594 research outputs found

    Reflections on Peace Education and the Philippines

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    This essay, written at the request of JSE editors as an introduction to its special section on Peace Education in the Philippines, discusses the meaning and importance of educating for peace in a globally interdependent but fractured world; shares reflections from the author’s personal journey as a learner/teacher/researcher engaged in peace education, with special attention to her experience in peace education in the Philippines from 1979 to 2020; and introduces two very accomplished Philippine peace educators and their work

    The future of mobility impact of robotaxis on the european passenger transportation industry

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    Automation, connectivity, electrification, and shared mobility are the dominant trends transforming the passenger transportation industry. Together they form what is considered one of the most disruptive means of transportation of the future, the robotaxi. This master thesis explores the impact of robotaxis on the future of the passenger transportation industry, with particular attention to the usage perspectives and mobility behavior of consumers. The results are based on an exploratory analysis involving seven in-depth semi-structured expert interviews, a consumer survey, and existing literature. Usage perspectives were observed through a use case analysis that identified work-related commuting as the use case with the highest application potential. In the light of work-related commuting, the thesis revealed that robotaxis significantly reduce commuters’ value of time and display an attractive mobility alternative from a cost perspective. In addition, it is shown that in the next ten years, consumer preferences regarding consumers’ transportation choice significantly shift towards robotaxis. The research reveals that the industry’s most likely future state is characterized by the gradual introduction of robotaxis. Therefore, in five to ten years, robotaxis are used by early adopters and will impose significant changes in industry dynamics as competition increases and new revenue streams emerge. The results intend to enable industry players to target specific consumers, derive strategic implications, business models, and vehicle concepts. Further, they contribute to an objective scientific, political, and social discussion and serve as a basis for further research in the field of robotaxis.Automação, conectividade, eletrificação, e mobilidade partilhada são as tendências dominantes que têm transformado a indústria de transporte de passageiros. Juntos, formam um dos meios de transporte mais disruptivos, o robotáxi. Esta tese explora o impacto dos robotáxis no futuro desta indústria, focando-se nas perspetivas de utilização e no comportamento de mobilidade dos consumidores. Os resultados baseiam-se numa análise que inclui sete entrevistas feitas a peritos, um inquérito aos consumidores e na literatura existente. As perspetivas de utilização foram observadas através de uma análise de caso de uso que identificou as deslocações para o trabalho como o caso com maior potencial de aplicação. Revela-se que os robotáxis reduzem significativamente a perceção de tempo gasto nestas deslocações e constituem uma alternativa de mobilidade atrativa do ponto de vista monetário. Adicionalmente, mostra-se que, nos próximos dez anos, as preferências dos consumidores em relação à escolha de transporte mudarão significativamente havendo uma tendência para a adoção de robotáxis. Este estudo revela que o futuro da indústria será marcado pela introdução gradual de robotáxis. Assim, dentro de cinco a dez anos, os robotáxis serão utilizados pelos consumidores pioneiros na adoção e irão impor mudanças significativas na dinâmica da indústria à medida que a concorrência aumente e surjam novos fluxos de receitas. Os resultados do estudo pretendem permitir aos agentes desta indústria focar-se em consumidores específicos, retirar implicações estratégicas, modelos empresariais, e conceitos relacionados com veículos. Adicionalmente, contribuem para uma discussão científica, política e social e servem de base para mais investigação no campo dos robotáxis

    Law Not War: A Reflection on the Life and Work of Benjamin B. Ferencz, 1920-2023

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    Solidarity in this essay is differentiated from collectivism, conformity, group think, herd mentality and mob action. It is defined as a mindful and empathetic choice to work in unity with others to alleviate human suffering and uphold human dignity by advancing systems of greater justice, peace, freedom, and inclusion for all. This form of solidarity is explored through the prism of one person’s life – that of Benjamin Ferencz – and how he used his experience, talents, and skills to develop and promote the international legal framework needed to address and prevent crimes against humanity. It traces his life from birth into a Jewish Hungarian family and early experience as a poor immigrant in New York City, to his study and research on war crimes at Harvard law School and his first law case as a Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals. It discusses his subsequent work on reparations for victims of Nazi persecution, and his role in drafting, negotiating, and promoting ratification of the Rome Statute, the International Criminal Court. Also included are personal reflections on his life and personality, and discussion, excerpts, and a list of some of the publications by and about him

    Book Review: Champions for peace: Women winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

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    Judith Hicks Stiehm is a political science professor who has served on the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Military and as a consultant to the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women and to the Lessons Learned Unit of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations. In earlier publications she explored nonviolent resistance in America (1973); analyzed and challenged the traditional protector/protected male and female roles in war, arguing that the path to gender equality entailed equal responsibility for military protection (1982); then turned to an examination of women in the military (1996), and military education. In Champions for Peace, Stiehm’s focus shifts to an examination of 16 women who were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. She declares her purpose on the dedication page: Historians too often praise reckless and arrogant leaders who send troops to wage war. This book is intended to encourage and to honor those who seek to avoid war without relinquishing the pursuit of justice

    Abdul Aziz Said: Peace Educator, Cathedral Builder, Soul Dancer - 1930-2021 - A Tribute and Retrospective

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    The life, thought, and spirituality of political scientist and peace educator, Abdul Aziz Said (1930-2021), are explored through: a) first-hand accounts from five decades of professional and personal collaboration between Said and the author; b) themes in his writings, especially in Concepts of International Politics in Global Perspective, Fourth Edition and Bridges, Not Barriers: The American Dream and the Global Community; and c) his conviction that love is a relevant and significant force in international relations and peace building and needs to be strengthened if peace is to be sustained (a conviction shared by Martin Luther King Jr, Sigmund Freud, Greek philosophers, and many luminaries in history). A list of his published works is appended
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