11 research outputs found

    Zentzua eta Sentsua. Configuración del espacio expositivo a través del estímulo sensorial y adaptativo.

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    525 p.Zentzua eta Sentsua (Sentido lógicoy Sentido Sensorial) es una investigación que trata de diseñar espacios artísticos dirigidos a las exposiciones culturales sensitivas, en la que grupos en riesgo de exclusión museística nutren a la investigadora para crear a través de la sensorialidad un espacio adaptable a cada visitante-espectador. Es un proyecto en la que a través de diversas exposiciones colectivas de 8 artistas e investigadores de la UPV/EHU, de distintas áreas de conocimiento han participado haciendo hincapié en la accesibilidad para aquellos colectivos en riesgo de exclusión en el mundo del arte contemporáneo como son personas ciegas, sordas y niños, intentando fomentar que sus obras de arte puedan ser estimuladas a través de otros sentidos más allá de los habituales (vista y oído). En esta exposición interdisciplinar se ha querido visibilizar a estos colectivos, por lo que ha sido ampliamente meditada y es el resultado de una serie de entrevistas a personas que tuvieron lugar en 2018 con personas de estos colectivos. En ellas, dieron sus valoraciones personales acerca de la accesibilidad en el arte y detallaron experiencias personales que les habían llevado a tener diferentes opiniones sobre la accesibilidad en la práctica museística. A lo largo de esta investigación los artistas muestran sus obras, en busca de soluciones para que su propia obra sea accesible intentando dar una visión transversal de la idea de museo, en donde las obras podrán ser percibidas a través de una experiencia sensorial y en la que el desarrollo de un espacio adaptable (adaptabilidad) ayuda a dar otra perspectiva artística. Cada visitante va con los ojos caminando por la sala expositiva y guiándose por el espacio artístico a base de pautas, que le guiarán a la vez a 8 piezas artísticas que son sentidas por diferentes percepciones sensoriales, pero sin mirarlas

    Erramun Baxok [et al.]. Euskal nortasuna eta kultura XXI. mendearen hasieran = Identidad y cultura vascas a comienzos del siglo XXI = Identité et culture basques au début du XXIème siècle

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    Reseña y comentario sobre esta obra que se publica en tres idiomas. Este estudio elaborado a partir de la investigación de varios grupos pretende aclarar la percepción que los vascos tienen de su cultura e identidad

    Energia elektriko berriztagarritik lorturiko metanoaren injekzioa gas naturaleko banaketa sareetan: Power to Gas

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    [EU]Erregai fosilak mugatuak izateak eta ingurumenean sortzen dituzten arazo larriei irtenbidea aurkitu nahiak, jatorri berriztagarriko energia-iturriak garatzea ekarri du. Gradu amaierako lan honen helburu nagusia Power to Gas deritzon teknologia garatzeko katalizatzaile berritzaileak aurkitzeko ikerketa esperimentala egitea da. Metanoa lortzeko karbono dioxidoa eta hidrogenoa behar dira. Prozesu horretan bi pausu ezberdintzen dira, lehenengoa uraren hidrolisia da hidrogenoa eta oxigenoa banantzeko, eta bigarrena berriz, metanazio prozesuari dagokiona da. Proiektu hau, aipatutako azken pausuan oinarrituko da eta beraz, konbertsio altuko katalizatzaileak lortzea da helburua. Ikerketa aurrera eramateko % 13 nikela oinarritzat duen katalizatzaileak prestatu dira. Izan ere, metal honen erreaktibitate maila altua da metanizazio sistemetan. Baina katalizatzaileen kostuak merkatzeko eta horiek ingurumenaren gain ekar ditzaketen eragin negatiboak ekiditeko helburuarekin, euskarritzat mineral natural oparoak zein industria prozesuetako hondakinak erabili dira. Behin katalizatzaileak prestatu ondoren, ohantze finkodun erreaktore batean egin dira aktibitate-entseguak. Hauen xedea, operazio-baldintza zehatzak ezarriz katalizatzaile ezberdinen arteko alderaketa egitea da aukera guztietatik katalizatzaile egonkorrena eta aktiboena lortzeko. Ikerketaren ildotik jarraituz, katalizatzaileak TPR metodoaren bitartez karakterizatuz lortutako emaitzak ezaugarri fisiko-kimikoekin erlazionatu eta metalaren eta euskarriaren arteko interakzioa ondorioztatzeaz gain, hauen erredukzio tenperatura optimoa lortu da. Azkenik, aztertutako formula katalitiko guztiekin CO2 eta H2-ren konbertsioa, CH4 eta CO-aren selektibitatea, CH4-ren errendimendua eta CH4/H2O ratioa erdietsi eta alderatu dira. Horrela, metanoa energia berriztagarrietatik eta ez erregai fosiletik lor daitekeela probatu da metanazio prozesuan mineral natural eta hondakinetan oinarritutako katalizatzaileak erabilita.[ES]Debido a los inconvenientes medioambientales y limitaciones energéticas que conlleva el uso de los combustibles fósiles, es imprescindible el impulso y la investigación de nuevas fuentes de energía de origen renovable. Este Proyecto de Fin de Grado se ha basado en desarrollar distintos catalizadores con el objetivo de impulsar el proceso conocido como Power to Gas. El metano se obtiene a partir de dióxido de carbono e hidrógeno. En esta técnica se diferencian dos pasos: el primero consiste en obtener hidrógeno y oxígeno a partir de la hidrólisis del agua, y el segundo se basa en el proceso de la metanación. En el presente documento se expone el estudio experimental que consiste en la comparación de diferentes catalizadores para obtener el mayor rendimiento de metano posible. Para llevar a cabo este estudio se han preparado distintos catalizadores, basados todos ellos en 13 % de níquel. La elección de este metal es debido a su alto grado de reactividad en los sistemas de metanación. Al contrario que las técnicas convencionales de producción, ésta presenta numerosas ventajas en cuanto a costo e impacto medioambiental se refiere, ya que las materias primas empleadas para el soporte de los catalizadores son residuos de procesos industriales y minerales muy abundantes. Tras preparar los catalizadores, se han llevado a cabo los ensayos de actividad con un reactor convencional de lecho fijo. El objetivo es establecer unas condiciones de operación tales que aseguren una adecuada comparación entre catalizadores adquiriendo aquellos que presenten mayor actividad y estabilidad posible. Además, se ha realizado la caracterización de cada catalizador a partir del método TPR, del cual se relacionan los resultados obtenidos con las características físico-químicas de cada uno de ellos, así como la interacción entre el soporte y el metal y su temperatura óptima de reducción. Por último, se comparan las conversiones de H2 y CO2, la selectividad de CH4 y CO, el rendimiento de CH4 y el ratio de CH4/H2O de todas las formulaciones catalíticas preparadas. De este modo, se ha probado que el metano obtenido a partir de energía de origen renovable utilizando catalizadores producidos con los minerales más abundantes y residuos de procesos industriales, es un candidato perfecto para sustituir aquellos combustibles provenientes de fuentes fósiles.[EN]Due to environmental disadvantages and energetic limitations that involves the use of fossilized combustibles, it is necessary to support and to research the new sources of renewable energy. The basis of this End of Degree Project is the development of different catalysts of energy in order to support the process known as Power to Gas. Methane is obtained from carbon dioxide and hydrogen. This technique is divided in two steps: the first one consists on getting hydrogen and oxygen from water hydrolysis, and the second one is based on the methanation process. The experimental study that consists on the comparison of different catalysts to get the greatest methane efficiency as possible is exposed in this document. In order to carry out this study, different catalysts have been prepared, all of them based on 13% of nickel. This metal has been chosen due to its high degree of reactivity in the methanation systems. Opposite to common production techniques, this one shows several advantages regarding the cost and the environmental impact, since the fundamental elements used for the catalysts’ base are residues from industrial processes and plentiful minerals. After preparing the catalysts, activity trials have been carried out using a fixed bed conventional reactor. The aim is to set some operational conditions that ensure an appropriate comparison between catalysts acquiring those that show the greatest activity and stability. Moreover, the characterization of each catalyst has been made through the TPR approach, from which the results are connected with the physical-chemical features of each of them, as well as the interaction between the base and the metal and their optimal reduction temperature. Finally, the conversions of H2 and CO2, the selectivity of CH4 and CO, the efficiency of CH4 and the ratio of CH4/H2O all the prepared catalytic formulations are compared. This way, the methane obtained through the renewable energy using the catalysts produced from plentiful minerals and residues of industrial processes, has been proved to be a perfect candidate to replace those combustibles coming from fossil sources

    Determinants of toxicity, patterns of failure, and outcome among adult patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremity and superficial trunk treated with greater than conventional doses of perioperative high-dose-rate brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy

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    Purpose: The present study was undertaken to determine factors predictive of toxicity, patterns of failure, and survival in 60 adult patients with soft tissue sarcomas of the extremity and superficial trunk treated with combined perioperative high-dose-rate brachytherapy and external beam radiotherapy. Methods and Materials: The patients were treated with surgical resection and perioperative high-dose-rate brachytherapy (16 or 24 Gy) for negative and close/microscopically positive resection margins, respectively. External beam radiotherapy (45 Gy) was added postoperatively to reach a 2-Gy equivalent dose of 62.9 and 72.3 Gy, respectively. Adjuvant chemotherapy with ifosfamide and doxorubicin was given to patients with advanced high-grade tumors. Results: Grade 3 toxic events were observed in 18 patients (30%) and Grade 4 events in 6 patients (10%). No Grade 5 events were observed. A location in the lower limb was significant for Grade 3 or greater toxic events on multivariate analysis (p = .013), and the tissue volume encompassed by the 150% isodose line showed a trend toward statistical significance (p = .086). The local control, locoregional control, and distant control rate at 9 years was 77.4%, 69.5%, and 63.8%, respectively. On multivariate analysis, microscopically involved margins correlated with local control (p = .036) and locoregional control (p = .007) and tumor size correlated with distant metastases (p = .004). The 9-year disease-free survival and overall survival rate was 47.0% and 61.5%, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed poorer disease-free survival rates for patients with tumors >6 cm (p = .005) and microscopically involved margins (p = .043), and overall survival rates decreased with increasing tumor size (p = .011). Conclusions: Grade 3 or greater wound complications can probably be decreased using meticulous treatment planning to decrease the tissue volume encompassed by the 150% isodose line, especially in lower limb locations. Microscopically involved margins remain a predictor of local and locoregional failure, despite radiation doses >70 Gy. Patients with tumors $6 cm and microscopically involved margins are at high risk of treatment failure and death from the development of distant metastases

    Low-dose Radiation Therapy in the Management of COVID-19 Pneumonia (LOWRAD-Cov19). Final results of a prospective phase I–II trial

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    Highlights • LD-RT is feasible and well tolerated treatment for patients diagnosed with COVID-19. One week after LD-RT, 42% of the patients experienced a radiological response. • Thirty-nine percent of the patients experienced a rapid respiratory improvement (<72 h). • One week after LD-RT, 42% of the patients experienced a radiological response. • Patients were discharged a median of 11 days after LD-RT.Background and purpose: To evaluate the results of low-dose radiation therapy (LD-RT) to lungs in the management of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. Material and methods: We conducted a prospective phase I-II trial enrolling COVID-19 patients ≥50 years-old, with bilateral lung involvement at imaging study and oxygen requirement (oxygen saturation ≤93% on room air). Patients received 1 Gy to whole lungs in a single fraction. Primary outcome was a radiological response assessed as severity and extension scores at days +3 and +7. Secondary outcomes were toxicity (CTCAE v5.0), days of hospitalization, changes in inflammatory blood parameters (ferritin, lymphocytes, C-reactive protein, d-dimer and LDH) and SatO2/FiO2 index (SAFI), at day +3 and +7. Descriptive analyses were summarized as means with standard deviation (SD) and/or medians with interquartile ranges (IQR). A Wilcoxon sign rank test for paired data was used to assess the CT scores and Chi Square was used to assess for comparison of categorical variables. Results: Forty-one patients were included. Median age was 71 (IQR 60-84). Eighteen patients (44%) previously received an anti-COVID treatment (tocilizumab, lopinavir/ritonavir, remdesivir) and thirty-two patients (84%) received steroids during LD-RT. The extension score improved significantly (p = 0.02) on day +7. Mean baseline extension score was 13.7 (SD ± 4.9) with a score of 12.2 (±5.2) at day 3, and 12.4 ± 4.7 at day 7. No differences were found in the severity score. SAFI improved significantly on day +3 and +7 (p < 0.01). Median SAFI on day 0 was 147 (IQR 118-264), 230 (IQR 120-343) on day +3 and 293 (IQR 121-353) on day +7. Significant decrease was found in C-reactive protein on day +7 (p = 0.02) and in lymphocytes counts on day +3 and +7 (p = 0.02). The median number of days in hospital after RT was 11 (range 4-78). With a median follow-up of 60 days after LD-RT, 26 (63%) patients were discharged, 11 (27%) died because of COVID respiratory failure and 4 (10%) died of other causes. Conclusions: LD-RT is a feasible and well-tolerated treatment that could lead to rapid clinical improvement. Large randomized trials would be required to establish the efficacy of LD-RT to treat COVID-19 pneumonia.Depto. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y FisioterapiaFac. de MedicinaUniversidad Complutense de MadridTRUEpu

    Low-Dose Radiation Therapy in the Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pneumonia (LOWRAD-Cov19): Preliminary Report

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    PubMed DisclaimerPurpose: Low-dose radiation therapy (LD-RT) has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect, and preliminary results suggest it is feasible to treat patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. Materials and methods: We conducted a prospective, single-arm, phase 1/2 clinical trial enrolling patients aged ≥50 years, who were coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) positive, at phase 2 or 3 with lung involvement at imaging study and oxygen requirement. Patients received 100 cGy to total lungs in a single fraction. Primary outcome was radiologic response using severity and extension score on baseline computed tomography (CT), at days 3 and 7 after LD-RT. Secondary outcomes were toxicity using Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v.5.0, duration of hospitalization, blood work evolution, and oxygen requirements using SatO2/FiO2 index (SAFI), at days 3 and 7 after LD-RT. Results: Nine patients were included. Median age was 66 (interquartile range, 57-77). Severity score was stable or decreased in the third CT but was not statistically significant (P = .28); however, there were statistically significant changes in the extension score (P = .03). SAFI index significantly improved 72 hours and 1 week after LD-RT (P = .01). Inflammatory blood parameters decreased 1 week after RT compared with baseline; only lactate dehydrogenase decreased significantly (P = .04). Two patients presented grade 2 lymphopenia after RT and another (with baseline grade 3) worsened to grade 4. Overall, the median number of days of hospitalization was 59 (range, 26-151). After RT the median number of days in the hospital was 13 (range, 4-77). With a median follow-up after RT of 112 days (range, 105-150), 7 patients were discharged and 2 patients died, 1 due to sepsis and the other with severe baseline chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from COVID-19 pneumonia. Conclusions: Our preliminary results show that LD-RT was a feasible and well-tolerated treatment, with potential clinical improvement. Randomized trials are needed to establish whether LD-RT improves severe pneumonia.Depto. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y FisioterapiaFac. de MedicinaUniversidad Complutense de MadridTRUEpu