1,054 research outputs found

    Dampak Perpaduan Obat ARV Pada Pasien HIV/AIDS Ditinjau Dari Kenaikan Jumlah Limfosit CD4+ Di RSUD Dok II Kota Jayapura

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    The purpose of ARV is reducing the rate of transmission, reducing morbidity and mortalityassociated with HIV, restoring and maintaining the immune system and suppressing the viralreplication maximal. Dok II Hospital is one of the hospitals that provide care and ARV therapy forpatients HIV. The number of patients increasing each year, it is necessary to evaluate the success ofARV drugs on a regular basis in order to achieve optimal outcomes. One way of monitoring is tolook at the efficacy of a combination of ARV drugs on the immune response of the increase is theincrease in Lymphocyte CD4+ cell count. To determine the efficacy of ARV combination based onthe increase in CD4 cell counts of patients after 6-12 months of ARV treatment in Dok II Hospital in2011-2012. The study was an observational. Data were collected retrospectively on secondary datafrom medical records of patients who met the inclusion criteria. Data were analyzed by ANOVA. Sixobtained the drug combination gave good efficacy based on a significant increase in LymphocyteCD4+ cell counts in patients with HIV/AIDS who receive ARV drugs in combination II and V (pvalue = 0.002) and the combination of III and V (p value = 0.033) while for other combinationsbetween no significant difference. The sixth best combination ARV efficacy there are 2 that thecombination II and V combination

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pati Ubi Kayu pada Bahan Cetak Alginat terhadap Stabilitas Dimensi

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    Bahan cetak alginat merupakan bahan yang digunakan untuk mencetak gigi geligidan jaringan rongga mulut ,bahan cetak alginat masih di impor dan cukup mahalharganya. Pada penelitian Febriani 2001, telah dilakukan modifikasi pada bahancetak alginat dengan pati ubi kayu dengan perbandingan 1:1 dan didapat hasilreproduksi detil yang sama dengan bahan cetak alginat tanpa ditambah denganpati ubi kayu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sifat stabilitas dimensibahan cetak alginat yang ditambah pati kayu. Pati ubi (Manihot utilisima)merupakan suatu polimer yang mengandung amilosa dan amilopektin yang dapatditambahkan pada bahan cetak alginat. Metoda dan bahan : Bahan yangdigunakan pada penelitian ini adalah bahan cetak alginat tipe normal, pati ubikayu, aquadestilata dan alat uji stabilitas dimensi sesuai standar ANSI/ADAno.18/1992. Hasil penelitian. Hasil stabilitas dimensi stabilitas dimensi antarabahan cetak alginat standar (2,9782 mm dan 2,9719 mm) dengan bahan cetakalginat standar yang ditambah pati ubi kayu (2,9797 mm dan 2,9795 mm).Kesimpulan. Penambahan pati ubi kayu (Manihot utilisima) pada bahan cetakalginat standar mendapatkan hasil pengujian stabilitas dimensi yang masihmemenuhi standar ANSI/ADA no.18/1992. Stabilitas dimensi bahan cetak alginatyang ditambah pati ubi kayu memiliki nilai stabilitas dimensi yang lebih lamadari pada bahan cetak alginat standar

    Leaching of Oil from Tuna Fish Liver by Using Solvent of Methyl-Ethyl Ketone

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    Research of oil leaching from Tuna Fish Liver has been carried out by extracting of tuna fish liver in soxhlet by using methyl-ethyl ketone as solvent. Liver of fresh tuna fish is blended, put into soxhlet, and extracted at temperatures of 60oC, 65oC, 70oC, 75oC, and 80oC. After obtaining the oil, separation between solvent and oil is carried out by distillation. Oil obtained is analyzed by testing the yield, acid number, Iodine value, viscosity, and its impurities content. Yield obtained is influenced by temperature and time of leaching. Both variables indicates that the higher the variables, the more fish liver oil obtained. Maximum yield obtained is 25.552% at operating condition of leaching temperature 80oC, and leaching duration of 5 hours

    The effect of Think Pair Share towards writing ability and learning motivation of the Islamic high school students

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    The study was aimed at measuring the effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) technique towards the students’ ability and their learning motivation in writing descriptive text at the Islamic high school (Madrasah Aliyah) Darul Ulum Palangka Raya. Quasi-experimental research design with pre-test and post-test was applied in this study. The population of the study was 72 students of the class X-IPS, X-IPA, and X-Religion, and the sample of this research was 47 students of the class X-IPS and X-IPA. The data were collected by using the writing test and questionnaire. It was used One –Way ANOVA to analyze the data and applied dependent Sample Post-test calculation to test the hypotheses. The findings shows that there is significant difference among groups after doing the treatment with F value is higher than F table (8.65>3.55). It was found that the teaching of writing using TPS technique was more effective than those without TPS technique with the significant value lower than alpha (0.01 lower < 0.05); the teaching of writing using TPS was more effective on student’s learning motivation than those without TPS technique; and there was significant different effect of using TPS technique towards writing ability and learning motivation (0.00<0.05). It means that the TPS technique gives a significant effect on the students’ ability and their learning motivation in writing descriptive text

    Pengaruh Current Ratio, Return on Assets Dan Total Assets Turnover Terhadap Investasi Aktiva Tetap

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    Latar Belakang. Mengingat persaingan dalam dunia USAha yang tinggi menuntut kinerja Perusahaan selalu efektif dan efisien agar dapat menghasilkan laba optimal dan unggul dalam persaingan.Untuk itulah pihak manajemen Perusahaan harus mengoptimalkan kegiatan USAha Perusahaan dalam menginvestasikan aktiva tetap.Untuk dapat mengoptimalkan investasi aktiva tetap maka Perusahaan memerlukan informasi keuangan dengan melakukan interprestasi atau penilaian terhadap kinerja keuangan berdasarkan atas laporan keuangan.Dalam pengoptimalan investasi aktiva tetap maka Perusahaan memerlukan informasi keuangan dengan melakukan interpretasi atau penilaian terhadap kinerja keuangan berdasarkan atas laporan keuangan. Tujuan penelitian. Untuk menguji pengaruh current ratio, return on assets dan total assets turnover yang diukur dengan investasi aktiva tetap. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian bersifat deduktif, yaitu penelitian yang bertujuan untuk otesis melalui validasi teori pada keadaan tertentu, hasil pengujian data digunakan sebagai dasar untuk kesimpulan penelitian, yaitu mendukung atau menolak hipotesis yang dikembangkan dari kajian teoritis. Hasil Penelitian. Uji signifikansi parsial (Uji t) bahwa Current Ratio berpengaruh signifikan terhadap investasi aktiva tetap sebesar 0,005 &gt; 0,5. Return On Assets berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap investasi aktiva tetap sebesar 0,772 &gt; 0,05. Total Assets Turnover berpengaruh signifikan terhadap investasi aktiva tetap sebesar 0,041 &gt; 0,05. Dan secara uji signifikansi simultan (uji F) bahwa current ratio, return on assets, dan total assets turnover secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan sebesar 0,028 terhadap investasi aktiva tetap. Besarnya nilai koefisien determinasi (R) adalah sebesar 0,335 atau 33,5% dan sisanya yaitu 66,5% dipengaruhi atau dijelaskan oleh model lain diluar penelitian ini

    Kualitas Sistem Informasi dan Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem Informasi Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Syiah Kuala

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of Information system quality; reliability, ease of use, flexibility, functionality, to user satisfaction. Responsees were collected from 392 user in three groups; lectures, operator system information and students of economics faculty universitas Syiah Kuala. The research hypotheeses were analyzed using multiple regresion.The result show reliability, flexibility, and functionality have strong influence on user satisfaction. While variable ease of use doesn't influence on user satisfaction

    Performance Evaluation of an Innovative-Vapor- Compression-Desalination System

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    – Two dominant desalination methods are reverse osmosis (RO) and multi-stage flash (MSF). RO requires large capital investment and maintenance, whereas MSF is too energy-intensive. Innovative system of vapor compression desalination is proposed in this study. Comprehensive mathematics model for evaporator is also described. From literature study, it is indicated that very high overall-heat-transfer coefficient for evaporator can be obtained at specific condition by using dropwise condensation in the steam side, and pool boiling in the liquid side. Smooth titanium surface is selected in order to increase dropwise condensation, and resist corrosion. To maximize energy efficiency, a cogeneration scheme of a combined cycle consisting of gas turbine, boiler heat recovery, and steam turbine that drives compressor is used. The resource for combined cycle is relatively too high for the compressor requirement. Excess power can be used to generate electricity for internal and/or external consumptions, and sold to open market. Four evaporator stages are used. Evaporator is fed by seawater, with assumption of 3.5% salt contents. Boiling brine (7% salt) is boiled in low pressure side of the heat exchanger, and condensed vapor is condensed in high pressure side of the heat exchanger. Condensed steam flows at velocity of 1.52 m/s, so that it maximize the heat transfer coefficient. This unit is designed in order to produce 10 million gallon/day, and assumed it is financed with 5%, 30 years of passive obligation. Three cases are evaluated in order to determine recommended condition to obtain the lowest fixed capital investment. Based on the evaluation, it is possible to establish four-stage unit of mechanical vapor compression distillation with capital $31,723,885
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