49 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPAUD Cerdas Ceria berada di Desa Pandansari merupakan salah satu desa yang yang terletak di Kecamatan Poncokusumo, Kabupaten Malang. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran didamping oleh 4 tenaga dari PAUD Cerdas Ceria serta dibantu oleh ibu-ibu dari wali siswa PAUD tersebut. Adapun tingkat pendidikan ibu-ibu dari wali siswa tersebut memiliki latar belakang pendidikan lulus SD dan SLTP sehingga masih diperlukan edukasi dan informasi terbarukan di segala bidang sebagai upaya peningkatan kesehatan masyarakat. Berdasarkan wawancara kepada maupun ibu-ibu wali siswa banyak siswa yang belum terbiasa dengan PHBS salah satunya aktifitas mencuci tagan yang baik dan benar. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah peningkatan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat sebagai salah satu preventif dalam memutus rantai penyebaran berbagai penyakit termasuk Covid-19.Kegiatan ini telah terlaksana selama bulan Juli 2021 dengan metode dalam jaringan (daring) dengan menggunakan sosial media. Dari 45 pendamping yang hadir ditemukan 27 atau 60%  pendamping yang masih belum tepat dalam melakukan aktifitas cuci tangan dengan baik dan benar.  Sedangkan dalam proses pembuatan sabun cuci tangan dengan memanfaatkan lidah buaya sebanyak 38 atau 84%  pendamping telah dapat membuat dengan baik dan benar. Secara keseluruhan kegiatan berjalan lancar serta antusiasme  pendamping sangat baikIvities Kata Kunci : cuci tangan; PAUD; pendamping; sabun cuci ABSTRACTSmart Ceria PAUD located in Pandansari Village is one of the villages located in Poncokusumo District, Malang Regency. In the learning activities accompanied by 4 staff from the Smart Ceria PAUD and assited by the mothers of the PAUD student’e guadians, the have an educational background of graduating from elementary and junior high school so that education and updated information are still needed in all fields as an effort to improve public health. Based on interviews with students and their guardians, many students are not familiar with PHBS, one of which is good and correct hand washing activities. The purpose of this activity is to increase clean and healthy living behavior as a preventive measure in breaking the chain of spread of various diseases including the covid 19 virus. This activity has been carried out during July 2021 with an online method using social media. Of the 45 companions who were present, 27 or 60% of the companions were found who were still not right in carrying out handwashing activities properly and correctly. Meanwhile, in the process of making hand soap using aloe vera , 38 or 84% of the companions have been able to make it properly and correctly. Overall the activity went smoothly and the enthusism of the companion was very good. Keywords:  wash hand; PAUD; companion; hand soa


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    ABSTRAKLKS LU Pangesti Lawang memiliki 13 caregiver dan 1 orang Perawat, dan telah mendapatkan pelatihan terapi untuk mengatasi masalah psikogeriatri. Meskipun demikian salah satu caregiver mengatakan bahwa diperlukan kombinasi terapi untuk mengatasi masalah psikogeriatri, karena kondisi psikologis lansia berbeda dan kadang berubah dengan cepat. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat bermaksud untuk mengajarkan terapi sederhana untuk mengurangi kecemasan lansia kepada caregiver, yaitu acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Terapi ini dapat dilakukan oleh siapa saja yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan dari perawat. Terapi ini mengajarkan kepada lansia untuk menerima pikiran yang mengganggu dan tidak menyenangkan dengan menempatkan diri sesuai dengan nilai yang dianut sehingga ia akan menerima dengan kondisi yang ada. Kegiatan ini telah dilaksanakan melalui 3 tahapan. Tahap pertama yaitu melakukan perijinan dan koordinasi dengan pengelola panti terkait rencacna pelaksanaan. Tahap kedua adalah pemberian materi dan praktik Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) tahap I dan II. Tahap ketiga adalah evaluasi kegiatan yang meliputi evaluasi perasaan Caregiver setelah melakukan terapi ACT beserta  evaluasi pre test dan post test. Kegiatan ini telah terlaksana selama bulan November - Desember 2022, dan diikuti oleh 1 Perawat dan 13 Caregiver lansia. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ; pada pretest 14 peserta rata-rata mendapatkan nilai 5,20. Setelah dilakukan pelatihan dan dilakukan evaluasi akhir atau posttest pada 14 peserta didapatkan rata-rata nilai 8,50 atau terdapat kenaikan nilai rata-rata sebesar 24%. Dari hasil observasi didapatkan data bahwa caregiver dapat melakukan terapi ACT sesi I dan II kepada lansia secara langsung dengan nilai rat-rata 80. Berdasarkan hasil pre dan post test  dengan perubahan yang signifikan dan hasil observasi dengan nilai yang baik, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa peserta pengabdian masyarakat  mampu melakukan praktikum ACT Sesi I dan II dengan baik dan tepat. Secara keseluruhan kegiatan berjalan lancar karena dukungan dari pengelola Panti. Kata Kunci : caregiver; lansia;  kecemasan; panti werdha; acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) ABSTRACTLKS LU Pangesti Lawang has 13 caregivers and 1 nurse, and has received therapy training to deal with psychogeriatric problems. Even so, one of the caregivers said that a combination of therapies was needed to deal with psychogeriatric problems, because the psychological conditions of the elderly were different and sometimes changed rapidly. Based on these findings, the community service team intends to teach a simple therapy to reduce the anxiety of the elderly to caregivers, namely acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). This therapy can be done by anyone who has received training from a nurse. This therapy teaches the elderly to accept disturbing and unpleasant thoughts by placing themselves according to their values so that they will accept the existing conditions. This activity has been carried out through 3 stages. The first stage is obtaining permits and coordinating with the management of the orphanage regarding the implementation plan. The second stage is the provision of material and practice of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) stages I and II. The third stage is activity evaluation which includes evaluating the Caregiver's feelings after carrying out ACT therapy along with pre-test and post-test evaluations. This activity was carried out during November - December 2022, and was attended by 1 nurse and 13 elderly caregivers. The results of this service activity are; in the pretest 14 participants averaged a score of 5.20. After the training was carried out and the final evaluation or posttest was carried out on 14 participants, an average value of 8.50 was obtained or there was an increase in the average value of 24%. From the observation results, it was found that caregivers can perform ACT sessions I and II therapy directly for the elderly with an average value of 80. Based on the results of the pre and post tests with significant changes and the results of observations with good scores, it can be concluded that the service participants the community is able to carry out ACT Sessions I and II practicum properly and correctly. Overall the activity ran smoothly due to the support from the Panti management. Keywords: caregiver; elderly; anxiety; nursing home; acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT

    Financial Stability: The Significance and Distinctiveness of Islamic Banking in Malaysia

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    This paper explores the significance of Islamic banking in Malaysia for stability in the country's economy as a whole. Neither conventional theory nor Islamic economics puts forward a systematic explanation of financial intermediation; consequently, neither is capable of identifying destabilizing elements in the system. Instead, a flow- of-funds approach similar to Minsky's own is applied to the (post-) modern consumption-led) business cycle and financial (and asset) market. Malaysia's structural current account surplus contributes to the overcapitalization of domestic firms. This in turn finances a financial (as opposed to an industrial), consumptionled (instead of investment-led) business cycle, where banking favors destabilizing asset price inflation. Islamic banks operating interdependently with conventional ones contribute to economic destabilization channeling surplus funds from the corporate to the household sector

    Algal culture collections in the omics age

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    C Programming

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    reference, 16, 18 remainder, 11 return, 16 rewind(), 5 rules, 1 sample, 13 scanf(), 5, 23 shift, 6 short, 3, 9 sin(), 12 sinh(), 12 sizeof(), 3 source, 11 sqrt(), 12 srand(), 12 string pass, 18 strings, 2 struct, 19, 20 using, 25 structure, 11, 21 subscript, 11 switch(), 13 symbolic, 11 tab, 6 tan(), 12 tanh(), 12 trig, 12 unary, 11 unsigned, 4, 9 variable rules, 2 void, 4, 16 while(), 13, 14 word, 11 RULES braces { } determine the beginning and end of a function body called function In the parenthesis of the function header line (where it appears at the end of the program) each variable is declared with its variable type. The default is integer. i.e. int max_int(float x, float y) p209 The passed of 25 variables need not have the same name as their counterparts in the main function. A function header never ends with a semicolon. case C is case-sensitive comments comments may not be nested declarations Declaration statements may go before function main() for global variables, withi