2 research outputs found

    Electrical effects of free fatty acids in planar lipid bilayers.

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    Ácidos graxos livres (FFA) são importantes mediadores do transporte de prótons através de membranas. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre a influência estrutural tanto dos FFA como do ambiente lipídico na translocação de prótons através de membranas. Tanto os efeitos do comprimento da cadeia e número de insaturações dos FFA como a composição da membrana foram analisados por medidas elétricas em bicamadas lipídicas planas. Condutância a prótons (GH+) e condutância de vazamento (Gleak) foram calculadas a partir de medidas de voltagem em circuito aberto e de corrente de curto-circuito obtidas através de um eletrômetro ou um amplificador de patch-clamp (modo de voltage-clamp). Nossos resultados mostram que FFA com cis-insaturações causam um efeito mais pronunciado no transporte de próton quando comparados com FFA saturados ou trans-insaturação. Colesterol e cardiolipina diminuem Gleak de membranas. Cardiolipina também diminui GH+. Esses efeitos indicam uma dupla modulação do transporte de prótons: pelo mecanismo de flip-flop dos FFA e por uma via difusional simples adicional.Free fatty acids (FFA) are important mediatiors of proton transport across membranes. However, little is known about the structural influence of both FFA and the membrane environment have in proton translocation across phospholipid membranes and by which means this influence is brought about. Both the effects of FFA chain length and insaturation and membrane composition on proton transport have been addressed in this study by electrical measurements in planar lipid bilayers. Proton conductance (GH+) and leak conductance (Gleak) were calculated from open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current measurements obtained using either an electrometer or a patch-clamp amplifier (voltage-clamp mode). We found that cis-unsaturated FFA caused a more pronounced effect on proton transport as compared to saturated or trans-unsaturated FFA. Cholesterol and cardiolipin decreased Gleak. Cardiolipin also decreased GH+. These effects indicate a dual modulation of protein-independent proton transport by FFA through flip-flop and by an additional simple diffusional pathway

    Influence of the Bilayer Composition on the Binding and Membrane Disrupting Effect of Polybia-MP1, an Antimicrobial Mastoparan Peptide with Leukemic T-Lymphocyte Cell Selectivity

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    This study shows that MP-1, a peptide from the venom of the Polybia paulista wasp, is more toxic to human leukemic T-lymphocytes than to human primary lymphocytes. By using model membranes and electrophysiology measurements to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this selective action, the porelike activity of MP-1 was identified with several bilayer compositions. The highest average conductance was found in bilayers formed by phosphatidylcholine or a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine (70:30). The presence of cholesterol or cardiolipin substantially decreases the MP-1 pore activity, suggesting that the membrane fluidity influences the mechanism of selective toxicity. The determination of partition coefficients from the anisotropy of Tip indicated higher coefficients for the anionic bilayers. The partition coefficients were found to be 1 order of magnitude smaller when the bilayers contain cholesterol or a mixture of cholesterol and sphingomyelin. The blue shift fluorescence, anisotropy values, and Stern-Volmer constants are indications of a deeper penetration of MP-1 into anionic bilayers than into zwitterionic bilayers. Our results indicate that MP-1 prefers to target leukemic cell membranes, and its toxicity is probably related to the induction of necrosis and not to DNA fragmentation. This mode of action can be interpreted considering a number of bilayer properties like fluidity, lipid charge, and domain formation. Cholesterol-containing bilayers are less fluid and less charged and have a tendency to form domains. In comparison to healthy cells, leukemic T-lymphocyte membranes are deprived of this lipid, resulting in decreased peptide binding and lower conductance. We showed that the higher content of anionic lipids increases the level of binding of the peptide to bilayers. Additionally, the absence of cholesterol resulted in enhanced pore activity. These findings may drive the selective toxicity of MP-1 to Jurkat cells.Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [154550/2006-0, 477780/2010-5, 301064/2004-0, 306821/2009-5]Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [06/57122-7, 07/03657-0, 2010/52077-9, 2010/11823-0]Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP