16 research outputs found

    Fundamental limits of symmetric low-rank matrix estimation

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    We consider the high-dimensional inference problem where the signal is a low-rank symmetric matrix which is corrupted by an additive Gaussian noise. Given a probabilistic model for the low-rank matrix, we compute the limit in the large dimension setting for the mutual information between the signal and the observations, as well as the matrix minimum mean square error, while the rank of the signal remains constant. We also show that our model extends beyond the particular case of additive Gaussian noise and we prove an universality result connecting the community detection problem to our Gaussian framework. We unify and generalize a number of recent works on PCA, sparse PCA, submatrix localization or community detection by computing the information-theoretic limits for these problems in the high noise regime. In addition, we show that the posterior distribution of the signal given the observations is characterized by a parameter of the same dimension as the square of the rank of the signal (i.e. scalar in the case of rank one). Finally, we connect our work with the hard but detectable conjecture in statistical physics

    Phase transitions in spiked matrix estimation: information-theoretic analysis

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    We study here the so-called spiked Wigner and Wishart models, where one observes a low-rank matrix perturbed by some Gaussian noise. These models encompass many classical statistical tasks such as sparse PCA, submatrix localization, community detection or Gaussian mixture clustering. The goal of these notes is to present in a unified manner recent results (as well as new developments) on the information-theoretic limits of these spiked matrix models. We compute the minimal mean squared error for the estimation of the low-rank signal and compare it to the performance of spectral estimators and message passing algorithms. Phase transition phenomena are observed: depending on the noise level it is either impossible, easy (i.e. using polynomial-time estimators) or hard (information-theoretically possible, but no efficient algorithm is known to succeed) to recover the signal.Comment: These notes present in a unified manner recent results (as well as new developments) on the information-theoretic limits in spiked matrix estimatio

    Limites fondamentales de l'inférence statistique: Une approche par la physique statistique.

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    We study classical statistical problems such as as community detection on graphs, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), sparse PCA, Gaussian mixture clustering, linear and generalized linear models, in a Bayesian framework. We compute the best estimation performance (often denoted as ``Bayes Risk'') achievable by any statistical method in the high dimensional regime. This allows to observe surprising phenomena: for many problems, there exists a critical noise level above which it is impossible to estimate better than random guessing.Below this threshold, we compare the performance of existing polynomial-time algorithms to the optimal one and observe a gap in many situations: even if non-trivial estimation is theoretically possible, computationally efficient methods do not manage to achieve optimality.From a statistical physics point of view that we adopt throughout this manuscript, these phenomena can be explained by phase transitions. The tools and methods of this thesis are therefore mainly issued from statistical physics, more precisely from the mathematical study of spin glasses.Nous Ă©tudions des problĂšmes statistiques classiques, tels que la dĂ©tection de communautĂ©s dans un graphe, l'analyse en composantes principales, les modĂšles de mĂ©langes Gaussiens, les modĂšles linĂ©aires (gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©s ou non), dans un cadre BayĂ©sien.Nous calculons pour ces problĂšmes le ``risque de Bayes'' qui est la plus petite erreur atteignable par une mĂ©thode statistique, dans la limite de grande dimension.Nous observons alors un phĂ©nomĂšne surprenant: dans de nombreux cas il existe une valeur critique de l'intensitĂ© du bruit au-delĂ  de laquelle il n'est plus possible d'extraire de l'information des donnĂ©es. En dessous de ce seuil, nous comparons la performance d'algorithmes polynomiaux Ă  celle optimale. Dans de nombreuses situations nous observons un Ă©cart: bien qu'il soit possible -- en thĂ©orie -- d'estimer le signal, aucune mĂ©thode algorithmiquement efficace ne parvient Ă  ĂȘtre optimale.Dans ce manuscrit, nous adoptons une approche issue de la physique statistique qui explique ces phĂ©nomĂšnes en termes de transitions de phase. Les mĂ©thodes et outils que nous utilisons proviennent donc de la physique, plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment de l'Ă©tude mathĂ©matique des verres de spins

    Fundamental limits of low-rank matrix estimation: the non-symmetric case

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    We consider the high-dimensional inference problem where the signal is a low-rank matrix which is corrupted by an additive Gaussian noise. Given a probabilistic model for the low-rank matrix, we compute the limit in the large dimension setting for the mutual information between the signal and the observations, as well as the matrix minimum mean square error, while the rank of the signal remains constant. This allows to locate the information-theoretic threshold for this estimation problem, i.e. the critical value of the signal intensity below which it is impossible to recover the low-rank matrix

    Phase transitions in spiked matrix estimation: information-theoretic analysis

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    These notes present in a unified manner recent results (as well as new developments) on the information-theoretic limits in spiked matrix/tensor estimationWe study here the so-called spiked Wigner and Wishart models, where one observes a low-rank matrix perturbed by some Gaussian noise. These models encompass many classical statistical tasks such as sparse PCA, submatrix localization, community detection or Gaussian mixture clustering. The goal of these notes is to present in a unified manner recent results (as well as new developments) on the information-theoretic limits of these spiked matrix/tensor models. We compute the minimal mean squared error for the estimation of the low-rank signal and compare it to the performance of spectral estimators and message passing algorithms. Phase transition phenomena are observed: depending on the noise level it is either impossible, easy (i.e. using polynomial-time estimators) or hard (information-theoretically possible, but no efficient algorithm is known to succeed) to recover the signal

    Fundamental limits of low-rank matrix estimation: the non-symmetric case

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    We consider the high-dimensional inference problem where the signal is a low-rank matrix which is corrupted by an additive Gaussian noise. Given a probabilistic model for the low-rank matrix, we compute the limit in the large dimension setting for the mutual information between the signal and the observations, as well as the matrix minimum mean square error, while the rank of the signal remains constant. This allows to locate the information-theoretic threshold for this estimation problem, i.e. the critical value of the signal intensity below which it is impossible to recover the low-rank matrix

    Information-theoretic limits of Bayesian inference in Gaussian noise

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    We will discuss briefly the statistical estimation of a signal (vector, matrix, tensor...) corrupted by Gaussian noise. We will restrict ourselves to information-theoretic considerations and draw connections with statistical physics (random energy model, p-spin model).Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: New York UniversityResearche

    The distribution of the Lasso: Uniform control over sparse balls and adaptive parameter tuning

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    68 pages, 2 figuresThe Lasso is a popular regression method for high-dimensional problems in which the number of parameters Ξ1,
,ΞN\theta_1,\dots,\theta_N, is larger than the number nn of samples: N>nN>n. A useful heuristics relates the statistical properties of the Lasso estimator to that of a simple soft-thresholding denoiser,in a denoising problem in which the parameters (Ξi)i≀N(\theta_i)_{i\le N} are observed in Gaussian noise, with a carefully tuned variance. Earlier work confirmed this picture in the limit n,N→∞n,N\to\infty, pointwise in the parameters Ξ\theta, and in the value of the regularization parameter. Here, we consider a standard random design model and prove exponential concentration of its empirical distribution around the prediction provided by the Gaussian denoising model. Crucially, our results are uniform with respect to Ξ\theta belonging to ℓq\ell_q balls, q∈[0,1]q\in [0,1], and with respect to the regularization parameter. This allows to derive sharp results for the performances of various data-driven procedures to tune the regularization. Our proofs make use of Gaussian comparison inequalities, and in particular of a version of Gordon's minimax theorem developed by Thrampoulidis, Oymak, and Hassibi, which controls the optimum value of the Lasso optimization problem. Crucially, we prove a stability property of the minimizer in Wasserstein distance, that allows to characterize properties of the minimizer itself

    Statistical thresholds for Tensor PCA

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    We study the statistical limits of testing and estimation for a rank one deformation of a Gaussian random tensor. We compute the sharp thresholds for hypothesis testing and estimation by maximum likelihood and show that they are the same. Furthermore, we find that the maximum likelihood estimator achieves the maximal correlation with the planted vector among measurable estimators above the estimation threshold. In this setting, the maximum likelihood estimator exhibits a discontinuous BBP-type transition: below the critical threshold the estimator is orthogonal to the planted vector, but above the critical threshold, it achieves positive correlation which is uniformly bounded away from zero

    Recovering Asymmetric Communities in the Stochastic Block Model

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