22 research outputs found

    Computer Program for Solving Nine-Group Diffusion Equations for Cylindrical Reactors

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    A method is presented for determining the critical size of a cylindrical reactor by a one-dimensional group-diffusion method extended to a two-dimensional solution by prescribing values of axial leakage based on assumed flux levels. The neutron energy spectrum is divided into nine groups, and the reactor into four concentric cylinders. A computing machine program for an IBM 650 computer with attachments and a method for using the program with nine, or less, groups and four, or less, regions are given

    Effect of high rotor pressure-surface diffusion on performance of a transonic turbine

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    The subject turbine was investigated to determine the effect of high rotor pressure-surface diffusion on turbine performance. A comparison of the subject turbine with the most efficient transonic turbine in the present series of investigations showed that the efficiency of the subject turbine was almost as high, the suction-surface diffusion parameter was about the same, and the solidity was reduced by 36 percent. Because the loss per blade increased greatly with an increase in pressure-surface diffusion, the latter is also considered to be an important design consideration

    Analysis of turbomachine viscous losses affected by changes in blade geometry

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    The effect of changes in blade geometry on the viscous losses in turbomachines is analyzed. The viscous losses can be expressed as a function of three variables: the blade height-to spacing ratio, the solidity, and a blade-height Reynolds number. A method of optimizing the number of blades and the solidity is given. The effect of trailing-edge blockage on blade loss and its effect on the choice of blade number for a particular design are also discussed