10 research outputs found

    Additional file 1 of PATTERNA: transcriptome-wide search for functional RNA elements via structural data signatures

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    Supplementary Methods. Detailed mathematical description of the methods underlying patteRNA. (PDF 233 kb

    Additional file 3 of PATTERNA: transcriptome-wide search for functional RNA elements via structural data signatures

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    Reviewer reports and author’s response to reviewers. (DOCX 28 kb

    Automated recognition of RNA structure motifs by their SHAPE data signatures

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    <p>Datasets, code and results supporting the manuscript:</p> <p>Radecki P., Ledda M. & Aviran S., Automated recognition of RNA structure motifs by their SHAPE data signatures</p

    Allelic heterogeneity at the <i>AGXT2</i> locus.

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    <p>Abbreviations: <i>P<sub>C</sub>, P<sub>T</sub></i> – P-values, <i>x<sub>C</sub>, x<sub>T</sub></i> – multivariate effect sizes, <i>R<sup>2</sup></i> – explained variance of full model, <i>R<sup>2</sup><sub>diff</sub></i> – additional explained variance of full model compared to best single SNP association, <i>model P</i> – probability of observing same or equal <i>R<sup>2</sup><sub>diff</sub></i> increase with the same stepwise model selection for 2,500 permuted phenotypes.</p


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    <p>Each subfigure compares the <i>CoLaus</i> pseudo-spectrum (bottom half) with the NMR spectrum (top half) of the most likely candidate for the associated metabolite. (A) rs37369 vs. 3-aminoisobutyrate. (B) rs2147896 in <i>PYROXD2</i> vs. trimethylamine (C) rs8101881 in <i>SLC7A9</i> vs. lysine (D) rs281408 in <i>FUT2</i> vs. fucose.</p

    Locus-metabolite associations.

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    <p>For every locus, the association results are listed for the strongest association, after meta-analysis, of a SNP in the locus with a feature (bold) of the metabolite. Abbreviations: Chr – chromosome, Position – chromosomal position in NCBI build 36, <i>x<sub>C</sub></i> – effect size in <i>CoLaus</i>, <i>x<sub>T</sub></i> – effect size in <i>TasteSensomics</i>, <i>x<sub>m</sub></i> – effect size after meta-analysis, <i>P<sub>m</sub></i> – P-value after meta-analysis.</p

    Genotype-Metabotype-Phenotype associations.

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    <p>The two novel gene-metabolite associations of this study implicate SNPs that had previously been associated with disease-related phenotypes by the indicated publications: (A) Fucose–Crohn's disease–<i>FUT2</i> (rs492602), (B) Lysine–eGFR–<i>SLC7A9</i> (rs8101881). A link between the metabolite and the phenotype has been established for (A) based on a mouse model and for (B) by a direct correlation with the indicated significance and effect size. Abbreviations: OR refers to the odds ratio, <i>x</i> to the linear regression effect size, <i>P</i> to the corresponding P-value, and the <i>m</i>-index indicates values obtained in the combined <i>CoLaus</i> and <i>TasteSensomics</i> sample.</p