2 research outputs found

    Análise da produção científica alinhada com a estratégia de segurança alimentar e nutricional das Instituições Africanas de Língua Portuguesa: uma revisão sistemática de escopo

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    This systematic scoping review aimed to map and characterize the scientific production of researchers from Portuguese-speaking African institutions that align with the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. The literature search was conducted using six electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Virtual Health Library, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Scopus, and Web of Science), with no restrictions on the year of publication nor language. Through the search strategy, 10,061 records were identified, of which 502 documents and 654 researchers were selected by Food and Nutrition Security specialists along three axes: 1) Policy governance; 2) Access to food; 3) Availability of food. Institutional researchers from Mozambique (66.9%), Guinea-Bissau (15.9%), and Angola (11.4%) presented the most publications and international collaborations. Researchers from Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, and Equatorial Guinea institutions added only 5.8% of the total production. A greater number of publications (61%) was related to axis two of the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. The most studied themes were sustainable development, child malnutrition, and agricultural production for the first, second, and third axis, respectively. In general, scientific publications have shown limitations in their approaches due to the challenge imposed by the complexity of the food system. However, there has been a quantitative evolution in publications in the last decade, with a greater participation of researchers from Portuguese-speaking African institutions.Esta revisão sistemática de escopo teve como objetivo mapear e caracterizar a produção científica de pesquisadores de instituições africanas de língua portuguesa que se alinham com a Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. A busca das literaturas foi realizada em seis bases de dados eletrônicas (PubMed, EMBASE, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Scopus e Web of Science), sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação e ao idioma. Por meio da estratégia de busca, foram identificados 10.061 registros, dos quais 502 documentos e 654 pesquisadores foram selecionados por especialistas em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em três eixos: 1) Governança de políticas; 2) Acesso à alimentação; 3) Disponibilidade de alimentos. Pesquisadores de intuições de Moçambique (66,9%), Guiné-Bissau (15,9%) e Angola (11,4%) foram os que apresentaram o maior número de publicações e colaborações internacionais. No entanto, os pesquisadores das instituições de Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Príncipe e Guiné Equatorial somaram apenas 5,8% da produção total. Foi observado maior número de publicações (61%) relacionadas com o eixo dois da Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. As temáticas mais estudadas foram desenvolvimento sustentável, desnutrição infantil e produção agrícola para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro eixo, respectivamente. De forma geral, as publicações científicas mostraram limitações em suas abordagens frente ao desafio imposto pela complexidade do sistema alimentar. Todavia, foi houve uma evolução quantitativa nas publicações na última década; além disso, maior participação de pesquisadores de instituições africanas de língua portuguesa pode ser vislumbrada.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Networking and Participatory Research Promoting Quality of Life and Well-Being in Portuguese-Speaking African Countries

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    Spread across the planet each human being, individually or in community, aspires for well-being and quality of life, according to the ideal of each one. However, we all believe that there are always ways to live better. For many people the measurement of a better life translates into the guarantee of social rights, the right to basic services, good land, seed and sufficient nutritious food for their community members. The Mechanism to Facilitate the Participation of Universities in the Food and Nutrition Security Council of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries is a cooperative academic network fomented by the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This mechanism works with teaching, research and extension in the CPLP Food and Nutrition Security Strategy. The pillars of CPLP Strategy are the strengthening of the governance of public policies on Food and Nutrition Security at all levels of government, social protection based on guaranteeing access to food and family farming with a strategy to increase the availability of good quality food, promoting social and environmental sustainability. CPLP University Mechanism has provided training processes for technicians who work in public policies for Food and Nutrition Security and has contributed to the strengthening of postgraduate programs in Portuguese-speaking African countries. As consequence, it has favored participatory research and mixed methods as a theoretical methodological approach. Therefore, it seeks to focus on the territories of Food and Nutrition Security practices to transform reality, as recommended by CPLP Strategy, however, with the autonomous assumptions of the collaborative network. This chapter presents how local researchers perceive the results of a process of inducing an academic network to transform the local reality and promote Food and Nutrition Security in the context of the CPLP