196 research outputs found

    Probiotic Bacillus species and Saccharomyces boulardii improve performance, gut histology and immunity in broiler chickens

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a new multispecies probiotic containing four Bacillus species and Saccharomyces boulardii (Microguard®) with a commercial probiotic (Protexin®) and a commonly used antibiotic in broilers. Six hundred one-day-old male Ross 308 broilers were randomized to six experimental treatments, with five replicates of 20 chicks each, for 42 days, receiving an ad libitum corn-soybean basal diet. Treatments were added to the basal diet and consisted of tetracycline as an antibiotic growth promoter (500 g/ton), three dosages of Microguard (50, 100 and150 g/ton) or Protexin (100 g/ton). The control group received the basal diet with no additive. The group fed with Microguard at 150 g/ton showed increased final bodyweight, weight gain, high density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and antibody titres against Newcastle disease (ND) and avian influenza (AI) levels. Improved feed conversion ratio, increased villus height, and villus highest crypt depth ratio, along with lower plasma gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, were found in probiotic-supplemented broilers. Carcass yield, liver weights, breast muscle values, and abdominal fat weights were reduced in groups fed with 100 or 150 g/ton of Microguard. Caecal coliforms, Salmonella and Escherichia coli numbers decreased in groups fed with 100 or 150 g/ton of Microguard. These results show that Microguard at 150 g/ton is a promising probiotic to replace antibiotics in broiler feed as a growth-promoter while enhancing immune system responses and inducing beneficial modulations in the caecal microflora.Keywords: blood biochemistry, broiler chicks, carcass traits, performance, probioti

    Efectos de la inclusión de trigo y suplementación con xilanasas del pienso sobre la actividad enzimática intestinal, la retención de los nutrientes y la productividad en gallinas de 25 a 33 semanas de edad

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    El trigo es un cereal rico en xilanos lo que reduce su potencial en piensos para aves de puesta por su efecto perjudicial sobre la digestibilidad y el porcentaje de huevos sucios (Lázaro et al., 2003). La utilización de xilanasas podría resolver esta problemática y mejorar la productividad de las aves. Diversos autores (Gracia et al., 2003) han estudiado los efectos de la inclusión de xilanasas en el pienso sobre la digestibilidad de los nutrientes y la productividad (Gutiérrez-Álamo et al., 2008). Sin embargo, sus efectos sobre la producción de enzimas endógenas y el pH de los diversos segmentos del tracto gastrointestinal (TGI) han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de este ensayo fue estudiar la inclusión de una variedad de trigo de alto contenido en xilanos sobre diversas variables digestivas y la productividad en aves de puesta blancas

    Effect of wheat inclusion and xylanase supplementation of the diet on intestinal enzyme activity, nutrient retention and performance in laying hen from 25 to 47 wks of age

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    A trial was conducted to examine the effects of increasing levels of wheat in the diet and xylanase (ES) supplementation on nitrogen and ether extract retention, pH of the GIT, productive performance from 25 to 47 wks of age, and enzyme activity at the small intestine level. The basal diets (from 25 to 33 wks and from 33 to 47 wks) consisted of soybean meal and corn, and the wheat was introduced in the experimental diets at expenses of corn, primarily

    Effect of dietary sunflower hulls on nutrient digestibility, ileal morphology, and volatile fatty acid concentration in broilers and pullets fed a broiler diet from 1 to 21 days of age

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    The effects of sunflower hulls (SFH) inclusion on performance, TTAR of nutrients, ileal mucosa morphology, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration in the ceca were studied in birds from 1 to 21 d of age. There were 4 treatments organized as 2 × 2 factorial with 2 chicken lines (broilers vs. pullets) and 2 levels of SFH (0 vs. 3%). Each treatment was replicated 7 times (10 birds). The corn-soybean meal control diet contained 3,010 kcal AMEn/kg, 1.25% digestible Lys, and 8.7% NDF. In the experimental diet, SFH was included at the expense (wt:wt) of the control diet. Diets were offered in mash form. No interactions between main effects were detected for any trait. From 1 to 21 d of age, ADG was greater and FCR was better in broilers than in pullets (P < 0.001) but SFH inclusion did not affect bird performance. The TTAR of all nutrients was higher (P < 0.05) in broilers than in pullets. The inclusion of SFH improved AMEn of the diet (P < 0.05) at both ages and DM and N retention (P < 0.001) at 21 d. Broilers had larger villus and deeper crypt (P < 0.01) than pullets. Broilers tended to have higher (P = 0.077) cecal proportion of acetate than pullets but no effects were observed for the other VFA. SFH inclusion tended to increased villus height (P < 0.05) and cecal proportion of acetate and propionate (P < 0.01). In summary, broilers grew faster, were more efficient, had higher ileum absorptive capacity, TTAR of nutrients than pullets. The inclusion of 3% SFH in substitution (wt:wt) of the whole diet improved AMEn without showing any negative effect on growth performance of the bird

    Efecto de la incusion de hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva porcina (palbio 50 rd®) y del nivel de lisina del pienso sobre los parametros productivos en pollos de 1 a 21 dias de edad

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    El hidrolizado de mucosa digestiva de porcino (Palbio 50 RD ® , Bioiéerica, S.A., PAL) se utiliza con resultados óptimos en la alimentación de lechones recién destetados (Lindeman el al. 2000; Corassa et al. 2007). En un trabajo reciente, Mohiti-Asli et al. (2011) observaron que la inclusión de PAL mejoraba los resultados productivos en pollos de engorde a cualquier edad. En este trabajo se demostró que los niveles más recomendables de utilización de PAL teniendo en cuenta razones productivas y económicas, era el 2,5%. En esta investigación se estudio el efecto de la inclusión de 2,5% de PAL en piensos para pollos con niveles crecientes de lisina total (LYS, 1,1 a 1,4%). El objetivo fue estudiar si los efectos beneficiosos del PAL sobre la productividad de los pollos eran independientes o no del nivel de LYS del pienso

    Growth response of broilers to lysine levels and hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa (Palbio) inclusion in diet from 1 to 21 d of age

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    Palbio (PAL, Palbio 50 RD, Bioibérica, Spain) is a protein concentrate based on hydrolyzed porcine digestive mucosa dried under a fluid bed system over a soybean carrier, currently used in piglet feeds. The digestibility of PAL is very high and the product may be an excellent source of protein for young chicks. An experiment was conducted with 1,280 straight-run one-d-old Ross 308 chicks to evaluate the growth response of broilers to dietary inclusion of PAL

    Effects of the main cereal and type of fat of the diet on productive performance and egg quality of brown egg laying hens from twenty two to fifty four weeks of age

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    The influence of the main cereal and supplemental fat of the diet on productive performance and egg quality was studied in 756 brown-egg laying hens from 22 to 54 weeks of age. The experiment was conducted as a completely randomized design with 9 treatments arranged factorially with 3 cereals (dented corn, soft wheat, and barley) and 3 types of fat [soy oil (SBO), acidulated soapstocks (AOS), and lard]

    The effect of green chemistry education based on practical activity on learning and attitude of pre-service chemistry teachers

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    Background and Objective:Chemistry plays a fundamental role in human civilization and its place in economics, politics and life is becoming more and more prominent and covers a wide range of chemical products such as drugs, dyes, fertilizers, etc. However, the environmental damage caused by it is a major human concern. Many of us today take steps to reduce environmental impact, for example by participating in chemical recycling programs and using energy-saving light bulbs; we buy local products and maybe drive hybrid cars. But what if "we could somehow prevent pollution from the start?" Thus, with a new approach called green chemistry, chemists are being led to a new phase of research activities to develop green reactions and use them instead of the old methods, to help human health and society by eliminating toxins from chemical processes. The purpose of this research is education of green chemistry through the curriculum related to the principles of green chemistry in General Chemistry Lab 1and the effect of this educational course on learning and attitude of the pre-service chemistry teachers toward green chemistry principles. Methods: This educational course involves two green experiments implemented according to green chemistry principles. The experiments include determination of molar mass relation in a chemical reaction and determination of the amount of ascorbic acid in a tablet of vitamin C. The research methods are practical, experimental and quasi-experimental and the used instruments were the researcher-constructed tests in the field of learning and attitude domain. Statistic population of this study consists of experimental group (N=30) and control group (N=30) of the student teachers at Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University in the academic year 2017-2018. Data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS software. Findings: The obtained results show that among12 principles of Green Chemistry, students have learned the principles of 1 to 4 and 7 to 12 of these 12 principles and they have been attracted to them. In addition, the implementation of a curriculum related to the principles of green chemistry has had a positive impact on the attitude of the pre-service chemistry teachers. Conclusion: Findings from the research show that teaching the principles of green chemistry can be done based on the activity-oriented approach in the chemistry curriculum as in most developed countries. Student-teacher education can lead them to develop a positive attitude towards green chemistry and to have more motivation and desire to study chemistry based on the principles of green chemistry and to pass this attitude on to their students in the teaching process. Also, in designing the curriculum, it should be noted that in the sequence of practical activities, it should be done in such a way that it includes all the principles of green chemistry so that education based on it can give all the principles of green chemistry to learners or give them a positive attitude.   ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2019 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    An analytic review on impacts of conceptual map implicated in multimedia on social skills improvement of mentally retarded learners

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    Backgrounds and Objectives:The use of concept maps is one of the new educational approaches that is rooted in the constructivist approach. In constructivism, the importance of knowledge is emphasized by relating the learned information to the new one. In this relational view and based on the concept map approach, people search between previous and new learning, people make their own schemas or mind maps, and in new learning, these mind maps are extensively revised and reconstructed. Concept map is a tool for showing the relationships between concepts in a coherent and hierarchical way that facilitates meaningful learning, because in this method the concepts are not scattered components but are in the form of a network of relationships to each other. Concept maps are also effective in facilitating creative thinking due to their unique features. The present study describes effectiveness of conceptual map implicated through multimedia on social skills improvement among learners with mental retardation. Teaching on the basis of concept mapping known as an active method to teach social skills for learners with special learning needs (as mental retarded). Methods and Materials: Quasi-experimental research method is used with pretest-posttest instrument. Sample of the study is equal to society includes14 mild mental retarded students (aged 16-14 years). It is a researcher-made questionnaire measures learners with mental retardation social skills improvement included three components as interaction with others, social adaptive behavior and self-control. Questionnaires' Reliability estimated by Cronbach's alpha (0.80). Mann-Whitney U test used to analyses the data, compartments of the pre- post-test scores in experimental group after the intervention. The Wilcoxon Signed rank test with the effect size is also approached to data analyzing Findings: It is revealed that there is a significant difference in pre-test and posttest scores of students in different level of social skills. So implementation of concept mapping plus to using multimedia could enable mentally retarded students as it is suggested to construct their minding's as well improvement of their social skills. Conclusion: Learning to apply a concept map in the form of multimedia can improve the learning of subscales in the social skills subset, adaptive social behavior, improve the learning of social skills in the form of interaction with others, learn social skills in the form of self-control and keep components such as having clean your own desk, discussing your feelings and emotions, reacting appropriately to strangers, separating good and bad habits, and expressing happiness will be effective when you succeed in your control component. Experience of teaching with teacher-made concept map methods in combination with multimedia shows the effect of using active and modern methods in education for meaningful learning in children with mental disabilities, objectifying the teachings of students with mental disabilities with up-to-date and effective educational media such as photos, videos, animations and other educational software, providing educational resources required for social skills appropriate to the appropriate time conditions for children with mental disabilities and drawing maps to communicate between the main and secondary components of concepts related to social skills. Educational groups and organizations are recommended to pay attention to this group of students in developing and improving their learning

    Efecto del nivel de la proteína bruta del pienso y del peso inicial de las pollitas sobre los parámetros productivos y la calidad del huevo en gallinas ponedoras rubias

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    Las aves, al igual que el resto de animales monogástricos no precisan de un nivel de proteína bruta (PB) en el pienso sino de niveles adecuados de aminoácidos (AA) indispensables (Keshavarz and Austic, 2004; Junqueira et al., 2006; Novak et al., 2006). Sin embargo, en la práctica es frecuente que los nutricionistas soliciten niveles de PB en exceso de lo recomendado por el NRC (1999) o FEDNA (2008). De hecho, muchos nutricionistas formulan piensos para inicio de puesta en gallinas rubias con más de 18.5% PB, cuando niveles de 16.5% PB podrían ser adecuados. La razón de utilizar niveles altos de PB es desconocido pero podría estar relacionado con el mayor margen de seguridad lo que evitaría que un aminoácido (AA) indispensable no contemplado afecte al tamaño del huevo y a la productividad. Por contra, un nivel alto de PB aumenta el precio del pienso cuando el coste de las fuentes proteicas es elevado. La inclusión de grasa en el pienso mejora el tamaño del mismo y puede mejorar el peso vivo de las aves (FEDNA, 2008). Un problema de la industria productora de huevos es el relacionado con el peso inicial de las pollitas y su influencia sobre las diversas variables productivas. El PV de las aves podría verse afectado por las características del pienso. El objetivo de este ensayo fue estudiar la influencia del nivel proteico de piensos isonutritivos en relación con la EMAn y los aminoácidos indispensables, sobre la productividad en gallinas rubias