44 research outputs found

    Studies on the reaction mechanism of Rhodotorula gracilis D-amino-acid oxidase. Role of the highly conserved Tyr-223 on substrate binding and catalysis.

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    We have studied D-amino-acid oxidase from Rhodotorula gracilis by site-directed mutagenesis for the purpose of determining the presence or absence of residues having a possible role in acid/base catalysis. Tyr-223, one of the very few conserved residues among D-amino-acid oxidases, has been mutated to phenylalanine and to serine. Both mutants are active catalysts in turnover with D-alanine, and they are reduced by D-alanine slightly faster than wild-type enzyme. The Tyr-223 --> Phe mutant is virtually identical to the wild-type enzyme, whereas the Tyr-223 --> Ser mutant exhibits 60-fold slower substrate binding and at least 800-fold slower rate of product release relative to wild-type. These data eliminate Tyr-223 as an active-site acid/base catalyst. These results underline the importance of Tyr-223 for substrate binding and exemplify the importance of steric interactions in RgDAAO catalysis

    Role of Arginine 285 in the Active Site of Rhodotorula gracilis d-Amino Acid Oxidase A SITE-DIRECTED MUTAGENESIS STUDY

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    Abstract Arg285, one of the very few conserved residues in the active site of d-amino acid oxidases, has been mutated to lysine, glutamine, aspartate, and alanine in the enzyme from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis (RgDAAO). The mutated proteins are all catalytically competent. Mutations of Arg285 result in an increase (≈300-fold) ofK m for the d-amino acid and in a large decrease (≈500-fold) of turnover number. Stopped-flow analysis shows that the decrease in turnover is paralleled by a similar decrease in the rate of flavin reduction (k 2), the latter still being the rate-limiting step of the reaction. In agreement with data from the protein crystal structure, loss of the guanidinium group of Arg285 in the mutated DAAOs drastically reduces the binding of several carboxylic acids (e.g. benzoate). These results highlight the importance of this active site residue in the precise substrate orientation, a main factor in this redox reaction. Furthermore, Arg285 DAAO mutants have spectral properties similar to those of the wild-type enzyme, but show a low degree of stabilization of the flavin semiquinone and a change in the redox properties of the free enzyme. From this, we can unexpectedly conclude that Arg285 in the free enzyme form is involved in the stabilization of the negative charge on the N(1)-C(2)=O locus of the isoalloxazine ring of the flavin. We also suggest that the residue undergoes a conformational change in order to bind the carboxylate portion of the substrate/ligand in the complexed enzyme

    PLG72 Modulates Intracellular D-Serine Levels through Its Interaction with D-Amino Acid Oxidase : EFFECT ON SCHIZOPHRENIA SUSCEPTIBILITY

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    Human genes coding for pLG72 and d-amino acid oxidase have recently been linked to the onset of schizophrenia. pLG72 was proposed as an activator of the human FAD-containing flavoprotein d-amino acid oxidase (hDAAO). In the brain this oxidizes d-serine, a potent activator of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor. We have investigated the mechanistic regulation of hDAAO by pLG72. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that hDAAO and pLG72 are both expressed in astrocytes of the human cortex, where they most likely interact, considering their partial overlapping subcellular distribution and their coimmunoprecipitation. We demonstrated that the specific in vitro interaction of the two proteins yields a complex composed of 2 hDAAO homodimers and 2 pLG72 molecules. Binding of pLG72 did not affect the kinetic properties and FAD binding ability of hDAAO; instead, a time-dependent loss of hDAAO activity in the presence of an excess of pLG72 was found. The binding affects the tertiary structure of hDAAO, altering the amount of the active form. We finally demonstrated that overexpression of hDAAO in glioblastoma cells decreases the levels of d-serine, an effect that is null when pLG72 is coexpressed. These data indicate that pLG72 acts as a negative effector of hDAAO. Therefore, a decrease in the synaptic concentration of d-serine as the result of an anomalous increase in hDAAO activity related to hypoexpression of pLG72 may represent a molecular mechanism by which hDAAO and pLG72 are involved in schizophrenia susceptibility

    Kinetic mechanisms of cholesterol oxidase from Streptomyces hygroscopicus and Brevibacterium sterolicum

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    The kinetic properties of two cholesterol oxidases, one from Brevibacterium sterolicum (BCO) the other from Streptomyces hygroscopicus (SCO) were investigated. BCO works via a ping-pong mechanism, whereas the catalytic pathway of SCO is sequential. The turnover numbers at infinite cholesterol and oxygen concentrations are 202 s−1 and 105 s−1 for SCO and BCO, respectively. The rates of flavin reduction extrapolated to saturating substrate concentration, under anaerobic conditions, are 235 s−1 for BCO and 232 s−1 for SCO (in the presence of 1% Thesit and 10% 2-propanol). With reduced SCO the rate of Δ5-6→Δ4-5 isomerization of the intermediate 5-cholesten-3-one to final product is slow (0.3 s−1). With oxidized SCO and BCO the rate of isomerization is much faster (≈ 300 s−1), thus it is not rate-limiting for catalysis. The kinetic behaviour of both reduced COs towards oxygen is unusual in that they exhibit apparent saturation with increasing oxygen concentrations (extrapolated rates ≈ 250 s−1 and 1.3 s−1, for BCO and SCO, respectively): too slow to account for catalysis. For BCO the kinetic data are compatible with a step preceding the reaction with oxygen, involving interconversion of reactive and nonreactive forms of the enzyme. We suggest that the presence of micelles in the reaction medium, due to the necessary presence of detergents to solubilize the substrate, influence the availability or reactivity of oxygen towards the enzyme. The rate of re-oxidation of SCO in the presence of product is also too slow to account for catalysis, probably due to the impossibility of producing quantitatively the reduced enzyme product complexes

    Cholesterol oxidase from Brevibacterium sterolicum : the relationship between covalent flavinylation and redox properties

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    Brevibacterium sterolicum possesses two forms of cholesterol oxidase, one containing noncovalently bound FAD, the second containing a FAD covalently linked to His69 of the protein backbone. The functional role of the histidyl-FAD bond in the latter cholesterol oxidase was addressed by studying the properties of the H69A mutant in which the FAD is bound tightly, but not covalently, and by comparison with native enzyme. The mutant retains catalytic activity, but with a turnover rate decreased 35-fold; the isomerization step of the intermediate 3-ketosteroid to the final product is also preserved. Stabilization of the flavin semiquinone and binding of sulfite are markedly decreased, this correlates with a lower midpoint redox potential (-204 mV compared with -101 mV for wild-type). Reconstitution with 8-chloro-FAD led to a holoenzyme form of H69A cholesterol oxidase with a midpoint redox potential of -160 mV. In this enzyme form, flavin semiquinone is newly stabilized, and a 3.5-fold activity increase is observed, this mimicking the thermodynamic effects induced by the covalent flavin linkage. It is concluded that the flavin 8α-linkage to a (N1)histidine is a pivotal factor in the modulation of the redox properties of this cholesterol oxidase to increase its oxidative power