a. We show that dynamical spacetimes in Brans-Dicke theory can violate this inequality, even in vacuum, for any value of ω\omega.Comment: 24 pages including figures, uuencoded gz-compressed postscript, Submitted to Phys Rev

    Boosted three-dimensional black-hole evolutions with singularity excision

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    Binary black hole interactions provide potentially the strongest source of gravitational radiation for detectors currently under development. We present some results from the Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge Alliance three- dimensional Cauchy evolution module. These constitute essential steps towards modeling such interactions and predicting gravitational radiation waveforms. We report on single black hole evolutions and the first successful demonstration of a black hole moving freely through a three-dimensional computational grid via a Cauchy evolution: a hole moving ~6M at 0.1c during a total evolution of duration ~60M

    Gravitational Wavetrains in the Quasi-Equilibrium Approximation: A Model Problem in Scalar Gravitation

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    A quasi-equilibrium (QE) computational scheme was recently developed in general relativity to calculate the complete gravitational wavetrain emitted during the inspiral phase of compact binaries. The QE method exploits the fact that the the gravitational radiation inspiral timescale is much longer than the orbital period everywhere outside the ISCO. Here we demonstrate the validity and advantages of the QE scheme by solving a model problem in relativistic scalar gravitation theory. By adopting scalar gravitation, we are able to numerically track without approximation the damping of a simple, quasi-periodic radiating system (an oscillating spherical matter shell) to final equilibrium, and then use the exact numerical results to calibrate the QE approximation method. In particular, we calculate the emitted gravitational wavetrain three different ways: by integrating the exact coupled dynamical field and matter equations, by using the scalar-wave monopole approximation formula (corresponding to the quadrupole formula in general relativity), and by adopting the QE scheme. We find that the monopole formula works well for weak field cases, but fails when the fields become even moderately strong. By contrast, the QE scheme remains quite reliable for moderately strong fields, and begins to breakdown only for ultra-strong fields. The QE scheme thus provides a promising technique to construct the complete wavetrain from binary inspiral outside the ISCO, where the gravitational fields are strong, but where the computational resources required to follow the system for more than a few orbits by direct numerical integration of the exact equations are prohibitive.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure