16 research outputs found

    Održivost organizaciono-ekonomskog modela lanca vrednosti organske maline

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    Of the total production of raspberries in Serbia, even 90 % is exported frozen to the EU market and in Germany, France, Holland, and Austria, and partly to the US market. The total European production of raspberries, Serbia participates with 20 %, and in domestic structure of fruit production from 6.5 %. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia (2017), under organic production of fruit in Serbia is 1,527 ha, and the areas that are under conversion are located on 357 ha. In western Serbia is 198.94 ha under organic raspberries and 235.19 ha during conversion. Export from Serbia is 1,500 tons of organic raspberries annual which makes up 2 % of total production (and from conventional and organic production).Producers in the practice increasingly improve primary production and modernization of processing and marketing segments of raspberries. One of the concepts is the addition of economic value through organic products, products with protected designation of origin, branding, etc. This research starts from the hypothesis that it is economically profitable to invest in facilities to obtain products with added economic value. The research presented in this paper is a model organization purchase, processing and marketing of organic raspberries. The process of analysis is given on the basis of actual data company that operates in Arilje and brings together a larger number of producers of organic raspberries. By applying the methods of calculation and Cost-Benefit analysis were calculated economic indicators in the production of organic raspberries. Schematic shows the value chain, based on the SWOT analysis, recommendations for improvement and sustainability of such a model, as well as the possibility of its application to other production.Od ukupne proizvodnje maline u Srbiji, čak 90% se izvozi smrznuto na tržište EU i to u Nemačku, Francusku, Holandiju, i Austriju, a delom i na tržište SAD. U ukupnoj evropskoj proizvodnji maline, Srbija učestvuje sa 20%, a u domaćoj strukturi proizvodnje voća sa 6,5%. Prema podacima Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede Republike Srbije (2017), pod organskom proizvodnjom voća u Srbiji se nalazi 1.527 ha, a površine koje su u periodu konverzije nalaze se na 357 ha. U zapadnoj Srbiji se nalazi 198,94 ha pod organskom proizvodnjom maline i 235,19 ha u periodu konverzije. Godišnje se iz Srbije izveze do 1.500 tona organske maline što čini do 2% od ukupne proizvodnje, tj. i iz konvencionalne i organske proizvodnje. Proizvođači u praksi sve više unapređuju primarnu proizvodnju i modernizaciju segmenate prerade i plasmana maline. Jedan od koncepata predstavlja dodavanje ekonomske vrednosti kroz organske proizvode, proizvode sa zaštićenim geografskim poreklom, brendiranje, itd. Ovim istraživanjem se polazi od hipoteze da je ekonomski isplativo investirati u kapacitete za dobijanje proizvoda sa dodatom ekonomskom vrednošću. Predmet istraživanja u ovom radu je model organizacije otkupa, prerade i plasmana organske maline. Postupak analize je dat na bazi stvarnih podataka preduzeća koje posluje na području Arilja i okuplja veći broj proizvođača organske maline. Primenom kalkulativnih postupaka i Cost-Benefit analize, obračunati su ekonomski pokazatelji u proizvodnji organske maline. Šematski je prikazan lanac vrednosti, a na osnovu SWOT analize, date su preporuke za unapređenje i održivosti ovakvog modela, kao mogućnost njegove primene i na druge proizvodnje

    Ekonomski uticaj ulaganja u proizvode sa dodatom vrednošću

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    Stone fruit plantations constitute more than two-thirds of all fruit plantations in Serbia (approximating to 67%), whereas plum plantations account for two-thirds of all stone fruit plantations in the country. Stone fruit production is commonplace in all parts of Serbia. There are large areas of extensive fruit plantations in Western Serbia and Šumadija (Valjevo, Kraljevo, Užice, Bajina Bašta and Kragujevac), whereas the largest fruit plantation areas are in the municipalities of Grocka, Smederevo, Prokuplje, Topola and Valjevo. Plum plantations are estimated to claim the biggest share of extensive fruit plantations in Serbia. A value chain is a powerful tool for increasing the added value of products. It represents a synthesis of activities carried out by a business organization in order to produce, pack, design, market, deliver and support its products. In the production of dried plums with stones, with an average production of 112 kg/day and an average selling price of 350 RSD/kg, the realized profit amounted to 18,237 RSD/day (for 24 hours of drying). With an average drying ratio of 4:1 (100 kg of fresh plums yield 25 kg of dried plums with a moisture content of 26 %), the added value of dried plums is increased approximately 6 times compared to fresh plums. According to the economic indicators calculated in the organic production of plums, a positive financial result (profit) of 3.940 €/ha was achieved. The cost price of plum production was 0.16 €/kg, and the selling price was 0.38€/kg. As the organic production of plums generates profit and the cost price per unit of measure is significantly lower than the purchase price of plums (0.16 €/kg lt 0.38 €/kg), the organic production of plums is economically justified for the producer.Preko dve trećine zasada voća u Srbiji čine koštičave voćne vrste (oko 67%), a u okviru toga, dve trećine otpada na šljivu. Proizvodnja koštičavih voćnih vrsta je zastupljena u svim delovima Srbije. U Zapadnoj Srbiji i Šumadiji se nalaze veće površine ekstenzivnih zasada (Valjevo, Kraljevo, Užice, Bajina Bašta, Kragujevac), a najveće površine pod plantažnim zasadima su u opštinama Grocka, Smederevo, Prokuplje, Topola i Valjevo. Procenjuje se da najveći udeo ekstenzivnih zasada u Srbiji čine zasadi šljive. Lanac vrednosti predstavlja snažan instrument za pronalaženje načina za stvaranje veće 'dodate' vrednosti za proizvode. Organizacija lanca vrednosti čini sintezu aktivnosti koje se obavljaju u cilju proizvodnje, pakovanja, dizajniranja, marketiranja, isporuke i podrške njenim proizvodima. U proizvodnji sušene šljive sa košticom, pri prosečnoj proizvodnji od 112 kg /dan i prosečnoj prodajnoj ceni od 350 din/kg, ostvarena dobit je iznosila 18.237 din/dan (za 24 sata sušenja). Pri prosečnom randmanu 1:4, odnosno ukoliko se od 100 kg sveže šljive može proizvesti 25 kg sušene šljive vlažnosti 26%, onda je dodata vrednost sušene šljive veća za oko 6 puta u odnosu na svežu šljivu. Prema ekonomskim pokazateljima utvrđenim u kalkulacijama u organskoj proizvodnji šljive postiže se pozitivan finansijski rezultat (dobitak) u iznosu od 3.940 €/ha. Cena koštanja šljive je 0,16 €/kg, a prodajna cena 0,38 €/kg. S obzirom da se u organskoj proizvodnji šljive postiže dobit, kao i da je cena koštanja po jedinici mere znatno niža u odnosu na prodajnu (otkupnu) cenu šljive (0,16 €/kg lt 0,38 €/kg) organska proizvodnja je ekonomski opravdana za proizvođača

    Uticaj različitog položaja grozdova na rodnom lastaru na rezultate proizvodnje klonova sorte Kaberne Sovinjon

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    In this paper the differences were examined between clones of Cabernet sauvignon (clones ISV-F-V5, ISV-F-V6 and R5), i.e. the difference between uvological properties of grape clusters and grape berries, based on the different positions on the bearing shoot. Tests were conducted at the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture 'Radmilovac'. Standard ampelographic methods were used in numerous analyses of grape yield, as well as uvological properties of clones. All data were statistically analyzed and processed by the method of two-factor analysis of variance with repeated measuring of one factor (height) and Tukey HSD test. Analysis of variance showed no significant differences between clones. The best results were achieved with grape clusters positioned in the base of bearing shoot. The first positioned grape clusters on the bearing shoot had the highest share in the total grape yield, the highest amount of sugar, and the highest positioned grape clusters had higher content of total acids. The differences determined between examined clones were in regard to productivity and quality of grapes which reflected also on production value.U radu su utvrđene razlike između klonova sorte Kaberne Sovinjon, odnosno razlike između uvoloških svojstava grozda i bobice, na osnovu različitog položaja na lastaru. Za brojne analize prinosa grožđa, uvoloških svojstava klonova korišćene su standardne ampelografske metode. Svi podaci su statistički obrađeni po metodi dvofaktorske analize varijanse sa ponovljenim merenjima jednog faktora (visine) i Tukey HSD testa. Najbolji rezultati su postignuti kod grozdova u osnovi rodnog lastara. Prvi grozdovi po položaju na lastaru imaju najveće učešće u ukupnom prinosu grožđa, najveću količinu šećera, a najviši grozdovi imaju veći sadržaj ukupnih kiselina. Između ispitivanih klonova su utvrđene razlike u pogledu produktivnosti i kvaliteta grozdova što se odrazilo i na vrednost proizvodnje

    Promene u strukturi voćarske proizvodnje Republike Srbije

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    The share of fruit area in total cultivable area of Serbia in the investigated period (1980-2003) is 5.58% showing the tendency of slight increasing. In 2002 the plum is the leading fruit species showing the decrease of its share in total fruit production of Serbia. Plums have the share of 56.0% in total number of trees of productive age and 45.85% in total realized fruit production. In the fruit production structure of Serbia the second and third place have apple and sour cherry.U ispitivanom periodu (1980-2003) učešće površina voćnjaka u ukupno obradivim površinama Srbije je iznosilo 5,58% i ispoljava tendenciju neznatnog povećanja. U 2002. u odnosu na 1980. godinu šljiva je bila i ostala vodeća voćna vrsta, mada se njeno učešće smanjuje u voćarskoj proizvodnji Srbije. Šljiva zauzima učešće od 56,0% u ukupnom broju rodnih stabala a 45,85% u ukupno ostvarenoj proizvodnji voća. Drugo i treće mesto u strukturi voćarske proizvodnje imaju jabuka i višnja

    Raw material requirements planning in fruit juice production

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    The primary purpose of this research is to determine the production capacity requirements of a model fruit juice producer. In addition to fruit processing capacities, the company is in possession of its own land devoted to orchards. The research was conducted on the basis of a balance method, which has been used in fruit production for the planning of processing capacity requirements, i.e. the striking of a harmonious balance between the land capacity utilization via orchards and the industry of fruit processing. For the planned production of 33,280 tons of raw materials, at average yields, the producer should be in possession of an area of 2,344 ha. For the processing capacity of 160 tons of raw materials a day, the producer should be in possession of the following diversity and spatial distribution of cultivated fruit species: strawberries (516 ha), raspberries (332 ha), sour cherries (361 ha), apricots (71 ha), peaches (178 ha), blueberries (320 ha), plums (50 ha), pears (89 ha), apples (137 ha), quinces (50 ha), and grapes (240 ha)


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    On average, in the period 1980-2007, the biggest fruit product production volume was that of fruit juices (78,661 t) and frozen fruit (22,223 t). These products make 81.5% of the total production of analysed products in Serbia. With an average annual production of 34,203 t, Vojvodina accounts for 27.6% of the total production. With an exception of fruit juice production, i.e. forzen fruit, production of other analysed fruit products is in decline. The most pronounced decline in production volume is found with dried fruit (rate of change: -16.77%) and compote (rate of change: -14.71% ). In 2007, production of fruit products in the analysed processing facility was cost-effective. A positive financial result is particularly evident per unit of product (33.26 din/kg), i. e. a high degree in cost-effectiveness in jam production (1.29). Cost-effectiveness of the analysed product was, on average, 21.63%, ranging between 14.57% (fruit juice production) and 28.59% (jam production)


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    A general-theoretical and mathematics model whose aim is deffing of production assortment that will provide a maximum net income with fulfilling all conditions (limiting factors) is formulated in this paper. Such defined model was solved by applying of method of linear programinng. On the basis of tehnicallytehnological and marketing factors (limitations) two variants of the model have been formulated. The first variant conditions utilization of capacities, while in the second variant the optimum assortment is the result, first of all, of marketing conditions. By the parallel analysis of the model variants we arrived to conclusion that the production assortment was the best. The quality of solution was tested trough a past-optimum analysis, and the results of this research indicate the possibility to improve financial indices subject to modifying of production direction and production assortment of the object for fruit processing analysed

    Ekonomski aspekti razvoja organske proizvodnje

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    Organic foodstuff trade has been rising continually. International organizations, countries and corporations can have a significant impact on trade flows of organic products, which poses a significant challenge. More than ever before, consumers' demands for high-quality and healthy food of plant and animal origin produced in unimpaired nature are becoming more and more pronounced. Agricultural enterprises today are faced with many problems in organic production organization. The main research aim of this paper is to provide an analysis and comparison of organic productions in the world. The paper presents the growth of world market of organic foodstuff products, also providing explanations related to functioning of organic retail sale sector in the most developed countries of the world. Profit, as the motive for organic products producers, has been shaken by the current economic crisis which has additionally increased the financial risk of investing financial assets in organic production.Trgovina proizvodima organskog porekla beleži stalni rast. Međunarodne institucije, države i preduzeća mogu značajno uticati na trgovinske tokove organskim proizvodima što predstavlja poseban izazov. Zahtevi potrošača za kvalitetnom i zdravstveno bezbednom hranom biljnog i životinjskog porekla koja je proizvedena u nenarušenoj prirodnoj sredini sve su više izraženi. Poljoprivredna preduzeća se danas susreću sa velikim brojem problema prilikom organizovanja organske proizvodnje. Predmet izučavanja ovog rada je analiza i poređenje organske proizvodnje u svetu. Prikazan je razvoj svetskog tržišta organski proizvedene hrane, a objašnjen je i kako funkcioniše organski maloprodajni sektor u najrazvijenijim zemljama sveta. Dobit kao motiv koju proizvođači mogu da ostvare prodajom organskih proizvoda je uzdrman zbog postojeće svetske ekonomske krize, koja dodatno povećava finansijski rizik prilikom ulaganja novčanih srestava u organsku proizvodnju

    Economic indicators of the production of important fruit-specific species in Vojvodina

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    The paper discusses the basic economic and production results of important fruit species (apple, pear, peach, sour cherry and plum) on agricultural farms of Vojvodina. The aim of the research is to evaluate the most important parameters of cost-effectiveness of these productions, and propose measures to improve the existing situation. Comparative analysis clearly shows that the most cost-effective is pears production, followed by apple, cherry, peach and plum. Pear production gives the largest coverage margin per unit capacity (1,261,786 din /ha), which is 16.5% better than in apple production (1,083,160 din /ha), or about 7.8 times better in relation to plums production (161,796 din /ha). The highest coefficient of economy (3.19) is, also, recorded in the production of pear (for apples 2.94, cherry 2.27, peach 2.17 and plum 1.44). Further development of fruit production in Vojvodina involves raising intensive farms with quality fruit varieties, firmer vertical linking of producers and processors, ensurement of economic safety of producers in the long run, making of fruit producing regions, etc

    Razvoj proizvodnje i prerade voća u Republici Srbiji

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    Although Serbia is characterized by favourable natural conditions for growing most of the continental fruit species, the full potential of their exploitation has not been reached yet. The main indicators of this under utilisation are values of main parameters of fruit production during longer periods of time. Due to its mostly extensive feature, the fruit production in Serbia has been ground to a halt for a considerable period of time, and has even shown the signs of reduction. In the period from 1981 to 2011, orchard areas in Serbia covered 252,364 ha on average, with the annual reduction rate of -0.40%. During the analysed period (2001-2010), the highest production volume of processed fruit products (semi-processed and finished products) was recorded in fruit juices (155,012 t) and frozen fruits (24,602 t). Fruit juices and frozen fruits account for 93% of the total processed fruit products in Serbia. The processed fruit production during the analysed period increased at the average annual rate of change of14.82%.Iako u Srbiji postoje veoma povoljni prirodni uslovi za uzgoj većine kontinentalnih voćnih vrsta, mogući nivo iskorišćenosti ovih uslova još nije postignut, što potvrđuje i kretanje najvažnijih kapaciteta voćarske proizvodnje u dužem vremenskom periodu. Zbog pretežno ekstenzivnog karaktera, voćarska proizvodnja u Srbiji već duže vremena stagnira ili se čak i smanjuje. U proseku za period 1981-2011. godine površine voćnjaka u Srbiji su iznosile 252.364 ha, sa tendencijom opadanja po prosečnoj godišnjoj stopi promene od -0,40%. U proseku za ispitivani period (2001-2010) najveći obim proizvodnje prerađevina od voća (poluprerađevine i gotovi proizvodi) je utvrđen kod voćnih sokova (155.012 t) i smrznutog voća (24.602 t). Spomenute prerađevine od voća učestvuju sa 93% u ukupnoj proizvodnji analiziranih prerađevina Srbije. Proizvodnja prerađevina od voća u posmatranom periodu se povećava po prosečnoj godišnjoj stopi promene od 14,82%