16 research outputs found

    Acquired vertical pendular nystagmus in diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis: A diagnostic dilemma

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    A retinal infectious pathology, an acquired vertical nystagmus, and a suspicious neuroimaging result! Independently, these three entities are not uncommon. However, when they are consecutively observed in a young patient, it ramifies into an intriguing clinical scenario. A 17-year-old diagnosed case of diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis presented to us with acute-onset vertical oscillations. On neuroimaging, she was found to have cerebellar dysgenesis. This case prompted us to revisit the pathogenesis of acquired vertical nystagmus and evaluate whether it resulted from disturbance of afferent (severe visual impairment) or efferent (cerebellar dysfunction) components of the neural integrator mechanism

    A bibliometric analysis of research on genetic retinal diseases done in India

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    Purpose: To conduct a bibliometric analysis of research on genetic retinal diseases (GRD) done in India published from 2011 to 2020 in peer-reviewed journals, and assess the productivity, trends in journal choice, publication types, research funding, and collaborative research. Methods: We searched PubMed for articles indicating both vision-related content and author affiliation with an Indian research center. We identified research collaborations and classified articles as reporting basic science, clinical science, or clinically descriptive research. Impact factors were determined from Journal Citation Reports for 2015. Results: The total number of published articles that were retrieved from 2011 to 2021 was 341. During the 10 years of study, the annual output of research articles has nearly doubled, that is, from 21 in 2011 to 44 in 2021. A total of 298 (87%) articles were published in international journals, and 149 (42%) articles in vision-related journals had an impact factor. A total of 224 (65%) articles came from six major eye hospitals. Clinical science articles were most frequently (86%) published, whereas basic science was the least (14%). The diseases on which the maximum and the minimum number of articles were published were retinoblastoma (n = 82,24%) and Stargardt disease (n = 3, 0.9%), respectively. Conclusion: This bibliometric study provides a broad view of the current status and trends in the research on GRD done in India and may help clinicians, researchers, and policymakers to better understand this research field and predict its dynamic directions