7 research outputs found

    Multifunctional device for bicycles

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    This paper aims at designing a "Multifunctional device composed of load support and anti-theft lock for standard bicycles". A previous study has been developed in order to justify and validate the final design of the unmet needs of people in their daily lives, with an emphasis on satisfying those that imply specific savings, whether economic, energy or time. As a result, the use of bicycles as a means of transport in Spain is promoted taking as a frame of reference countries such as the Netherlands or France. This means economic and energy savings (by replacing the car) and an improvement in people's health and quality of life. Following the steps of the design methodology, once the need was detected, an information search was carried out in order to identify and prioritize the design specifications that meet the demands of potential customers. For this reason, various sources were used, The boost to use bicycles has allowed to establish a set of measurements and specifications in the design of the device with a double functionality, the transport of merchandise and an anti-theft system. In addition to meeting the needs of the client, the design must comply with a set of reference regulations both, at the level of security devices and the transport of merchandise at retail. The result of the work has given rise to patent application with prior examination at a national level, in a first phase, and subsequently, at an international level.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Implementation of learning by doing methods in the graphical engineering field

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    Regarding the different options to approaches with excessively theoretical contents that are applied in teaching, there are several innovative learning strategies for active students’ involvement. According to (1) most of the business look for professional profiles in which applicants not only have an academic background but also good personal skills, such as initiative, undertaking, communication skills, commercial vision, and so on. This paper presents the experiments that aim to achieve the objectives and catching skills by the Learning by doing technique (2), through a contextualization of the subject “Container and Packaging” in the Industrial Design Degree. Moreover, a close relation between university and business is achieved. In this way students acquire the requirements demanded by the company. A particularization of an industrial design methodology proposed by the Technological Institute of Packaging, Transport and Logistics (ITENE, Valencia) has been implemented for the design of packaging and packaging (4). Besides using this method, students take on a project-based learning (PBL) work under the role of company. Then, they realize the redesign of the container of a manufactured product close to his residence province, i.e. Ron Montero Winery, Granada. This practice will not only look for improving the student's ability to research and solve problems, but also to manage the professional and personal relationships that occur within each work group. These situations are necessary in the training process since they will be to be fought daily in their future professional life.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Promoting Circular Economy around Plastic Waste: A New Design of Recycled Plastic Shredder

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    The development and construction of the plastic shredder presented here is part of the MAREA Plastic project, which aims to be a meeting point between the university community and society, through science and technology. The project’s main goal consists in developing a circular economy environment that reduces both, the input of raw materials and the output of waste, closing the ecological and economic flows of resources. Thereby, this machine becomes essential for the continuation and proper development of such a research and social awareness project. The new version of the plastic shredder entails a solid design that meets the needs and requirements of the task assigned in its working environment, focusing on its design and manufacture from a sustainable point of view, reusing parts of the prototype itself, as well as other disused resources, mostly provided by the University of Malaga. This concept of sustainability even extends to its operation, controlling the consumption of the engine and paying special attention to durability, reliability and, above all, the safety of both, users and the shredder itself. Among other design priorities, the possibility to visualise and perfectly understand how and why the reused plastic passes through the shredder is one of the most important due to the educational purpose of the project towards a younger audience about circular economy. To achieve this, the machine should not only be able to show the process in an illustrative way, but also the interaction with the machine should be simple and fluid, without the need for previous knowledge or experience operating industrial machinery.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    3D GIS for surface modelling of magnetic fields generated by overhead power lines and their validation in a complex urban area

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    Residential exposure to magnetic fields generated by overhead high-voltage power lines, continues to be a mat- ter of social concern and, for the scientific community, a challenge to model this exposure accurately enough to reliably detect even small effects in large populations complexes. In any expression of the magnetic field inten- sity, the source-receiver distance is a determining variable, especially in an environment closer to the electrical installation and critical with the existence of significant unevenness in the terrain. However, MF exposure studies adopt, due to their complexity, simplifications of reality where even sometimes the terrain relief and the buckling of the line are not considered. The application of 3D techniques with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) al- lows us to address this problem. This article presents a model for generating magnetic field intensity surfaces from high-precision terrain elevation data. The series expansion of the Biot-Savart law to an infinite rectilinear conductor with variable height according to the catenary described by the cables using ArcGIS software is applied to calculate the magnetic field. For the validation, 69 control points (1035 field measurements) were used in a free urban area and another 28 points (420 field measurements) in a built-up urban area with complex relief. Good estimates were obtained, although with differences in both areas. With MAPE 9.65% and 19.51%, R2 = 0.922 and 0.949, RMSE = 0.154 and 0.094 μT, respectively. Furthermore, 86% of the points were correctly classi- fied according to usual exposure percentiles. However, the use of a 5 m resolution digital terrain model to obtain high-precision elevation data was an indispensable condition for the good performance of our model. The result as a continuous surface of magnetic field values at the real elevation of the ground can contribute significantly to the development of new environmental and public health studies.The authors wish to thank the company e-Distribución Redes Digitales SLU for providing all the technical data of the electrical line studied. Thanks to their support, it has been possible to develop this research. Likewise, they also want to express gratitude to the University of Malaga and CBUA (Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Andalucía), for providing all the necessary equipment and publishing support for this work (funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA)

    Claiming the patrimonial value of the agrarian. Sugar cane in oriental Malaga

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    En el ámbito de protección del patrimonio, cada vez existen más autores y trabajos que inciden en la necesidad y la importancia de no concebir aisladamente los testigos inmuebles, muebles y territoriales de una determinada actividad a la hora de aplicarle una protección, pues los unos sin los otros no tienen razón de ser. En la industria de la caña de azúcar esta protección podría en muchos casos incluir el suelo agrario y fuente de materia prima que hizo funcionar dicha industria. De esta forma, la protección tendría efecto por igual sobre los elementos inmuebles (arquitectura), muebles (maquinaria y herramientas) y el territorio (suelo agrario donde se cultivaba la caña que suministraba la fábrica). El trabajo que se presenta a continuación se centra en la importancia de esta coexistencia entre fábrica-maquinariasuelo agrario. El estudio se focaliza en una de las fábricas existentes en el litoral este malagueño cuya situación en la actualidad se torna un tanto confusa debida a la ambigüedad de la norma aplicable. Por este motivo, se investiga la evolución del parcelario agrario en el entorno de la fábrica, así como el marco legislativo que da lugar al grado de protección actual ya que podría verse afectado por diversas actividades proyectadas en el municipio a corto-medio plazo. Se plantea una reflexión sobre la forma de proceder a la hora de proteger el patrimonio agrario en general, y más concretamente aquel vinculado a ciertas industrias que dejaron una profunda huella en el territorio de la Axarquía y sus habitantes.In the field of heritage protection, more and more authors and research emphasize the need and importance of not considering the immovable, movable and territorial testimonies of a certain activity independently when deciding the protection they deserve, since one without the other have no reason to exist. In the sugar cane industry, this protection could in many cases include the agricultural land which was the main source of raw material to such industry. This way, the protection would have an equal effect on the immovable elements (architecture), movable (machinery and tools), and the territory (lands where the canes were grown to supply the factory). The following work stresses on the significance of this coexistence between Factory-machinery- agricultural land. The study focusses on one of the existing factories on the east coast of Malaga, show current situation is somewhat confusing due to the ambiguity of the applicable regulations. For this reason, the evolution of the agricultural land in the area that surrounds the factory is throughtfully studied together with the legislative framework that gives rise to the current degree of protection, since this could be affected by various activities that are planned in the shortmedium term in the town. A reflection on how to proceed when it comes to protecting agricultural heritage in general, and more specifically that linked to certain industries that imprinted a deep agrarian character into the ‘Axarquia’ territory and its inhabitants

    Estudio y reflexión sobre el patrimonio industrial y agrario del azúcar de caña en el litoral oriental malagueño

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    En este trabajo se incide en la necesidad y la importancia de no concebir aisladamente el inmueble industrial y su entorno agrario, pues el uno sin el otro no tienen razón de ser. A menudo en diversas actuaciones sobre el patrimonio cultural/histórico se conserva y restaura un inmueble o edificación despojándolos por completo de su contexto mueble o territorial. De la misma forma que los institutos, organizaciones y asociaciones que abogan por la protección del patrimonio andaluz cuentan con herramientas de protección de los inmuebles, dichas protecciones deberían ser extensibles a todo el contexto en el que se engloba dicha actividad socio-económica, es decir, en el caso de las fábricas de azúcar de caña por ejemplo, deben protegerse por igual los elementos inmuebles (arquitectura), muebles (maquinaria y herramientas) y territoriales (suelo agrario fuente de la materia prima). La propuesta presentada tratará de centrarse e incidir en la importancia de esta coexistencia entre fábrica-maquinaria-suelo agrario, presentando varios ejemplos, en este caso, vinculados a la industria del azúcar de caña en el litoral este malagueño. Para ello, se realizará una breve introducción a dicha industria y la repercusión que ésta tuvo en el litoral oriental andaluz. En segundo lugar, mostraremos varios ejemplos de dicha industria en las que el marcado carácter agrario de la tierra y sus pobladores son el origen y esencia de dicha actividad. El estudio se centra principalmente en la zona de la Axarquía malagueña, donde pueden encontrarse numerosos ejemplos de esto, al tratarse de una zona especialmente rica y marcada por el sector y producción agrícola. Finalmente se plantean propuestas de reutilización de dicho patrimonio para fines turísticos siempre desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad de la tierra y los recursos de la zona afectada, que ayuden a potenciar la economía de la zona sin hacer peligrar la integridad y la esencia del lugar en el que se realiza la intervención.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Reivindicando el valor patrimonial de lo agrario relativo a la industria del azúcar de caña en la región oriental de Málaga

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    In the field of heritage protection, more and more authors and research emphasize the need and importance of not considering the immovable, movable and territorial testimonies of a certain activity independently when deciding the protection they deserve, since one without the other have no reason to exist. In the sugar cane industry, this protection could in many cases include the agricultural land which was the main source of raw material to such industry. This way, the protection would have an equal effect on the immovable elements (architecture), movable (machinery and tools), and the territory (lands where the canes were grown to supply the factory). The following work stresses on the significance of this coexistence between Factory-machinery-agricultural land. The study focusses on one of the existing factories on the east coast of Malaga, show current situation is somewhat confusing due to the ambiguity of the applicable regulations. For this reason, the evolution of the agricultural land in the area that surrounds the factory is throughtfully studied together with the legislative framework that gives rise to the current degree of protection, since this could be affected by various activities that are planned in the short-medium term in the town. A reflection on how to proceed when it comes to protecting agricultural heritage in general, and more specifically that linked to certain industries that imprinted a deep agrarian character into the ‘Axarquia’ territory and its inhabitants.En el ámbito de protección del patrimonio, cada vez existen más autores y trabajos que inciden en la necesidad y la importancia de no concebir aisladamente los testigos inmuebles, muebles y territoriales de una determinada actividad a la hora de aplicarle una protección, pues los unos sin los otros no tienen razón de ser. En la industria de la caña de azúcar esta protección podría en muchos casos incluir el suelo agrario y fuente de materia prima que hizo funcionar dicha industria. De esta forma, la protección tendría efecto por igual sobre los elementos inmuebles (arquitectura), muebles (maquinaria y herramientas) y el territorio (suelo agrario donde se cultivaba la caña que suministraba la fábrica). El trabajo que se presenta a continuación se centra en la importancia de esta coexistencia entre fábrica-maquinaria-suelo agrario. El estudio se focaliza en una de las fábricas existentes en el litoral este malagueño cuya situación en la actualidad se torna un tanto confusa debida a la ambigüedad de la norma aplicable. Por este motivo, se investiga la evolución del parcelario agrario en el entorno de la fábrica, así como el marco legislativo que da lugar al grado de protección actual ya que podría verse afectado por diversas actividades proyectadas en el municipio a corto-medio plazo. Se plantea una reflexión sobre la forma de proceder a la hora de proteger el patrimonio agrario en general, y más concretamente aquel vinculado a ciertas industrias que dejaron una profunda huella en el territorio de la Axarquía y sus habitantes