9 research outputs found

    Regulatory T cells promote myelin regeneration in the central nervous system

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    Regeneration of CNS myelin involves differentiation of oligodendrocytes from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. In multiple sclerosis, remyelination can fail despite abundant oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, suggesting impairment of oligodendrocyte differentiation. T cells infiltrate the CNS in multiple sclerosis, yet little is known about T cell functions in remyelination. We report that regulatory T cells (Treg_{reg}) promote oligodendrocyte differentiation and (re)myelination. Treg_{reg}-deficient mice exhibited substantially impaired remyelination and oligodendrocyte differentiation, which was rescued by adoptive transfer of Treg_{reg}. In brain slice cultures, Treg_{reg} accelerated developmental myelination and remyelination, even in the absence of overt inflammation. Treg_{reg} directly promoted oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation and myelination in vitro. We identified CCN3 as a Treg_{reg}-derived mediator of oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination in vitro. These findings reveal a new regenerative function of Treg_{reg} in the CNS, distinct from immunomodulation. Although the cells were originally named 'Treg_{reg}' to reflect immunoregulatory roles, this also captures emerging, regenerative Treg_{reg} functions.This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/J01026X/1 and BB/N003721/1, to D.C.F.), The Leverhulme Trust (ECF-2014-390, to Y.D.), QUB (QUB - Lucy McGuigan Bequest, to D.C.F.), The UK Multiple Sclerosis Society (941 and 50, to R.J.M.F. and C.Z.), MRC UK Regenerative Medicine platform (MR/KO26666/1, to A.C.W.), University of Edinburgh Wellcome Trust Multi User Equipment Grant (WT104915MA, to A.C.W.), by a core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (097922/Z/11/Z to R.J.M.F.), studentship support from Dept. for the Economy (Northern Ireland) and British Pathological Society, US National Multiple Sclerosis Society (RG5203A4, to J.R.C.), NIH/NINDS (NS095889, to J.R.C.), NIH/NIGMS IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellowship (K12GM081266, to S.R.M.) and Wellcome Trust (110138/Z/15/Z, to D.C.F.)


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    Hepatoblastomul este cea mai frecventă tumoră malignă hepatică la copil, reprezentând 1-2% din totalul cancerelor copilului. Prognosticul rămâne rezervat la pacienţii cu reziduu tumoral postoperator iniţial chiar în condiţiile chimioterapiei intensifi cate. În hepatoblastom alfa fetoproteina (AFP) este un excelent marker pentru monitorizarea răspunsului la tratament, progresia sau recurenţa afecţiunii (deşi foarte rar afecţiunea poate să recadă ca tumoră non-secretantă cu toate că iniţial a fost secretantă). Studiile internaţionale arată că atât nivelurile foarte mici, cât şi cele foarte mari ale AFP sunt asociate cu prognosticul nefavorabil al afecţiunii. Hepatoblastomul se poate asocia cu o serie de manifestări non-metastatice (sindroame paraneoplazice), cum ar fi sinteza ectopică de gonadotrofi nă corionică umană (HCG). Prezentăm cazul unui copil de sex masculin, în vârstă de 3 ani, cu o formaţiune tumorală gigantă la nivel hepatic (examinare CT). Determinarea AFP plasmatică a relevat valori foarte mari, peste 121000 ng/ml (N<7,0), stabilindu-se diagnosticul de Hepatoblastom stadiu III. În urma examenului endocrinologic, în condiţiile unui hepatoblastom la un băiat cu semne pubertare precoce s-au determinat HCG plasmatic şi testosteronul plasmatic cu valori mult peste limita normală; ecografi a testiculară a descris testiculi cu volum crescut iar radiografi a de pumn a constatat o dezvoltare osoasă corespunzătoare vârstei de 6 ani. Se obiectivează astfel una dintre cele mai rare manifestări paraneoplazice la copil, pseudopubertatea precoce izosexuală la un caz de hepatoblastom


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    Introducere. Deşi liposarcomul de ţesuturi moi este o tumoră frecventă, liposarcomul primar osos este foarte rar, fi ind localizat în special în oasele lungi. Material şi metodă. Prezentăm cazul unei paciente în vârstă de 14 ani, spitalizată în Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „Sfânta Maria“ din Iaşi pentru durere, impotenţă funcţională şi tumefacţia bratului drept, simptome ce au debutat cu 24 de ore anterior internării, ca urmare a unui traumatism prin cădere al braţului drept. Radiografi a osoasă a evidenţiat o masă tumorală în porţiunea proximală a humerusului, asociată cu o fractură patologică. Rezultate. S-a realizat o biopsie la nivelul tumorii, iar analiza anatomopatologică (histologică şi imunochimică) a documentat proliferare liposarcomatoasă malignă. Concluzie. Diagnosticul anatomopatologic fi nal, corelat cu examenul fi zic, care a exclus posibilitatea unei metastaze osoase liposarcomatoase, a fost aceea de liposarcom primar osos. Particularitatea cazului: tumoră foarte rară, cu prezentare iniţială de fractură osoasă patologică. În stabilirea diagnosticului de liposarcom osos primar, trebuie exclusă posibilitatea unei metastaze de la un liposarcom cu localizare iniţială extraosoasă, ca şi pe cea a unui alt tip de tumoră osoasă primară. Prognosticul pare a fi mai favorabil decât cel al osteosarcomului, dar liposarcomul prezintă o rată mai mare de recurenţe locale şi diseminări sistemice

    Cancer care in Romania: challenges and pitfalls of children's and adolescents' multifaceted involvement

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    Communication about diagnosis and medical treatment for children suffering from life-threatening illnesses is complex. It is a primary step in involving underage patients and families in care and lays the foundation for obtaining parental permission and patient assent for treatment. In practice child participation in care is often difficult to obtain due to patients' different and sometimes fluctuating preferences, but also parents' protective strategies. Physicians may be susceptible to parental wishes to limit information and feel uncomfortable discussing issues related to uncertainty of cure with patients. A qualitative study in Romanian paediatric oncology units was conducted to explore children's involvement from the perspectives of parents and oncologists. Interviews with participants discussed 18 patient cases. Data were transcribed and thematic analysis was used to interpret and mine patients' involvement during treatment. Different facets of patient participation were identified: restricting, widening and enhancing involvement. A fourth category, unintentional involvement, occurred for all patients due to children's observations during long-term hospitalisations and access to Internet. Uncertainty overarched parental attitudes regarding the extent to which children should be included. Physicians usually complied with parental wishes to limit involvement, but together with parents involved patients at least in a practical way. Adults' protective attitude may backfire, as adolescents' online searches often expose patients to worse-case scenarios. Further research should acknowledge the hazards of restricted diagnosis disclosure and develop clinician tools to support families in communicating with patients. This should be paralleled by physician efforts to elicit patients' needs regarding participation

    Identification of six new susceptibility loci for invasive epithelial ovarian cancer.

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