170 research outputs found

    Phenotype variability and inheritance of plant height and branching in f1 generation of sunflower

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    Highly variable populations of wild sunflower species were crossed with CMS cultivated lines. Variability was determined by measuring plant height and evaluating the type of branching. Mode of inheritance was tested by comparing the 27 hybrid populations against parents. Differences among parents in the observed traits were significant. All modes of inheritance for plant height were present in the F1 generation. Heterosis was most frequent, followed in decreasing order by partial dominance, dominance and intermediacy. More than one mode of inheritance for plant height occurred because of the large variability in wild species and poligenic inheritance of the characteristic. All F1 populations were fully branched, with or without the central head. The wild type of branching was found in F1 because the wild parent dominated in genetic control of that trait over the cultivated one

    Interpretation of interactions in sunflower agronomic trials using multiplicative models and climatic information

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    A three-year experiment (2005, 2006, 2007) including three sunflower hybrids and eight sowing dates was carried out in order to study the impact of hybrid Ɨ sowing date interaction on oil yield of sunflower hybrids. With an aim of attaching biological significance to the interaction interpretation, information on four climatic factors (minimum, maximum and mean temperature and precipitation) were used. Significant differences were found between hybrids, sowing dates and years regarding their impact on oil yield. The results of 3-way ANOVA showed that all sources of variation were highly significant (main effects and interaction effects). This indicated variations among sunflower hybrids for oil yield and variations in sowing date and hybrid Ɨ sowing date effects. The multiplicative interaction between H Ɨ R was further separated in two bilinear terms (PC1 and PC2), and both were highly significant. The SREG2 biplot indicated that the hybrid Miro was the best performer at 11 planting dates. During the three-year experiment, Pobednik produced highest oil yields at 10 planting dates and Rimi only at 3. Sowing dates R1-6, R2-6 and R3-6 were best for oil yield, because they had highest PC1 values and near-zero PC2 values were (SREG2). On the basis of percentages in the first significant dimension, three variables (pr3, mx3, mn3) higher than 50% and with high positive values of loading were extracted. The PLS regression tri-plot shows that all variables were distributed in 4 groups with similar (or different) effects on the total interaction. Minimum temperature (mn4) at physiological maturity had the smallest contribution to the H Ɨ R interaction for oil yield. Sowing dates R4-5 and R5-5 also had smallest contributions to the H Ɨ R interaction, because they were located near zero point (0.0) and because their oil yields were smaller than the average. The results for sunflower oil yield indicated that the relative performance of the hybrids and sowing dates was strongly under the influence of their different reactions to precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures at the flowering stage

    Effect of nitrogen rate on grain yield of bread wheat genotypes

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    Gorjanovic B., M. Zoric, and M. Kraljevic Balalic (2010): Effect of nitrogen rate on grain yield of bread wheat genotypes. - Genetika, Vol 42, No. 2, 279 -286. The improvement in grain yield is the main objective of bread wheat breeding programs. Numerous studies indicate that nitrogen is the key factor of yield and quality in the wheat. The goal of this paper is to investigate variability of grain yield, of twelve bread wheat genotypes, on three nitrogen level. ANOVA showed that this trait was mostly under influence of the genotype (36, 3%), year x genotype interaction (26, 3%), year of investigation (14, 1%), and in the smallest amount of the nitrogen rate (8, 8%). On all three nitrogen level, the highest grain yield was found in the variety Malyska. The lowest grain yield in control was found in the variety Nevesinjka, while in the N75 and N100 rates it was found in the variety Tamaro. The mean performance of individual cultivars, in nine environments (three years x three nitrogen rates), was depicted using which-won-were view of SREG2 biplot. The nine environments fall into two sectors, which is an indication of a strong crossover GE interaction. Genotype Malyska was the winner (the highest yielding variety) in first sector containing seven environments, while genotypes Pertrana and Axis were the winners in second sector containing two environments

    Predatorska stenica Nesidiocoris tenuis (Heteroptera: Miridae), prirodni neprijatelj Ŕtetnih insekta u plasteničkoj proizvodnji paradajza

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    Species of zoophytophagous genus Dicyphina, plant bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae: Bryocorinae) are among the most abundant and effective predators of tomato pests. Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter, 1895 (Hemiptera: Miridae) is the predominant species of Dicyphina sp. and it is considered to be a major natural enemy of insect pests in tomato crops in the Mediterranean region. This predatory bug is proved to be particularly successful in suppressing Tuta absoluta Meadow, 1917 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), a major pest of tomato in greenhouse production. Aims of the study were to 1) investigate the efficiency of the mirid predatory bug N. tenuis in greenhouse tomato production and 2) to estimate the possibilities of its application in commercial vegetable production in Western Balkan countries of Europe. The significance of the study results relies on the possibility of commercialisation and general promotion of biological agent N. tenuis in tomato production in South East part of Europe, where the usage of pesticides still dominates the field of plant protection, both in vegetables and other agricultural sectors. According to the obtained results, the biological agent N. tenuis represents a reliable tool for controlling the level of the tomato leaf miner population by keeping the pest below its economic and intervention threshold.Zoofitofagne vrste iz roda Dicyphina (Hemiptera: Miridae: Briocorinae) spadaju u grupu najzastupljenijih i najefikasnijih predatora Å”tetočina paradajza. U usevima paradajza, vrsta Nesidiocoris tenuis Reuter, 1895 (Hemiptera: Miridae) je najzastupljeniji predstavnik roda Dicyphina i smatra se najvažnijim prirodnim neprijateljem Å”tetočina paradajza u Mediteranskoj regiji. Ova predatorska stenica se pokazala posebno uspeÅ”no u suzbijanju moljca paradajza Tuta absoluta, 1917 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), glavne Å”tetočine u proizvodnji paradajza u zatvorenom prostoru. Ciljevi sprovedenog istraživanja su 1) ispitivanje efikasnosti predatorske stenice N. tenuis u proizvodnji paradajza u zatvorenom prostoru, odnosno 2) procena njene praktične primene u komercijalnoj proizvodnji povrcĢa u zemljama zapadnog Balkana. Dobijeni rezultati doprinose promovisanju bioloÅ”kog agensa N. tenuis i ukazuju na mogucĢnost komercijalne upotrebe ove predatorske stenice u proizvodnji paradajza u jugoistočnom delu Evrope, gde primena pesticida i dalje dominira u oblasti zaÅ”tite bilja, kako u povrtarstvu tako i u drugim poljoprivrednim sektorima. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, bioloÅ”ki agens N. tenuis predstavlja efikasno sredstvo za suzbijanje T. absoluta, kontrolom brojnosti populacije moljca paradajza ispod nivoa ekonomskog praga Å”tetnosti

    The methods of telemetry applied on example of disaster recovery

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati važnost postupka planiranja, dimenzioniranja, izvedbe i testiranja sustava koji se zasniva na telemetriji, informatičkoj opremi i virtualizaciji radne okoline, a sve prema zahtjevima krajnjeg korisnika. Takav sustav naziva se Sustav oporavka podataka u slučaju katastrofe (eng. Disaster Recovery). On sadrži primarnu i sekundarnu lokaciju, a glavni cilj mu je osigurati dostupnost podataka u slučaju prirodne katastrofe (potres, požar, poplava, isl.). Na primarnoj lokaciji nalazi se produkcija, dok se na sekundarnoj lokaciji nalaze kopirani podaci čitave primarne lokacije dobiveni metodama baziranim na telemetrijskim sustavima. U slučaju da primarna lokacija postane iz nekog razloga nedostupna podaci se oporavljaju sa sekundarne lokacije, te omogućuju neometan daljnji rad sustava.The main goal of this paper is to show importance of planing, dimensionig, developing and testing of a system which is based on telemetry, IT equipment and virtualization of work environment, and everything with complying the user demands. This kind of system is called Disaster Recovery. It contains of a prmary and a secondary location, and main goal is to insure data availability in case of natural disaster (earthquake, fire, flood, etc.). The production is available at a primary location, while a copy of entire primary location is available on a secondary location and is gained using methods based on telemtry systems. In cases when a primary location becomes from some reason unavailable the data is recovered from a secondary location, and enables unobstructed further work of the system

    The methods of telemetry applied on example of disaster recovery

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    Cilj ovog rada je prikazati važnost postupka planiranja, dimenzioniranja, izvedbe i testiranja sustava koji se zasniva na telemetriji, informatičkoj opremi i virtualizaciji radne okoline, a sve prema zahtjevima krajnjeg korisnika. Takav sustav naziva se Sustav oporavka podataka u slučaju katastrofe (eng. Disaster Recovery). On sadrži primarnu i sekundarnu lokaciju, a glavni cilj mu je osigurati dostupnost podataka u slučaju prirodne katastrofe (potres, požar, poplava, isl.). Na primarnoj lokaciji nalazi se produkcija, dok se na sekundarnoj lokaciji nalaze kopirani podaci čitave primarne lokacije dobiveni metodama baziranim na telemetrijskim sustavima. U slučaju da primarna lokacija postane iz nekog razloga nedostupna podaci se oporavljaju sa sekundarne lokacije, te omogućuju neometan daljnji rad sustava.The main goal of this paper is to show importance of planing, dimensionig, developing and testing of a system which is based on telemetry, IT equipment and virtualization of work environment, and everything with complying the user demands. This kind of system is called Disaster Recovery. It contains of a prmary and a secondary location, and main goal is to insure data availability in case of natural disaster (earthquake, fire, flood, etc.). The production is available at a primary location, while a copy of entire primary location is available on a secondary location and is gained using methods based on telemtry systems. In cases when a primary location becomes from some reason unavailable the data is recovered from a secondary location, and enables unobstructed further work of the system

    Varijabilnost sadržaja kadmijuma u listovima tetraploidne i heksaploidne pŔenice

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic trace metal pollutant for humans, animals, and plants. It is a heavy metal present in soils from natural and anthropogenic sources. Much of the Cd taken up by plants is retained in the root, but a portion is translocated to the aerial portions of the plant and into the seed. The objective of this research was to determine the variability and diversity of Cd content in the leaves of 30 wheat cultivars with different ploidy level, during two years. Analyses of Cd content (ppm) in the leaves at heading stage were performed with an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). Significant differences between the mean values of the genotypes in Cd content were found. Tetraploid wheat genotypes had higher Cd content than hexaploid genotypes. Cd content was predominantly influenced by the year of growing (73%). The influence of genotype on Cd content amounted 16% and the interaction genotype Ɨ year 11%. The cluster of the genotypes consists of four groups. In the groups three and four were some of the genotypes (Kalyan Sona, Partizanka and NS Rana 5) with lowest Cd content in the leaves. They could be chosen as parents in the hybridization for lower cadmium concentration.Kadmijum (Cd) pripada grupi 'teÅ”kih metala'. On je toksičan za biljke, životinje i ljude. Njegovo prisustvo u zemljiÅ”tu potiče iz prirodnih i intropogenih izvora. Veći deo usvojenog Cd zadržava se u korenu, ali deo se translocira u nadzemne delove biljke i u seme. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se ispita varijabilnost i divergentnost sadržaja Cd u listovima kod 30 genotipova pÅ”enice različitog nivoa ploidnosti. Ogled je izveden u toku dve vegetacione sezone. Sadržaj Cd (ppm) u listovima pÅ”enice u fazi klasanja određen je primenom AAS. Ustanovljene su značajne razlike u srednjim vrednostima između ispitivanih genotipova. Tetraploidni genotipovi imali su veći sadržaj Cd u odnosu na heksapolidne. Glavni efekti (genotip i godina) i interakcija pokazali su visoko značajne razlike. Sadržaj Cd je najvećim delom bio uslovljen godinom ispitivanja (73%). Uticaj genotipa na sadržaj Cd iznosio je 16%, dok je interakcija genotipƗgodina iznosila 11%. Klaster genotipova sastojao se od četiri grupe. U grupi tri i četiri nalazili su se genotipovi sa najmanjim sadržajem Cd u listovima tj. najefikasniji u koriŔćenju Cd (Kalyan Sona, Partizanka i NS Rana 5). Oni bi se mogli koristiti kao roditelji u hibridizaciji na niži sadržaj Cd

    Evaluation of Spring Barley Performance by Biplot Analysis

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    Unpredictable environmental conditions lead to occurrence of large genotype by environment (G x E) interaction. It reduces the correlation between genotypic and phenotypic values and complicates selection of superior genotypes. The objective of this study was to estimate genotype by year (G x Y) interaction using AMMI model, to identify spring barley genotypes with stable and high yield performance and to observe association of different meteorological variables with tested growing seasons. The trials with 15 spring barley genotypes were conducted during seven years (1999-2005) at the location of Rimski Sancevi. The results showed that the influence of year (Y), genotype (G) and G x Y interaction on barley grain yield were significant (p lt 0.01). Meteorological variables varied significantly from year to year and Y explained the highest percent of treatment variation (81%). The first three IPCA were significant and explained 83% of interaction variation. According to this study, it could be concluded that AMMI analysis provided an enhanced understanding of G x Y interaction in barley multi-years trials. Among the tested genotypes, LAV and NS 477 could be separated as highest yielding genotypes, however LAV could be recommended for further breeding program and large-scale production due to its stable and high yielding performance. It also provided better insight in specific association between spring barley grain yield and meteorological variables

    Korelacije svojstava crnog luka pri organskom i mineralnom režimu ishrane

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    The aim of this two-year field study was to investigate the effects of different nutrient regimes on the interrelationships of onion (Allium cepa L.) yield and yield contributing characteristics (bulb weight, number of bulbs plot-1, plant height and number of days from sowing to emergence). The experiment involved five onion cultivars grown in conventional (mineral fertilization) and organic (unfertilized, bacterial fertilizer, farmyard manure) production systems. The trait associations were studied using two-dimensional biplot. The applied treatments affected all the traits investigated and those effects were stable across the growing seasons. Consistently positive correlations that have been found among yield, bulb weight, number of bulbs plot-1 and plant height imply the conclusion that taller plants perform better in all nutrient regimes. Early emergence correlated positively with yield only in favorable (mineral and bacterial fertilizer) environments. The close position of the two favorable entities on the biplot imply the possibility of achieving high and stable onion yields by applying an appropriate organic amendment.DvogodiÅ”nji poljski ogled je postavljen sa ciljem ispitivanja uticaja različitih režima ishrane na odnose između prinosa crnog luka (Allium cepa L.) i svojstava koja se dovode u vezu sa prinosom (masa lukovice, broj lukovica parceli-1, visina biljke, broj dana od setve do nicanja). U ogled je bilo uključeno pet sorti crnog luka, gajenih u konvencionalnom (mineralno đubrivo) i organskom (bez đubrenja, mikrobioloÅ”ko đubrivo, stajnjak) sistemu proizvodnje. Veze između svojstava su tumačene na osnovu dvodimenzionalnog biplota. Primenjeni tretmani su ispoljili značajan uticaj na sva proučavana svojstva i efekti ovih tretmana su bili stabilni u obe sezone. Pozitivne korelacije koje su utvrđene između prinosa, mase lukovice, broja lukovica parceli-1 i visine biljke upućuju na zaključak da biljke sa većom visinom daju bolje prinose pri svim režimima ishrane. Ranije nicanje je bilo u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa prinosom jedino pri povoljnijim (mineralno i mikrobioloÅ”ko đubrivo) režimima ishrane. Bliska pozicija ova dva režima ishrane na biplotu upućuje na zaključak da se stabilan i visok prinos crnog luka može postići primenom odgovarajućih organskih đubriva

    Assessing wheat performance using environmental information

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    The partial least squares (PLS) regression model was applied to wheat data set with objective to determining the most relevant environmental variables that explained biomass per plant and grain yield genotype x environment interaction (GEI) effects. The data set had 25 wheat genotypes (20 landraces + 5 cultivars) tested for 4 years in two different water regimes: rainfed and drought. Environmental variables such as maximum soil temperature at 5 cm in April and May, soil moisture in the top 75 cm in March, and sun hours per day in May accounted for a sizeable proportion of GEI for biomass per plant. Similar results were obtained for grain yield: maximum soil temperature at 5 cm in April, May and June, and sun hours per day in May were related to the factor that explained the largest portion (>38%) of the GEI. Generally, wheat landraces are able to better exploit environments with higher temperatures and lower water availability during vegetative growth (March-June) than cultivars
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