33 research outputs found

    Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico SPWB de Carol d. Riff en estudiantes de secundaria de la UGEL 02

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    This research presents the Psychometric Properties of the Riff SPWB Psychological Well-being Scale in secondary students of UGEL 02. It was administered to a sample consisting of 1188 adolescents, chosen by a probabilistic sampling. The objective of the present investigation was to describe the psychometric properties of the Riff SPWB Psychological Well-being Scale in secondary students of UGEL 02. The scale was reduced from 34 to 12 items based on the item-test correlation ≥ .30, and the factor table ≥ .40. The relevance of the four-factor model to measure psychological well-being in adolescents was verified: Autonomy, Growth, Purpose and Self-acceptance. The internal consistency quantified with the Omega coefficient was 0.86 and for Alpha was 0.72, considered acceptable. Interpretation standards based on percentile ranks were developed.Se estudiaron las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Bienestar Psicológico SPWB de Riff en escolares secundarias de la UGEL 02. Con dicho fin y trabajando con 1190 adolescentes, que fueron seleccionados bajo muestreo probabilístico, se administró dicho instrumento.. Se redujo la escala de 34 a 12 ítems tomando como criterio la correlación ítem-test ≥ .30, y la tabla factorial ≥ .40. Se verificó la pertinencia del modelo de cuatro factores para medir bienestar psicológico en adolescentes: Autonomía, Crecimiento, Propósito y Autoaceptación. La consistencia interna cuantificada con los coeficientes Omega y Alpha fueron de 0.86 y 0.72, considerándose aceptable. Se elaboraron normas de interpretación basadas en rangos percentilares

    Psychometric properties: Assertiveness scale in peruvian schoolchildren

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de asertividad ADCA 1, el tipo de investigación es instrumental; se trabajó con una muestra de 730 individuos con edades entre 13 a 16 a más años. Se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico por juicios. Los resultados indican que la escala de Auto-Asertividad en su propuesta original no presenta evidencias de validez de constructo (X2/gl= 2.648; GFI= 0.883; CFI= 0.807; RMSEA= 0.048 y SRMR = 0.0532); después de analizar los ítems se trabajó un análisis exploratorio con una rotación oblicua obteniéndose 5 factores que explican el 43.602% del constructo. El índice de ajuste de la propuesta de 5 factores presenta evidencias de validez de constructo (X2/gl=2,225; GFI= 0.936; CFI= 0.900; RMSEA= 0.041; SRMR= 0.0463), a nivel general la escala con 25 ítems presenta un αordinal=0.902 y u Ω=0.902. En conclusión, la propuesta de 25 ítems presenta evidencias de confiabilidad y validez.The purpose of this research was to determine the psychometric properties of the ADCA 1 assertiveness scale, the type of research is instrumental; we worked with a sample of 730 individuals between the ages of 13 and 16. It was considered a non-probabilistic sample by trials. The results indicate that the Self-Assertiveness scale in its original proposal does not present evidence of construct validity (X2 / gl = 2,648; GFI = 0.883; CFI = 0.807; RMSEA = 0.048 and SRMR = 0.0532); After analyzing the items, an exploratory analysis with an oblique rotation is sought, obtaining 5 factors that explain 43,602% of the construct. The adjustment index of the 5-factor proposal presents evidence of construct validity (X2 / gl = 2,225; GFI = 0.936; CFI = 0.900; RMSEA = 0.041; SRMR = 0.0463), a general level the scale with 25 items presents a αordinal = 0.902 and u Ω = 0.902. In conclusion, the 25-item proposal presents evidence of reliability and validity

    Endoscopic transpapillary pancreatic stenting for internal pancreatic fistula with the disruption of the pancreatic ductal system

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    Background: Internal pancreatic fistula (IPF) is a well-recognized complication of pancreatic diseases. Although there have been many reports concerning IPF, the therapy for IPF still remains controversial. We herein report our experiences with endoscopic transpapillary pancreatic stent therapy for IPF and evaluate its validity. Method: Six patients with IPF who presented at our department and received endoscopic transpapillary pancreatic stent therapy were investigated, focusing on the clinical and imaging features as well as treatment strategies, the response to therapy and the outcome. Results: All patients were complicated with stenosis or obstruction of the main pancreatic duct, and in these cases the pancreatic ductal disruption developed distal to the areas of pancreatic stricture. The sites of pancreatic ductal disruption were the pancreatic body in five patients and the pancreatic tail in one patient. All patients received endoscopic stent placement over the stenosis site of the pancreatic duct. Three patients improved completely and one patient improved temporarily. Finally, three patients underwent surgical treatment for IPF. All patients have maintained a good course without a recurrence of IPF. Conclusion: Endoscopic transpapillary pancreatic stent therapy may be an appropriate first-line treatment to be considered before surgical treatment. The point of stenting for IPF is to place a stent over the stenosis site of the pancreatic duct to reduce the pancreatic ductal pressure and the pseudocyst\u27s pressure

    Análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio de la escala de nivel secundario estilos de crianza familiar (ECF-29) en estudiantes del nivel secundario

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the psychometric properties of the scale of family parenting styles (ECF-29), supported by structural equations, a multivariate statistical analysis to compare models that propose causal relationships between variables. The sample consisted of 609 students of public educational institutions, from the 1st to 5th year of high school, and whose ages were between 11 and 18 years, from the districs of Los Olivos and Independencia. There were selected by intentional sampling and the estimation model used is the maximum plausibility. The results revealed the covariances, variances and factorial saturations as adequate; likewise, the styles are estimated according to the absolute adjustment indexes (GFI, AGFI>0.95, RMSEA and RMR<0.05) and increase or comparative values (TLI, NFI and IFC>=0.95) with optimal values corroborate the pertinence of accepting the model of four factors or patterns explaining behavior in parents. It is concluded that through the path analysis developed with the dimensions of the scale, we can approximate an adequate adjustment to the proposed model.El propósito de esta investigación es realizar una aproximación de las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de estilos de crianza familiar (ECF-29), sustentado por las ecuaciones estructurales, un análisis estadístico multivariante, para contrastar modelos que proponen relaciones causales entre las variables. Se tuvo una muestra de 609 estudiantes de instituciones educativas públicas que cursan del 1.° al 5.° de secundaria, y que tienen entre 11 y 18 años, de los distritos de Los Olivos e Independencia. Estos fueron seleccionados con un muestreo intencionado y el modelo de estimación empleado es el de máxima verosimilitud. Los resultados obtenidos revelan las covarianzas, varianzas y saturaciones factoriales como adecuadas; asimismo, las correlaciones entre los estilos se estiman según los índices de ajuste absoluto (GFI, AGFI>0,95; RMSEA y RMR<0,05) y de incremento o comparativo (TLI, NFI y CFI>=a 0,95), valores óptimos con los cuales se corrobora lo pertinente de aceptar el modelo de cuatro factores o patrones explicativos de la conducta en los padres. Por lo que se concluye que a través del análisis de sendero elaborado con las dimensiones de la escala podemos aproximar un ajuste adecuado al modelo propuesto