25 research outputs found

    Iranian Thrips of the Family Aeolothripidae (Insecta, Thysanoptera), with four Newly Recorded Species

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    The family Aeolothripidae (Thysanoptera, Terebrantia) included seventeen species in four genera from Iran. Here, four species are recorded from Iran for the first time: Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday, A. cursor Priesner, A. montivagus Priesner and A. gloriosus Bagnall. A checklist of all Iranian species of the family Aeolothripidae, with geographical distributions for each species is provided. New distribution records of eight species in Iran are reported.Семейство Aeolothripidae (Thysanoptera, Terebrantia) было известно из Ирана по семнадцати видам из четырех родов. Впервые для фауны Ирана отмечены четыре вида: Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday, A. cursor Priesner, A. montivagus Priesner и A. gloriosus Bagnall. Приведен список всех иранских видов Aeolothripidae с данными об их географическом распространении. Также приводятся точки новых находок еще восьми видов

    Neohydatothrips ilamensis n.sp. (Insecta: Thysanoptera): A new species from Iran

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    Neohydatothrips ilamensis n. sp. (Thripidae: Sericothripinae) that was collected on the flowers of chickpea, Cicer arietinum L. (Fabaceae), is described as a new species in the genus Neohydatothrips John. This is the fourth species of this genus to be recorded in Iran

    Franklinothrips vespiformis

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    <i>Franklinothrips vespiformis</i> (Crawford, 1909) <p>Figs 1–6</p> <p> <i>Aeolothrips vespiformis</i> Crawford 1909: 109.</p> <p> MATERIAL EXAMINED. <b>China</b>: The experimental farm (23°10'04"N, 113°21'46"E) at South China Agricultural University, 4♀, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, from eggplant, <i>Solanum melongena</i> L. (Solanaceae), 28.XI 2004, Coll. Wang Jun.</p> <p>DIAGNOSIS. Macropterous female: body dark brown; abdominal segments II–III and X yellow (Figs. 1, 2); antennal segments I–III yellow (Fig. 4), the rest brown; legs brown except femora with yellow marking; forewing with small subapical pale area, although this is sometimes indistinct (Fig. 6). Head broader, completely recessed into pronotum, prolonged in front of eyes (Fig. 3); eyes large, extending far under onto ventral side of head, coarsely facetted, not pilose. Ocelli present, large, posterior ocelli bigger than fore ocellus; with 4–6 pairs of postocular setae. Antennae 9-segmented; segment III longest, with sensorium on IV extending full length of segment. Maxillary palpi 3-segmented. Pronotum longer and broader than head, smooth; mesonotum smooth anterior of median setae, with striation behind median setae, median pair of setae situated in middle of sclrite; mesosternum entirely divided by furcal spinula; metanotal median setae situated near anterior margin. Forewing broad (Fig. 6); anterior and posterior vein setae well-developed, cilia straight; clavus with 6 marginal setae; hind wing posterior margin darker than anterior. Abdomen narrowly attached to thorax; tergites with median setae small and wide apart; tergal median setae situated anterior to campaniform sensilla; tergite IX with two pairs of long setae situated on posterior margin; tergite X with two pairs of long setae posterior to campaniform sensilla. Abdominal sternites III–VII with two pairs of marginal setae and two pairs of discal setae laterally; sternite VII with two pairs of small discal setae sub-medially (Fig. 5). Ovipositor well-developed.</p> <p>DISTRIBUTION. China (Guangdong Province, Taiwan); Central America, USA, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Surinam, Venezuela, El Salvador, Brazil, Fiji, Japan, Thailand, New Caledonia, Australia (Queensland).</p> <p>NOTES. This species was identified based on the original description and characters stated in Mound and Reynaud (2005).</p>Published as part of <i>Mirab-balou, M. & Tong, X. L., 2012, First Record Of Franklinothrips Vespiformis (Crawford, 1909) (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripi- Dae) From Mainland China, pp. 5-7 in Far Eastern Entomologist 249</i> on pages 6-7, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/10083429">10.5281/zenodo.10083429</a&gt

    Thrips species diversity in urban green spaces of Hangzhou (Zhejiang Province), China

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    Research was conducted on the fauna of Thysanoptera in the urban green spaces of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, during 2008- 2012. The thrips were collected in different plant communities (mainly in parks) in the city. A total of 26 species from 19 genera in three different families were collected, among them <em>Scolothrips</em> <em>latipennis</em> Priesner, which is newly recorded for the fauna of China. New distribution records of seven species in China are reported. Results of the research indicate that the fauna of thrips of green areas of Hangzhou was quite abundant and diversified, and the occurrence of <em>Selenothrips</em>, <em>Scirtothrips</em>, <em>Thrips</em>, <em>Frankliniella</em> and <em>Haplothrips</em> species seems diverse and should be investigated further