24,233 research outputs found

    Spin-Charge Decoupling and Orthofermi Quantum Statistics

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    Currently Gutzwiller projection technique and nested Bethe ansatz are two main methods used to handle electronic systems in the UU infinity limit. We demonstrate that these two approaches describe two distinct physical systems. In the nested Bethe ansatz solutions, there is a decoupling between the spin and charge degrees of freedom. Such a decoupling is absent in the Gutzwiller projection technique. Whereas in the Gutzwiller approach, the usual antisymmetry of space and spin coordinates is maintained, we show that the Bethe ansatz wave function is compatible with a new form of quantum statistics, viz., orthofermi statistics. In this statistics, the wave function is antisymmetric in spatial coordinates alone. This feature ultimately leads to spin-charge decoupling.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex Journal_ref: A slightly abridged version of this paper has appeared as a brief report in Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 63, 132405 (2001

    Generalized Fock Spaces and New Forms of Quantum Statistics

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    The recent discoveries of new forms of quantum statistics require a close look at the under-lying Fock space structure. This exercise becomes all the more important in order to provide a general classification scheme for various forms of statistics, and establish interconnections among them whenever it is possible. We formulate a theory of generalized Fock spaces, which has a three tired structure consisting of Fock space, statistics and algebra. This general formalism unifies various forms of statistics and algebras, which were earlier considered to describe different systems. Besides, the formalism allows us to construct many new kinds of quantum statistics and the associated algebras of creation and destruction operators. Some of these are: orthostatistics, null statistics or statistics of frozen order, quantum group based statistics and its many avatars, and `doubly-infinite' statistics. The emergence of new forms of quantum statistics for particles interacting with singular potential is also highlighted.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex, Appeared in Spin-Statistics Connection and Commutation Relations, edited by R.C. Hilborn and G.M. Tino, (American Institute of Physics, NY, 2000) p. 16

    Fock Space Representation of Differential Calculus on the Noncommutative Quantum Space

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    A complete Fock space representation of the covariant differential calculus on quantum space is constructed. The consistency criteria for the ensuing algebraic structure, mapping to the canonical fermions and bosons and the consequences of the new algebra for the statistics of quanta are analyzed and discussed. The concept of statistical transmutation between bosons and fermions is introduced

    Wavelet-Based Compressive Sensing for Point Scatterers

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    Compressive Sensing (CS) allows for the sam-pling of signals at well below the Nyquist rate but does so, usually, at the cost of the suppression of lower amplitude sig-nal components. Recent work suggests that important infor-mation essential for recognizing targets in the radar context is contained in the side-lobes as well, which are often sup-pressed by CS. In this paper we extend existing techniques and introduce new techniques both for improving the accu-racy of CS reconstructions and for improving the separa-bility of scenes reconstructed using CS. We investigate the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), and show how the use of the DWT as a representation basis may improve the accu-racy of reconstruction generally. Moreover, we introduce the concept of using multiple wavelet-based reconstructions of a scene, given only a single physical observation, to derive re-constructions that surpass even the best wavelet-based CS reconstructions. Lastly, we specifically consider the effect of the wavelet-based reconstruction on classification. This is done indirectly by comparing outputs of different algo-rithms using a variety of separability measures. We show that various wavelet-based CS reconstructions are substan-tially better than conventional CS approaches at inducing (or preserving) separability, and hence may be more useful in classification applications

    Site-Specific Colloidal Crystal Nucleation by Template-enhanced Particle Transport

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    The monomer surface mobility is the single most important parameter that decides the nucleation density and morphology of islands during thin film growth. During template-assisted surface growth in particular, low surface mobilities can prevent monomers from reaching target sites and this results in a partial to complete loss of nucleation control. While in atomic systems a broad range of surface mobilities can be readily accessed, for colloids, owing to their large size, this window is substantially narrow and therefore imposes severe restrictions in extending template-assisted growth techniques to steer their self-assembly. Here, we circumvented this fundamental limitation by designing templates with spatially varying feature sizes, in this case moire patterns, which in the presence of short-range depletion attraction presented surface energy gradients for the diffusing colloids. The templates serve a dual purpose, first, directing the particles to target sites by enhancing their surface mean free paths and second, dictating the size and symmetry of the growing crystallites. Using optical microscopy, we directly followed the nucleation and growth kinetics of colloidal islands on these surfaces at the single-particle level. We demonstrate nucleation control, with high fidelity, in a regime that has remained unaccessed in theoretical, numerical and experimental studies on atoms and molecules as well. Our findings pave the way for fabricating non-trivial surface architectures composed of complex colloids and nanoparticles.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Study of the vacuum matrix element of products of parafields

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    We study the vacuum matrix elements of products of parafields using graphical and combinatorial methods.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Figures were omitted in the first versio

    Color superconducting 2SC+s quark matter and gapless modes at finite temperatures

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    We investigate the phase diagram of color superconducting quark matter with strange quarks (2SC+s quark matter) in beta equliibrium at zero as well as finite temperatures within a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The variational method as used here allows us to investigate simultaneous formation of condensates in quark--antiquark as well as in diquark channels. Color and electric charge neutrality conditions are imposed in the calculation of the thermodynamic potential. Medium dependance of strange quark mass plays a sensitve role in maintaining charge neutrality conditions. At zero temperature the system goes from gapless phase to usual BCS phase through an intermediate normal phase as density is increased. The gapless modes show a smooth behaviour with respect to temperature vanishing above a critical temperature which is larger than the BCS transition temperature. We observe a sharp transition from gapless superconducting phase to the BCS phase as density is increased for the color neutral matter at zero temperature. As temperature is increased this however becomes a smooth transition.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure