236 research outputs found

    Basic characteristics of fishing in the European Union

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    Ribarstvo kao jednu od najprofitabilnijih poljoprivrednih grana čine ribolov i akvakultura. Ribolov može biti gospodarski, sportski i rekreativni. Akvakultura obuhvaća uzgoj vodenih organizama, mekuÅ”aca, rakova i vodenih biljaka. Autorice u radu analiziraju stanje u ribarstvu EU-a, s posebnim osvrtom na proizvodnju, politiku u ribarstvu, ribarsku flotu, ribolovne oblasti, zaposlenost u akvakulturi, ostvarene prihode u ovoj poljoprivrednoj grani i dr. Common Fisheries Policy/ CFP je osnova za upravljanje ribarstvom u EU. Temeljni cilj reforme u sektoru ribarstva EU-a je osigurati očuvanje zaliha ribe. Ovim radom se želi dati teorijski/praktični doprinos i smjernice odgovornima u rjeÅ”avanju problema i poduzimanja odgovarajućih mjera za unapređenje proizvodnje i potroÅ”nje ribe u europskim zemljama, kao i u zemljama u razvoju.Working in fisheries, which are one of the most profitable agricultural sectors, consist of fishing and aquaculture. There are three kinds of fishing: commercial, recreational and sport fishing. Aquaculture involves breeding of aquatic organisms, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants. This paper analyzes the situation in the European Union (EU) fisheries, with a special emphasis on production, the common fishery policy, fishing fleets, fishing areas, employment in aquaculture, the income in the agricultural branches etc. Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the key figure in the management of fishing in the EU. The main objective of the reform of the EU fisheries sector is to ensure the preservation of fish stocks. The aim of this paper would be to give both theoretical and practical contribution and guidelines when it comes to solving problems and adopting appropriate actions in order to improve production and consumption of fish and fish-based products in the countries of the EU and in those in a process of transition

    Retroperitoneal Biloma Secondary to Operative Common Bile Duct Injury

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    Encapsulated collections of bile (ā€œbilomaā€) may be a sequela of liver trauma, operative injury or disease. Such collections may be intrahepatic or extrahepatic and usually in the supramesocolic compartment of the abdomen. This is a report of a retroperitoneal biloma, an entity that has been reported only twice to date but this is the first secondary to an operative common bile duct lesion

    Novi metod fotogrametrijskih merenja studijskih modela u ortodonciji

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    Introduction/Objective Rapid developments in information technologies lead to the wider use of digital representations of dental study models in orthodontics. Most popular way of digitizing the models is to use a 3D scanner and then perform measurements on 3D models, which requires additional and expensive hardware and software resources. In this paper we present an alternative approach based on the use of photogrammetry in the newly developed OrthoPhoto4D software that calculates and corrects perspective distortion errors. Methods We measured individual tooth width for 24 teeth, 12 two-teeth segments as well as inter-molar and inter-canine distances on 50 models. Measurements are performed in OrthoPhoto4D software that uses four photographs of each model for measurements, uses QR codes for automation, calculates the camera position and corrects perspective distortion-caused errors in measurements. Obtained measurements are compared to ones obtained from models generated by structured light 3D scanner. Results Statistical analysis strongly indicates that there is no significant difference between the two methods. The recorded differences also have no clinical impact as they have mean values of 0.2 mm for individual tooth widths, approximately 0.2 mm for two teeth segments, and under 0.3 mm for both inter-canine and inter-molar distances. All recorded differences fall within the expected measurement error. Conclusion We concluded that the described photogrammetry measurements performed in OrthoPhoto4D can be used in diagnosis and therapy planning.Uvod/Cilj Brzi razvoj informacionih tehnologija doveo je do Å”iroke upotrebe digitalnih studijskih modela u ortodonciji. Najpopularniji način digitalizacije modela je koriŔćenje 3D skenera, a zatim i merenja na 3D modelima, Å”to zahteva dodatne i skupe hardverske i softverske resurse. U ovom radu predstavljamo alternativni pristup zasnovan na koriŔćenju fotogrametrije u novorazvijenom softveru OrthoPhoto4D, koji izračunava i ispravlja greÅ”ke nastale kao posledica perspektivne distorzije. Metod Na 50 studijskih modela merena je meziodistalna Å”irina za 24 zuba, Å”irina 12 segmenata dvostrukih zuba, kao i interkanina i intermolarna Å”irina. Merenja su vrÅ”ena u programu OrthoPhoto4D, koji koristi četiri fotografije svakog merenog modela, QR kodove za automatizaciju, računa udaljenost kamere i koriguje greÅ”ke merenja izazvane perspektivom. Merenja su poređena sa rezultatima dobijenim na modelima generisanim 3D skenerom. Rezultati Analiza rezultata snažno ukazuje na to da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između dva metoda. Zabeležene razlike takođe nemaju klinički značaj, jer su srednje vrednosti do 0,2 mm za pojedinačne Å”irine zuba, do približno 0,2 mm za segmente od dva zuba i ispod 0,3 mm za interkaninu i intermolarnu Å”irinu. Sve zabeležene razlike su unutar očekivane greÅ”ke merenja. Zaključak Opisani metod fotogrametrijskih merenja u programu OrthoPhoto4D se može koristiti u dijagnozi i planiranju ortodontske terapije

    Enzymes as a platform for drug development

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    Polyoxometalates are negatively charged polyanions containing early transition metal ions in their high oxidation state surrounded by bridged oxygen. Firstly, these metal-based clusters were used as promising agents in electron-dense imaging, separations, catalysis, and analysis. In recent years, numerous studies in vitro and in vivo found that these nanocomplexes possess a variety of biological effects including antidiabetic, anticancer, and antibiotic actions. Despite these observed properties, the mechanism of their biological activities has not been completely elucidated so far. On the other hand, the results of enzymatic studies revealed their inhibiting influence on physiologically important extracellular enzymes such as phosphatases, esterases, and ecto-nucleotidases, which are considered target enzymes for the approved biological actions. Accordingly, the overview of the in vitro influence of selected polyoxo-vanadates, -tungstates, and ā€“ palladates on cholinesterase, ATPase, and phosphatase activities will be given in this presentation. Cholinesterases, enzymes located on the postsynaptic plasma membrane, have a key role in nerve impulse transmission and were confirmed as the targets of drugs for neurological diseases, which are regularly used in clinical practice. Moreover, ATPases and phosphatases were found to be included in the proliferation and migration of tumor cells, thus the inhibition of these enzymes was found as the mechanism of some anticancer drug actionSimpozijum ā€žStremljenja i novine u mediciniā€œ Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 04-08. decembra, 2023

    Waste-wood derived biochar as a support for horseradish peroxidase immobilization

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    In this paper, the suitability of waste-wood derived biochar particles as a support for the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) immobilization by adsorption method was investigated. The change in enzymatic activity of the immobilized enzyme at different values of pH and temperature, as well as stability over time, was measured. The results showed that HRP can efficiently bind to biochar particles by adsorption. The immobilized enzyme shows high activity (>80%) at a wide range of pH (7-9) and temperature (20-50Ā°C). The immobilized enzyme retains 22% and 40% of its activity during storage at temperatures of 25 and 10Ā°C after a period of 30 days, respectively

    Linear measurements of facial morphology using automatic approach

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    Introduction Clinical extraoral examination prior to orthodontic treatment includes face analysis (front and profile). Development of computer technology has increased efficacy and simplified this process through automating several steps of the analysis. The aim of this paper was to examine the possibility of automatic determining of linear measurements based on the facial image of a patient. Material and Methods Based on the set of 20 patients in NHP (Natural Head Position) position, three sets of measurements were conducted. Trained orthodontist performed positioning of predefined points on the image of the patient two times with one week apart, after which the points were automatically determined using customized computer software. Based on the position of the points, measurements for bizygomatic distance, upper and lower facial height and full facial height were computed. Three sets of measurements were compared and statistically analyzed. Results showed that computer software produced measurements comparable to measurements obtained by a trained orthodontist. Statistical analysis included calculating mean values and standard deviations, as well as paired two-tailed T-test. Differences between measurements ranged from 0.03% to 0.6% suggesting that automatic method can be successfully used. Conclusions The results of this research suggest that it is possible to ease, accelerate and automate work of the orthodontist on the image analysis using suitable software without significant differences in measured values

    Voice quality in children with specific language Impairment

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    Uvod: Specifični jezički poremećaj (SJP) karakteriÅ”e kaÅ”njenje ili atipičan obrazac u razvoju ekspresivnih i/ili receptivnih jezičkih sposobnosti uz odsustvo opÅ”teg kognitivnog deficita, autizma, sluÅ”nih oÅ”tećenja, socijalnih i emocionalnih poremećaja i teÅ”ke sredinske deprivacije. Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje karakteristika kvaliteta glasa i analiza učestalosti nepravilnosti u perceptivnim karakteristikama glasa kod dece sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem. Dodatni cilj podrazumevao je utvrđivanje polnih razlika u kvalitetu glasa kod ove dece. Metode: Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 30 dece sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem, uzrasta od tri do devet godina (AS=6,40; SD=1,714), od kojih je 20 dečaka i 10 devojčica. Za procenu kvaliteta glasa koriŔćena je GRBAS skala. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da 36,7% ispitanika ima promuklost i Å”umnost u glasu, dok je napetost u glasu registrovana kod 46,7% ispitanika. Hrapavost glasa je najmanje zastupljena kod dece sa specifičnim jezičkim poremećajem (30%), dok je najčeŔća karakteristika kvaliteta glasa bila slabost u glasu (53,3%). Perceptivne promene glasa najčeŔće su okarakterisane kao promene blagog stepena, potom slede umerene, a najmanje su zastupljene izražene promene glasa. Postoje značajne razlike u stepenu promuklosti i hrapavosti glasa u odnosu na pol u korist dečaka. Zaključak: Iako su kod malog broja dece registrovane teÅ”koće, one imaju značajne naučne i praktične implikacije. Njihova važnost ogleda se u značaju perceptivne procene glasa na ranom uzrastu od strane logopeda, koji poseduje stručne kompetencije za prepoznavanje mogućih smetnji u glasu. Na taj način ostvareni su svi uslovi za zdrav i kvalitetan glas kod dece.Introduction: Specific language impairment (SLI) is characterized by a delay or abnormality in the development of expressive and/or receptive language skills in the absence of general cognitive deficits, autism, hearing impairments, social and emotional disturbances, and severe environmental deprivation. Aim: The aim of this research was to determine the quality of voice and analysis of the frequency of irregularities in the perceptual characteristics of voice in children with specific language impairment. Also, the goal was to determine possible gender differences in the voice quality of these children. Methods: The sample included 30 children with specific language disorders, 3-9 years of age (M=6.40; SD=1.714), of which 20 were boys and 10 were girls. The GRBAS scale was used to assess voice quality. Results: The results showed that 36.7% of respondents had hoarseness in their voice, while tension in the voice was registered in 46.7% of respondents. Voice hoarseness was the least represented in children with specific language disorders (30%), while the most common voice pathology was voice weakness (53.3%). The most common perceptual voice changes were mild, followed by moderate, and the least pronounced voice changes. There were significant differences in the degree of hoarseness and roughness of voice in relation to gender, more pronounced in boys. Conclusion: Although difficulties were registered in a small number of children, they have significant scientific and practical implications. Their importance is reflected in the importance of perceptual assessment of voice in the early period by a vocal pathologist, who has a trained sensibility for expert recognition of possible voice disturbances. In this way, all possible conditions are met to preserve healthy and high-quality voice in children

    Morpho-chemical characterization of dry and snap bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Landraces collected on Fruska Gora mt.

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    Disappearance of old cultivars, including dry and snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) has been accelerated in last five to six decades, which mainly led to great genetic impoverishment. For all the humanity and its future, particularly is important the maintenance and evaluation of old cultivar's seeds. The research presented in this paper has been conducted on the territory of southwestern Fruska gora Mt. Of the collected samples of field and vegetables crops, as well as wild plants on the mountain, 13 accessions of snap bean and 21 accessions of dry bean have been analyzed in this paper. Seed color, seed shape, 1000-seed mass and phaseolin type was determined for all the accessions. Seeds of collected bean and snap bean accessions were predominantly white and cylindrical in shape. Mass of 1000 seeds ranged between 104,90 g and 634,96 g. T phaseolin type dominated, while S type of phaseolin was present in six bean and in two snap bean accessions
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