2 research outputs found

    Organizaciones sociales y pandemia: impactos y acciones socioeducativas y comunitarias en territorios populares de Buenos Aires

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha mostrado la profunda e intrínseca imbricación de los aspectos biológicos de la vida humana con sus determinantes político-económicos. La crisis ha agudizado las desigualdades sociales, afectando múltiples dimensiones. ¿Cómo ha impactado la pandemia en las instituciones y organizaciones sociales de los territorios populares? ¿Y en las acciones educativas que éstas han llevado adelante? La sistematización del trabajo realizado nos ha develado no sólo los importantes impactos que esta crisis ha tenido en las distintas facetas del trabajo organizativo y comunitario cotidiano y en el derecho a la educación, sino también las múltiples acciones y los esfuerzos realizados desde los territorios para enfrentar las problemáticas emergentes. Es nuestra intención contribuir a visibilizar estos aspectos como parte de un diagnóstico necesario frente a los inciertos y desafiantes escenarios que atravesamos para continuar proyectando reflexiones e intervenciones desde una perspectiva de educación popular y animación sociocomunitaria crítica.The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that the biological aspects of human life and the political and economic determinants are profoundly and tightly interwoven. The crisis has deepened the social inequalities, affecting multiple dimensions. In what ways has this pandemic affected the institutions and social organizations within the popular neighborhoods? And what was its impact on the educational actions that these organizations have developed? The systematization of the work produced has shown not only that this crisis has had substantial impacts on the diverse spheres of the daily organizational and community work and on the right to education, but it has also revealed the multiple actions and efforts made by people from the territories in order to face the emergent issues. It is our intent to contribute to making those aspects visible as part of our necessary diagnoses towards the uncertain and challenging scenarios that are unfolding in order to continue projecting thoughts and interventions from the perspective of the popular education and the critical sociocultural community development.La pandémie de la COVID-19 a montré l’imbrication profonde et intrinsèque des aspects biologiques de la vie humaine avec ses déterminants politico-économiques. La crise a exacerbé les inégalités sociales, affectant de multiples dimensions. Comment la pandémie a-t-elle impacté les institutions et les organisations sociales des territoires populaires ? Et les actions pédagogiques qu’ils ont menées ? La systématisation du travail effectué nous a révélé non seulement les répercussions importantes que cette crise a eu sur les différentes facettes du travail organisationnel et communautaire au quotidien et sur le droit à l’éducation, mais aussi les multiples actions et efforts menés depuis les territoires pour faire face aux problèmes émergents. Notre intention est de contribuer à rendre visibles ces aspects dans le cadre d’un diagnostic nécessaire face aux scénarios incertains et difficiles que nous traversons pour continuer à projeter des réflexions et des interventions dans une perspective d’éducation populaire et d’animation sociocommunautaire critique

    Characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital with and without respiratory symptoms

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    Background: COVID-19 is primarily known as a respiratory illness; however, many patients present to hospital without respiratory symptoms. The association between non-respiratory presentations of COVID-19 and outcomes remains unclear. We investigated risk factors and clinical outcomes in patients with no respiratory symptoms (NRS) and respiratory symptoms (RS) at hospital admission. Methods: This study describes clinical features, physiological parameters, and outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients, stratified by the presence or absence of respiratory symptoms at hospital admission. RS patients had one or more of: cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or wheezing; while NRS patients did not. Results: Of 178,640 patients in the study, 86.4 % presented with RS, while 13.6 % had NRS. NRS patients were older (median age: NRS: 74 vs RS: 65) and less likely to be admitted to the ICU (NRS: 36.7 % vs RS: 37.5 %). NRS patients had a higher crude in-hospital case-fatality ratio (NRS 41.1 % vs. RS 32.0 %), but a lower risk of death after adjusting for confounders (HR 0.88 [0.83-0.93]). Conclusion: Approximately one in seven COVID-19 patients presented at hospital admission without respiratory symptoms. These patients were older, had lower ICU admission rates, and had a lower risk of in-hospital mortality after adjusting for confounders