10 research outputs found

    Socio-cultural aspects of the development of Croatian national theatre from moving into the new building in 1895 until 2011

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    Opći cilj rada jest artikulirati socio-kulturni pristup u stvaranju case study monografije Hrvatskoga narodnoga kazališta u Zagrebu kao društvene institucije. Korištena je case study mješovitoga tipa i sljedeće metode istraživanja: analize sadržaja višestrukih izvora (arhivskih dokumenata i fotografija, zakona, strateških dokumenata i sl.) promatranje sa sudjelovanjem, intervjui s upravom i umjetnicima, anketa. Rad potvrđuje tezu da je društveni kontekst ključan za djelovanje HNK. Taj je kontekst istražen na više razina – na makrorazini rasvjetljeni su političko-društveni procesi i njihovi produkti u vidu kulturnih politika, dok su na mikrorazini otkriveni latentni odnosi među akterima kulturne i kazališne stvarnosti. U radu se preispituje teza o reprezentaciji nacionalnoga identiteta kroz kazalište i (re)konstruira simbolička i stvarna interakcija kazališta i društva. Analizom rezultata istraživanja utvrđeno je kako je i krajem 19. st. ali u suvremenosti, HNK služio kako polje borbe političke i kulturne elite. Susljedno tome, istraživanje je potvrdilo tezu kako je temeljna društvena uloga i funkcija HNK proizvodnja kulturnoga kapitala, koji služi (re)definiranju statusa kazališta unutar nacionalne kulture jer ono kao središnja nacionalna kazališna institucija, svojim (programskim) djelovanjem stvara nove društvene obrasce komunikacije između uprave kazališta, umjetnika i publike. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno kako je uprava kazališta kulturna elita, koja ima moć u umjetničkom upravljanju kazalištem, unutar financijskih i zakonskih okvira koje određuje politička elita. Također, politička elita ima isključivo pravo odlučivanja o imenovanju i razrješenju intendanta/ice, čime neizravno određuje i ostale članove uprave. Konstatirano je da su i umjetnici dio kulturne elite, koja posjeduje kulturni, ali ne i ekonomski kapital. Njihovi dosezi u polje kulturne politike su također ograničeni i svedeni na nominalnu razinu. Ustanovljeno je da su im djelovanja ograničena i u umjetničkom polju, što ima za posljedicu slabije mogućnosti (cjeloživotnog) profesionalnog obrazovanja, usavršavanja i razvijanja karijere. Istraživanje je otkrilo kako je publika HNK prema sociodemografskim pokazateljima homogena društvena skupina, koju prvenstveno interesira klasičan umjetnički repertoar, dok za društvene aspekte kazališta ne pokazuje značajniji interes.This dissertation will seek to examine the former and present social role of Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb, as well as its' institutional meaning. The case study research method will examine key contemporary agents, such as arts managers, artists and audience, through a number of problems and questions related to the current and future activity of the theatre. The social context will be shown through analysis of archival records and analysis of current laws, regulations and other legal documents. The main goal of this dissertation is to explain the theatre “status“ within the social structures. Research has confirmed that social context was, and still is key question concerning the function of Croatian National Theatre. Social and historical context has been researched on several levels. On the macro-level historical, social and political processes were researched, as well as their consequences in the form of cultural politics. The micro-level has shown latent relations of actors of cultural and theatrical reality. The dissertation re-examines the representation of the national identity through the theatre and (re)constructs symbolical and literal interaction of society and theatre. The research was accomplished through the use of specially designed method and with accordance to an interdisciplinary envisaged theoretical structure. The dissertation is composed of nine chapters. The introductory part is composed of the review of theoretical perspectives and research of theatre and society. The author also explores cultural policies and their influence on theatre in general. The introduction also offers the description of new analytical and interpretative model of research of the history, social value and importance of Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb. Finally, in the last chapter of the introduction the author explains the methodology of the research. Second chapter of the dissertation is dedicated to literal and figurative meaning of spatial factors concerning theatre as a field of battle for power. Third chapter explains the social context of theatre during the fin de siècle epoch. Fourth chapter offers a review of modern cultural and political practice concerning the Croatian National Theatre. Review of modern cultural politics starts with the last decade of the 20th century. During the 1990’s many parts of Croatian society went through significant changes. For the theatre it meant establishing new legislative practices. The author also describes cultural strategies in the 21st century. Fifth chapter is dedicated to the view from the inside. The author describes the administrative structure of Croatian National Theatre, as well as the structure of ownership of Croatian National Theatre. Sixth chapter is dedicated to the research of audience from the one side, and theatre artists and management of the theatre from the other. In the seventh chapter the author brings several key conclusions concerning all questions that the author dealt with in the dissertation. Final chapters offer the bibliography, the list of used primary sources and the authors’ contributions (historical sources used in the research)

    Operna publika u digitalnom okruženju i operni online sadržaji tijekom karantene uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19

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    Rad je usmjeren na afirmaciju kvalitativnih istraživanja u grani sociologije medija i sociologije kulture, a glavni cilj rada jest opisati kako operna publika prati recentnu opernu produkciju, putem kojih digitalnih medija te koja joj je motivacija i koja joj značenja pridaje. Iako trendovi socioloških istraživanja kazališne publike u zapadnom svijetu podrazumijevaju proširivanje fokusa istraživanja i na „ne-publiku“ (Tröndle, 2019), u Hrvatskoj nikada do sada nije provedeno istraživanje operne i/ili koncertne publike, koja se u Austriji i Njemačkoj zasebno istražuje. Sukladno promjeni paradigme, koja je potvrđena u istraživanjima u SAD-u, istraživačka pitanja rada su: mogu li se prijenosi opera uživo u kinima podrazumijevati kao kulturno događanje te može li se Dollaseova (1998) kategorizacija publike proširiti novom kategorijom, u koju pripada publika koja opere i operne sadržaje prati u kinima i(li) online, što je bila jedina mogućnost tijekom karantene uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19. Primijenjen je fenomenološki pristup i kvalitativna metodologija (metoda opažanja sa sudjelovanjem, četiri strukturirana intervjua i analiza sadržaja). Istraživanje je pokazalo kako je uloga virtualnog prostora, iako drugačija i obilježena specifičnim manjkavostima, gotovo jednako važna kao i fizički prostor u kojem se odvija socijalna interakcija operne publike. Publika stvarnost izvedbe opere, preseljene u virtualni prostor, shvaća i opisuje uglavnom s visokim interesima, motivacijom i očekivanjima. Također, besplatni online operni sadržaji, koji su intenzivno zaživjeli u 2020. godini tijekom karantene uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19, približavaju opernu umjetnost široj populaciji te se predlaže proširenje Dollaseove kategorizacije kategorijom digitalne operne publike


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    Istraživanje medijskih sadržaja o hrvatskim braniteljima na internetskim portalima provedeno je u prvoj dionici projekta Analiza društvenih faktora koji utječu na kvalitetu života braniteljske populacije – smjernice za budućnosti tijekom 2021. i 2022. godine. Cilj istraživanja bio je ustanoviti koji društveni akteri imaju mogućnost iznošenja stavova i mišljenja o braniteljskoj populaciji u digitalnoj javnoj sferi te analizirati glavne obrasce sudova koje iznose kao i učinak takve javne komunikacije na socijalnu konstrukciju mišljenja i stavova o braniteljskoj populaciji. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom analize sadržaja, a teorijski utemeljeno u modelu javnih arena. Analizirali su se sadržaji objavljeni na jedanaest internetskih portala u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2016. godine do 31. prosinca 2020. godine. Rezultati su pokazali da su političari na vlasti dominantni akteri koji najčešće govore o braniteljima i 88,3% njihovih sudova bilo je pozitivno intonirano. Sami branitelji su na trećem mjestu, nakon skupine novinara, što ukazuje na dobru poziciju branitelja u javnoj areni. Također, u većini (84,7%) analiziranih elektroničkih publikacija pronađeni su eksplicitni vrijednosni sudovi aktera prema braniteljima, čime se potvrdio visok socijalni i politički kapital te skupine. Od analiziranih skupina povezanih s braniteljima (pojedinac, obitelj, branitelji…) najviše se komentiralo “branitelje općenito“ (61,5%), iz čega zaključujemo da se o braniteljima u medijskom prostoru govori kao o svojevrsnom fenomenu, a manje kao o heterogenoj društvenoj skupini unutar koje različiti pojedinci i skupine imaju specifične probleme i potrebe, što pokazuje da ti specifični problemi branitelja nisu dobili prostor unutar javne medijske arene te se putem mreže operativaca (političara na vlasti) nisu mogli prenijeti ni u druge javne arene, poput političke, koja ima moć poboljšati socijalni status braniteljske populacije.The research of media content on Croatian veterans on web portals was carried out in the first section of the project Analysis of social factors that affect the quality of life of the defending population – guidelines for the future during 2021 and 2022. The aim of the research was to determine which social actors have the opportunity to express views and opinions about the veterans in the digital public sphere and to analyze the main patterns of courts they present, as well as the impact of such public communication on the social construction of opinions and attitudes about the veterans. The research was conducted using the method of content analysis, and theoretically based in the model of public arenas. The contents published on eleven web portals between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2020 were analysed. The results showed that politicians (from govermental area) are the dominant actors who most often talk about veterans and 88.3% of their courts were positively intoned. The veterans are in third place, after a group of journalists, which indicates a good position of veterans in the public arena. Also, in the majority (84.7%) of the analyzed electronic publications, explicit value courts of the actors towards veterans were found, which confirmed the high social and political capital of this group. Of the analyzed groups related to veterans (individual, family, defenders…), the most commented were “veterans in general” (61.5%), from which we conclude that veterans in the media space are referred to as a kind of phenomenon, and less as a heterogeneous social group within which different individuals and groups have specific problems and needs. We concluded that these specific problems of veterans did not get space within the public media arena and could not be transferred to other public arenas, such as the political one, which has the power to improve the social status of the defenders

    Audience and examples of consummation of cultural digital products

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    Rad istražuje karakteristike potrošnje u kulturi povezane s trima medijima: kazalištem, knjigom i društvenim medijima. Ti su mediji nastali u različitim povijesnim razdobljima, a njihove se forme i oblici zbog razvoja digitalne tehnologije i interneta mijenjaju te se sadržaji iz fizičkoga prostora sele u virtualni. U istraživanju je primijenjena kvalitativna metodologija; pristup teorije utemeljene na podatcima (grounded theory) i metoda fokus grupe. Rezultati pokazuju da publika digitalne sadržaje u kulturi konzumira kako bi se informirala ili stekla uvid u one sadržaje koji joj nisu dostupni drugim putem, no ona i dalje preferira konzumiranje kulture u izvornom obliku (odlazak u kazalište, čitanje tiskane knjige), jer takvo djelovanje podrazumijeva društvene interakcije, prvenstveno komunikaciju i razmjenu dojmova te potiče pristup sadržajima u kulturi podržavajući odnose s prijateljima i obitelji.The meeting of high culture and mass media takes place on a daily basis by translating cultural content into digital form, in order to be available to a mass audience via electronic devices. The paper analyzes the relationship between the media as a social structure, and the actions of the audience, that is, the characteristics of consumption in culture associated with three media: theatre, books (literature) and social media. These media originated in different historical periods, their forms have changed due to the development of digital technology and the beginning of mass use of Internet, which is the reason behind content moving from physical space to virtual space. Qualitative methodology was applied in the research; as well as a grounded theory approach and a focus group method. The results show that the audience consumes digital content in culture in order to be informed or gain insight into those (specific) contents that are not available to them in other ways (through regular channels). Nevertheless, they still prefer to consume culture in its original form: going to the theatre, reading a printed book etc., because these activities involve social interactions, primarily communication and exchange of impressions (and even social rituals, like buying gifts such as books, theater tickets, etc.) with other actors, especially family members and friends

    The Moral Challenges and Demands of Crises. An Overview of Results of the Questionnaire on Attitudes and Opinions of Young People During Pandemics of COVID‑19 Illness in Croatia

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    Svrhu ljudskog života nalazimo u svakoj ljudskoj djelatnosti kojom čovjek želi ispuniti svoj život, odnosno dati mu neki smisao i cilj: potraga za bogatstvom, užitkom, poslom, ljubavlju, znanošću, politikom itd. Čovjek koji je bez cilja i bez nade u njegovo postignuće izlaže se najvećem ljudskom problemu: problemu gubitka smisla. Suočen s gubitkom smisla, upada u stanje krizâ i patnje. Moralni izazov za čovjeka jest potraga za pravim smislom života, a moralna teologija jest ta koja pomaže čovjeku koji traži odgovor na pitanje smisla i posljednjeg ljudskog cilja. U radu se progovara o pitanju patnje i boli s obzirom na moralni pogled te se, kako bi se obuhvatila i perspektiva iz sociologije morala, prikazuju rezultati anketnog istraživanja provedenog na dobrovoljnom uzorku studenata i mladih (od 18 do 35 godina) u Hrvatskoj. Cilj je na temelju rezultata istraživanja odgovoriti na pitanje koje je moralne izazove i zahtjeve stanje izazvano pandemijom bolesti COVID‑19 stavilo pred svakodnevni život ispitanika uopće.The purpose of human life is found in each human activity through which the human being is trying to fulfill his/her life, i.e., to give it some purpose and goal: the search for wealth, pleasure, occupation, love, science, politics, etc. The human being who is without a goal and without hope in its achievement is exposing himself/herself to the biggest human problem: the problem of loss of meaning. Faced with the loss of meaning, he/ she falls into a state of crisis and suffering. The moral challenge for the human being is the search for the true meaning of life, while moral theology can help the human being who is looking for an answer to the question of meaning and about the ultimate end of the human life. The article discusses the issue of suffering and pain in relation to the moral point of view. In order to include the perspective of the sociology of morals, the article also presents the results of the questionnaire carried out on the voluntary sample of students and young people (between the ages of 18 to 35) in Croatia. The aim is to find the answer, on the basis of the results of the questionnaire, to the question on which moral challenges and demands has the situation caused by the pandemics of COVID‑19 illness raised for the everyday life of interviewees

    Communicating Environmental Problems as a Basis for Creating Sustainable Family Habits. CRO Laudato Si’ Research Results

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    The paper presents the results of a research conducted among Catholic believers in Croatia during 2020 and 2021. The research was carried out as part of the CRO Laudato Si' project (N=1324).  In the second phase, four focus groups were conducted with 20 participants. The overall objective of the research is to determine whether families communicate about environmental problems and to describe the experience of communication and sustainable habits in the family. The results show that communication on environmental problems in the family is democratic and open. The vast majority of respondents (97%) mostly or completely agreed with the statement: “It is necessary to point out the importance of environmental problems in one's own family and society”. The results of the focus group provide a deeper insight into family relations and reveal the family as a social relationship within which environmental problems are not discussed regularly, but some habits are cultivated spontaneously. These are daily sustainable habits such as waste separation, water and energy saving, etc. However, the results show that younger family members pass on information on this topic to the elderly and therefore their role on micro-level is significant.  That role is related to meso level, and to educational institutions in the phase of secondary socialization.  We conclude that families from our sample have a non-economic exchange of information on environmental problems. Communication (non-verbal especially) about environmental problems in the family is important for both children and parents and can empower the willingness to change unsustainable family habits

    Research Outlines of the Sustainable Profile of Believers in Croatia

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    The topic of this paper are sustainable habits and attitudes of the religious population in Croatia regarding the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’. Empirical work is based on CRO Laudato Si' project using survey method on a non-probabilistic sample of the religious population in Croatia, which in this paper are operationalized as active and occasional believers according to their regularity of attending religious ceremonies (N=1305). The analysis showed that active believers have a more pronounced sustainable profile (as they throw away less food, separate waste more, show greater readiness for saving water, electrical energy and have a more pronounced critical attitude about the need for greater application of the Laudato Si' within the Church and society) than the occasional believers. Given the nonrepresentative sample, the presented data cannot be generalized to the religious population in Croatia, shaping its fundamental contribution in stimulating future scientific analyses and reflections on the Church's relationship with religious practices, and emphasizing active believers as potential social leaders of sustainable lifestyles. Therefore, the sustainable habits of the surveyed believers represent a relational good and serve as the basis for building a culture of moderation that respects key principles of Catholic Social Teaching. In that perspective, we conclude that it is important for the Church to speak more often about the socio-environmental crisis and encourage strong responses to the crisis at all social levels, from households and families to the macro level

    Projekt CRO Laudato Si’: cele, działania i rezultaty społeczne

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    On the eve of 2020, and the fifth anniversary of the publication of the Encyclical Letter - Laudato Si’. On the care for the common home at the Catholic University of Croatia, the scientific-professional project CRO Laudato Si’ was launched. The project team was composed of scientists from different disciplines, and the project partners were the National Fraternity of the Franciscan Secular Order and the Franciscan Youth. As part of the project, scientific and practical activities were carried out. One of the main scientific activities was empirical scientific research, which was conducted, using a survey method over several months in 2020. The paper will present the results of the research, related to the role of the project in the knowledge of the encyclical Laudato Si’ and the awakening of interest in the encyclical, according to the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The results show that men have heard of the encyclical Laudato Si’ to a somewhat greater extent than women. The largest number of respondents, who heard about the encyclical for the first time through the project, are those who belong to the youngest age group, followed by those with high school education. Arousing interest in Encyclical Letter topics is more encouraged among women, those over 65 years old, respondents with completed primary school, and those who are self-employed or retired.U progu 2020 roku, w piątą rocznicę opublikowania encykliki Laudato Si’. W trosce o wspólny dom na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Chorwacji zapoczątkowano projekt naukowo-zawodowy CRO Laudato Si’. Zespół projektowy składał się z naukowców z różnych dyscyplin, a partnerami projektu była Wspólnota Narodowa Świeckiego Zakonu Franciszkańskiego oraz Młodzież Franciszkańska. W ramach projektu prowadzono działania naukowe i praktyczne. Jednym z głównych działań naukowych były empiryczne badania, przeprowadzone metodą ankietową w okresie kilku miesięcy w 2020 roku. W artykule zostały przedstawione wyniki badań związanych z rolą projektu na temat znajomości encykliki Laudato Si’ oraz rozbudzanie zainteresowania encykliką uwzględniając społeczno-demograficzny charakter respondentów. Wyniki badań wskazują, że mężczyźni słyszeli o encyklice Laudato Si’ w nieco większym stopniu niż kobiety. Najwięcej respondentów, którzy w ramach projektu po raz pierwszy usłyszeli o encyklice, to ci, którzy należą do najmłodszej grupy wiekowej, a następnie osoby z wykształceniem średnim. Zainteresowanie tematyką encykliki jest wyższe wśród kobiet, osób powyżej 65 roku życia, respondentów z ukończoną szkołą podstawową oraz osób samozatrudnionych lub emerytów