7 research outputs found

    Biocompatibility and Antibacterial Properties of ZnO-Incorporated Anodic Oxide Coatings on TiZrNb Alloy

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    In a present paper, we demonstrate novel approach to form ceramic coatings with incorporated ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) on low modulus TiZrNb alloy with enhanced biocompatibility and antibacterial parameters. Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO) was used to integrate ZnO nanoparticles (average size 12–27 nm), mixed with Ca(H2PO2)2 aqueous solution into low modulus TiZrNb alloy surface. The TiZrNb alloys with integrated ZnO NPs successfully showed higher surface porosity and contact angle. XPS investigations showed presence of Ca ions and absence of phosphate ions in the PEO modified layer, what explains higher values of contact angle. Cell culture experiment (U2OS type) confirmed that the surface of as formed oxide-ZnO NPs demonstrated hydrophobic properties, what can affect primary cell attachment. Further investigations showed that Ca ions in the PEO coating stimulated proliferative activity of attached cells, resulting in competitive adhesion between cells and bacteria in clinical situation. Thus, high contact angle and integrated ZnO NPs prevent bacterial adhesion and considerably enhance the antibacterial property of TiZrNb alloys. A new anodic oxide coating with ZnO NPs could be successfully used for modification of low modulus alloys to decrease post-implantation complications

    Antioxidant and Anti-cytolytic Activity of Parsnip (Pastinaca Sativa L.) Herb Thick Extract in Conditions of Catecholamine Myocardiodystrophy in Rats

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    The aim: to study the antioxidant and anticytolytic activity of the parsnip herb thick extract (PHTE) in conditions of catecholamine myocardial dystrophy in rats. Materials and methods. Catecholamine myocardial dystrophy was reproduced in rats by a single subcutaneous injection of 0.18 % adrenaline hydrochloride solution at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg (0.28 ml/kg) of body weight. The experiment used 36 white male rats with an initial weight of 220–250 g, 4–4.5 months of age. The tested drugs were PHTE at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg and the reference drug (RD) “Tricardin” were administered intragastrically in a therapeutic and prophylactic regimen for 7 days, the last time on the day of the experiment 1 hour before the administration of cardiotoxin. The activity of the studied agents was assessed by the survival rate of the animals, the functional state of the myocardium (ECG studies), by the effect on the heart mass ratio (HMR), the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT), the level of active products interacting with thiobarbituric acid (TBA-AP) and the content of reduced glutathione (RG) in the heart homogenate. Results. The study of the effect of PHTE on the lipid peroxidation / antioxidant protection (LPO / AOP) system showed that a pronounced antioxidant effect of the tool was found at a dose of 200 mg/kg: there was an increase in VG at the trend level (0.05<p<0.10) and a significant decrease (p<0.05) the content of TBK-AP in 1.85 times compared with the group of positive control (PC). A similar effect was found in the comparison drug “Tricardin”. PHTE at a dose of 100 mg/kg was less influential. The use of PHTE in both doses and the comparison drug “Tricardin” reduced the severity of cytolytic processes: the activity of the enzyme AST – a marker of cardiocytolysis, was lower than in the PC group. PHTE at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg contributed to a certain normalization of some ECG parameters compared to PC: a slight insignificant decrease in heart rate and a significant decrease (p<0.05), QT interval, systolic index (SI) and decreased ischemia marker – ST segment displacement. The comparison drug "Tricardin" showed a similar effect to PHTE on the functional state of the myocardium in adrenaline intoxication. Conclusions. Parsnip herb thick extract exhibits antioxidant and anticytolytic activity, improves the functional state of the myocardium, prevents a decrease in the severity of alterative processes in the organ under conditions of adrenaline myocardial dystroph

    Influence of Extract of Peach Ordinary (Persica Vulgaris) Leaves on the State of Thymic-lymphatic Element of the Immune System of Rats in Conditions of Chronic Immobilization Stress

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    The aim – study of the influence of thick extract of peach ordinary (Persica vulgaris) leaves (TEPL) on the state of thymic-lymphatic element of the immune system of rats in conditions of chronic immobilization stress.Materials and methods. The model of chronic immobilization stress was reproduced for 18 days by daily four hour immobilization of rats in tight box. Investigated TEPL, which was obtained at the Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds of National University of Pharmacy from peach leaves of the Salve variety harvested in Tajikistan was administered intragastrically in a conditionally effective dose of 100 mg/kg. Reference drug the syrup «Immuno-Ton» was used in a dose of 3 ml/kg. The state of thymic-lymphatic element of the immune system in conditions of chronic immobilization stress was determined after the euthanasia of animals under mild inhalation anesthesia by the results of the study of the coefficients of thymus and spleen mass and histological studies on micropreparations, which were prepared according to the generally accepted method. To assess the nature of the effect of the TEPL on the condition of the organs of the rat thymic-lymphatic system under chronic immobilization stress conditions, a comparison was made with intact control and control pathology.Results. It was determined that chronic immobilization stress had suppressive effect on the thymic-lymphatic element of the immune system. An increase in the width of the marginal zone of lymphoid follicles and muft and the number of perivascular lymphatic clusters 1.2 times (p <0.05) compared with control pathology, reduction of signs of stressful hypoxia - the number of structures of white pulp with spasm of the central arteries was noted in the spleen. Reducing the degree of change from the third to fourth phase to the first phase of the accident transformation is set in the thymus, which is confirmed by an increase in the mass of the thymus mass by 2.7% in comparison with the control pathology.Conclusions. The ability of TEPL to restore impaired activity of organs of thymic-lymphatic element of the immune system has been proved. It is likely, that polyphenolic compounds of TEPL exhibit antioxidant properties, enhancing the activity of the antioxidant system, and polysaccharides exhibit immunostimulative properties, the result of which is a stressprotective action. The effectiveness of TEPL was not inferior to the reference drug «Immuno-Ton

    Influence of A New Derivative of 4-aminobutanoic Acid on the Level of Neuromediatory Aminoacids, Neuromediators and the State of the Rats' Hypocamp in Conditions of Brain Ischemia

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    The aim: to investigate the effect of a new derivative of 4-aminobutanoic acid (compounds KGM-5) on the level of neurotransmitters and neurotransmitter amino acids and the structural-functional state of the hippocampus of rats with acute cerebrovascular accident (ACVA). Materials and methods. ACVA was reproduced in rats by occlusion of the left carotid artery under anesthesia (sodium thiopental (35 mg/kg) intraperitoneally (i/p). 5 groups of animals were used: intact control (IC, n=6), untreated animals with ACVA (CP, n=13); animals with ACVA (n=14), which were treated for 5 days with KGM-5 at a dose of 30 mg/kg i/p, animals with ACVA (n=13), who received i/p comparison drug “Picamilon” (17 mg/kg). There was a group of pseudo-operated animals (POA, n=8). Withdrawal of animals from the experiment was performed on day 6 after modeling ACVA by painless euthanasia under anesthesia. Histological examinations of CA1 and CA3 zones of the ventral hippocampus were performed with staining of sections with thionine by the method of Nissl and hematoxylin, eosin. In the rat brain, neurotransmitter amino acids and neurotransmitters were identified. Statistical processing was performed using the W-Shapiro-Wills test to verify the normality of the distribution and the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U-test. The accepted significance level is p<0.05. Results. Under the influence of the compound KGM-5 and “Picamilon” in the CA1 zone of the hippocampus, the number of normochromic neurons increased by 20 % and 16.6 %, respectively, hyperchromic pycnomorphic neurons and shadow cells decreased respectively by 5.8; 2.9 times and 6.3; 3.5 times, the index of alteration of neurons decreased by 6 times and 4.8 times, respectively, the area of ​​the perikaryon of these neurons increased by 39.7 % and 77.8 %, respectively, compared with KP (p<0.05). Both studied agents showed a less pronounced normalizing effect on the CA3 area of the hippocampus. The new compound KGM-5 showed a normalizing effect similar to “Picamilon” on the level of neurotransmitter amino acids and neurotransmitters in the brain of rats with ACVA. Conclusions. Therapeutic administration of KGM-5 increases the survival of ventral hippocampal neurons, reducing the relative proportion of irreversibly altered cells, and helps to restore impaired levels of neurotransmitter amino acids and neurotransmitters in the brain of rats with ACVA. The neuroprotective effect of the new compound KGM-5 corresponds to this comparison drug “Picamilon

    Development of А Matrix of Food Industry Capacity for Making Management Decisions in the Formation of Sustainable Development of Agroecosystems

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    A theoretical and methodological study was carried out to determine the need and features of developing a matrix of food industry capacity for making management decisions in the formation of sustainable development of agroecosystems, which will increase the operational efficiency of companies and food security of the country. The paper uses the following research methods: historical – in the process of studying modern views on understanding the importance of the agricultural sector for the economy; system analysis – when building a model of innovative business improvement. Methods of comparison and analysis of trends – the study of trends in the agricultural sector of Ukraine with the identification of important areas for improving their activities. Methods of financial analysis – for the analytical assessment of financial and economic activities of the investigated enterprises; forecasting methods – to substantiate the expected results of implementing the author's proposals in management practice. It is proposed to take into account the significant difference in the technology of their processing and production (number of advanced technologies used per 100 thousand people). The paper reveals the dependence of production technologies in agriculture on natural and weather conditions (share of technological innovation costs, %). Criteria for innovation skills in the development of agricultural engineering were proposed. The criteria were determined, which were divided into development groups. The tools for constructing a matrix of food industry capacity were substantiated. Note that for each indicator, the optimal value was determined taking into account the sensitivity factor and the rating of enterprises, which determined their place in the matrix. In the course of the study and the matrix of innovative development, the proposed technology was tested at leading domestic enterprise

    In article is executed estimation Non-productive losses, as well as factors quality to electric powers in tractive network of the system direct current electric pulling

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    Kostin N. Non-productive losses of electric power in the network power supply of main railway // N. Kostin, T. Mishenko, O. Reutskova, A. Petrov // X International Conference Modern Electric Traction Rationalization of energy consuming in the rail transport; Poland. – 2011. – P. 54-59.UK: В статті виконано оцінку непродуктивних втрат, а також показників якості електроенергії в тяговій мережі системи електричної тяги постійного струму.RU: В статье выполнена оценка непроизводительных потерь дополнительных потерь, а также показателей качества электроэнергии в тяговой сети системы электрической тяги постоянного тока.EN: In article is executed estimation Non-productive losses, as well as factors quality to electric powers in tractive network of the system direct current electric pulling