56 research outputs found

    Effect of Particle Concentration and AC Electric Field Strength on Particle Trapping in Rapid Electrokinetic Patterning (REP)

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    Rapid Electrokinetic Patterning (REP) is an optoelectric technique for trapping and translating micro- and nanoparticles non-invasively. It uses a combination of laser-induced AC electrothermal flow and particle-electrode interactions in the presence of a uniform AC electric field. The trapping is governed by laser power, electric field strength, AC frequency and dielectric properties of the particle and the medium. A REP trap has an AC frequency, termed critical frequency, above which particles cannot be trapped. It is expected to be dependent on dielectric properties of the particle and the medium. However, we propose that the particle concentration and AC field strength also influence the critical frequency. In our experiments, we test 1 µm polystyrene microspheres in REP under the condition of three particle concentrations and two electric field strengths while keeping the laser power fixed at 25mW. We find that as the particle concentration increases, the critical frequency increases. Besides, by lowering the AC field strength, the critical frequency decreases. To our best knowledge, this is the first study revealing the effect of particle concentration on critical frequency. Based on these results, by selecting proper parameters, we can separate the smaller particles and hold the larger particles in the trap, opposite to what has been achieved by other researchers. The ability to separate smaller particles will make REP a more prominent and powerful particle trapping method


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    The global lifestyle of this modern world has become more dependent on petroleum-based products, whose applications are involved almost everywhere. Since a large quantity of oil is being used on a daily basis, the spilling of oil by various means during its storage and transportation has become inevitable. This work focuses on the spilling of oil in a marine environment, generally referred to as an offshore oil spill, in contrast to an onshore oil spill associated with a terrestrial environment. These oil spills not only devastate the natural resources and unsettle the economy, they also jeopardize marine life, as well as human health. The remediation of an oil spill remains very challenging, when the disaster is associated with a large aerial extent. In this context, a sound understanding is required on the origin, seeping, composition and properties of the spilled oil in order to better monitor the spreading of the oil spill. In this manuscript, a detailed list of fundamental queries, which will be required to be addressed at the instance of an oil spill has been deduced, which will be extremely useful for the oil spill respondents as there are no previous studies that exclusively provide the type and nature of data required to be collected, immediately following an oil spill. Furthermore, this manuscript has deduced a list of sensitive and essential plots that will be required in order to analyse and forecast the spreading of an oil spill. An essence of weathering and its associated movement of oil spill has been included.Globalni stil života modernoga svijeta postao je sve ovisniji o proizvodima na osnovi nafte, koji se gotovo svugdje primjenjuju. Budući da je u svakodnevnoj upotrebi velika količina nafte, izljevi nafte u okoliš tijekom njezina transporta i skladištenja neizbježni su. Ovaj rad usmjeren je na izljeve nafte u morski okoliš, koji se razlikuju od izljeva nafte u terestrički okoliš. Izljevi nafte u morski okoliš devastiraju prirodne resurse i utječu na gospodarstvo, ali i ugrožavaju morske ekosustave, kao i zdravlje ljudi. Kod velikih onečišćenih područja sanacija izljeva nafte dodatan je izazov. U tome kontekstu, a kako bi se bolje pratilo širenje nafte u okolišu, potrebno je dobro razumijevanje izljeva nafte, njegova izvora te sastava i svojstava izlivene nafte. S obzirom na nedostatak sustavno prikazanih podataka u literaturi, u ovome je radu izrađen detaljan popis temeljnih pitanja na koja je potrebno odgovoriti u slučaju izljeva nafte, kao pomoć odgovornim osobama u definiranju tipa i prirode podataka koje moraju prikupiti odmah nakon što se izljev nafte dogodi. Nadalje, izveden je popis temeljnih grafičkih dijagrama koji su nužni za analizu i predviđanje širenja izlivene nafte. Uzeto je u obzir i djelovanje vremenskih prilika i s njima povezano kretanje izlivene nafte

    Singh Rajeshwar

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    Abstract: This document describes the project of SMART RTO SYSTEM (SRS) it describes the development in technology. Saving time and making more efforts for Traffic Police. Our Objective is to provide the advance technology to Police officer. This document is all about the system used for traffic challan. It consists of interfacing of printer and Smart card reader to Android phone. The data will be stored in Main server. All the functions will be made according to the Indian Penal Code Sections. The machine will be connected to the server. The penal code will be entered by traffic police officer and it will print the challan with IPC section code and amount of penalty

    Recent advances in MXenes: from fundamentals to applications

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    The family of MAX phases and their derivative MXenes are continuously growing in terms of both crystalline and composition varieties. In the last couple of years, several breakthroughs have been achieved that boosted the synthesis of novel MAX phases with ordered double transition metals and, consequently, the synthesis of novel MXenes with a higher chemical diversity and structural complexity, rarely seen in other families of two-dimensional (2D) materials. Considering the various elemental composition possibilities, surface functional tunability, various magnetic orders, and large spin-orbit coupling, MXenes can truly be considered as multifunctional materials that can be used to realize highly correlated phenomena. In addition, owing to their large surface area, hydrophilicity, adsorption ability, and high surface reactivity, MXenes have attracted attention for many applications, e.g., catalysts, ion batteries, gas storage media, and sensors. Given the fast progress of MXene-based science and technology, it is timely to update our current knowledge on various properties and possible applications. Since many theoretical predictions remain to be experimentally proven, here we mainly emphasize the physics and chemistry that can be observed in MXenes and discuss how these properties can be tuned or used for different applications

    Encapsulation of gamma-Fe2O3 decorated reduced graphene oxide in polyaniline core-shell tubes as an exceptional tracker for electromagnetic environmental pollution

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    The ultimate goal of the development of a new material gamma-Fe2O3 decorated reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-polyaniline (PANI) core-shell tubes has been done for absorbing electromagnetic interference (EMI) pollution. Herein, we report on the synthesis and characterization of PANI tubes consisting of rGO decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles (RF). The intercalated RF was synthesized by thermal decomposition of ferric acetyl acetonate in a reducing atmosphere. Furthermore, RF was encapsulated through oxidative polymerization of aniline in the presence of beta-naphthalene sulphonic acid which results in RF-PANI core-shell morphology. Scanning electron microscopy results confirm the formation of tubular core-shell morphology having 5-15 mu m length and 1-5 mu m diameter. The presence of rGO-gamma-Fe2O3 in PANI core enhances the interfacial polarization and the effective anisotropy energy of the composite which contributes to more scattering and leads to high shielding effectiveness (SET similar to 51 dB) at a critical thickness of 2.5 mm. Additionally, the effective complex permeability and permittivity parameters of the composites have been evaluated from the experimental scattering parameters (S-11 & S-21) using theoretical calculations given in Nicholson-Ross and Weir algorithms

    Chemiluminescence based immunoassay for the detection of heroin and its metabolites

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    Introduction: Continuous use of opiates causes drug-related illnesses, which poses an alarming situation to develop sensitive detection platform. In this study, a highly sensitive and reliable chemiluminescence immunoassay (CI) has been developed for the detection of heroin and its major metabolites in spiked urine samples. Methods: To develop robust immunoassay, monoacetyl morphine-bovine serum albumin (MAM-BSA) conjugate was synthesized and characterized thoroughly by physicochemical techniques. The anti-MAM antibodies were developed, labeled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and immunoassay was developed to detect the presence of target drug in spiked urine samples. Results: A competitive CI was developed, where heroin, MAM, morphine, and codeine concentration were ranged from 0-1000 ng/ mL in spiked urine samples and limit of detection were 80, 95, 90, 75 pg/ mL. Conclusion: The developed CI is highly sensitive, specific, point of care, cost-effective and can be used as a routine technique for quantitative analysis for screening of narcotic drugs

    Medical oxygen a vital in Covid 19 pandemic: production techniques from natural to man-made

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    Oxygen is the most important source for the survival of all living organisms. Our daily activities require energy and itcomes from the food we consume when the oxygen present in our blood burns that food. The deficiency of oxygen disturbsthe entire functioning of organs in the body. Around 50-80% of the natural oxygen production on Earth comes from theocean. The oxygen production from ocean is the result of drifting plants, algae, and some bacteria that can photosynthesize.Oxygen has many applications like chemical processing, medical application, and many more. Different types of methodsare available to produce oxygen at a considerable scale, e.g., cryogenic, pressure swing, electrochemical. In this article, wediscuss the stepwise process of various methods to produce oxygen and the challenges associated with details

    Oxygen Production Through an Efficient Electrochemical Process

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    477-4822021Whenever we think about life sustainability, the most crucial thing that comes first in our mind is oxygen. In the current scenario, oxygen production has grown tremendously due to its increasing demand from health sectors: the complexity, availability, and high cost of oxygen taken as a drawback. So, the development of an efficient, durable, and cost-effective oxygen production technology is necessary. Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is the process of generating molecular oxygen via a chemical reaction. Scientists now a days focus more on OER-based methods for portable device fabrication to generate breathable oxygen due to its economic and eco-friendly properties. In this article, we demonstrated the simple design and fabrication of an electrochemical-based oxygen evolution setup. The setup involves a plastic jar of (5 Litre) containing 1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) aqueous solution, and at the top portion, two holes were created for the immersion of the stainless-steel rod cathode and an anode electrode, which were connected to the power supply. The oxygen generation started in the bubbles form on the supply of voltage of 13V and 9.5A current. The produced oxygen is collected through the plastic tube. It also gives hydrogen, which can be separately stored. At the initial stage, the rate of oxygen production was 2.0 liter/min

    Oxygen Production Through an Efficient Electrochemical Process

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    Whenever we think about life sustainability, the most crucial thing that comes first in our mind is oxygen. In the current scenario, oxygen production has grown tremendously due to its increasing demand from health sectors: the complexity, availability, and high cost of oxygen taken as a drawback. So, the development of an efficient, durable, and cost-effective oxygen production technology is necessary. Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is the process of generating molecular oxygen via a chemical reaction. Scientists nowadays focus more on OER-based methods for portable device fabrication to generate breathable oxygen due to its economic and eco-friendly properties. In this article, we demonstrated the simple design and fabrication of an electrochemical-based oxygen evolution setup. The setup involves a plastic jar of (5 Litre) containing 1 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) aqueous solution, and at the top portion, two holes were created for the immersion of the stainless-steel rod cathode and an anode electrode, which were connected to the power supply. The oxygen generation started in the bubbles form on the supply of voltage of 13V and 9.5A current. The produced oxygen is collected through the plastic tube. It also gives hydrogen, which can be separately stored. At the initial stage, the rate of oxygen production was 2.0 liter/min.

    Large Scale Benchmark of Materials Design Methods

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    Lack of rigorous reproducibility and validation are major hurdles for scientific development across many fields. Materials science in particular encompasses a variety of experimental and theoretical approaches that require careful benchmarking. Leaderboard efforts have been developed previously to mitigate these issues. However, a comprehensive comparison and benchmarking on an integrated platform with multiple data modalities with both perfect and defect materials data is still lacking. This work introduces JARVIS-Leaderboard, an open-source and community-driven platform that facilitates benchmarking and enhances reproducibility. The platform allows users to set up benchmarks with custom tasks and enables contributions in the form of dataset, code, and meta-data submissions. We cover the following materials design categories: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Electronic Structure (ES), Force-fields (FF), Quantum Computation (QC) and Experiments (EXP). For AI, we cover several types of input data, including atomic structures, atomistic images, spectra, and text. For ES, we consider multiple ES approaches, software packages, pseudopotentials, materials, and properties, comparing results to experiment. For FF, we compare multiple approaches for material property predictions. For QC, we benchmark Hamiltonian simulations using various quantum algorithms and circuits. Finally, for experiments, we use the inter-laboratory approach to establish benchmarks. There are 1281 contributions to 274 benchmarks using 152 methods with more than 8 million data-points, and the leaderboard is continuously expanding. The JARVIS-Leaderboard is available at the website: https://pages.nist.gov/jarvis_leaderboar