76 research outputs found

    Mobilni sistemi za navodnjavanje kišenjem

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    This paper provides the synthesis of long lasting research of mobile raining irrigation systems in crop and vegetable production. The research included three mobile linear type irrigation devises, self-propelled rain wing and self-propelled rain gun. The paper is aimed at determining exploitation indicators, work quality indicators and yielding effects in cropping with emphasis to special characteristic of this irrigation systems in our production conditions in regard to favorable water resources. Field testing and exploitation monitoring in adequate seasonal use provided the indicators of energy consumption, productivity and work quality. - The productivity of linear mobile system was 2.47 ha/h, energy consumption 44.21 kWh/ha, at irrigation norm of 14.78 mm per passage. - The productivity of self-propelled rain wing was 0.55 ha/h, energy consumption 62.72 kWh/ha, at irrigation norm of 10 mm per passage. - The productivity of self-propelled rain gun was 0.12 ha/h, energy consumption 131.59 kWh/ha, at irrigation norm of 29 mm per passage. Extremely significant yield was recorded in greenpeas silage maize, seed maize, peas and potatoes in comparison to dry cropping and it was up to 105 % at some cultivation.Rad predstavlja sintezu višegodišnjih istraživanja navodnjavanja kišenjem mobilnim uređajima nekih ratarskih i povrtarskih kultura. Program istraživanja je obuhvatio tri mobilna uređaja za navodnjavanje tipa lineara samohodnog kišnog krila i samohodnog kišnog topa. Cilj rada je utvrđivanje eksploatacionih pokazatelja, pokazatelja kvaliteta rada i efekata navodnjavanja na prinos gajenih kultura s naglaskom na specifičnost ovih sistema za navodnjavanje u našim proizvodnim uslovima s obzirom na povoljne vodne resurse. Poljskim ogledima i eksploatativnim praćenjem u sezonama primene utvrđeni su pokazatelji potrošnje energije, proizvodnosti i kvaliteta rada: - Proizvodnost mobilnog linearnog sistema bila je 2,47 ha/h potrošnja energije 44,21 kWh/ha, pri normi navodnjavanja od 14,78 mm po prohodu. - Proizvodnost samohodnog kišnog krila bila je 0,55 ha/h, potrošnja energije 62,72 kWh/ha, pri normi navodnjavanja od 10 mm po prohodu. Proizvodnost samohodnog kišnog topa bila je 0,12 ha/h, potrošnja energije 131,59 kWh/ha, pri normi navodnjavanja od 29 mm po prohodu. Efekti na prinos boranije, silažnog kukuruza, semenskog kukuruza, graška i krompira su bili vrlo značajni u odnosu na suvo ratarenje i kreću se kod pojedinih kultura i do 105 %

    Kombajni nove generacije u uslovima ubiranja kukuruza

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    Introduction of new generation harvesters is analyzed through efficiency losses and quality of harvested crop. Purpose of the investigation is analysis of new generation harvesters working parameters in corn harvesting. On this base will be defined possibilities of improvement of efficiency and productivity, as well as decrement of fuel consumption. Results of investigation have shown the fallowing parameters: - at harvester A - fuel consumption was 14.04 l/ha, or 58.97 l/h, with the efficiency of 4.2 ha/h and average working speed of 8.0 km/h. - at harvester B - fuel consumption was 22.50 l/ha, or 45.82 l/h, with the efficiency of 2.065 ha/h and average working speed of 6.4 km/h. Efficiency coefficient of the harvester is 0.7 but it can be significantly increased with better harmonizing of working regime and working conditions.Uvođenje savremenih kombajna nove generacije u tehnološki proces ubiranja poljoprivrednih kultura, sagledava se sa aspekta učinka, gubitka i kvaliteta ovršene mase. Cilj ispitivanja je analiza parametra i pokazatelja rada kombajna nove generacije u uslovima ubiranja kukuruza, na osnovu čega će se sagledati mogućnosti povećanja učinka, produktivnosti rada, i smanjenja utroška goriva po jedinici proizvoda. Na osnovu ispitivanja utvrđene su vrednosti relevantnih parametara i pokazatelja: - kod kombajna A- potrošnja goriva od 14,04 l/ha, odnosno 58,97 l/h pri učinku od 4,2 ha/h i prosečnoj brzini kretanja od 8,0 km/h. - kod kombajna B- potrošnja goriva od 22,50 l/ha, odnosno 45,82 l/h pri učinku od 2,065 ha/h i prosečnoj brzini kretanja od 6,4 km/h. Stepen iskorišćenja oba kombajna iznosi 0,7, s tim da bi se vrednost ovog stepena mogla znatno povećati sa boljom usaglašenosti režima i uslova rada

    Uticaj tehnološko-tehničkog sistema aplikacije mineralnih đubriva na njihove fizičko-mehaničke osobine

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    Mineral fertilizers have a pivotal role in contemporary agricultural production, especially when seeking to exploit the full biological potential of crops. This paper presents the results of a three-year experiment on the distribution uniformity of different mineral fertilizer application systems. One of the objectives in this study was to define the physical and mechanical properties of four different types of mineral fertilizers and examine their changes during storage, transportation and application. A total of four fertilizers were taken into account: UREA, CAN, MAP and NP. The main physical properties, i.e. particle size, particle size distribution, friction coefficient, angle of repose and particle resistance, were analyzed on samples collected from the storage, the trailer (prior to application) and the field (after application). The results obtained show that fertilizers with a particle size distribution of 3.3 to 4.75 mm exhibit higher values of the angle of repose, friction and resistance. The lowest value of the angle of friction (17.53 0) was observed in the UREA fertilizer after application, whereas the highest angle of friction (24.37 0) was measured in the MAP fertilizer obtained from the storage. The values of the static repose angle varied depending on the fertilizer type and the place of sampling (storage, trailer or field). The lowest value of the static repose angle (30.34 0) was measured in the MAP fertilizer after application, whereas the highest static repose angle (36.91 0) was measured in the NP fertilizer from the storage. The NP fertilizer exhibited the highest value of the dynamic friction angle, whereas the lowest value of the dynamic friction angle was calculated for the UREA fertilizer. The NP fertilizer particles showed the highest resistance, whereas the UREA fertilizer particles were most susceptible to breakage.Savremena poljoprivredna proizvodnja se ne može zamisliti bez primene đubriva, posebno sa aspekta boljeg korišćenja biološkog potencijala rodnosti gajenih biljaka. U radu je prikazan deo rezultata trogodišnjih ispitivanja tehničko-tehnološkog sistema aplikacije mineralnih đubriva različitim tipovima centrifugalnih rasipača. Jedan od ciljeva istraživanja bio je i određivanje fizičko-mehaničkih osobina različitih tipova mineralnih đubriva, njihovih promena tokom samog procesa aplikacije i njihovog uticaja na kvalitet same aplikacije. U istraživanje su uključena četiri tipa mineralnih đubriva i to UREA, KAN, MAP i NP. Dobijeni rezultati tokom ispitivanja fizičko-mehaničkih osobina primenjivanih mineralnih đubriva pokazuju da đubriva koja imaju najveći procenat granula prečnika između 3,3 mm i 4,75 mm imaju najveće uglove trenja i nasipanja, kao i dobru otpornost prema lomu granule. Vrednosti ugla trenja su značajno varirale u zavisnosti od tipa đubriva i mesta uzorkovanja. Najniža vrednost, 17,53o je zabeležena kod UREE nakon aplikacije a najviša, 24,37o kod đubriva MAP iz skladišta na imanju. Vrednosti statičkog ugla nasipanja su takođe statistički značajno varirale u zavisnosti od tipa đubriva i mesta uzorkovanja. Najniža vrednost, 30,34o, je zabeležena kod đubriva MAP nakon aplikacije a najviša, 36,91o, je zabeležena kod NP đubirva iz skladišta. NP đubrivo je pokazalo i najviše vrednosti dinamičkog ulga trenja. Najniže vrednosti ovog parametra, 23,35o, imalo je đubrivo UREA. Čvrstoća granula je varirala u zavisnosti od tipa đubriva i od mesta uzorkovanja. Najviše vrednosti su zabeležene kod đubriva NP u svim fazama manipulacije dok su najniže vrednosti zabeležene kod đubriva UREA

    Uticajni faktori navodnjavanja kišenjem na nagibima

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    Intensive plant production can not be imagined without irrigation. Support to this fact is that 18% of the total arable land in the world is irrigated, and the agricultural production from this area is equal to the total production of agricultural products from the rest of non irrigated area, which is 6 times larger. Irrigation in our country is under the real possibilities and needs, is provided on small areas and doesn’t influence significantly the agricultural production. Irrigation with raining on the slopes is very important because of potential of the hilly region in Serbia. Specific limitations of work on slopes, firstly because of protection from erosion, are directly influencing the selection and working regime of irrigation system.Intenzivna biljna proizvodnja nezamisliva je bez navodnjavanja. U prilog ovoj činjenici ide i podatak da se u svetu navodnjava 18% ukupno obradivih površina sa kojih se dobija isto onoliko poljoprivrednih proizvoda kao sa ostalih oko 6 puta većih nenavodnjavanih površina. U našoj zemlji navodnjava se ispod realnih mogućnosti i stvarnih potreba, obavlja se na malim površinama i ne utiče posebno na obim poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Navodnjavanje kišenjem na nagibima ima veliki značaj obzirom na potencijal brdskog područja u Srbiji. Specifičnosti uzrokovane ograničenjima u radu na nagibu, pre svega sprečavanju izazivanja erozije, direktno se reflektuje na izbor i režim rada sistema za navodnjavanje

    Obrada zemljišta kombinovanim oruđima

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    Paper present results of exploitation testing tractor-machinery couple in tillage, content plough and roller. Basic of working resistance in variant without roller and with roller and potential pulling characteristics of tractors analyzing. Objective of the study was a working parameters plough and tractors PKB corporation in our tractors machinery couples. The aim of the of researching was, concerning the obtained results, to give the possibilities of energy savings and higher productivity.U radu je data analiza eksploatacionih ispitivanja traktorsko-mašinskih agregata za osnovnu obradu zemljišta. Polaznu osnovu predstavljaju radni otpori pluga u varijanti bez i sa prstenastim valjkom i vučne karakteristike traktora. Tema istraživanja su radni parametari pluga i traktori PKB korporacije koji bi sa njim činili optimalni agregat za obradu. Smisao rada jeste da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja ustanove, mogućnosti za uštedu energije i povećanje produktivnosti rada

    Tractor Lifetime Assessment Analysis

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    In this paper, two different approaches in analyzing the tractor lifetime assessment are presented. The first one is based on reliability theory and the other one is based on the relevant experience that was implemented in the ASABE standards. In this way, the dependence of tractor reliability and lifetime on working conditions is presented through two models verified in the paper. Tractors from two different producers were analyzed. Experimental data were collected during the tractor working engagement at the fields of Agricultural Corporation Belgrade (ACB). Analyzing the obtained data it is possible to find the mismanagement in the tractor usage. Removing them it is possible to extend the period of tractor utilization. In this way the overall organization of tractor- machinery system on a farm can significantly be improved

    Proizvodne mogućnosti traktora u oranju

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    This paper present results of exploitation testing of tractors in conditions tillage systems. Analysis of pulling characteristics considered clouded potential pulling characteristics tractors with ballast 1200 kg, with maximum ballast and without ballast. Results show positive potential of ballast in the sense of improving pulling possibilities of tractors. Booth, adequate level of optimization needs are: choosing of technology and parameters of tillage volume (depth, width, soil resistance etc). Adequate choice of tractor and their judgment interaction of two groups of parameters. That parameters are included in real potential pulling characteristics, precision technology positioning.Rad predstavlja rezultat eksploatacionog ispitivanja traktora u osnovnoj obradi zemljišta. Analiza vučnih karakteristika je obuhvatila potencijalne vučne karakteristike traktora u varijantama sa maksimalnim balastom, sa balastom od 1200 kg i bez balasta. Rezultati pokazuju pozitivan potencijal balasta uz napomenu da nivo optimizacije agregata pored izbora tehnologije podrazumeva i poznavanje uslova rada tj., specifičnog otpora i dubinu obrade. Dobijene vrednosti potvrđuju činjenicu da je racionalan izbor traktora višestruko uslovljen i adekvatna ocena traktora zahteva poznavanje vučne karakteristike traktora, kao i precizno definisanje njegove tehnološke namene

    Radni parametri traktorsko-mašinskih agregata u obradi zemljišta

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    This paper presents results of filed testing of tractors in various tillage systems conditions. Analysis of pulling characteristics considered potential pulling characteristics of tractors with maximum ballast and without ballast. The aim of the study was analyzing a new-generation tractor and its working parameters compatibility with attached machines (plough and subsoiler). The aim of the paper was, concerning the obtained results, to give the possibilities for energy savings and higher productivity. Results confirm the fact that choice of tractor is highly complex and it requires knowledge of real potential pulling characteristics, and precise definition of its technology purpose.Rad predstavlja rezultat laboratorijsko-eksploatacionog ispitivanja traktora u varijantama obrade zemljišta i to oranjem i podrivanjem. Analiza vučnih karakteristika obuhvatila je potencijalne vučne karakteristike traktora sa maksimalnim balastom i bez balasta. Predmet istraživanja je traktor nove generacije i ocena usklađenosti parametara rada traktora u obradi zemljišta, u oranju i podrivanju. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja ustanove mogućnosti za uštedu energije i povećanje produktivnosti rada. Dobijene vrednosti potvrđuju činjenicu da je racionalan izbor traktora višestruko uslovljen i da adekvatna ocena traktora zahteva poznavanje karakteristika traktora, kao i precizno definisanje njegove tehnološke namene

    Tehnološko-tehnički parametri rada traktora u obradi zemljišta

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    This paper presents the results of testing exploitation characteristics of tractors in basic soil tillage. The analysis encompassed haulage characteristics of a tractor with and without the ballast. This investigation focused on a new generation tractor in order to assess the agreement between various working parameters of a tractor in basic soil tillage. The aim with this paper was to use the obtained results to single out potentials for energy savings and increase of productivity. The results confirm that a rational selection of tractor is a function of multiple variables. Therefore, valid assessment of a tractor requires knowing haulage power, as well as a precisely defined domain of technological application.Rad predstavlja rezultat eksploatacionog ispitivanja traktora u osnovnoj obradi zemljišta. Analiza vučnih karakteristika je obuhvatila potencijalne vučne karakteristike traktora u varijantama sa maksimalnim balastom i bez balasta. Predmet istraživanja je traktor nove generacije i ocena usklađenosti parametara rada traktora u osnovnoj obradi zemljišta. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja ustanove, mogućnosti uštede energije i povećanje produktivnosti rada. Dobijene vrednosti potvrđuju činjenicu da je racionalan izbor traktora višestruko uslovljen i adekvatna ocena traktora zahteva poznavanje vučne karakteristike traktora, kao i precizno definisanje njegove tehnološke namene

    Energetski parametri rada traktora u obradi zemljišta

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    This paper presents results of exploitation testing of tractors in tillage conditions systems. Analysis of pulling characteristics considered potential pulling characteristics of tractors with maximum ballast and without ballast. Objective of the study was a new-generation tractor and accordance of it's working parameters with attached tillage machine. The aim of the paper was concerning the obtained results, to give the possibilities of energy savings and higher productivity. Results confirm the fact that rational choice of tractor is highly complex and it requires knowledge of real potential pulling characteristics, and precise definition of it's technology purpose.Rad predstavlja rezultat eksploatacionog ispitivanja traktora u osnovnoj i dopunskoj obradi zemljišta. Analiza vučnih karakteristika je obuhvatila potencijalne vučne karakteristike traktora u varijantama sa maksimalnim balastom i bez balasta. Predmet istraživanja je traktor nove generacije i ocena usklađenosti parametara rada traktora sa agregatiranim priključnim oruđima za obradu zemljišta. Cilj rada je da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata istraživanja ustanove, mogućnosti uštede energije i povećanje produktivnosti rada. Dobijene vrednosti potvrđuju činjenicu da je racionalan izbor traktora višestruko uslovljen i adekvatna ocena traktora zahteva poznavanje vučne karakteristike traktora, kao i precizno definisanje njegove tehnološke namene