34 research outputs found

    Beyond ‘Islam’ vs ‘Feminism’

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    Islamic feminism has gained currency since the 1990s and has become the label for a new brand of feminist scholarship and activism that is associated with Islam. But this article argues that the composite term ‘Islamic feminism’ has become so loaded with disputed meanings and implications, so enmeshed in local and global political struggles, that it is no longer useful in any kind of descriptive or analytical sense. I reflect on the term in the light of developments since the 1990s, and argue that the ‘war on terror’ has further complicated the situation. Alternative approaches to the study of women's activism are put forward, including the examination of the personal, sociopolitical trajectories of so?called Islamic feminists, in their own specific contexts. Such an approach to women's agency must be understood in an unfolding reality, in which both political Islam and international and secular feminism have manifestly failed in practice to secure justice for women and have lost credibility and legitimacy

    How the Door of Ijtihad Was Opened and Closed: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Family Law Reforms in Iran and Morocco

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    This Comment compares the politics and dynamics of recent family law reforms in Iran and Morocco. In both countries, reforms have in effect crippled men\u27s privileges in marriage under Islamic law by restricting their unilateral and extra-judicial rights to divorce and polygyny. In Morocco, the 2004 reforms are radical in that they admit the principle of equality in marriage and cast classical Maliki School of Sunni law in a new light; the result of prolonged efforts by the women\u27s movement, these reforms were finally achieved by the intervention of the King who claimed the right of ijtihad as the Commander of the Faithful. The Iranian reforms, on the other hand, have been incremental, they retain the patriarchal provisions of Shi \u27a law, yet they are neither justified nor achieved through the exercise of ijtihad. This is ironic given that, since the 1979 revolution, political power has been in the hands of Shi \u27a jurists who claim that the gate of ijtihad is open in Shi \u27a law. This Comment explores the different configurations of internal and external political circumstances and their impact on women\u27s movements that led to opening the gate of \u27ijtihad in Morocco and closure in Iran.


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    Polygamous marriages can be carried out by first fulfilling the requirements as stipulated in the legislation. But in fact, there are cases of polygamous practices being carried out not in accordance with statutory regulations, and not obtaining permission from the Court, the practice of polygamous marriages is carried out secretly without the knowledge of the first wife and is carried out in sirri. The purpose of this article is to analyze the factors that led to the practice of polygamy in Notoharjo Village, Kec. Trimurjo Kab. Central Lampung, then the implications of deviant polygamy behavior on household harmony and whether deviant polygamous behavior can be punished. This type of article is qualitative, with a case study approach that is analyzed from a criminal law perspective. The primary data source for this article is the perpetrators of deviant polygamy. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the factor of deviant polygamy was due to an affair that the first wife did not want to know about. The implications of deviant polygamous marriages are that they result in damage to harmony in the household, and deviant polygamous practices can be subject to criminal sanctions.Keywords: Deviant Polygamy, Implications and Criminal Sanctions

    Marriage on trial. : Islamic family law in Iran and Marocco.

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    New Yorkxix, 245 p.; 22 cm

    Criminalização da sexualidade : leis de zina como violência contra as mulheres em contextos muçulmanos

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    Este artigo é uma versão revisada de um capítulo publicado no livro “Control and Sexuality: The Revival of Zina Laws in Muslim Contexts”, organizado pela autora e por Vanja Hamzic (WLUML Publications, 2010).Publicado em português, espanhol e inglês.Título em espanhol: La penalización de la sexualidad : las leyes de zina como violencia contra la mujer en contextos musulmanes. -- Título em inglês: Criminalising sexuality : zina laws as violence against women in muslim contexts.Propõe um estudo sobre a criminalização, no contexto islâmico, de qualquer contato sexual fora do casamento civil, cuja principal categoria criminal denomina-se zina. Explicita o choque entre dois sistemas de valores e duas concepções de direitos de gênero provindos do direito internacional dos direitos humanos e da tradição jurídica islâmica. Observa o contexto histórico de mudanças nas políticas da religião, direito e gênero que conduziram ao ressurgimento recente de leis e punições de zina e examina essas mudanças no contexto da tradição jurídica islâmica clássica. Procura mostrar como as leis e punições de zina podem ser contestadas por fundamentos jurídicos e religiosos e como elementos essenciais da tradição jurídica islâmica estão em harmonia com o direito dos direitos humanos