687 research outputs found

    Depressions in the Colombian Economic Growth Durng the XX Century: A Markov Switching Regime Model

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    In this paper, we modeled the Colombian long run economic growth (1925-2003) using a tworegime first order Markov switching model. We found evidence of non-linearity in the annual rate of economic growth. The results show that changes between regimes are sudden and sporadic. The Colombian economy remains in the sustainable growth regime most of the time. The turning points from the Markov switching model capture very well the behavior of real output through time. In fact, they identify the four main depressions of the century.Markov switching regime model, economic growth, fluctuations, Colombia

    Slowing of pulses to c/10 with subwatt power levels and low latency using Brillouin amplification in a bismuth-oxide optical fiber

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    We report the generation of slow light using Brillouin amplification in a short length of highly nonlinear bismuth-oxide fiber. By using just 2m of fiber, we demonstrate a five-fold reduction in group velocity for ~200ns pulses, which we believe to be a record for a slow-light propagation in an optical fiber. Moreover, by virtue of the high nonlinearity per unit length of this fiber, we achieve this at a very modest pump power level of just ~400mW and with a low inherent device latency of 14ns. These results highlight both the merits and practicality of using high nonlinearity nonsilica fibers for slow-light devices

    Colombian economic growth under Markov switching regimes with endogenous transition probabilities

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    In this paper, we modelled the Colombian long run per capita economic growth (1925-2005) using a Markov switching regime model with both fixed (FTP) and time-varying transition probabilities (TVTP) to explain regime changes in the economic growth. We found evidence of non-linearity in the per capita economic growth, and two different levels in the data associated with depression and sustainable growth regimes were identified. In addition, the hypothesis of fixed probabilities is rejected in favour of the time-varying transitional probabilities, meaning that the correct model is the one with endogenous probabilities, when the probability of remaining in the sustainable growth regime increases with a rise in terms of trade, government expenditures and decreases with capital outflows. On the other hand, increases in government expenditures and terms of trade decrease the probability of being in the depression state while an increase in capital outflows raises such probability. Finally, we found that TVTP model gives more information than FTP model because the probabilities have changed significantly during the period under analysis and the explanatory variables are very informative in dating the evolution of the state of the economy, especially those associated with external shocks.Markov endogenous switching regime model, Time-varying transition probabilities, economic growth, Colombia. Classification JEL: O40; C22; E32; N16.

    Deregulation, Consolidation, and Efficiency: Evidence From the Spanish Insurance Industry

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    This paper provides new information on the effects of deregulation and consolidation in financial services markets by analyzing the Spanish insurance industry. The sample period 1989-1998 spans the introduction of the European Union’s Third Generation Insurance Directives, which deregulated the EU insurance market. Deregulation has led to dramatic changes in the Spanish insurance market; the number of firms declined by 35 percent and average firm size increased by 275 percent. We analyze the causes and effects of consolidation using modern frontier efficiency analysis to estimate cost, technical, and allocative efficiency, as well as using Malmquist analysis to measure total factor productivity change. The results show that many small, inefficient, and financially under-performing firms were eliminated from the market due to insolvency or liquidation and that acquirers in the mergers and acquisitions market prefer relatively efficient target firms. As a result, the market experienced significant growth in total factor productivity over the sample period. Consolidation reduced the number of firms operating with increasing returns to scale but also increased the number operating with decreasing returns to scale. Hence, many large firms should focus on improving efficiency rather than on further growth.

    Analysis of insurers’ performance using frontier efficiency and productivity methods: the great contributions by David Cummins and Mary Weiss.

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    This article provides an in-depth analysis of the great contributions by J. David Cummins and Mary A. Weiss to research on insurers' performance using frontier efficiency and productivity methods. Twenty-nine empirical papers are surveyed as well as a book chapter that gives foundations and a guide in using methodology and defining outputs and inputs. Both econometric and non-parametric approaches have been used to estimate frontiers in these analyses, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) being the most frequently used method. A modified version of the value-added approach has normally been used to define outputs and inputs. The majority of their studies focus on the United States, but they have also conducted analyses on other countries (Germany, Italy, and Spain) as well as on intercountry samples (mainly European countries but also Islamic countries). Their empirical papers in this strand of literature have been grouped into 11 different application areas where the main analyzed issues and/or hypotheses tested as well as the principal findings have been discussed. Their contributions to this field have received great attention in literature to the point that the leading paper in almost all of these application areas is one conducted by Cummins and/or Weiss.The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project PID2021-127736NB-I00). I also thank Universidad de Málaga/CBUA for funding open access charge

    Reportaje multimedia sobre el VIH: La deconstrucción del estigma y un acercamiento a la realidad de las personas seropositivas

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    Alrededor de cuatro mil personas son diagnosticadas con VIH al año en España. La epidemia se expandió globalmente en los años ochenta y la evolución del virus al sida causó miles de muertes en todo el mundo. Con el tiempo se lograron avances médicos que permitieron combatir y controlar el virus y evitar que se convirtiese en la enfermedad que atacaba a las defensas de quienes la padecían y que ha sido tan retratada por los medios. Sin embargo, estos cuarenta años no han servido para frenar los estigmas construidos socialmente en contra de las personas seropositivas. Estos, producto del desconocimiento de la sociedad, conducen a la discriminación que sufren a diario y que se traducen en barreras para obtener ciertos trabajos, dificultades para contratar seguros e incluso rechazos para entrar en residencias. Bajo el titular El miedo que encadena al VIH, este reportaje aspira a deconstruir dichos estigmas y acercar la realidad de las personas seropositivas a los lectores. De esta manera se busca informar a las personas sobre todo lo que rodea al VIH para intentar contrarrestar la desinformación y, en consecuencia, combatir también los estigmas. Para ello, el reportaje ofrece testimonios de una persona seropositiva y de expertos, hilados alrededor de vídeos, fotos, hiperenlaces y gráficos que se enlazan en una estructura de narrativa multimedia de posible publicación en un medio digital.Around four thousand people are diagnosed with HIV every year in Spain. The epidemic expanded globally during the eighties and the evolution of the virus to AIDS caused thousands of deaths all around the world. With time, medical advances were achieved that allowed to fight and control the virus and avoid it becoming the illness that attacked the defenses of those who suffered it and that has been portrayed so much in the media. However, these forty years haven’t been enough to stop the socially constructed stigmas against the people that are HIV positive. These, resulting out of society’s lack of knowledge, lead to the discrimination they endure daily and that translates itself into barriers to achieve certain jobs, difficulties to get insurances, and even rejections to enter residencies. Headlined The fear that chains HIV, this feature aspires to deconstruct these stigmas and take the readers closer to the reality of those who are HIV positive. In this way, it seeks to inform people about everything that surrounds HIV in an attempt to counteract the disinformation and, as a consequence, fight the stigmas. To accomplish this, the feature offers testimonies of an HIV positive person and experts, weaved around videos, photos, hyperlinks and graphics which are tied together in a multimedia narrative of possible publication in any digital media.Grado en Periodism

    ¿Pesimismo o realismo? Castilla en escombros de Julio Senador

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    En el siguiente trabajo se analiza una de las obras más importantes del siglo XX castellano, la obra "Castilla en Escombros" de Julio Senador Gómez. En ella se hace un análisis detallado y pormenorizado de cuál era la terrible situación por la que atravesaba la Castilla profunda y rural que trataba de sobrevivir al periodo dominado por el caciquismo. Julio Senador desmenuza con su destreza habitual, cuáles eran los principales problemas a los que se tenía que enfrentar la agricultura de esta tierra, como eran: la propiedad hipotecaria, la política forestal, los usos de la tierra y la relación entre los grupos de presión política, como eran el de los harineros, que instaba a mantener un arancel proteccionista a la producción triguera. Al mismo tiempo se efectúa una comparación con la situación actual que no aporta conclusiones muy halagüeñasThis assignment is an analysis of “Castilla en escombros”, which is one of the most important works of the Castilian twentieth century, by the author Julio Senador. In this piece, a detailed analysis is made about the terrible situation of the deep and countrified Castilla, trying to survive the period denominated “caciquismo”. Julio Senador explains with his great an habitual artfulness, the principal problems of these agrarian lands: mortgage property, land uses and the relationship between lobbyists (flour workers), whose intention was to keep protectionist tariffs to maintain their production. To end up with this assignment, I made a comparison with the current situation. Nevertheless, I did not reach enough conclusions to praise Castilla y León.Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico e Historia e Instituciones EconómicasGrado en Administración y Dirección de Empresa

    El Desarrollo de la Capacidad Lectora de un grupo de apoyo en un centro de Educación Primaria Bilingüe

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    En la sociedad actual, la lectura es una destreza, en la que todas las personas deben ser competentes. Nos permite, como seres sociales que somos, comunicarnos con otros y es, en la educación una herramienta fundamental en el proceso de la construcción del aprendizaje. La lectura nos permite reflexionar e interpretar información, ayudándonos a entender el mundo en el que vivimos. En la escuela, la lectura es un vehículo puesto que es necesario en todas las áreas del currículo escolar. Por lo tanto es imprescindible, que aquellos niños que tienen problemas de aprendizaje, y específicamente retrasos de la lectura reciban un apoyo apropiado diseñado específicamente para ellos. El presente trabajo se centra en un pequeño grupo de apoyo en un colegio bilingüe y el trabajo abarca dos aspectos generales, por un lado, en la mejora de la capacidad lectora de los alumnos, y por otro, en el desarrollo en los niños de un auto concepto positivo a través de materiales elaborados por el autor.Grado en Educación Primari

    Obtención de hidrogeles químicos, mediante metodología “click”, a partir de polímeros tipo elastina para liberación controlada de fármacos

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    El estudio desarrollado en este Trabajo de Fin de Grado utiliza como metodología de trabajo la formación de hidrogeles, basados en recombinámeros de tipo elastina (ELRs), un material biocompatible, biodegradable y bioactivo, con comportamiento termosensible y capacidad de autoensamblado. Los hidrogeles se forman en presencia del fármaco azetazolamida (AZM), utilizado en el tratamiento del glaucoma, de manera que una vez encapsulado en la matriz proteica pueda ser liberado de manera controlada en el ojo. El ELR (VKVx24) es bioproducido mediante fermentación empleando la bacteria Escherichia coli modificada genéticamente. El ELR purificado es modificado químicamente con los grupos ciclooctino y azido permitiendo el entrecruzamiento de los biopolímeros, mediante la metodología “química click”, para la formación del hidrogel adecuado para su unión a las mucinas oculares. Se ha llevado a cabo la caracterización del polímero sin modificar y de los polímeros modificados mediante las técnicas de RMN, FTIR, DSC y MALDI-TOF. Se han realizado varios ensayos de mucoadhesión del biopolímero VKVx24 en una disolución de mucina ocular preparada con un tamaño de partícula adecuado y se ha determinado la solubilidad del fármaco AZM en solución lacrimal.Grado en Químic