37 research outputs found

    General neighbour-distinguishing index via chromatic number

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    AbstractAn edge colouring of a graph G without isolated edges is neighbour-distinguishing if any two adjacent vertices have distinct sets consisting of colours of their incident edges. The general neighbour-distinguishing index of G is the minimum number gndi(G) of colours in a neighbour-distinguishing edge colouring of G. Győri et al. [E. Győri, M. Horňák, C. Palmer, M. Woźniak, General neighbour-distinguishing index of a graph, Discrete Math. 308 (2008) 827–831] proved that gndi(G)∈{2,3} provided G is bipartite and gave a complete characterisation of bipartite graphs according to their general neighbour-distinguishing index. The aim of this paper is to prove that if χ(G)≥3, then ⌈log2χ(G)⌉+1≤gndi(G)≤⌊log2χ(G)⌋+2. Therefore, if log2χ(G)∉Z, then gndi(G)=⌈log2χ(G)⌉+1

    Another step towards proving a conjecture by Plummer and Toft

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    AbstractA cyclic colouring of a graph G embedded in a surface is a vertex colouring of G in which any two distinct vertices sharing a face receive distinct colours. The cyclic chromatic number χc(G) of G is the smallest number of colours in a cyclic colouring of G. Plummer and Toft in 1987 [M.D. Plummer, B. Toft, Cyclic coloration of 3-polytopes, J. Graph Theory 11 (1987) 507–515] conjectured that χc(G)≤Δ∗+2 for any 3-connected plane graph G with maximum face degree Δ∗. It is known that the conjecture holds true for Δ∗≤4 and Δ∗≥24. The validity of the conjecture is proved in the paper for Δ∗≥18

    Decomposition of complete bipartite even graphs into closed trails

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    summary:We prove that any complete bipartite graph Ka,bK_{a,b}, where a,ba,b are even integers, can be decomposed into closed trails with prescribed even lengths

    A theorem on nonexistence of a certain type of nearly regular cell-decompositions of the sphere

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    The achromatic number of K6K7K6 \square K7 is 18

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    A vertex colouring ƒ:V(G)Cƒ: V(G) \rightarrow C of a graph GG is complete if for any two distinct colours c1,c2Cc_{1},c_{2} \in C there is an edge {v1,v2}E(G)\{v_{1} ,v_{2}\} \in E(G) such that ƒ(vi)=ci,i=1,2ƒ(v_{i}) = c_{i}, i = 1, 2. The achromatic number of G is the maximum number achr(G) of colours in a proper complete vertex colouring of G. In the paper it is proved that achr(K6K7)(K_{6} \square K_{7}) = 18. This result finalises the determination of achr(K6Kq)(K_{6} \square K_{q})

    Nearly regular cell-decompositions of orientable 2-manifolds with at most two exceptional cells

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    On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Ernest Jucovič

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