13 research outputs found

    The aesthetic value of the golden ratio and rhythm of the photographs

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    The study analyzes the aesthetic value of rhythm of the photos as opposed to the form in which the rhythm is subjected. With the method of experimental aesthetics, the visual aesthetics experiment is conducted in which the tested quality of the different forms of proportional rhythm due to the shape and length of the interval as a part of the rhythmic matrix. The experimental part consisted of an assessment of visual quality of the 5 photos containing different variations of proportional rate. On all the photographs the rhythm is constituted of cigarettes situated on the surface of the old concrete. Spacing between cigarettes and interval length is successively reduced to accurately defined proportions. In one photograph, the relations between the neighboring intervals are in line with the ratio of the golden section. The experiment involved 32 subjects who had the task of assessing the level of the aesthetic qualities of rhythm on the Likert scale from 1 to 5 where the grades cannot be repeated. Measurement of the quality of a particular form of rhythm is defined as the arithmetic mean score of all respondents. The highest mean is given to the test image with uniform rhythm when the second place is reserved for a photograph whose rhythm is aligned with the golden section. Conducted analysis of repeated measures ANOVA showed that the obtained arithmetic means differ significantly (F = 3.430, p = 0.011) with a significance level of p 0.05)

    Aesthetic Value of Mirror Symmetry in Graphic Design

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    The primary goal of graphic design as a form of “commercial art” is to create a stronger aesthetic impression on graphic product users. In order to achieve better aesthetic quality, designers use mathematical compositional rules such as golden ratio or symmetry. This paper contains extensive discussion of the possibilities offered by different types of symmetry in graphic design. Moreover, in this paper we present the research results based on the method of experimental aesthetics and evaluated estimations of the survey participants on aesthetic value of the mirror symmetric form. For this purpose, four original test samples were designed, which were ranked by the respondents using the Liekert scale, according to their own aesthetic significance. Non-parametric Friedman’s ANOVA and Wilcoxon tests were used to identify pairs of arithmetic means of ranks that statistically differ significantly (p <0.05). It was found that respondents considered that the highest quality test pattern was the one whose form was fully aligned with the mirror symmetry, thereby experimentally verifying the aesthetic value of the mirror symmetry

    Technical Aspects of Web Photography as a Medium of Tourism Development

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    Information and communication technology is an important factor for national, regional and local sustainable tourism development according to the long-term Croatian national strategic plan. New forms of information, such as web sites; new media, materials, political and social change, all influence tourists’ decisions when choosing specific destinations. The aim of this research is to determine, based on the analysis of the tourism media campaign, the relationship between new communication trends and the application of photography as a medium that influences the experience when choosing a destination and the importance of crucial information factors on web pages based on their technical and visual characteristics

    Realization of HDR photographs with Hi Fi DOD bubble jet printing on the optimal substrate for printing

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    U radu se analizira stvaranje fotografije širokog dinamičkog raspona (HDR fotografije) kroz sve faze digitalnog fotografskog sustava. Kao glavno ograničenje u stvaranju HDR fotografija ističe se faza realizacije, posebno ispisa digitalnog zapisa fotografije. DOD ink jet ispis predstavlja jednu od dominantnih tehnika ispisa digitalnog zapisa fotografije, pogotovo kod velikoformatnih galerijskih fotografija. U eksperimentalnom se dijelu rada ispituje utjecaj povećanja broja boja ispisa DOD bubble jet ispisom na podlogu s odgovarajućim receptorskim slojem na dinamički raspon ispisa. Ispitivanja su provedena na CMYK i Hi Fi ispisu na temelju definiranja maksimalnih gustoća obojenja, optičkih pokrivenosti, prijenosnih krivulja i dijagrama kromatičnosti. Rezultati upućuju na povećanje dinamičkog raspona ispisa povećanjem broja boja, ali i na činjenicu da je tako postignut dinamički raspon bitno manji od potencijalnog raspona snimane scene i ljudskog vida.In this paper creation of the photographs with a wide dynamic range (HDR photographs) is analysed through all the stages of digital photographic system. As a major constraint in creating HDR photographs the realization phase stands out, particularly the phase of the digital print of photographs. DOD ink jet printing is one of the dominant techniques for printing digital photographs, especially for large-sized photographs for galleries. In the experimental part of the paper the impact of increased number of inks for DOD bubble jet printing on the surface with the appropriate receptor layer on the dynamic range of the print is examined. Tests in CMYK and Hi-Fi printing based on the defining of maximum densities, optical coverage, transmission curves and chromaticity diagrams were conducted. The results suggest an increase in dynamic range of the prints by increased number of printing inks, but also the fact that the dynamic range achieved in that way is significantly smaller than the potential dynamic range of photographed scene and human vision

    The effect of expansion and simultaneous contrast in modificated figural dotted and groundal dotted illusions

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    Pojavnost boje uvjetovana je raznim parametrima i uvjetima promatranja. Takav fenomen predstavlja izazov u suvremenim sustavima vizualnih komunikacija koji se svakodnevno unapređuju novim spoznajama vezanim uz istraživanje pojedinih psihofizikalnih efekata. Jedni od takovih efekata su i psihofizikalni efekti proširivanja i simultanog kontrasta.U radu je provedeno istraživanje utjecaja navedenih efekata koji izazivaju pomak pojavnosti boje (različite kombinacije primarnih boja aditivne i suptraktivne sinteze) stimulusa na testnim uzorcima baziranim na Whiteovim iluzijama (groundal dotted i figural dotted illuzije) primjenom vizualne tehnike metode ugađanja.The appearance of colour is based on different parameters and observation conditions. Taking into account that the research of certain visual psychophysical effects is updated daily, such a phenomenon presents a challenge for researchers of modern visual communication systems. Effects of psychophysical expansion and simultaneous contrast belong to this group. This paper researches the influence of those effects using method of visual tuning. Those effects cause the shifting of colour appearance of stimuli (different combinations of primary and secondary colours) on test samples. Test samples are based on White’s illusions (groundal dotted illusion and figural dotted illusion)

    Realization of HDR photographs with Hi Fi DOD bubble jet printing on the optimal substrate for printing

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    U radu se analizira stvaranje fotografije širokog dinamičkog raspona (HDR fotografije) kroz sve faze digitalnog fotografskog sustava. Kao glavno ograničenje u stvaranju HDR fotografija ističe se faza realizacije, posebno ispisa digitalnog zapisa fotografije. DOD ink jet ispis predstavlja jednu od dominantnih tehnika ispisa digitalnog zapisa fotografije, pogotovo kod velikoformatnih galerijskih fotografija. U eksperimentalnom se dijelu rada ispituje utjecaj povećanja broja boja ispisa DOD bubble jet ispisom na podlogu s odgovarajućim receptorskim slojem na dinamički raspon ispisa. Ispitivanja su provedena na CMYK i Hi Fi ispisu na temelju definiranja maksimalnih gustoća obojenja, optičkih pokrivenosti, prijenosnih krivulja i dijagrama kromatičnosti. Rezultati upućuju na povećanje dinamičkog raspona ispisa povećanjem broja boja, ali i na činjenicu da je tako postignut dinamički raspon bitno manji od potencijalnog raspona snimane scene i ljudskog vida.In this paper creation of the photographs with a wide dynamic range (HDR photographs) is analysed through all the stages of digital photographic system. As a major constraint in creating HDR photographs the realization phase stands out, particularly the phase of the digital print of photographs. DOD ink jet printing is one of the dominant techniques for printing digital photographs, especially for large-sized photographs for galleries. In the experimental part of the paper the impact of increased number of inks for DOD bubble jet printing on the surface with the appropriate receptor layer on the dynamic range of the print is examined. Tests in CMYK and Hi-Fi printing based on the defining of maximum densities, optical coverage, transmission curves and chromaticity diagrams were conducted. The results suggest an increase in dynamic range of the prints by increased number of printing inks, but also the fact that the dynamic range achieved in that way is significantly smaller than the potential dynamic range of photographed scene and human vision

    Impact of JPEG-WebP conversion on the characteristics of the photographic image

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    JPG je danas najčešći oblik zapisa u digitalnoj fotografiji. Godine 2010. Google je predstavio WebP kao novi optimalni format za prezentiranje fotografije u web okruženju te je pretvaranje JPEG u WebP zapis u Gmail, Picasa i Chrome aplikacijama od 2013. automatsko i nije više opcionalno. U radu se analiziraju promjene boja i oštrina crteža koje nastaju pri pretvorbi JPEG zapisa u WebP zapis. Rezultati ukazuju na promjene u bojama i oštrini crteža koji su posljedica pretvorbe JPEG zapisa u WebP zapis koji mogu utjecati na tehničke, semantičke i sintaktičke karakteristike fotografija.JPG is the most common format in digital photography today. In 2010 Google introduced WebP as the new optimal format for presenting photographs in the web environment, and the conversion of JPEG to WebP in Gmail, Picasa and Chrome services from 2013 is automatic and no more optional. Changes in colours and drawing sharpness of the image that occur in the JPEG - WebP conversion are analysed in the paper. The results point out changes in colours and the drawing sharpness of the image which are the outcomes of the JPG - WebP conversion and which can affect the technical, semantic and syntactic features of the photographs

    Hrvatska tehnička i industrijska baština na području tiska

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    Počevši od kraja petnaestog stoljeća tisak je prisutan na tlu današ- nje Hrvatske. Započinje visokim tiskom, nastavlja se paralelno dubokim ti- skam uz stalnu prisutnost sitotiska. Početkom dvadesetog stoljeća u hrvatske tiskare, kao i u ostali svijet ulazi ofsetna litografija. Razvitak svjetske tehnolo- gije u Hrvatskoj se stalno vrlo uspješno prati. Organizacijski to se također ostvaruje osnivanjima grafičkog sindikata i stručnih udruženja tiskara. Pritom se ne zaboravlja najvažnije, a to je edukacija koja omogućava uspješan rad. Pred Hrvatskim tiskarstvom je dobra budućnost uz tehnološki razvoj kakav odgovara europskoj nevelikoj zemlji

    Studija sustava digitalne portretne fotografije

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    U radu je opisan i analiziran sustav digitalne portretne fotografije. Prikazan je tehnièki i stilski razvoj portretne fotografije od poèetaka fotografije sredinom 19. stoljeæa do dana�njih dana. Teoretski i kroz snimljene primjere analizirani su razlièiti pristupi portretnoj fotografiji te sintaksa portretne fotografije. Teoretski i kroz snimljene primjere (portretne fotografije) prikazan je i analiziran i sustav digitalne fotografije kroz njegove faze - snimanje, obradu i realizaciju ispisom. U eksperimentalnom je dijelu mjerno i vizualno analiziran utjecaj pojedinih faza sustava na elemente portretne fotografije te, do�ivljajno, odstupanja od portreta realiziranih �klasiènim� fotografskim sustavima. Analizirana je promjena boja (kolor portretna fotografija) i tonova (crno-bijela portretna fotografija) ko�e kroz snimanje uz razlièita portretna osvjetljenja i osjetljivosti, obradom i ispisom dominantnim tehnikama ispisa digitalne fotografije te utjecaj na kvalitetu slike primjenom sustava stabilizacije slike i odabirom formata, rezolucije, formata i finoæe zapisa. Teoretskom i eksperimentalnom analizom sustava digitalne portretne fotografije se ukazuje na moguænosti optimalizacije sustava te na optimalna rje�enja, odabire i kombinacije kroz pojedine faze sustava

    Effect of the changes in the RGB digital image channel on the perception of fashion photography while retaining its iconicity

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    Značenje modne fotografije je tehnički vezano uz njenu reproducibilnost dok je semantički u prvom redu posljedica toga što se ona kao medij doživljava visokoikonički. Kako kod modnih fotografija s prikazom lica konzumenti fotografiju doživljavaju kao portretnu, potencijalno je moguće ciljano provesti modifikacije boja lica unutar granica prihvatljivosti da bi se utjecalo na doživljaj fotografije, a da se ona i dalje doživljava kao visokoikonička. U eksperimentalnom je dijelu rada snimljena testna portretna fotografija realizirana uz promjene kanala za +/- 3 i 6 % te su definirana polja standarnih boja kože mijenjana na isti način i za koja su određene razlike boja. Fotografije je anketno ocijenilo 100 ispitanika. Temeljem ispitivanja je zaključeno da se promjenama R, G, B kanala portretne fotografije, unutar granica prihvatljivosti reprodukcije boja kože, može utjecati na percepciju uz zadržavanje visokoikoničkog karaktera. Optimalnom se pokazala regulacija efekta crvenim kanalom u fazi obrade digitalnog zapisa fotografije.The significance of fashion photography is in technical terms related to its reproducibility, while semantically it primarily results from the fact that it is a medium perceived as highy iconic. Since consumers perceive fashion photographies displaying a model’s face as a portrait, it is possible to make acceptable modifications of skin colours so as to affect the perception of photography while still retaining its iconicity. In the experimental part of the paper a test portrait photography was made by altering the channels by +/- 3 and 6 %, and standard skin colour areas, altered in the same manner, were determined and their colour differences defined. Photographies were assessed in a survey by 100 participants. The survey showed that the perception of the photography can be influenced by making acceptable changes in the RGB channel of the portrait photography while retaining its high level of iconicity. Regulation of the effect by means of the red channel in the phase of digital image processing was proven optimum