145 research outputs found

    Coherent control of nuclear spin isomers of molecules: The role of molecular motion

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    Molecular center-of-mass motion is taken into account in the theory of coherent control of nuclear spin isomers of molecules. It is shown that infrared radiation resonant to the molecular rovibrational transition can substantially enrich nuclear spin isomers and speed up their conversion rate.Comment: REVTEX, 13 pages + 3 eps figure


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    The aim of the present study was identifying of molecular and genetic changes in hemaglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA) and non-structure protein (NS1) genes of pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 strains, that circulated in Ukraine during 2015-2016 epidemic season. Samples (nasopharyngeal swabs from patients) were analyzed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR). Phylogenetic trees were constructed using MEGA 7 software. 3D structures were constructed in Chimera 1.11.2rc software.Viruses were collected in 2015-2016 season fell into genetic group 6B and in two emerging subgroups, 6B.1 and 6B.2 by gene of HA and NA. Subgroups 6B.1 and 6B.2 are defined by the following amino acid substitutions. In the NS1 protein were identified new amino acid substitutions D2E, N48S, and E125D in 2015-2016 epidemic season. Specific changes were observed in HA protein antigenic sites, but viruses saved similarity to vaccine strain. NS1 protein acquired substitution associated with increased virulence of the influenza virus

    The selection pressure on the neuraminidase gene of influenza viruses isolated in Ukraine from 2009 to 2015

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    A broad range of naturally occurring antigenic variants of the influenza virus is caused by its rapid evolutionary variability. The survival of viable influenza virus variants occurs through natural selection. The treatment of influenza infection with modern antiviral drugs – neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors – leads to the occurrence of mutations in the NA gene, which thereby result in the emergence of virus resistance to these drugs. The goal of this study was to determine the selection pressure on the NA protein of influenza viruses isolated in Ukraine from 2009 to 2015. The main method for assessing the selection pressure on proteins is to quantify the ratio of substitution rates at nonsynonymous (dN) and synonymous (dS) sites. With the help of this method, we showed that only a few codons in the NA gene were under positive selection resulting in mutations at the following sites: for influenza A viruses of the A(H1N1)pdm09 subtype – site 40, for viruses of the A(H3N2) subtype – sites 93 and 402, for Influenza B viruses of the B/Yamagata lineage – sites 74, 99, and 268, and for the viruses of the B/Victoria lineage – sites 358, 288, and 455. These sites are not associated with the NA active site, transmembrane domain, or the antigenic sites of this protein. We concluded that NA inhibitors are not a significant factor in the process of selection of the influenza viruses in Ukraine because the sites associated with the resistance of influenza viruses to NA inhibitors were not affected by positive selection. This finding could be explained by the limited use of NA inhibitors for the treatment of influenza infections in Ukraine. A broad range of naturally occurring antigenic variants of the influenza virus is caused by its rapid evolutionary variability. The survival of viable influenza virus variants occurs through natural selection. The treatment of influenza infection with modern antiviral drugs – neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors – leads to the occurrence of mutations in the NA gene, which thereby result in the emergence of virus resistance to these drugs. The goal of this study was to determine the selection pressure on the NA protein of influenza viruses isolated in Ukraine from 2009 to 2015. The main method for assessing the selection pressure on proteins is to quantify the ratio of substitution rates at nonsynonymous (dN) and synonymous (dS) sites. With the help of this method, we showed that only a few codons in the NA gene were under positive selection resulting in mutations at the following sites: for influenza A viruses of the A(H1N1)pdm09 subtype – site 40, for viruses of the A(H3N2) subtype – sites 93 and 402, for Influenza B viruses of the B/Yamagata lineage – sites 74, 99, and 268, and for the viruses of the B/Victoria lineage – sites 358, 288, and 455. These sites are not associated with the NA active site, transmembrane domain, or the antigenic sites of this protein. We concluded that NA inhibitors are not a significant factor in the process of selection of the influenza viruses in Ukraine because the sites associated with the resistance of influenza viruses to NA inhibitors were not affected by positive selection. This finding could be explained by the limited use of NA inhibitors for the treatment of influenza infections in Ukraine.


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    The article is devoted to the study of activity of lipid peroxidation processes and their influence on oxygen-transport properties of hemoglobin in erythrocytes of peripheral blood of pregnant women with cytomegalovirus infection. Activation of lipid peroxidation processes in pregnant women with cytomegalovirus infection determined by the contents of TBA-active products is accompanied by accumulation of cytotoxic factors - arachidonic acid (1 trimester - up by 31 %, 11 trimester - up by 68 %, 111 trimester - up by 41 %) and lysophosphatidylcholine (1 trimester - up by 85 %, 11 trimester - up by 55 %, 111 trimester - up by 13 %), causes disorders of oxygen-transport properties of hemoglobin in erythrocytes (decrease of total erythrocytes and hemoglobin count), more than double increase of indices of thermolabile hemoglobin at slight decrease of oxyhemoglobin, increase of methemoglobin (1 trimester - up by 60 %, 11 trimester - up by 25 %, 111 trimester - up by 16 %, in comparison with control), that causes decrease of transportation and delivery of oxygen to the tissues and can be the reason of hypoxia

    Provision for Sanitary Epidemiological Welfare of the Population of the Jewish Autonomous Region during High Water and Post-Flooding Period

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    Put forward was operational protocol as regards Rospotrebnadzor institutions policies in the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region for the prevention of epidemiological implications during the post-flooding period in reference to infectious diseases. Carried out were control measures over infection morbidity rate, drinking water quality, disinfection of water supply sources, as well as sewage systems. Actions undertaken made it possible to prevent cluster cases of infectious diseases both in the flooded areas and at the temporal accommodation sites; to provide control over acute intestinal and natural-focal disease incidence, keeping it to the level of long-term average annual indexes; and to supply the population with drinking water of high quality

    LKB1/KRAS mutant lung cancers constitute a genetic subset of NSCLC with increased sensitivity to MAPK and mTOR signalling inhibition

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    LKB1/STK11 is a multitasking tumour suppressor kinase. Germline inactivating mutations of the gene are responsible for the Peutz-Jeghers hereditary cancer syndrome. It is also somatically inactivated in approximately 30% of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Here, we report that LKB1/KRAS mutant NSCLC cell lines are sensitive to the MEK inhibitor CI-1040 shown by a dose-dependent reduction in proliferation rate, whereas LKB1 and KRAS mutations alone do not confer similar sensitivity. We show that this subset of NSCLC is also sensitised to the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin. Importantly, the data suggest that LKB1/KRAS mutant NSCLCs are a genetically and functionally distinct subset and further suggest that this subset of lung cancers might afford an opportunity for exploitation of anti-MAPK/mTOR-targeted therapies

    Test of the RF system for damping ring

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    RF system for VEPP-5 damping ring is described. The system consists of RF power supply, waveguide section, and 700 MHz cavity. Results of computer simulations and measurements of HOM spectrum and damping efficiency are presented together with the results of cavity testing at operating power level

    Сравнительный анализ динамики внутриглазного давления после факоэмульсификации с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы в глазах с первичной глаукомой

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    PURPOSE. To conduct a comparative analysis of changes in intraocular pressure (IOP) after cataract phacoemulsification with implantation of intraocular lens (IOL) in comorbidity with primary open-angle (POAG) and primary closed-angle glaucoma (PACG).METHODS. The study analyzed the dynamics of IOP changes after cataract phacoemulsification in 65 patients (89 eyes) with comorbid PACG and 46 patients (58 eyes) with comorbid POAG, aged 50 to 92 years. Thirty-five (53.85%) patients with POAG had history of glaucoma surgery, and 12 (20.69%) patients with PACG had been treated with laser iridectomy. The disease was in the initial stage in 14.6% of POAG patients and 5.15% of PACG patients; moderate stage — in 55.05% and 47.19%, respectively; advanced stage — in 30.34% and 24.14%. Intraocular pressure in POAG was compensated in 84.5% and subcompensated in 15.5% of patients; in PACG it was compensated in 77.6%, subcompensated in 12.6%, and uncompensated in 10.4% of patients. Compensation of IOP was achieved either by previous surgeries, or application of local antihypertensive medications. Patients with subcompensated and elevated IOP received the maximum possible amount of hypotensive medications. The follow-up period ranged from 1 month to 2 years.RESULTS. Patients were divided into three groups according to postoperative IOP levels: the first group with IOP equal to preoperative level, the second group — with IOP below the initial level, and the third group with IOP above the initial level. The IOP levels were consistent with preoperative values at all follow-up periods in most of study patients, and after 2 years their portion exceeded 70%, while in POAG it was somewhat higher than in PACG (77.42% against 71.43%). The IOP below the preoperative level was observed in eyes with initial and moderate open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma, with the amount decreasing with longer follow-up (from 63.16% at 3 months to 16.13% after 2 years in POAG, and from 62.74% to 19.04% in PACG). In the early postoperative period, number of POAG and PACG patients in this group was comparable, but after 8 months it included more PACG patients. Elevation of IOP in both forms of glaucoma was most often observed in faradvanced stage in the early post-op period after phacoemulsification, subsequently their number decreased and by two years it decreased by almost twice (6.45% vs. 11.84% in POAG and 9.53% vs. 15.69% in PACG). During the entire follow-up period, the number of patients with ophthalmic hypertension in PACG was 30% higher than in POAG.CONCLUSION. The study showed that in most cases phacoemulsification has a stabilizing effect in patients with cataracts in combination with glaucoma. The hypotensive effect of the operation was observed in initial and advanced stages of glaucoma, when the drainage system of the eye was still preserved, and in the long term it was observed in a larger percentage of cases in angle-closure glaucoma compared to open-angle glaucoma. An increase in intraocular pressure relative to the preoperative level was observed in advanced glaucoma throughout the entire follow-up period, and the number of patients with angleclosure glaucoma was one-third higher than the number of patients with open-angle glaucoma. The obtained ambiguous results of intraocular pressure measurements after phacoemulsification of cataract with implantation of IOL in combination with various forms of glaucoma dictate the need for further study of this problem.ЦЕЛЬ. Провести сравнительный анализ изменений внутриглазного давления (ВГД) после факоэмульсификации катаракты (ФЭК) с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы (ИОЛ) при сочетании катаракты с первичной открытоугольной (ПОУГ) и первичной закрытоугольной глаукомой (ПЗУГ).МЕТОДЫ. Изучены изменения ВГД после ФЭК с имплантацией ИОЛ у 65 пациентов (89 глаз) с катарактой в сочетании с ПОУГ и у 46 пациентов (58 глаз) с катарактой в сочетании с ПЗУГ. У 35 (53,85%) пациентов с ПОУГ ранее была выполнена антиглаукоматозная операция, у 12 (20,69%) пациентов с ПЗУГ — лазерная иридэктомия. Начальная стадия ПОУГ диагностирована в 14,6%, ПЗУГ — в 5,17%; развитая — в 55,06 и 47,19% соответственно; далекозашедшая — в 30,34 и 24,14% случаев. ВГД при ПОУГ было компенсировано в 84,5% и субкомпенсировано в 15,5%; при ПЗУГ — компенсировано в 77,59%, субкомпенсировано — в 12,07% и некомпенсировано — в 10,34%. Компенсация ВГД была достигнута ранее проведенными оперативными вмешательствами или применением местных гипотензивных препаратов. Пациенты с субкомпенсированным и высоким давлением находились на максимальном гипотензивном режиме. Период наблюдения — от 1 месяца до 2 лет.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. По состоянию ВГД после операции больные были разделены на три группы: ВГД равно дооперационному уровню, ВГД ниже исходного уровня и ВГД выше исходного уровня. У большинства пациентов во все сроки наблюдения после ФЭК ВГД соответствовало дооперационному уровню и через 2 года число этих случаев составляло более 70% обследованных глаз, причем при ПОУГ (77,42%) несколько превышало данные при ПЗУГ (71,43%). Офтальмотонус ниже дооперационного уровня отмечался при начальной и развитой стадиях ПОУГ и ПЗУГ, и количество этих пациентов уменьшалось при увеличении сроков наблюдения (от 63,16% через 3 месяца после операции до 16,13% через 2 года при ПОУГ и от 62,74% до 19,04% — при ПЗУГ). В ранние сроки после операции в этой группе число пациентов с ПОУГ и ПЗУГ было сопоставимо, а после 8 месяцев преобладали пациенты с ПЗУГ. Повышение офтальмотонуса при обеих формах глаукомы чаще всего наблюдалось в далекозашедшей стадии в ранние сроки, а в последующем их количество снижалось и к 2 годам уменьшалось практически вдвое (6,45% через 2 года против 11,84% — через 3 месяца при ПОУГ и 9,53% через 2 года против 15,69% через 3 мес. при ПЗУГ). В течение всего периода наблюдения количество пациентов с офтальмогипертензией при ПЗУГ практически на треть превышало аналогичные данные при ПОУГ.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. В результате проведенного исследования можно сделать вывод, что в большинстве случаев ФЭК с имплантацией ИОЛ у больных с катарактой в сочетании с ПОУГ и ПЗУГ оказывает стабилизирующий эффект. Гипотензивное действие операции отмечалось при начальной и развитой стадиях глаукомы, когда еще сохранена дренажная система глаза, причем в отдаленные сроки после операции снижение ВГД в большем проценте случаев наблюдалось при ПЗУГ по сравнению с ПОУГ. Повышение ВГД относительно дооперационного уровня при обеих формах глаукомы выявлялось при далекозашедшей стадии на протяжении всего периода наблюдения, и количество пациентов с ПЗУГ практически на треть превышало число пациентов с ПОУГ. Полученные неоднозначные изменения ВГД после ФЭК с имплантацией ИОЛ при катаракте в сочетании с различными формами глаукомы диктуют необходимость дальнейшего изучения данной проблемы

    Epidemiological Features of Enterovirus Infection during Flood on the Territory of Jewish Autonomous Region

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    Long-term manifestations of epidemiological process of enterovirus infection in the Jewish Autonomous Region were similar to those in the Khabarovsk Territory, though with a lower intensity. After establishment of emergency situation regime, in view of the rainfall flooding in 2013, enterovirus morbidity rate had been increasing within three weeks duration, then started to fall rapidly. Clustered cases of enterovirus infection were not registered. Viral serous meningitis ratio was insignificant as minor forms of the disease prevailed; coxsackie virus A-9 and echovirus-6 dominated. During the flood period isolated from samples of patients with minor forms of enteroviral disease were three enterovirus strains, type 71, sub-genotype C4a, possessing a high degree of genetic similarity to the Chinese ones, 2010-2011. All in all impact of the natural disaster on the epidemiological situation on enteroviral infection in the Jewish Autonomous Region turned to be insignificant