78 research outputs found

    Negatywne opinie oraz ich rozprzestrzenianie się w internetowych mediach spoƂecznoƛciowych: rola wyznacznikowa populacji początkowej

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    This paper is a contribution to the knowledge of WoM transmis­sion on OSN. We specifically analyze the role of the seeding popula­tion diffusion of negative WoM. The method is based on an experi­ment on the Facebook fan base of an existing company. We manage to control the four elements of a successful WoM communication: the message, the social structure of the network, the characteristics of the individuals in the network, and the seeding population. We de­velop an original method to dissociate a seeding population from the general population and compare the diffusion of a set of negative messages distributed to both the original population and the artifi­cially targeted subset. Results show the impact of the seeding popu­lation’s characteristics on the diffusion of consumers’ negative mes­sages. We specifically show the impact of the carrier on the virality of the message.ArtykuƂ stanowi wkƂad w wiedzę dotyczącą transmisji WoM (Word of Mouth) w sieciach spoƂecznoƛciowych (OSN). Analizujemy w szcze­gĂłlnoƛci rolę rozprzestrzeniania się antyreklamy w populacji uĆŒyt­kownikĂłw. Metoda badawcza opiera się na eksperymencie wykona­nym na spoƂecznoƛci fanĂłw realnie istniejącej marki na Facebooku. UdaƂo nam się poddać kontroli cztery elementy skutecznej komuni­kacji WoM: komunikat, strukturę spoƂeczną sieci, charakterystykę jed­nostek w sieci, populację początkową (seeding population). Wypraco­waliƛmy autorską metodę wyodrębniania takiej populacji z ogóƂu oraz porĂłwnywania rozprzestrzeniania się zestawu negatywnych komuni­katĂłw dostarczonych zarĂłwno populacji pierwotnej, jak i sztucznie wyznaczonemu jej podzbiorowi. Wyniki pokazują skutki oddziaƂywa­nia cech populacji początkowej na wiralne rozprzestrzenianie się ne­gatywnych opinii konsumentĂłw. Ukazujemy w szczegĂłlnoƛci wpƂyw noƛnika komunikatu na jego wiralnoƛć

    Impact of Emergent Cervical Carotid Stenting in Tandem Occlusion Strokes Treated by Thrombectomy: A Review of the TITAN Collaboration

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    Introduction: Endovascular therapy has been shown to be an effective and safe treatment for tandem occlusion. The endovascular therapeutic strategies for tandem occlusions strokes have not been adequately evaluated and the best approach is still controversial. The TITAN (Thrombectomy in TANdem occlusions) registry was a result of a collaborative effort to identify the best therapeutic approach for acute ischemic stroke due to tandem lesion. In this review, we aim to summarize the main findings of the TITAN study and discuss the challenges of treatment for tandem occlusion in the era of endovascular thrombectomy.Methods: A review of the data from the multicenter international observational and non-randomized TITAN registry was performed. The TITAN registry included acute ischemic stroke patients with tandem lesions (proximal intracranial occlusion and cervical carotid artery occlusion or stenosis>90%) who were treated with thrombectomy with or without carotid artery stenting.Results: Prior intravenous thrombolysis and emergent cervical carotid stenting were associated with higher reperfusion (mTICI 2b-3 and mTICI 3) rates at the end of the intervention. Poor outcome did not occur more frequently after stenting than after conservative treatment of the cervical carotid lesion. Emergent carotid stenting with antithrombotic agents and intracranial thrombectomy yielded higher reperfusion rate and good outcome (90 day mRS 0–2) compared to other strategies (carotid artery stenting and thrombectomy without antithrombotic, angioplasty and thrombectomy, or thrombectomy alone). Pretreatment intravenous thrombolysis was not associated with increased risk of hemorrhagic complications. Likewise, periprocedural unfractionated heparin did not modify the efficacy and safety results. Etiology of carotid artery lesion (atherosclerosis vs. dissection) did not emerge as predictor of outcome or recanalization.Conclusion: Emergent stenting of the cervical carotid lesion with antithrombotic agents in conjunction to thrombectomy appears to be the best treatment strategy for acute ischemic strokes with tandem lesions. These findings will be further investigated in the ongoing randomized controlled TITAN trial

    Effect of extracranial lesion severity on outcome of endovascular thrombectomy in patients with anterior circulation tandem occlusion: analysis of the TITAN registry

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    Introduction Endovascular treatment (EVT) for tandem occlusion (TO) of the anterior circulation is complex but effective. The effect of extracranial internal carotid artery (EICA) lesion severity on the outcomes of EVT is unknown. In this study we investigated the effect of EICA lesion severity on the outcomes of tandem occlusion EVT. Methods A multicenter retrospective TITAN (Thrombectomy In TANdem lesions) study that included 18 international endovascular capable centers was performed. Patients who received EVT for atherosclerotic TO with or without EICA lesion intervention were included. Patients were divided into two groups based on the EICA lesion severity (high-grade stenosis (>= 90% North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial) vs complete occlusion). Outcome measures included the 90-day clinical outcome (modified Rankin Scale score (mRS)), angiographic reperfusion (modified Thrombolysis In Cerebral Ischemia (mTICI) at the end of the procedure), procedural complications, and intracranial hemorrhage at 24 hours follow-up. Results A total of 305 patients were included in the study, of whom 135 had complete EICA occlusion and 170 had severe EICA stenosis. The EICA occlusion group had shorter mean onset-to-groin time (259 +/- 120 min vs 305 +/- 202 min;p=0.037), more patients with diabetes, and fewer with hyperlipidemia. With respect to the outcome, mTICI 2b-3 reperfusion was lower in the EICA occlusion group (70% vs 81%;p=0.03). The favorable outcome (90-day mRS 0-2), intracerebral hemorrhage and procedural complications were similar in both groups. Conclusion Atherosclerotic occlusion of the EICA in acute tandem strokes was associated with a lower rate of mTICI 2b-3 reperfusion but similar functional and safety outcomes when compared with high-grade EICA stenosis

    Les normes comme démarche collective

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    International audienceThe process of standardization is intrinsically a collective step which illustrates perfectly the concept of “collective strategy” proposed by Astley and Fombrun (1983). However, does this theorization constitute an operative model in the field of strategic marketing? An empirical study undertaken near 150 adherent companies of AFNOR enables to check the empirical validity of these strategic forms, to understand how these strategies can be utilized and to characterize the companies which adopt them.Le processus de normalisation est intrinsĂšquement une dĂ©marche collective qui illustre parfaitement le concept de « stratĂ©gie collective » proposĂ© par Astley et Fombrun (1983). Toutefois, cette thĂ©orisation constitue-t-elle un modĂšle opĂ©rant dans le champ du marketing stratĂ©gique ? Une Ă©tude empirique menĂ©e auprĂšs de 150 entreprises adhĂ©rentes de l'AFNOR (Association française de normalisation) permet de vĂ©rifier la validitĂ© empirique de ces formes stratĂ©giques, de comprendre comment ces stratĂ©gies peuvent ĂȘtre mises en oeuvre et de caractĂ©riser les entreprises qui les adoptent

    Le récit de vie d'un entrepreneur : un instrument du management ?

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    Atelier « Normes et fabrique du bien commun, Normalisation et concurrence »

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    Chapitre 7. Puissance et impuissance des normes techniques

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    International audienceLe mot « puissance », choisi pour dĂ©nommer cet ouvrage, n’est pas un terme neutre. Il est porteur de sens proches mais sensiblement diffĂ©rents tels que, « pouvoir, domination, autoritĂ© » ou « chose abstraite qui a de grands effets », « force, Ă©nergie », « possibilitĂ©s, facultĂ©s » ou encore « forces inconscientes ». Ce choix ouvre donc clairement un ensemble de perspectives sur des normes de diverses natures, normes sociales, culturelles, comportementales, normes techniques
 tout en stimulant un questionnement sur l’effet des normes. En rĂ©alitĂ©, un voile levĂ© sur la puissance des normes peut laisser attendre une interrogation sur leur lĂ©gitimitĂ©. Les nĂ©o-institutionnalistes, depuis Di Maggio et Powell (1983), ont Ă©clairĂ© les diffĂ©rents effets d’isomorphisme, normatif, mimĂ©tique et coercitif pour expliquer le comportement de conformitĂ©. Plus tĂŽt, Merton (1957) puis Oliver (1991) ont proposĂ© des typologies de comportements de mise en conformitĂ© aux normes, distinguant notamment des attitudes strictement adaptatives de comportements d’évasion et de rĂ©bellion. La dimension stratĂ©gique n’est donc pas Ă©cartĂ©e de la part des personnes qui choisissent de se conformer aux normes et les travaux les plus rĂ©cents, depuis Garud et alii (2002) et leur approche de l’entrepreneur institutionnel, jusqu’aux travaux de Lawrence et Suddaby (2010) soulignent au contraire les manƓuvres stratĂ©giques portĂ©es par les acteurs pour crĂ©er, maintenir ou dĂ©stabiliser les institutions. Dans ce dernier cas, nous sommes en prĂ©sence de stratĂšges manipulant les institutions pour bĂ©nĂ©ficier de leurs effets structurants.La puissance des normes n’est ainsi pas contestĂ©e par la perspective stratĂ©gique. Elle est au contraire utilisĂ©e dans un but prĂ©cis, les entrepreneurs institutionnels mettant en Ɠuvre des stratĂ©gies pour structurer le marchĂ© selon leurs avantages. Finalement, l’approche des normes a d’abord consistĂ© en leur dĂ©voilement, dans une perspective sociale sous-entendant un effet structurant qu’il s’agissait de rĂ©vĂ©ler pour s’orienter progressivement vers une perspective entrepreneuriale stratĂ©gique tentant d’identifier des fenĂȘtres d’action possibles afin d’agir sur le phĂ©nomĂšne d’institutionnalisation et de bĂ©nĂ©ficier de ses effets. Pour autant, mĂȘme dans une perspective stratĂ©gique entrepreneuriale, la question de la puissance des normes demeure. Des zones d’incertitude encadrent la norme, fut-elle clairement circonscrite Ă  la norme technique. En premier lieu, le caractĂšre opĂ©ratoire de la norme pose question. Comment la norme peut-elle ĂȘtre agie, alors qu’il s’agit d’un instrument collectif, dĂ©fini dans des institutions formelles instituant le consensus et l’intĂ©rĂȘt global du marchĂ© ? En second lieu, Ă  quoi tient la puissance d’une norme, par nature volontaire, une fois instituĂ©e ? Qu’est-ce qui donne Ă  la norme Ă©mise un pouvoir structurant sur le marchĂ© ?Dans cette contribution, nous interrogeons la puissance de la norme au travers du recours aux normes techniques dans le but de structurer un marchĂ©. Nous nous fondons sur les travaux des nĂ©o-institutionnalistes Ă©conomiques pour argumenter thĂ©oriquement la puissance des normes techniques dans le dĂ©veloppement d’un marchĂ© Ă©mergent. Puis, nous choisissons d’explorer un cas Ă©mergent, celui des matĂ©riaux non conventionnels, dans lequel les mĂȘmes arguments devraient prĂ©valoir. Or, ce n’est pas le cas. La « puissance » des normes, si elle n’est pas contestĂ©e thĂ©oriquement, n’est pas recherchĂ©e en tant que telle et suscite plutĂŽt une forme de dĂ©couragement. Ces Ă©lĂ©ments permettent alors de poser un autre regard sur la norme et de poser plutĂŽt la question de son impuissance.La premiĂšre partie expose les arguments thĂ©oriques des Ă©conomistes nĂ©o-institutionnalistes. La partie suivante expose les choix mĂ©thodologiques liĂ©s Ă  l’analyse de l’émergence du marchĂ© dans le cas des matĂ©riaux et technologies non conventionnels (bambou, chanvre, terre sĂšche). La troisiĂšme partie prĂ©sente les enseignements de ces analyses et la derniĂšre propose de nouveaux questionnements

    Standards Questions when Developing a New Market; The Lessons for Non Conventional Materials

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    International audienceThis contribution exposes the strategic relational questions associated with the creation of a voluntary standard. We first argue that the creation of rules is required to develop a new market. The development of new markets for non-conventional materials would beneficiate from the development of new standards. Yet, the creation of voluntary standards may entail competitive relational choices that the creators of standards are generally unprepared to handle. We thus consider two situations where voluntary standards have generated competitive interactions between rival standards organizations and try to suggest recommendations for the creators of new standards

    The value of intangibles in a situation of innovation: questions raised by the case of standards

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    International audienceThis paper considers the intangible and collective property of a standard and its ability to promote innovation. The technical standard belongs to the intangible economy as it consists of a rĂ©sumĂ© of information. It is collective because it accounts for the shared knowhow of the stakeholders of a sector and because it results from a formal consensual process led in a Standard Development Organization. We question the value of such an intangible collective vector that is required for the development of an innovation on the market. Two case analyses exploring the new geosynthetics and non-conventional materials and technologies markets allow us to confirm the determining role of standards in the market phase of innovation. These nevertheless shed light on the difficulties involved in shaping the standard, due to differences between the different stakeholders’ representations, vocabularies and legitimacy repertoires, leading to the risk that new market development will slow down or be blocked

    Entre orthogonalité et souplesse, le modÚle PLD ; Hommage à Pierre Louis Dubois

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