219 research outputs found

    Položaj javnog tužioca u reformisanom krivičnom postupku Srbije

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    The subject of this scientific research is the position of the Public prosecutor in the criminal proceedings against adult offenders, according to the reformed Criminal Procedure Code of Serbia. The aim of the scientific research was to describe, classify and explain the powers and duties of the Public Prosecutor that constitute their general procedural position in pre-trials and all stages of the ordinary criminal proceedings, especially in the diversionary and simplified procedural forms. The established factors were linked to the quantum of the Public Prosecutor's rights and duties under the previously applicable regulations, in order to determine the quantitative and qualitative changes in their procedural position and the degree of strengthening of the Public Prosecutor's power in the process of criminal repression. In line with the topic of this dissertation, the methods of scientific description and scientific explanation were used as general methods for researching social phenomena. Among the specific scientific methods we used the analytic-synthetic method, inductive-deductive method, and the method of abstraction and generalization. The authors also used comparative-legal method and historical-legal method, characteristic for the research of legal phenomena. The overall conclusion is that the results of the research showed that, in the new model of the Serbian Criminal Procedure Code, the procedural position of the Public Prosecutor has been radically changed. With the initiation of a formal Public Prosecutor's Inquiry, the Public Prosecutor becomes the dominus litis of the pretrial and pre-trial criminal proceedings, while all the evidence presented in the inquiry has the same evidentiary power as the judicial evidence. Due to the established and theoretically clarified conceptual shortcomings of the regulation, it was proposed to introduce a onephase informal inquiry in which the Public Prosecutor would only collect and not present the evidence. Based on the theoretical analysis of the principles and procedural institutions on which the adversarial model of judicial criminal proceedings was built, it was concluded that the responsibility to establish factual situation should be transferred to the Public Prosecutor and that in legal remedies the public prosecutor is the protector of legality instead of the court. The result of a detailed theoretical analysis of the diversionary and simplified forms of resolving criminal matters is the view that the Public Prosecutor in the diversionary proceedings takes on the attributes of the judicial authority because they impose para-penal measures on the perpetrators, and in simplified forms, they have a decisive influence over the criminal policies of the courts. The final conclusion is that the constitutional position of the Public Prosecutor is not in harmony with their new role in the reformed criminal procedure, leading to the proposal to ensure the necessary functional independence through constitutional and legal norms and to explicitly include the Public Prosecutor's Office in standard judicial bodies

    Hydro Turbine in a Venturi Tube

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja hidroturbine u Venturijevoj cijevi za zadani broj okretaja i zadanom brzinom vode na ulazu u cijev. Rezultati su dobiveni komercijalnim softverom za numeričku dinamiku fluida. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo usporedbu snage koju daju jedna i dvije suprotno smjerno rotirajuće hidroturbine u Venturijevoj cijevi. Numeričke simulacije za dvije turbine koje se okreću u suprotnim smjerovima s jednakim kutnim brzinama pokazale su da se javlja znatan pad snage na prednjoj turbini, dok je ukupna snaga neÅ”to veća nego za jednu turbinu.This paper presents results of a research hydro turbine in a Venturi tube for given revolutions per minute and velocity of water at the entry of the tube. The results were obtained with commercial software for numerical fluid dynamics. The research was included comparison of power obtained with one and two contra-rotating hydro turbine in a Venturi tube. The numerical simulations, for two turbines rotating in opposite directions with equal angular velocities, showed that a considerable power drop occurred, whereas the total power is somewhat larger than for the one turbine

    CFD Analysis of the Influence of Centrifugal Separator Geometry Modification on the Pulverized Coal Distribution at the Burners

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    This paper presents the results of 3D numerical flow simulation in the ventilation mill (VM) and air mixture channel (AMC) of Kostolac B power plant, where a centrifugal separator with adjustable blade angle is used. Numerical simulations of multiphase flow were performed using the Euler-Euler and the Euler-Lagrange approach of the ANSYS FLUENT software package. The geometry of the numerical model was almost identical to the VM and AMC of Kostolac B, except for the smallest details. An unstructured tetrahedral grid, consisted of almost three million cells, was generated. The main contribution of this paper is the original analysis of the influence of centrifugal separator (CFS) geometry modification on the coal powder distribution at the horizontal burners. The modification of the blade angle, blade shape, and vertical position of the separator and its effect on the coal powder distribution at the burners were analyzed and are published for the first time. Results of the numerical simulations were compared with the measurements and can be used in modifying the separator geometry and position to obtain optimal distribution of the pulverized coal at the burners. Application of these results, obtained by numerical methods, ensures significant savings in time and money, in the process of finding the optimal geometry of CFS

    Determination of braking force on the aerodynamic brake by numerical simulations

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate istraživanja uticaja aerodinamičkih kočnica, postavljenih na krov brzog voza, na strujno polje i ukupnu silu kočenja. Voz se sastoji od dve lokomotive, na svakom kraju, i četiri putnička vagona., ukupne dužine 121m. Aerodinamičke kočnice stvaraju silu kočenja povećavanjem aerodinamičkog otpora pomoću izvučenih panela na krovu voza. Simulacije strujanja su urađene softverom Fluent 12.1, za voz bez, sa jednom, dve i tri aerodinamičke kočnice, pri brzinama od 30, 50 i 70m/s. Sila otpora po jedinici povrÅ”ine panela je određena kao funkcija brzine voza i položaja aerodinamičke kočnice. Doprinosi ukupnoj sili kočenja svake od kočnica, određeni simulacijama su: za prvu 24%, za drugu 15% i za treću 14.8% i pokazali su , zajedno sa raspodelama pritisaka po panelima, dobro slaganje sa proračunima aerodinamičkog otpora za ravnu ploču upravno postavljenu prema strujanju.This work presents the research results of the aerodynamic brake influence, mounted on the high-speed train's roof, on the flow field and overall braking force. The train consists of two locomotives at each end and four passenger cars between, with 121m of overall length. Aerodynamic brakes are designed to generate braking force by means of increasing the aerodynamic drag by opened panels over the train. Flow simulations were made by Fluent 12.1 software, for the train without and with one, two and three aerodynamic brakes, and velocities of 30, 50 and 70m/s. Drag force per unit panel area was determined as a function of train's velocity and the brake position. Contributions to train's gross braking force of each brake, obtained by simulations were: for first 24%, for second 15% and third 14.8%, and showed, also with panels' pressure distribution, good correlation with the aerodynamic drag calculations for flat plate orthogonally disposed to flow stream

    Determination of braking force on the aerodynamic brake by numerical simulations

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate istraživanja uticaja aerodinamičkih kočnica, postavljenih na krov brzog voza, na strujno polje i ukupnu silu kočenja. Voz se sastoji od dve lokomotive, na svakom kraju, i četiri putnička vagona., ukupne dužine 121m. Aerodinamičke kočnice stvaraju silu kočenja povećavanjem aerodinamičkog otpora pomoću izvučenih panela na krovu voza. Simulacije strujanja su urađene softverom Fluent 12.1, za voz bez, sa jednom, dve i tri aerodinamičke kočnice, pri brzinama od 30, 50 i 70m/s. Sila otpora po jedinici povrÅ”ine panela je određena kao funkcija brzine voza i položaja aerodinamičke kočnice. Doprinosi ukupnoj sili kočenja svake od kočnica, određeni simulacijama su: za prvu 24%, za drugu 15% i za treću 14.8% i pokazali su , zajedno sa raspodelama pritisaka po panelima, dobro slaganje sa proračunima aerodinamičkog otpora za ravnu ploču upravno postavljenu prema strujanju.This work presents the research results of the aerodynamic brake influence, mounted on the high-speed train's roof, on the flow field and overall braking force. The train consists of two locomotives at each end and four passenger cars between, with 121m of overall length. Aerodynamic brakes are designed to generate braking force by means of increasing the aerodynamic drag by opened panels over the train. Flow simulations were made by Fluent 12.1 software, for the train without and with one, two and three aerodynamic brakes, and velocities of 30, 50 and 70m/s. Drag force per unit panel area was determined as a function of train's velocity and the brake position. Contributions to train's gross braking force of each brake, obtained by simulations were: for first 24%, for second 15% and third 14.8%, and showed, also with panels' pressure distribution, good correlation with the aerodynamic drag calculations for flat plate orthogonally disposed to flow stream

    A model for cross-referencing and calculating similarity of metal alloys

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    This paper presents an innovative model for the comparison and crossreferencing of metal alloys, in order to determine their interchangeability in engineering, manufacturing and material sourcing. The model uses a large alloy database and statistical approach to estimate missing composition and mechanical properties parameters and to calculate property intervals. A classification of metals and fuzzy logic are then applied to compare metal alloys. The model and its algorithm have been implemented and tested in real-life applications. In this paper, an application of the model in finding unknown equivalent metals by comparing their compositions and mechanical properties in a very large metals database is described, and possibilities for further research and new applications are presented

    Effects of a short-term differently dosed aerobic exercise on maximum aerobic capacity in breast cancer survivors: A pilot study

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    Background/Aim. Regular physical activity and exercise improves quality of life and possibly reduces risk of disease relapse and prolongs survival in breast cancer survivors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a 3-week moderate intensity aerobic training, on aerobic capacity (VO2max) in breast cancer survivors. Methods. A prospective, randomized clinical study included 18 female breast cancer survivors in stage I-IIIA, in which the primary treatment was accomplished at least 3 months before the study inclusion. In all the patients VO2max was estimated using the Astrandā€™s protocol on a bicycle-ergometer (before and after 3 weeks of training), while subjective assessment of exertion during training were estimated by the Category-Ratio RPE Scale. Each workout lasted 21 minutes: 3 minutes for warmup and cool-down each and 15 min of full training, 2 times a week. The workload in the group E1 was predefined at the level of 45% to 65% of individual VO2max, and in the group E2 it was based on subjective evaluation of exertion, at the level marked 4-6. Data on the subjective feeling of exertion were collected after each training course in both groups. Results. We recorded a statistically significant improvement in VO2max in both groups (E1 - 11.86%; E2 - 17.72%), with no significant differences between the groups. The workload level, determined by the percent of VO2max, was different between the groups E1 and E2 (50.47 Ā± 7.02% vs 55.58 Ā± 9.58%), as well as subjective perception of exertion (in the groups E1 and E2, 11.6% and 41.6% of training, respectively, was graded in the mark 6). Conclusion. In our group of breast cancer survivors, a 3-week moderate intensity aerobic training significantly improved the level of VO2max

    Proteinsko-energetski gubitak kod bolesnika na hroničnoj hemodijalizi - etiologija i dijagnostički kriterijumi

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    The available evidence suggests that nutritional status in the HD patients is an extremely important predictive and causative factor for the good clinical outcome. Nutritional deficits and PEW are frequent problems in the dialysis population and implies an increased risk of negative health outcomes such as mortality risk and quality of life deterioration. There is no single specific measurement that provides complete assessment of the nutritional status in the HD patients, and the results should be analysed in the clinical context of each individual patients. As malnutrition is potentially reversible with appropriate nutritional support, early identification of patients at high nutritional risk may facilitate effective treatment and improve prognosis in the HD patients.

    Determination of air and hydrofoil pressure coefficient by laser doppler anemometry

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    Some results of experiments performed in water cavitation tunnel are presented. Pressure coefficient (Cp) was experimentally determined by Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) measurements. Two models were tested: model of airplane G4 (Super Galeb) and hydrofoil of high speed axial pump. These models are not prepared for conventional pressure measurements, so that LDA is applied for Cp determination. Numerical results were obtained using a code for average Navier-Stokes equations solutions. Comparisons between computational and experimental results prove the effectiveness of the LDA. The advantages and disadvantages of LDA application are discussed. Flow visualization was made by air bubbles
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