6 research outputs found

    Effect of Irradiation On Nissl Granules In Rat Spinal Cord Neurons - A Pilot Study

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    Literature concerning the structure and function of Nissl granules and the effect of irradiation on the central nervous system is reviewed. Four groups of rats were irradiated in the lower thoracic spinal region, using doses of 600 r, 900 r, 1200 r, and 4200 r respectively. Higher doses of the irradiation caused depletion of the Nissl granules and other effects on the nerve cells. Increasing chromatolysis was found with increasing doses of irradiation. These findings warrant further study

    Birth Weight Relations in Human Multipara

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    It has been shown previously that the weight (W) of an entire litter of newborn young of multiparous mammals is proportional to the number (N) in the litter. This proportionality may be expressed by the empirical equation K W=N+C where K is assumed to have the properties of a partition coefficient and expresses the manner in which a limited nutritional supply is shared by the members oi the litter. This relationship also holds for human multipara, though it is modified by the inability of the human mother to increase the nutritional level to the same extent as other species we have investigated

    Celestine Blue B as a Nuclear Stain in Vaginal Exfoliative Cytology

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    This paper deals with spectrophotometric and chromatographic analyses of the dye and a study of two staining solutions with a variety of counterstains, using material fixed with ether/ alcohol. These observations indicate that the optimal combination of solutions are 0.5 gm celestine blue B and 40 ml glacial acetic acid heated to 60° C with stirring, to which when completely dissolved 100 ml water and 140 ml 4% ferric alum are slowly added. This should be incorporated with the Papanicolau procedure with the sole omissions of hematoxylin, the acid bath, and the lithium carbonate bath. The result is a very acceptable slide with all the advantages of the Papanicolau technique while employing a nuclear stain that is not hematoxylin, but which has high nuclear specificity. Slides have remained light-fast for at least one year

    Ectopia Cordis in a 35 Day Old Human Embryo

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    One of the major, though fortunately rare, abnormalities of human intrauterine development is a condition known as ectopia cordis. It was first described by the Swiss poet, physician and naturalist Haller in 1706. Arey (1954) briefly characterizes ectopia cordis as an abnormality in which the heart protrudes from the anterior body wall between the widely separated halves of the sternum, and comes to lie exposed on the surface of the chest. Others (cf. De Abbot) have described ectopia cordis as an abnormality in which the heart is malpositioned, high up in the chest, protruding out from the body in the pectoral area, or even displaced into the abdominal cavity

    Report on a Retroperitoneal Teratoma (Foetus in foetu)

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    Successful removal of a retroperitoneal teratoma from an infant is described. Various theories dealing with the origin of such tumors are discussed. Blood supply, hemopoiesis and circulation of the tumor have been investigated