16 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Ikan merupakan salah satu bahan pangan yang kaya protein sehingga baik untuk dikonsumsi setiap harinya. Ikan gabus sangat potensial diolah menjadi produk makanan abon ikan yang memiliki nilai tambah. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah menemukan informasi mengenai potensi abon ikan gabus sebagai prospek usaha. Prospek usaha abon ikan gabus untuk menghasilkan keuntungan dengan cara mengelolah sumber daya ekonomi secara efektif dan efisien yang dapat dilihat pada ruang lingkup prospek usaha abon ikan gabus yaitu: (1) aspek pasar meliputi permintaan, persaingan pasar, kendala pemasaran; (2) aspek produksi meliputi tata letak, bahan baku dan tenaga kerja; dan (3) aspek pemasaran meliputi produk, harga, tempat dan promosi. Prospek usaha abon ikan gabus memiliki peluang untuk menghasilkan keuntungan yang dapat dilihat pada bahan baku cukup mudah didapatkan dan persaingan antara pengusaha abon ikan juga masih sedikit. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gaya hidup generasi Z yang dapat diukur melalui Aktivitas Minat dan Opini (AIO) mereka yang telah di pengaruhi oleh teknologi pada saat melakukan pemesanan makanan melalui daring (online) dimasa pandemi Covid-19 ini.Penelitian ini dilakukan di Surabaya dan Sidoarjo menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel berupa purposive sampling dengan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa kuesioner online yang disebar menggunakan media Google Form. Metode penelitian ini adalah analisis  deskriptif kuantitatif , terdapat 100 responden Generasi Z yang memiliki rentang usia 10 – 25 tahun. Analisis Uji Regresi berganda digunakan untuk membuktikan hipotesis dengan bantuan SPSS. Hasil penelitian iniaktivitas (activity) dan minat (interest) konsumen tidak berpengaruh  positif dan signifikan sedangkan pendapat (opinions)  berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap layanan pemesanan makanan berbasis daring selama pandemi Covid-19


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    Rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pentingnya mengkonsumsi ikan membuat pemerintah melakukan gerakan yang diberi nama GEMARIKAN. GEMARIKAN adalah gerakan yang bertujuan untuk membangun rasa individu atau komunitas bertujuan  untuk  membangun  kesadaran tentang pentingnya mengkonsumsi ikan, gerakan ini bertujuan agar individu dan masyarakat gemar mengkonsumsi ikan, khususnya pada usia anak-anak sehingga meningkatkan asupan gizi yang berasal dari bahan pangan ikan. Pengembangan media komik tentang Gemarikan merupakan sarana media yang tepat untuk anak- anak karena materi yang disampaikan melalui media komik mudah dipahami oleh anak. Komik merupakan salah satu media komunikasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan media komik makanan sehat yang berfokus pada kegiatan mengkonsumsin ikan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui, 1) kelayakan media, 2) keefektifan media dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang manfaat mengkonsumsi ikan, 3) respon siswa terhadap media. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian Research and Development menggunakan model penggembangan ADDIE( Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Data keefektifan media dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang manfaat mengkonsumsi ikan diperoleh dengan menggunakan pre test dan post test, data kelayakan media menggunaka angket validasi media, dan untuk data respon siswa terhadap media komik menggunakan lembar angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) kelayakan media komik yaitu 51% untuk aspek fisik dan penokohan, 58% untuk aspek isi dan 54% untuk aspek kegrafisan. Aspek-aspek pada komik ini termasuk dalam kategori cukup, 2) keefektifan media diperoleh dari tes pada siswa kelas V SD  ANTAWIRYA dan memiliki nilai sebesar 0,63 dengan kategori peningkatan sedang, 3) hasil respon siswa mendapatkan nilai 97,1% termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik yang artinya komik ini mendapat respon positif dari siswa. Selama proses pembelajaran berlangsung siswa memberikan respon positif terhadap media komik. Siswa lebih semangat dan tertarik untuk belajar tentang manfaat mengkonsumsi ikan untuk kesehatan manusia

    A simple and accurate dosimetry protocol to estimate activity for hyperthyroidism treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Aim of the study was to evaluate accuracy of different dosimetry protocols in estimating the required 131I activity to treat hyperthyroid patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty consecutive patients were analysed: twenty-eight Graves’ disease; twelve autonomous thyroid nodule (ATN). Maximum-uptake, effective half-time and residence-time were estimated from Radioiodine Uptake Test. Residence-time was estimated using a bi-compartmental model. For 131I activity calculation, algorithms laid down in European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) guidelines, ICRP 53 approach and a mono-exponential formula (ME), were compared with OLINDA/EXM results. RESULTS: Based on EANM guidelines, activities to be administered were 3% higher in Graves’ disease (p = 0.001) and 3% higher in ATN (p = 0.046). Calculated activities using ICRP 53 approach were significantly lower compared to OLINDA/EXM: 33% in Graves’ disease; 17% in ATN. Activities recommended by ME, were significantly higher: in Graves’ disease 20%; 42% in ATN. CONCLUSIONS: Only EANM algorithm predict quite well, compared to OLINDA/EXM, the required activity to treat hyperthyroid patients

    Feature of the Knowledge of the Posyandu Cadre School Participants Based on the Pattern of the Material Provided

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    National health development focuses on preventive and promotive approaches, as well as empowering families and communities through Posyandu (Integrated Health Service Post). Posyandu cadres play a crucial role in improving the health status of the community. It is essential to continuously foster and enhance the capacity of Posyandu cadres, particularly in addressing health issues related to infants and pregnant women, with a holistic approach that empowers the surrounding community. In collaboration with Parongpong District, the Faculty of Medicine at Unisba has developed a program called the Posyandu Cadre School to strengthen the skills and knowledge of Posyandu cadres. This program aims to improve their understanding of their roles at Posyandu, health topics, communication skills, and the role of women in Islam. Through the Posyandu Cadre School, cadres receive training on various topics, with a total of 17 topics covered. The post-test evaluation of the program reveals that cadres have achieved the highest mastery in topics such as the role of women in Islam, nutrition, stunting, youth health, coping with stress management, and skin health (score > 75%). However, there are certain topics where understanding remains relatively low, such as English proficiency and prevention and control of diarrhea (score < 50%). Nevertheless, overall, the participants have demonstrated a good understanding of the basic concepts of Posyandu. These findings highlight the importance of continuous debriefing and competence-building for Posyandu cadres to ensure their readiness and competency. By enhancing the role of Posyandu cadres, the overall health status of the community can be improved indirectly. Keywords: Posyandu cadre school, Parongpong, health status, communit

    a simple and accurate dosimetry protocol to estimate activity for hyperthyroidism treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Aim of the study was to evaluate accuracy of different dosimetry protocols in estimating the required 131I activity to treat hyperthyroid patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty consecutive patients were analysed: twenty-eight Graves' disease; twelve autonomous thyroid nodule (ATN). Maximum-uptake, effective half-time and residence-time were estimated from Radioiodine Uptake Test. Residence-time was estimated using a bi-compartmental model. For 131I activity calculation, algorithms laid down in European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) guidelines, ICRP 53 approach and a mono-exponential formula (ME), were compared with OLINDA/EXM results. RESULTS: Based on EANM guidelines, activities to be administered were 3% higher in Graves' disease (p = 0.001) and 3% higher in ATN (p = 0.046). Calculated activities using ICRP 53 approach were significantly lower compared to OLINDA/EXM: 33% in Graves' disease; 17% in ATN. Activities recommended by ME, were significantly higher: in Graves' disease 20%; 42% in ATN. CONCLUSIONS: Only EANM algorithm predict quite well, compared to OLINDA/EXM, the required activity to treat hyperthyroid patients

    A simple and accurate dosimetry protocol to estimate activity for hyperthyroidism treatment

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    BACKGROUND: Aim of the study was to evaluate accuracy of different dosimetry protocols in estimating the required 131I activity to treat hyperthyroid patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty consecutive patients were analysed: twenty-eight Graves' disease; twelve autonomous thyroid nodule (ATN). Maximum-uptake, effective half-time and residence-time were estimated from Radioiodine Uptake Test. Residence-time was estimated using a bi-compartmental model. For 131I activity calculation, algorithms laid down in European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) guidelines, ICRP 53 approach and a mono-exponential formula (ME), were compared with OLINDA/EXM results. RESULTS: Based on EANM guidelines, activities to be administered were 3% higher in Graves' disease (p = 0.001) and 3% higher in ATN (p = 0.046). Calculated activities using ICRP 53 approach were significantly lower compared to OLINDA/EXM: 33% in Graves' disease; 17% in ATN. Activities recommended by ME, were significantly higher: in Graves' disease 20%; 42% in ATN. CONCLUSIONS: Only EANM algorithm predict quite well, compared to OLINDA/EXM, the required activity to treat hyperthyroid patients

    Tetraspanin CD82 Organizes Dectin-1 into Signaling Domains to Mediate Cellular Responses to Candida albicans

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    Tetraspanins are a family of proteins possessing four transmembrane domains that help in lateral organization of plasma membrane proteins. These proteins interact with each other as well as other receptors and signaling proteins, resulting in functional complexes called "tetraspanin microdomains." Tetraspanins, including CD82, play an essential role in the pathogenesis of fungal infections. Dectin-1, a receptor for the fungal cell wall carbohydrate β-1,3-glucan, is vital to host defense against fungal infections. The current study identifies a novel association between tetraspanin CD82 and Dectin-1 on the plasma membrane of Candida albicans-containing phagosomes independent of phagocytic ability. Deletion of CD82 in mice resulted in diminished fungicidal activity, increased C. albicans viability within macrophages, and decreased cytokine production (TNF-α, IL-1β) at both mRNA and protein level in macrophages. Additionally, CD82 organized Dectin-1 clustering in the phagocytic cup. Deletion of CD82 modulates Dectin-1 signaling, resulting in a reduction of Src and Syk phosphorylation and reactive oxygen species production. CD82 knockout mice were more susceptible to C. albicans as compared with wild-type mice. Furthermore, patient C. albicans-induced cytokine production was influenced by two human CD82 single nucleotide polymorphisms, whereas an additional CD82 single nucleotide polymorphism increased the risk for candidemia independent of cytokine production. Together, these data demonstrate that CD82 organizes the proper assembly of Dectin-1 signaling machinery in response to C. albicans