18 research outputs found

    Dependence of the Coefficient of Efficiency of the Patient on the Parameters of the System of Medical Care of the Population for the Diffusion-nonmonotonic Law of TIME Distribution Between Diseases

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    The graphs of the dependence of the coefficient of performance on the scale and form of the diffusion-nonmonotonic law of time distribution between diseases, periodicity and time of recovery of work capacity, the probability of patient's referral for medical assistance, the reliability of the diagnosis of the disease in the clinic and the hospital are given. Given the complexity of the analytical dependence of the coefficient of performance on these parameters in the work, a numerical method of calculations was used

    Selection of Effective Filter Respirators. Challenges and Opportunities

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    The aim of this paper is to reveal the possibilities to ensure the choice of quality filter respirator that meets the working conditions and anthropometric parameters of user. It is established that the critical issues to ensure reliable protection of user during the performance of professional activities with the use of devices of individual protection of respiratory organs, which are not disclosed (not reflected) by the relevant regulations, the procedure of risk assessment, based on work conditions, verification of compliance of the filter respirator half-mask to anthropometric parameters of user's face, taking into account the duration of filters protective action. It is shown that according to the normative acts of the organization for the assessment of the risks of occupational diseases both in the choice and operation of filter respirators is the responsibility of the employer, and the monitoring of faithful implementation of the recommendations on the effective use of filter respirators must be carried out by the departments of labor protection of the enterprise. It is proposed to assess risks of occupational diseases during the selection and operation of the filtering respirators one of the methods in accordance with the requirements of DSTU IEC/ISO 31010:2013. The recommendations on elimination of possible mistakes during this process to reduce the risk of occupational disease are provided. The new classification of filtering means of individual protection of respiratory organs was developed, which allows carrying out selection taking into account the peculiarities of conditions of work. It is shown that by using thermography of obturate band of filter respirator half mask, you can set it according to anthropometric parameters of the userʼs face. It is recommended that you replace the filters or on the basis of calculation of term of protective action under the conditions or by using filters with active/passive indicators

    The Feasibility Study of Condition-based Maintenance of Aerial Vehicle with Diffusive-monotonous Distribution of Their Failures

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    The article represents the estimation procedure of condition-based maintenance of aerial vehicle feasibility study taking into account alpha and beta errors. The dependence charts of operating efficiency from the maintenance frequency, reliability of control and maintenance time are shown

    Development of A Laboratory-experimental Installation for Verification of the Mathematical Model and the Methodology Developed on Its Basis for the Prevention of Emergencies on Landfills with Liquidation Energy-intensive Technological Equipment

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    Authors present the developed laboratory installation. The laboratory installation allows to determine the influence of indicators of the physical state of landfill soils on the stability of slopes to shear, it allows you to check the reliability of the mathematical model and the methodology developed on its basis for the prevention of emergencies of the cascade type of propagation due to landslides of landfill soils on landfill with liquidation energy-intensive technological equipment. A rectangular experimental box with swivel and fixed parts, swivel and locking mechanisms, table plates, sprayer, tangential load system are the main elements of the developed laboratory installation. The possibility of conducting a series of experiments based on the use of landslide experimental blocks with changes in humidity, density, temperature and angle of inclination of the base of the sliding surface, as well as determining the mechanical characteristics (angle of internal friction, specific adhesion of landfill soils) are the main requirements for the installation. The transition of a landslide experimental block of landfill soils into a dynamic state is considered the emergence of an emergency at the object level of distribution. In the course of the work, a technique was developed for conducting experimental studies and processing observation results. The methodology includes the following procedures: establishment of initial and boundary conditions; preparation of a laboratory installation; conducting a series of experiments to determine the mechanical parameters and the shear angle of the experimental blocks, and a series of experiments to determine the indicators of moisture, temperature and density of landfill soil on the fact of a shift, taking into account a gradual increase in moisture; statistical processing to obtain a statistical sample of the values of the effective indicators of the physical state of landfill soils included in the confidence interval according to the classical statistical method – Student's t-test


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    For the model of aerotechnics wares maintenance, which are exploited on the technical state, analytical dependences of the technical use (Кtu) coefficient from the exploitation parameters for diffusion-monotonic (DM) and diffusion-nonmonotonic (DN) failures distributions are set. Comparative descriptions of Кtu from periodicity and duration of realization of maintenance, authenticity of equipment control, probability of signals receipt about a failure, coefficients of scale and shape of DM and DN distributions, duration of complete renewal of ware are shown. Existence of an optimal frequency of maintenance work, which provides a maximum value is shown. For the description of mathematical model a semi-Markov stochastic process is used in his classic understanding. Basic results obtained by using the numerical method of calculation.Для модели технического обслуживания изделий авиационной техники, которые эксплуатируются по техническому состоянию, установлены аналитические зависимости коэффициента технического использования (Кти) от параметров эксплуатации для диффузионно-монотонного (ДМ) и диффузионно-немонотонного(ДН) распределений отказов. Показаны сравнительные характеристики Ктв от периодичности и длительности проведения регламентных работ, достоверности контроля оборудования, вероятности поступления сигналов об отказе, коэффициентов масштаба и формы ДМ и ДН распределений, длительности полного возобновления изделия. Показано существование оптимальной периодичности проведения регламентных работ, при которой обеспечивается максимальное значение Кти. Для описания математической модели используется полумарковский случайный процесс в его классическом понимании. Основные результаты получены при использовании численного метода расчетов.Для моделі технічного обслуговування виробів авіаційної техніки, що експлуатуються за технічним станом, встановлені аналітичні залежності коефіцієнту технічного використання (Ктв) від параметрів експлуатації для дифузійно-монотонного (ДМ ) і дифузійно-немонотонного (ДН) розподілів відмов. Показані порівняльні характеристики Ктв від періодичності і тривалості проведення регламентних робіт, вірогідності контролю обладнання, ймовірності надходження сигналів про відмову, коефіцієнтів масштабу і форми ДМ і ДН розподілів , тривалості повного відновлення виробу. Показано існування оптимальної періодичності проведення регламентних робіт, при якій забезпечується максимальне значення Ктв. Для опису математичної моделі використовується напівмарковський випадковий процес у його класичному розумінні. Основні результати отримані при використанні чисельного методу розрахунків

    New Approaches to the Development of Integrated Methods of Civil Security

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    The problem of development of complex methods of prevention of emergencies with cumulative and impulse negative impact on the state of the environment, which by their nature belong to the range of tasks of common problems of scientific directions of civil protection and ecological safety, is considered in the research. In order to solve this problem, a wide range of related tasks have been consistently considered, which allowed within the existing global approaches to the formation of research methodology in the field of rapidly advancing spheres of natural and man-made social environment, to investigate the process of dialectical transformation of civil security. its main stages and characteristic conditions. The latter made it possible to identify logical connections that significantly reduced the existing methodological differences of special methods of certain scientific areas and unambiguously agree on the choice of a group of methods to prove the reliability of the results within the application of the required complex methods. This allowed: first, to develop general approaches to the study of common problems of scientific areas of civil protection and environmental safety and to determine the main logical functional and temporal links of complex methods of emergency prevention with cumulative and impulse impact on the environment; secondly, to develop the structure of a comprehensive method for assessing and preventing emergencies with cumulative and impulse impact on the environment, which consists of functional elements of special methods of scientific directions of civil protection and environmental safety, which combined with direct and inverse functional and temporal connections

    Reviews on the Development of the Theory of Logistic Support of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

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    The existing separate arms theory and the theory of the Logistics of the Armed Forces as components of military science lose their functional purpose as partial theories in modern conditions of operations (combat actions).The article proposes a unified theory of logistics of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, based on the existing theories of armament and the logistics of the Armed Forces, based on the general laws and established consistent patterns, trends, principles, forms and methods of the use of the logistics of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The objective function of the logistics system of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is formulated, which is to achieve compliance of the capabilities of this system with the predicted volume of tasks of the logistics. In order to implement this compliance it is necessary to ensure the convergence of requirements and capabilities at all levels of logistics management.The purpose of the article is to determine the main provisions of the new unified theory of logistics of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine taking into account modern forms and methods of conducting operations (combat actions), requirements concerning the formation of a unified logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and logistic support, created management bodies, forces and assets of military units (formations) logistics of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.The assessment of the functioning of the Air Forces logistics system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is proposed on the basis of the stated views on the logistics theory of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by assessing the set of real capabilities of each subsystem that is the part of its structure and system as a whole. At the same time, the assessment of the quality of the logistic support of the military units (formations) of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine should be related to the level of implementation of the potential capabilities of the logistics system when solving problems of each subsystem at the stages of combat training, unblocking and operational deployment, preparation and conduct of operations (combat actions), restoration of combat capability of troops (forces)