1,497 research outputs found


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    Perairan Banda Aceh merupakan kawasan penghasilan ikan sebagai bahan baku untuk produk Ikan Kayu (keumamah). UD. TUNA merupakan salah satu Industri yang terdapat di Aceh yang memproduksi keumamah. Perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu mencari faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kualitas Keumamah, dan mengetahui pengendalian mutu sudah memenuhi standar perusahaan atau Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Hasil penelitian diharapkan menjadi usulan perbaikan untuk mengurangi penyimpangan kualitas yang terjadi pada proses produksi Keumamah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action). Hasil dari diagram pareto menunjukkan kadar air 34,5%, pH 32,7% dan Sensori 32%. Pada diagram fishbone yang menjadi sebab akibat yaitu pada metode/cara pengolahan, bahan baku, mesin dan manusia. Pada peta kendali perhitungan standar perusahaan defect yang terjadi pada kadar air hanya 11 kali dan menurut perhitungan SNI kualitas kadar air terjadi defect keseluruhan. Untuk mengurangi defect pada keumamah akan ditetapkan SOP baru untuk meningkatkan kualitas pada ikan keumamah.Kata kunci:Ikan Kayu, Keumamah, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action), Diagram Pareto, Diagram Fishbone, Diagram Kendali


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    ABSTRAKMirza, Muhammad. 2017. Penerapan model pembelajaran picture and picture menggunakan media komik-strip untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS Terpadu Kelas VIII-4 di SMP Negeri 16 Banda Aceh, Skripsi, jurusan pendidikan Geografi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1) Drs. Thamrin K, M.Si. (2) Drs. Abdul Wahab Abdi, M.Si.Kata Kunci: PTK, Model Picture and Picture, Komik Strip, Hasil belajar, IPSPenerapan model pembelajaran picture and picture lebih inovatif karena dalam pelaksanaannya ditambahkan penggunaan media pembelajaran komik strip. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa; (2) Aktivitas guru dan siswa; (3) Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran; dan (4) Respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran picture and picture menggunakan media komik strip.Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII-4 SMP Negeri 16 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 24 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan (1) Lembar pree-test & post test; (2) Kesesuaian aktivitas guru & siswa; (3) Lembar pengamatan keterampilan guru; dan (4) angket respon sisw. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1)Persentase ketuntasan secara individual meningkat dari 13 siswa menjadi 22 siswa yang tuntas belajar, persentase ketuntasan klasikal pun meningkat dari 50% menjadi 90%. (2)Jumlah Keseuaian aktivitas guru dan siswa meningkat dari 5 aktivitas yang sesuai pada siklus I menjadi 8 aktivitas pada siklus II, lalu pada siklus III meningkat menjadi 10 aktivitas yang sesuai dari 10 aktivitas yang direncanakan. (3) Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran picture and picturemenggunakan media komik strip meningkat dari perolehan skor rata-rata 2,57 dengan kategori sedang menjadi 3,29 dengan kategori baik, dan terakhir meningkat kembali menjadi 3,77 dengan kategori sangat baik dan (4) Respon siswa, terhadap model pembelajaran picture and picture menggunakan media komik strip dapat dikatakan baik. 85 persen dari 24 siswa atau pada umunya berpendapat bahwa dengan belajar melalui pembelajaran picture and picture menggunakan media komik strip siswa dapat lebih mudah memahami materi pelajaran yang telah mereka ikuti


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini berjudul Strategi Komunik asi Pemasaran Asuransi Jiwa Bumiputera 1912 cabang Banda Aceh dalam Menarik Minat Nasabah. Permasalahan y ang diangkat dari penelitian ini adalah pada strategi komunikasi pemasaran khususnya pada model komunikasi massa dalam menarik minat nasabah. Untuk mengetahui strategi komunikasi pemasaran yang digunakan Asuransi Jiwa Bersama Bumiputera 1912 cabang Banda aceh dalam menarik minat nasabah. Teori y ang di gunakan adalah Teori Model AIDDA, dimanadalam penggunaanny a AIDDA adalah akronim dari kata-kata Attention(perhatian), Interest (minat atau ketertarikan), Desire (hasrat), Descision(keputusan) dan Action (tindakan/kegiatan). Teori ini adalah salah satu teori yang menggambarkan proses terbentuknya suatu minat dan terjadinya tindakan sebagai efek dari hal komunikatif yang menarik. Metode penelitian menggunakan metodedeskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif . Alat pengumpulan datapada penelitian ini berupa wawancara terstruktur dan studi dokumentasi. Subjekinforman dalam penelitian mengambil teknik purposif. Berdasarkan hasilwawancara terhadap informan diketahui bahwa strategi pemasaran perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Bersama Bumiputera 1912 cabang Banda aceh dilakukan menggunakan system mix promotion yang terdiri dari empat komponen utama yaitu periklanan (advertising), promosi penjualan (sales promotion), penjualan tatap muka (personal selling) dan publisitas (publicity). Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses dari penggunaan sistem mix promotion merupakan awal dari penentuan Model AIDDA kemudian dari hasil akhir model adalah nasabah akan mengikuti tindakan yaitu bergabung dalam asuransi tersebut atau tidak.Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Pemasaran, Asuransi Jiwa , Bumiputera 1912,cabang Banda Aceh , Teori Mo de l A ID D

    Bio-bibliometric Study of Dr. Khalid Mahmood’s Contributions to LIS Field in Pakistan

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    This paper presents bio-bibliometric analysis of the contributions of Dr. Khalid Mahmood in the field of Library and Information Science through his publications. The analysis includes geographical and year wise distribution of publications; collaboration for publication; publications by type; language and journal preferences for the publication; and coverage of different subject areas. Results of the study indicate that Dr. Khalid Mahmood is a prolific writer in the field of library and information science. He contributed 115 items including 99 articles, six books, eight conference papers and two papers in newsletters till December 31, 2011. Research work by Dr. Khalid Mahmood is well accepted in developed countries like United Kingdom and United States of America. He used English language to disseminate majority of his research work. He believes in teamwork and about two third of his research work was result of collaboratio

    Improvement in litter quality and leg health by nutritional modification in growing turkeys

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    Pododermatitis (FPD) is a contact dermatitis commonly observed in poultry, primarily affecting the surface of the footpad and the hock joint, and causes poor welfare and economic losses when severe. Most reported field outbreaks of FPD have been associated with poor litter conditions. There are three important aspects of litter condition associated with incidences of FPD and hock burns (HB) i.e. increased litter moisture, greasy or capped litter as well as high ammonia (NH3) content. Therefore maintaining litter quality and more specifically the moisture content is essential if conditions such FPD and HB are to be controlled. Poor litter condition is caused by an interaction between management, nutrition and intestinal health. In terms of nutrition, dietary density i.e. energy and protein concentrations are important factors in terms of determining litter quality and incidences of FPD, because of the effect that they exert on water intake. Four experiments were used to investigate the effects of nutritional modifications on water intake (WI) and excretion by turkeys. In the first experiment explored the effect of different dietary nutrient concentrations supplemented with and without phytase on WI and excretion. It was noted that excreta moisture content was reduced (P0.05) on the cumulative WI. Water output (g/g of weight gain) was higher (P0.05). In the next two experiments floor-pen studies were used to examine the effects of nutrient density and dietary protein concentration (ranging from 77 to 120% of BUT breed recommendation) on litter quality parameters and, therefore, on leg health conditions. In one study the energy and protein ratio were kept constant whereas in the second the protein concentration changed while the energy remained constant (100% of breed requirement). Growth performance parameters were determined for each study which was conducted from 4 to 20 weeks of age. When birds were fed diets in which the energy and protein ratio remained constant the high protein/energy diets resulted in a lower WI and litter moisture content when compared to group fed diet containing lower concentrations of protein/energy (P0.05) of treatment on FPD. Birds fed diets containing a higher than the recommended dietary protein concentration (constant energy concentration) had a higher WI and litter moisture content when compared to group fed diets containing the low nutrient density diets (P<0.001). Likewise, litter pH and NH3 concentration and prevalence of HB and FPD were higher where birds were fed the higher than recommended protein concentration diets. The final experiment was designed to establish the relative importance of protein and potassium in determining WI and excretion. There were six treatments based on three diets containing either 77, 100 and 120% of the dietary protein recommended by the breeder. Each diet was then split into two and one of the two diets was supplemented with K2CO3 to give a K+ concentration of 16.5 g/kg of diet. The remaining diet of the pair was left unsupplemented (ie contained only naturally occurring potassium). It was noted that birds fed with diet containing higher dietary protein concentration had higher WI and moisture output (MO) when compared to group fed diet containing lower dietary protein concentration (P<0.001). The effect within diets containing the same CP and standardised K+ was marginally insignificant (P=0.065) in terms of WI. Whereas birds fed diets containing naturally occurring K+ only had approximately 10% less (P<0.05) MO compared to these fed diets containing the standardised concentration of K+. While recognising that factors such as non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), indigestible fat and trypsin inhibitor could not be excluded totally, it was concluded, on the basis of the experiments conducted, that dietary protein (as provided by soybean meal) was primarily responsible for the higher WI and hence excretion. This then ultimately produces unacceptable litter quality and results in leg health problems in turkeys. To prevent excessive water intake and reduce litter moisture content there should be a correct balance between dietary energy and protein levels. Feeding turkeys lower ideal protein diets containing higher apparent metabolisable energy ratio crude protein (AME:CP) may help to improve the amino acid digestibility and ionic balance and, therefore, litter quality and this will help to decrease leg health problems such as footpad dermatitis and hock burn

    Entrepreneurship and Its Significance in Corporation

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    Entrepreneurship be optically discerned in a wide range of tasks. These tasks can be included from pristineinnovation to mundane activities. Entrepreneurship can be found not only independentlyand individually, rather in all organizations be taken stouthearted decision and effect onresources composition and allocation. Entrepreneur within the organization is as substratum of management. Entrepreneurship is not a categorical attribute in entrepreneurpersonality. Entrepreneurship is into two forms entrepreneurship free and independent within the organization. Entrepreneurship in every organization isconsists the rapid elevate of incipient competitors, engender a feeling of distrust than traditional methods in companies, exiting the best work force from companies and their action toindependent entrepreneurship. In this article it deals to entrepreneurial state and itsconcept, entrepreneurship environment and its benefit

    The Bonus of Entrepreneurship: Exploring the Revenues, Resources, plus Economic Well-Thing of Entrepreneurial Domestics

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    The monetary rewards and cost of entrepreneurship for the individual areunknown. Prior studies have focused on self-employment income estimates and have highlightedthe lower earnings that may be anticipated. The apparent financial illogicalityof entrepreneurship is classically explained in terms of non financial compensating factors, such as sovereignty and fulfillment. However, the financial rewards of entrepreneurship are versatile and include different types and amounts of rewards at different stages of the business life cycle. More accurate reflections of entrepreneurial rewards require researchers to move away from the use of narrow and static measures and instead focus on a broad setof indicators that collectively contribute to overall economic well-being. Entrepreneurial rewards are not only determined by business rationality, but are influenced by household needs that evolve over time. Hence, the analysis of entrepreneurial rewards requires an loom that captures the processes of reward decision making over the business life sequence while contextualizing reward decisions within the entrepreneurial household
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