133 research outputs found

    Advantages of manual and automatic computer-aided compared to traditional histopathological diagnosis of melanoma: A pilot study

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    Background: Cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) accounts for the highest mortality rate among all skin cancers. Traditional histopathologic diagnosis may be limited by the pathologists’ subjectivity. Second-opinion strategies and multidisciplinary consultations are usually performed to overcome this issue. An available solution in the future could be the use of automated solutions based on a computational algorithm that could help the pathologist in everyday practice. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the potential diagnostic aid of a machine-based algorithm in the histopathologic diagnosis of CMM. Methods: We retrospectively examined excisional biopsies of 50 CMM and 20 benign congenital compound nevi. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained WSI were reviewed independently by two expert dermatopathologists. A fully automated pipeline for WSI processing to support the estimation and prioritization of the melanoma areas was developed. Results: The spatial distribution of the nuclei in the sample provided a multi-scale overview of the tumor. A global overview of the lesion's silhouette was achieved and, by increasing the magnification, the topological distribution of the nuclei and the most informative areas of interest for the CMM diagnosis were identified and highlighted. These silhouettes allow the histopathologist to discriminate between nevus and CMM with an accuracy of 96% without any extra information. Conclusion: In this study we proposed an easy-to-use model that produces segmentations of CMM silhouettes at fine detail level

    Alopecia universalis after discontinuation of pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy for hepatitis C: a case report

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    Abstract For the last decade, the combination therapy of pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) has been considered as the standard of care treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. However, it has been associated with an increased incidence of many adverse cutaneous reactions and emergence of autoantibodies or even autoimmune diseases. We report a case of irreversible alopecia universalis (AU) with complete hair loss extended to the whole body, which started after discontinuation of Peg-IFN/RBV combination therapy for chronic HCV infection. In conclusion, this case represents an uncommon presentation of a common disease. Physicians must be aware of the potential adverse reactions of an antiviral therapy containing IFN, which might occur even after the discontinuation, and fully inform the patient at the beginning of his treatment course. We hope that interferon-free regimens will utterly supplant interferon-based therapy for most or all HCV patients avoiding the emergence of autoimmune manifestations

    Secondary syphilis with intestinal involvement: description of a case.

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    As it is well-known, during secondary syphilis, it is possible to observe a systemic involvement of the treponemal infection. The visceral localizations are rarely observed, and they usually present themselves as asymptomatic or with aspecific symptoms. This report concerns a case of a homosexual patient who referred to us in order to perform blood tests for the main sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, HBV, HCV, TPEIA). Moreover, he reported a history of palmo-plantar erythematous desquamative lesions, spontaneously resolved. For this reason all the serological tests for syphilis have then been performed. Once the diagnosis of recent syphilis was made, and the antibiotic therapy with penicillin begun, the patient reported to have fever, abdominal pain and diarrhoea. The gastroenterological consultation highlighted the presence of a chronic active granulomatous colitis, but excluded an inflammatory or autoimmune aetiology. Because of this findings, and also because of additional histopathological examinations of the colon, the diagnosis of recent syphilis with intestinal involvement was made. The present case report confirms, once again, how the nickname ''great imitator'' is appropriate for calling syphilis. It highlights moreover that, as the incidence of syphilis is arising, in the presence of intestinal symptoms of unknown origin in patients with a history of unprotected sexual intercourse, syphilis should always be comprised among the possible diagnoses