21 research outputs found

    The effect of teaching mitosis and meiosis subjects with computer-aided teaching materials on academic success

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    International Conference on Education, Technology and Science (3. : 2020)In this study, the effect of teaching mitosis and meiosis subjects using computeraided teaching materials on academic success was investigated. The mixed method, which combines quantitative and qualitative research methods, and sequential explanatory design, one of the mixed method techniques, was used in the study. A pretest-posttest control group quasi-experimental research design was used in the study, and the data were determined using parametric and non-parametric analysis techniques. The experimental study of the research was carried out in the fall semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. 10th grade students of a private primary high school in Çankaya district of Ankara province participated in the study. While the computer-aided teaching material prepared by web design was applied to the experimental group, the control group was taught with the traditional expression method. While collecting the data in the study, "Biology Achievement Test" was prepared to measure the academic success of the students and this test was administered to the students as a pre-test and a post-test. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using the T-test in the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) program. In addition, the opinions of the experimental group students about the applied computer-aided teaching material were determined. "Structured Written Interview Form" was applied to 5 students selected by random sampling method from the experimental group. The views of these students about the computer-aided teaching method were evaluated by determining themes with content analysis technique. According to the data obtained from the achievement test, there was no statistically significant difference between the computer aided teaching method and the traditional teaching method. According to the results obtained from the structured written interview form, it was understood that computer assisted education has advantages over traditional teaching for learning mitosis and meiosis. The highlights of these advantages; students' remembering the subject, envisioning abstract concepts related to the subject, preparation time for the exam, accessing the resources and repeating the subject.No sponso


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    This research focuses on how teachers’ self-efficacy changes as a result of a project consultancy training and their views on project-based learning. The study group of the research consists of 47 teachers working in Ministry of National Education who participated in “2237 coded Project Consultancy Trainer Training” program organized in 2019 in cooperation with The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and Ministry of Education. In this research, mixed method was used in which qualitative and quantitative data were used together. In the quantitative stage of the research a semi-experimental design without a control group; in the qualitative stage, a case study was adopted. As the data collection tool, “Self-efficacy scale related to project based teaching” developed by Mutlu and Yildiz Fidan (2018) and “Teacher view form related to project based teaching” developed by the researchers were used. As a result of the study, it was concluded that there was a statistically significant increase between the pre-test and post-test scores. In addition, it was determined that there was no significant difference according to the variables of gender, branch and making project status. From the teachers' views on project-based teaching, the most difficult stage of the project was “finding a project subject”; and it was understood that “writing reports” was the stage that they thought they could easily do while they were doing the project. However, it was found that the views of teachers such as “my deficiencies were completed” and “my self-confidence / motivation increased” were formed as a result of the training


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    The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of the activities on student’s opinion about the science nature which is prepared with the explicit reflective teaching approach and integrated with 9th grade biology lesson syllabus by the teachers who gets distance education about teaching the nature of science. For that purpose, in this research, quasi experimental design with pretest and posttest control group has been used. For that purpose, in this research, quasi experimental design with pretest and posttest control group has been used. 2 teachers and 114 students in an Anatolian High School in Meram/Konya have participated in this research in the whole 2014-2015 academic year. In this project, BDHGA Form C (a survey on the ideas about nature of the science), and YYG (semi-structured interview) and Rubic are used as data collecting tools. The qualitative data of the research has been analyzed with content analysis, descriptive analysis and document review. The quantitative data has been analyzed with the SPSS 17 software using ANOVA and T-test for related samples. According to the both quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the research, the experiment class, in which the teacher educated in distant about nature of science and has taught the topic in process based way to the students, is observed to be more developed in this topic than the other class. Also it is seen that only being educated about science nature of the teachers is not adequate. However, the usage of the explicit reflective activities integrated into syllabus has contributed to the perception of the students about the nature of science topic


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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of project supervision training offered to Biology teachers on their viewpoints about the nature of scientific researches. In the study, action research design, one of the quantitative research methods, was adopted. The participants of the study were composed of 39 Biology teachers who had attended a training on project supervision. The data were collected using Assessment of Learners' Views about Scientific Iquiry (VOSI) developed by Schwarts, Lederman and Lederman (2008); and a semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers. The data were analyzed via coding and content analysis methods. The results revealed that the the project supervision training provided them with the development on five dimensions, such as scientific research is directed by questions, using different methods in scientific research,  research has many purposes, justification of scientific knowledge, and differences between scientific data and evidence. It was also found out that the training had positive effects on their professional practices


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    Science centers are the environments established as a result of big investments and great efforts, and aim to increase the scientific literacy level of the society. Alongside their captivating exhibits, these centers include a variety of workshops that can provide more specialized outcomes, particularly on learning. Especially science education workshops are the most ideal places to contribute to science education. In this research carried out within the scope of BILMER Research Project (Project No: 114K646, supported by TUBITAK 1001 Program), a science education workshop titled “Language of Rings on Tree Trunks” was developed in the field of biology, based on inquiry and including scientific research and scientific process skills. In this context, the developed workshop was applied to 66 teachers from five different branches and 4 science center trainers. The data of the research were collected through a preliminary evaluation form, a workshop evaluation form, field notes, video and audio recordings of the event. In the study, which includes the case study design of the qualitative research approach, the data obtained were subjected to content analysis. Based on the evaluation and reflections, a science education workshop teaching directory that can be used in schools within the scope of science center or science center-school cooperation has been developed


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    In this study activities related to biotechnology and genetic engineering were prepared and their effectiveness on students’ achievement, attitudes towards biotechnology, and self-evaluations were investigated. The activities were implemented in 10th grade biology course. The study utilized mixed method, with qualitative and quantitative data collection tools. Two biology classes of the same teachers’ in Ankara were chosen by convenient sampling technique. One experimental group and one control group is formed with random assignment. The quantitative data about students’ achievement, attitudes towards biotechnology and self-evaluation were collected before and after the activities using pre-tests and post-tests. Then semi-structured surveys were conducted with experimental group students. Results show that the activities on biotechnology have no positive impact on the students’ achievement. Also, students’ self-evaluations indicate that they felt better in the activities, the abstract concepts were more concrete for them and it contributed to their learning by helping them to make investigations through inquiry. Based on the qualitative data, students stated that they liked the activities and they had fun. The study suggests integration of such activities to the teaching learning environment for supporting interest in biotechnology and genetic concept

    The Impact of STEM Project Writing Education on Candidate Female Teachers’ Attitudes, their Semantic Perceptions and Project Writing Skills Towards STEM Education

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    This reserach investigated the impact of Scientix STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) on female candidate teachers’ attitudes towards STEM education, their semantic perceptions of STEM discipline scopes, specifying their needs in writing STEM projects, their learning outcomes from education, and the difficulties they face in the process of project writing. Prior to the education process, the participants were given a STEM educational attitude scale, a STEM semantic contrast scale, and a questionnaire with open-ended questions to make them understand the semantic background. At the end of the training, they were given a STEM education evaluation questionnaire with open-ended questions and the same scales were used. The contents of the projects they wrote were evaluated. In the end, a meaningful difference was observed in the attitudes of female teachers towards STEM education. As for STEM semantic discrepencies, a meaningful difference was observed only in the sub-dimension of technology. Although the female candidate teachers had not received any education in project writing before (%72.72), they seemed higly confident of themselves in writing STEM projects (%87.87). The results of the content analysis showed that female teachers’ learning outcomes from STEM project development were in the themes of knowledge, skills, professional and individual development, awareness, and affective development contributing to the skills of the 22nd century. The difficulties they faced during developing projects were specifying project topics/problems, budget calculations, writing reports, forming a time schedule, overviewing literature and drawing prototype product. According to the document analysis of project reports, problems arise from project expenses and calculations of budget, advertisement activities, specifying project output and writing, and formation of job and time table. This research is considered to be important with the expectation that it will enlighten female candidate teachers who are expected to be role models in their education in preparing STEM projects in the future


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    Biomimicric implementations provide positive contributions to the development of many abilities such as problem solving, creative thinking and productivity by enabling students to look at nature from a different perspective. For this reason, in this study, it was investigated how the biomimicric applications of the macro, micro, and sub-micro nature of freshwater creatures were reflected in their arguments with special gifted students. The research was planned as a summer workshop in an institution that teaches with special gifted students in Ankara in the 2017-2018 academic year, and was carried out on the basis of case study from qualitative research patterns with eight gifted students. In a two-stage study, gifted students conducted microscopic and literature research on freshwater creatures in the first stage and made drawings about the macro, micro, and sub-micro nature of living things. In the second phase, they discussed their biomimicric prototypes in groups and explained them with their arguments. In the study based on document analysis, the data were obtained from students' worksheets and analyzed by content analysis. As a result of the research, it can be said that the concept images of gifted students develop with macro, micro, and sub-micro drawings and the quality of the arguments they construct has become more qualified during the process, and the application contributes to their creative and analytical thinking

    Keten Linum usitatissimum L. Tohumlarına Uygulanan Farklı Gamma Dozlarının M1 Generasyonundaki Etkileri

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    Bu araşt ı rmada sar ı 85 keten Linum usitatissimum L. tohumlar ı na 10, 20, 30, 40 ve 50 kRad dozlarda gamma radyasyonu verilmi ştir. Radyasyonun M igenerasyonuna ait bitki boyu, bin tohum a ğı rl ığı , yağ oran ı , bitki ba şı na kapsül say ı s ı ve kapsül içindeki tohum say ı s ı gibi verim ögeleri üzerindeki etkisi ara şt ı rı lm ışt ı r. Genellikle düşük radyasyon dozlar ı n ı n yüksek radyasyon dozlar ı na oranla daha çok etkili oldu ğ u bulunmuştur

    High frequency adventitious shoot regeneration from petiole and leaf explants of endemic Astragalus polemoniacus bunge

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    Endemik Astragalus polemoniacus Bunge 'un yaprak sapı ve yaprak eksplantlan kullanılarak yüksek oranda adventif sürgün rejenerasyonu elde edilmiştir. Murashige and Skoog (MS) temel besin ortamına 6-benzilaminopurin (BAP), \alph-naftalenasetik asit (NAA) ve thidiazuron (TDZ) gibi bitki büyüme düzenleyicilerinin farklı konsantrasyonları ilave edilmiştir. En yüksek adventif sürgün rejenerasyon oram (%100) ve eksplant başına sürgün sayısı (14.3 adet) yaprak sapı eksplantmdan 4 mg/l BAP ve 0.1 mg/l NAA içeren besin ortamından elde edilmiştir. In vitro da gelişen sürgünler büyüme düzenleyicisi içermeyen veya NAA (0.5, 1 ve 2 mg/l) içeren ortamlarda köklenmeye alınmıştır. En iyi köklenme 2 mg/l NAA içeren veya büyüme düzenleyicisi içermeyen ortamdan elde edilmiştir. Köklenen fideler torf bulunan ve üzeri plastik torba ile kapatılan salcılarda dış koşullara alıştırılmıştır. Köklenen fidelerin kök uçlarında yapılan kromozom sayımlarında 2n16 normal kromozom sayısı tespit edilmiştir.High frequency adventitious shoot regeneration was obtained by using petioles and leaves of endemic Astragalus polemoniacus Bunge. Various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), \alpha -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and thidiazuron (TDZ) wer.e added to Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. The highest frequency of adventitious shoot regeneration (100%) 'and the highest number of adventitious shoots per explant were obtained from petiole explants on a medium containing 4 mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l NAA. The shoots developed in vitro were transferred to hormone-free medium or media supplemented with 0.5, 1 and 2 mg/l NAA'for rooting. The best root formation was observed in hormone-free or 2 mg/l NAA containing media. The rooted plantlets were acclimatized in pots covered with plastic bags. Normal chromosome number (2n16) was noted in the root tips of the plantlets