4 research outputs found
Morphological Characteristic of Gastrointestinal Tract of Birds with the Emphasis on Possible Diseases
Cilj rada je bio opisati probavni sustav ptica i moguće bolesti ovog sustava. Istraživanja su provedena na dvije ptice iz porodice Psittaculidae, mužjaku tigrice (M. undulatus) i ženki agaprnisa (A. personata). Utvrđeno je da obje ptice imaju sličnu građu probavnog sustava. Dobro razvijeno mišićje jezika, jednjak koji je slabo naboran i snažan mišićni želudac s debelom kutikulom ukazuje na ishranu tvrdom hranom. Probavni sustav agapornisa dug je 25,9 cm, a u tigrice 28,2 cm. Kod tigrice su utvrđene duljine pojedinih segmenata probavnog sustava: jednjak 6 cm, žljezdani želudac 0,9 cm mišićni želudac 1,5 cm, tanko crijevo 14,8 cm, debelo crijevo 5 cm. Kod agapornisa su utvrđene duljine pojedinih segmenata probavnog sustava: jednjak 4 cm, žljezdani želudac 1,4 cm, mišićni želudac 1,5 cm, tanko crijevo 14 cm, debelo crijevo 5 cm. Složenost probavnog sustava, njegova duljina u odnosu na tijelo, te karakteristike jezika, jednjaka i želuca ukazuju da obje ptice imaju probavni sustav prilagođen za prehranu biljem, prvenstveno sjemenkama.The aim of the study was to describe the digestive tract of birds and possible diseases of this system. The study was carried out on two birds from the Psittaculidae family, the male budgerigar (M. undulatus) and the female lovebird (A. personata). It was found that both birds have similar type of the digestive system. Well-developed tongue muscles, poorly folded esophagus and strong gizzard with a thick cuticle suggests a hard food diet. The digestive system of lovebird is 25.9 cm long and of budgerigar 28.2 cm long. In budgerigar, the following lengths of certain segments of the digestive system were determined: the esophagus 6 cm, the proventriculus 0.9 cm, the gizzard 1.5 cm, the small intestine 14.8 cm, the colon 5 cm. In the lovebird, the following lengths of certain segments of the digestive system were determined: 4 cm the esophagus , the proventriculus 1.4 cm, the gizzard 1.5 cm, the small intestine 14 cm, the colon 5 cm. The complexity of the digestive tract, its length in relation to the body size and the characteristics of the tongue, esophagus and stomach indicate that both birds have a digestive system adapted as herbivores primarily as granivore
Confiscating the Church property in Našice deanery, 1945-1966
U radu se prikazuje nastojanje komunističke vlasti da slabljenjem materijalnog položaja Katoličke crkve marginalizira njezin društveni utjecaj. Autori objašnjavaju zakone temeljem kojih se oduzimala imovina i raspolagalo oduzetom imovinom, detaljno opisujući njihovu primjenu na primjeru Našičkog dekanata Zagrebačke nadbiskupije, i to prema `upama u njegovom sklopu. Podaci su crpljeni iz arhivskih izvora i novi su doprinos osvjetljavanju odnosa između Katoličke crkve i vlasti u Hrvatskoj nakon 1945.The change of ownership relations, by various laws, has been conducted after World War Two in Croatia as well as in whole Yugoslavia and the aim of it was to socialize the private ownership in accordance to the communist program. That procedure particularly hit the Catholic Church, which was one of the bigger landowners,
and confiscating their property was very thorough. Political relationship between the Catholic Church and the state influenced a lot to the procedure of confiscating the property from the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia, and that relationship was tensed. In those very unfavorable circumstances, there has been conducted an agriculture reform, confiscation, expropriation and nationalization of the property of Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was especially intensively hit by the agricultural reform. Farming land was one of the most important revenues for the Catholic Church. The thorough conduction of agricultural reform with Church property has brought the Catholic Church to very hard material position and the believers to the situation to take the burden of the existence of the Church to their shoulders in the severe post war time that they lived in. By the agricultural reform which was conducted from 1945 to 1948 more than 70 % of farming land owned by the Church was taken away. Aside from the farming land, the Church has lost significant assets in terms of buildings, agricultural stocks, cattle, agriculture machinery and tools. Since after the reform, the Catholic Church was imposed with several taxes, including those for the rest of the land; many parishes were forced to give the land to the farmers, cooperatives and different organizations to use because they were not able to pay the tax. Later they had problems with returning their land into their property. That part of the land that was not taken away from Catholic Church by the agricultural reform, has been taken later by confiscation and nationalization and most of all by expropriating. Besides the fact that the property of Church was definitely taken away, no smaller problem was the temporary taking of Church real estate by means of different laws on tenancy, decisions of National Committees, and by illegal military or police actions. For years there have been trials for relocating the illegal tenants from the buildings and flats owned by the Church that were inhabited against the will of Church. Nevertheless, the material weakening of the Catholic Church, forced it to contribute more to the spiritual actions and the bigger the pressure from the authorities was, the bigger influence and respect it had with the believers. But aside from strengthening in religious sense, the Catholic Church has, in time, recovered materialistically, what caused the concern of state authorities.
The attempt of the communist authorities to disable the Catholic Church from acting by weakening their material position was based on the wrong assumption that the power of the Church is in their material wealth, and it could not succeed, because in time it became clear that the weaker the Church is in material way and the more persecuted there were, the stronger it became in the spiritual way and more approachable for people
The Presence of the nematode Ancylostoma caninum in red foxes from Medvednica Nature Park
Lisica (Vulpes vulpes) nositelj je brojnih parazita među kojima se nalazi i oblić Ancylostoma caninum. Ovaj parazit može u odgovarajućim okolnostima predstavljati i opasnost za zdravlje ljudi i domaćih životinja. Iz takvih je razloga praćenje parazitskog statusa lisica od iznimne važnosti, posebice onih koje se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini čovjeka, poput prigradskih i gradskih lisica. Tu se ubrajaju i lisice u različitim parkovima gdje je povećana aktivnost ljudi i kućnih ljubimaca te postoji i povećan rizik od međusobnog prijenosa različitih uzročnika bolesti. U ovom istraživanju prikazani su rezultati makroskopske i dodatnih pretraga probavnog sustava 28 lisica s područja Parka prirode Medvednica prikupljenih u okviru provedbe Programa zaštite divljači. Oblić A. caninum utvrđen je u 10 životinja, što čini 36 % ukupnog nalaza parazita. Usporedbom prema revirima zaštite prirode nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike. Usporedbom prema spolovima također nema statistički značajne razlike (????2 = 2,273; p = 0,131; OR = 5,50; CI (95%) = 0,51-59,01). Istraživanje je pokazalo relativno visoku učestalost ovog oblića u lisica s područja PP Medvednica.The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a potential host of numerous parasites, including the nematode Ancylostoma caninum. In certain conditions this nematode can pose a risk for the health of humans and domestic animals. This means that it is extremely important to monitor the health of wild red foxes, especially those living in suburban and urban areas, as well as in Nature and National Parks. In such areas the risk of mutual transmission of diseases between foxes, domestic animals and humans has increased. This is mainly due to increased human activity, visits by domestic animals with different parasitic status and the increased fox population. In this research, the results of macroscopic and additional analysis of the gastrointestinal system of 28 foxes are presented. Fox carcasses originated from Medvednica Nature Park and were collected within the Game Protection Program. The nematode A. caninum was found in 10 animals (36%). We did not find any statistically significant differences between different nature protection areas (????2 = 2.273; p = 0.131; OR = 5.50; CI (95%) = 0.51-59.01. We found a relatively high prevalence of this nematode in the Medvednica fox population
Morphological Characteristic of Gastrointestinal Tract of Birds with the Emphasis on Possible Diseases
Cilj rada je bio opisati probavni sustav ptica i moguće bolesti ovog sustava. Istraživanja su provedena na dvije ptice iz porodice Psittaculidae, mužjaku tigrice (M. undulatus) i ženki agaprnisa (A. personata). Utvrđeno je da obje ptice imaju sličnu građu probavnog sustava. Dobro razvijeno mišićje jezika, jednjak koji je slabo naboran i snažan mišićni želudac s debelom kutikulom ukazuje na ishranu tvrdom hranom. Probavni sustav agapornisa dug je 25,9 cm, a u tigrice 28,2 cm. Kod tigrice su utvrđene duljine pojedinih segmenata probavnog sustava: jednjak 6 cm, žljezdani želudac 0,9 cm mišićni želudac 1,5 cm, tanko crijevo 14,8 cm, debelo crijevo 5 cm. Kod agapornisa su utvrđene duljine pojedinih segmenata probavnog sustava: jednjak 4 cm, žljezdani želudac 1,4 cm, mišićni želudac 1,5 cm, tanko crijevo 14 cm, debelo crijevo 5 cm. Složenost probavnog sustava, njegova duljina u odnosu na tijelo, te karakteristike jezika, jednjaka i želuca ukazuju da obje ptice imaju probavni sustav prilagođen za prehranu biljem, prvenstveno sjemenkama.The aim of the study was to describe the digestive tract of birds and possible diseases of this system. The study was carried out on two birds from the Psittaculidae family, the male budgerigar (M. undulatus) and the female lovebird (A. personata). It was found that both birds have similar type of the digestive system. Well-developed tongue muscles, poorly folded esophagus and strong gizzard with a thick cuticle suggests a hard food diet. The digestive system of lovebird is 25.9 cm long and of budgerigar 28.2 cm long. In budgerigar, the following lengths of certain segments of the digestive system were determined: the esophagus 6 cm, the proventriculus 0.9 cm, the gizzard 1.5 cm, the small intestine 14.8 cm, the colon 5 cm. In the lovebird, the following lengths of certain segments of the digestive system were determined: 4 cm the esophagus , the proventriculus 1.4 cm, the gizzard 1.5 cm, the small intestine 14 cm, the colon 5 cm. The complexity of the digestive tract, its length in relation to the body size and the characteristics of the tongue, esophagus and stomach indicate that both birds have a digestive system adapted as herbivores primarily as granivore