384 research outputs found

    Lightweight Digital Hardware Random Number Generators

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    Abstract — Random Number Generator (RNG) plays an essential role in many sensor network systems and applications, such as security and robust communication. We have developed the first digital hardware random number generator (DHRNG). DHRNG has a small footprint and requires ultra-low energy. It uses a new recursive structure that directly targets efficient FPGA implementation. The core idea is to place or extract random values in FPGA configuration bits and randomly connect the building blocks. We present our architecture, introduce accompanying protocols for secure public key communication, and adopt the NIST randomness test on the DHRNG’s output stream. I

    ORIGINAL PAPER mHealthMon: Toward Energy-Efficient and Distributed Mobile Health Monitoring Using Parallel Offloading

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    Abstract Although mobile health monitoring where mobile sensors continuously gather, process, and update sensor readings (e.g. vital signals) from patient’s sensors is emerging, little effort has been investigated in an energyefficient management of sensor information gathering and processing. Mobile health monitoring with the focus of energy consumption may instead be holistically analyzed and systematically designed as a global solution to optimization subproblems. This paper presents an attempt to decompose the very complex mobile health monitoring system whose layer in the system corresponds to decomposed subproblems, and interfaces between them are quantified as functions of the optimization variables in order to orchestrate the subproblems. We propose a distributed and energy-saving mobile health platform, called mHealthMon where mobile users publish/access sensor data via a cloud computing-based distributed P2P overlay network. The key objective is to satisfy the mobile health monitoring application’s quality of service requirements by modeling each subsystem: mobile clients with medical sensors, wireless network medium, and distributed cloud services. By simulations based on experimental data, we present the proposed system can achieve up to 10.1 times more energy-efficient and 20.2 times faster compared to a standalone mobil

    Techniques for Energy-Efficient Communication Pipeline Design

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    The performance of many modern computer and communication systems is dictated by the latency of communication pipelines. At the same time, power/energy consumption is often another limiting factor in many portable systems. We address the problem of how to minimize the power consumption in system-level pipelines under latency constraints. In particular, we apply fragmentation technique to achieve parallelism and exploit advantages provided by variable voltage design methodology to optimally select voltage and, therefore, speed of each pipeline stage.We focus our study on the practical case when each pipeline stage operates at a fixed speed. Unlike the conventional pipeline system, where all stages run at the same speed, our system may have different stages running at different speeds to conserve energy while providing guaranteed latency. For a given latency requirement, we find explicit solutions for the most energy efficient fragmentation and voltage setting. We further study a less practical case when each stage can dynamically change its speed to get further energy saving. We define the problem and transform it to a nonlinear system whose solution provides a lower bound for energy consumption. We apply the obtained theoretical results to develop algorithms for power/energy minimization of computer and communication systems. The experimental result suggests that significant power/energy reduction, is possible without additional latency. In fact, we achieve almost 40% total energy saving over the combined minimal supply voltage selection and system shut-down technique and 85% if none of these two energy minimization methods is used

    Uticaj kontrole na toplotno ponašanje panelnog sistema za grejanje prasadi

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    As natural phenomenon effect, immediately after birth, piglets require high level of controlled supplemental heating. The main cause for this requirement is low level of heat accumulation and wet body surface, without sow real possible sense for theirs draing. Between conventional heating systems, panel system points to the best results. The control variant essentialy influence on parameters of temperature field in the zone of heat exchanging surfaces. Manual regulation of contact temperature by heatig fluid flow causes unbalanced intensity of temperature field in the zone of panels with longer distances from the central heating source and temperature deviation over 2°C in the zone of panel periphery. Correct panel design, without heating fluid flow influnce, will achieve uniform temperature field in the lying zone. Application of the Web technology, in relation to manual controlling in laboratory conditions will result by energy saving up to 30%. Practicaly, this value is much higher.Kao posledica prirodnog fenomena, po rađanju prase zahteva visok stepen kontrolisanog dogrevanja. Uzrok ovom zahtevu je nizak nivo akumulisane toplote i vlažna površine tela, bez realno mogućeg osećaja majke za njegovim posušivanjem. Od konvencionalnih sistema grejanja, najbolje rezultate ostvario je panelni sistem. Način kontrole temperature kontaktne površine grejnih panela značajno utiče na parametre temperaturnog polja u njihovim razmenjivačkim ravnima. Manuelno-parcijalna regulacija temperature kontaktne površine putem protoka zagrevnog fluida, rezultira neujednačenim intenzitetom temperaturnih polja u zoni različito udaljenih panela od centralnog izvora toplote, sa odstupanjem temperature perifernih zona znatno iznad 2°C. Pravilno konstruisan panel, bez uticaja protoka zagrevnog fluida, u funkciji tekućeg vremena, ostvariće uniformno temperaturno polje u zoni referentne ravni za ležanje prasadi. Primenom adekvatnog sistema regulacije ili progresivne Web tehnologije, u odnosu na manuelni sistem kontrole u laboratorijskim uslovima, moguća ušteda energije je do 30%. U praksi, ova vrednost je značajno viša

    Redukcija stepena zagađenja vazduha u stočarstvu

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    In domestic conditions, except industrial and municipal sewages, at the reduced level of livestock husbendary production, manure is labeled as dangerous matter, with certain pollution level of three basic vital factors: air, water and soil. For odors and basic gaseous contaminants (NH3, H2S, CO, CO2 i N2O) reduction, inside breeding ambient and their evacuation by ventilation system in surroundings, there is described laboratory tested variant of scrubbing dynamic filter DF with its satisfied results. For manure negativ influence on ecosystem there are presented variants of biofilters and porous-rubber cover of slurry lagoon with their approximate results.U domaćim uslovima, pored industrijskih i gradskih otpada, na nivou redukovane stočarske proizvodnje stajnjak je pod etiketom opasnih materija, sa izvesnim stepenom zagađenja tri bazna životna faktora: vazduh, voda i zemljište. Za redukciju neprijatnih mirisa i bazno-gasnih kontaminenata (NH3, H2S, CO, CO2 i N2O), unutar uzgojnog ambijenta i njihove evakuacije sistemom ventilacije u spoljno okruženje, opisana je laboratorijski testirana varijanta vlažnog dinamičkog filtera DF sa zadovoljavajućim rezultatima. Za redukciju negativnog uticaja stajnjaka na ekosistem prikazane su varijante biofiltera i porozno-gumenog pokrivača lagune tečnog stajnjaka sa njihovim aproksimativnim rezultatima

    Efficient Block Scheduling to Minimize Context Switching Time for Programmable Embedded Processors

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    Scheduling is one of the most often addressed optimization problems in DSP compilation, behavioral synthesis, and system-level synthesis research. With the rapid pace of changes in modern DSP applications requirements and implementation technologies, however, new types of scheduling challenges arise. This paper is concerned with the problem of scheduling blocks of computations in order to optimize the efficiency of their execution on programmable embedded systems under a realistic timing model of their processors. We describe an effective scheme for scheduling the blocks of any computation on a given system architecture and with a specified algorithm implementing each block. We also present algorithmic techniques for performing optimal block scheduling simultaneously with optimal architecture and algorithm selection. Our techniques address the block scheduling problem for both single- and multiple-processor system platforms and for a variety of optimization objectives including throughput, cost, and power dissipation. We demonstrate the practical effectiveness of our techniques on numerous designs and synthetic examples.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44804/1/10617_2004_Article_239764.pd

    Quality of Service and System Design

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    Quality of Service (QoS) of the implementation of an application can be defined as a function of the properties of the application and its implementation as observed by the user and/or the environment. Typical application and implementation properties include latency, throughput, jitter, and the level of resolution. Many of the current and pending most popular applications, such as multimedia, wireless sensing and communications, security and PEBBs, have intrinsic relevant QoS components. Recently, quality of service attracted a great of deal of attention in a number of research and development communities, and in particular, in the network and multimedia literature. However, until now synthesis and CAD research did not addressed how to design systems with quantitative QoS requirements. Our goal in this paper is to outline foundations and framework in which QoS system design trade-offs and optimization can be addressed. We first identify and state in synthesis-usable way two currently most popular approaches to Quality of Service treatment: Q-RAM and DScurve (demand/service). We discuss advantages and limitations of the two approaches. Next, we show how these two approaches can be combined in a new more comprehensive QoS framework. We also explain and illustrate using examples interaction between QoS and synthesis and compilation tasks. We conclude by identifying and discussing the future directions related to synthesis of QoS-sensitive systems

    Optimization-Intensive Watermarking Techniques for Decision Problems

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    Recently, a number of watermarking-based intellectual property protection techniques have been proposed. Although they have been applied to different stages in the design process and have a great variety of technical and theoretical features, all of them share two common properties: 1) they are applied solely to optimization problems and 2) do not involve any optimization during the watermarking process. In this paper, we propose the first set of optimization-intensive watermarking techniques for decision problems. In particular, we demonstrate, by example of the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem, how one can select a subset of superimposed watermarking constraints so that the uniqueness of the signature and the likelihood of satisfying the satisfiability problem are simultaneously maximized. We have developed three SAT watermarking techniques: adding clauses, deleting literals, and push-out and pull-back. Each technique targets different types of signature-induced constraint superimposition on an instance of the SAT problem. In addition to comprehensive experimental validation, we theoretically analyze the potentials and limitations of the proposed watermarking techniques. Furthermore, we analyze the three proposed optimization-intensive watermarking SAT techniques in terms of their suitability for copy detection