23 research outputs found

    Transfer of football players

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    Od početaka, kada se pitanje transfera vezivalo za postugovorni period, do danas, kada se o transferu može govoriti samo ako igrač napuÅ”ta klub pre isteka važnosti ugovora koji ima sa klubom, transfer nije regulisan zakonskim pravilima. Radi se o složenom ugovornom odnosu, kome prethodi predugovorna faza, pri čemu njegovo konačno dejstvo može da zavisi od ostvarenja suspenzivnih ugovornih uslova. Povodom transfera klub-kupac plaća naknadu klubu-prodavcu za kupljeno pravo. Naknada se iskazuje u aktivi kluba-prodavca.Even though legal perception with regard to transfer of football players evolved throughout the years, shifting the point of time where player could leave the club from the period after the contract has been expired to the period before the expiration, transfer issue is still not governed by the legal rules. It is a complex contractual relationship, which is preceded by the pre-contractual phase, while its final effect may depend on the realization of suspensive contract conditions. When the transfer takes place, club-buyer pays a fee to the club-seller for the acquired right. The transfer fee is attributed to the assets of the club-seller

    Violation of the rules of sport and liability of athletes for damage

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    Povrede sportskih pravila od strane sportista sastavni su deo mnogih sportskih aktivnosti. Nije redak slučaj da kao posledica, usled izvrÅ”ene povrede, nastane Å”teta za jednog od učesnika sportske igre. U vezi sa tim postavlja se pitanje da li oÅ”tećeni ima pravo na naknadu Å”tete, odnosno da li i prema kojim pravilima Å”tetnik odgovara za prouzrokovanu Å”tetu? Moguće reÅ”enje ovog pitanja sadržano je u Zakonu o sportu Republike Srbije. Uz analizu tog reÅ”enja, u članku su izneti teorijski stavovi o kriterijumima koje treba imati u vidu prilikom utvrđivanja odgovornosti, kao i mogući osnovi za isključenje odgovornosti sportista.The breach of sport rules by athletes may be the outcome of many sports activities. Thus, it is not uncommon that as a result of violation of sport rules arise damage for one of the participants in sports activities. With respect of that, question arises whether the injured party is entitled to request compensation for damages, and if so, which rules would be applicable for determining liability of the party who caused a damage? A possible solution to this issue is contained in the Law on Sport of the Republic of Serbia. Along with legal analysis of the respective solution, the article presents theoretical views on the criteria that should be taken into account when determining liability, as well as the possible basis for exclusion of liability of athletes

    Sport and insurance

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    Sport prate brojni rizici zbog kojih mogu da pretrpe Å”tetu takmičari, ali i druga lica koja na direktan ili indirektan način učestvuju u odvijanju sportskih aktivnosti. ZaÅ”tita oÅ”tećenih može da se ostvari upotrebom različitih pravnih sredstava (garancija, jemstvo), a jedno od takvih je osiguranje. Sportsko osiguranje se, po pravilu, temelji na načelu dobrovoljnosti. Ipak, danas su sve prisutnija razmiÅ”ljanja o potrebi uvođenja obaveznog osiguranja (od odgovornosti ili od posledica nesrećnog slučaja). U vezi sa tim, u radu su izložena, s jedne strane, pravila kojima se reguliÅ”u određene vrste obaveznog sportskog osiguranja, i, s druge strane, pravila kojima se, radi podizanja nivoa zaÅ”tite, propisuje obaveza informisanja o postojanju ugovora o osiguranju, ukoliko postoji obavezno sportsko osiguranje, odnosno o potrebi i mogućnosti da sportisti individualno zaključe ugovor o osiguranju (u slučaju kada osiguranje nije obavezno).Sport is accompanied by numeorous risks which could cause damage not just to athletes, but also to other persons who are directly or indirectly involved in sport activities. Their protection can be achieved using various remedies (warranty, guarantee), such as insurance. Sport insurance is usually based on a voluntary principle. However, the need for the intorduction of compulsory insurance (liability or accident) is recognized nowadays. In this regard, the paper deals with the rules governing certain types of compulsory sports insurance on the one hand, and the rules related to duty to inform on the existence of an insurance contract (in the case where compulsory sport insurance exists), or to inform athletes on the need and possibility to personally conclude insurance contract (in the case when insurance is not compulsory) on the other hand

    Top sport

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    Koncept vrhunskog sporta, koji se zasniva na pružanju podrŔke radi postizanja vrhunskih rezultata, počeo je da se razvija u drugoj polovini proŔlog veka. U nekim zemljama, on se temelji na novčanoj podrŔci koju država pruža vrhunskim sportistima, dok se u drugim, pored finansijske podrŔke, primenjuju i druge mere koje treba da olakŔaju sportistima bavljenje sportom, kao i drugim aktivnostima. U vezi sa tim u članku su izložena pitanja koja se tiču: osnova na kojima se zasniva vrhunski sport; uslova koje treba ispuniti kako bi se stekao status vrhunskog sportiste; efekata koji nastaju dobijanjem statusa vrhunskog sportiste; osnova za gubitak prava koja proističu iz statusa vrhunskog sportiste.The concept of high-level sport, which is based on providing support to achieve top results, began to develop in the second half of the last century. In some countries, high-level sport is based on the financial support that the state provides to top-class athletes, while others combine financial support with other measures to facilitate athletes engaged in sports or other related activities. In this regard, article deals with the issues concerning: the basic principles of high-level sport; conditions for acquiring the status of top-class athlete; effects resulting from the status of top-class athlete; the basis for the loss of rights of top-class athlete

    Socio-economic dimension of sport

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    Od Deklaracije o specifičnostima sporta i njegovoj druÅ”tvenoj funkciji iz 2000. godine, pa preko Bele knjige o sportu iz 2007. godine i najnovijih dokumenata koji su doneti na nivou EU, u koje spadaju Zaključci o gospodarskoj dimenziji sporta i njegovim druÅ”tveno-gospodarskim koristima ili MiÅ”ljenje Evropskog odbora regija o uključivanju sporta u program EU za razdoblje nakon 2020. godine, ističe se uloga i potreba jačanja druÅ”tvene i gospodarske dimenzije sporta. U vezi sa tim ukazuje se da je sport: gospodarski pokretač rasta u smislu efekata koje ima na dodatnu vrednost, bruto domaći proizvod i kupovnu moć; međusektorski fenomen koji može bitno da utiče na stanje javnog zdravlja, regionalni razvoj i turizam; sektor u kome se pojavljuju brojne inovacije, u cilju postizanja boljih rezultata ili sprečavanja ozleda, pri čemu se one često prenose na druge sektore i tako putem roba ili usluga postaju dostupne drugim korisnicima, odnosno potroÅ”ačima (u ovom slučaju sportske inovacije služe kao platforma za pokretanje i razvoj novih proizvoda i usluga, odnosno kao činilac od značaja za izvoz i gospodarski rast). U radu su izloženi elementi druÅ”tvene dimenzije sporta, kao i direktni i indirektni efekti sporta na gospodarski rast.The role of sport and the need to strengthen the social and economic dimension of sport has been emphasized in numerous documents adopted at the EU level, starting with the Declaration on the specific characteristics of sport and its social function in Europe which was adopted in 2000, through the White Paper on Sport (2007/2261(INI)) and the latest EU documents including Conclusions on the economic dimensions of sport and its socio-economic benefits or Opinion of the European Committee of the Regions ā€” Mainstreaming sport into the EU agenda post-2020. In this regard, it is pointed out that sport represents: an economic driver of growth in terms of the effects it has on the added value; gross domestic product and purchasing power; cross-sectoral phenomenon that can significantly affect the state of public health, regional development and tourism; a sector in which numerous innovations appear in order to achieve better results or to prevent injuries, whereby they are often transferred to other sectors and thus become available to other users or consumers through goods or services (in this case, sports innovations serve as a platform for launching and the development of new products and services, or as a factor of importance for exports and economic growth). The paper presents elements of the social dimension of sport, as well as the direct and indirect effects of sports on economic growth

    Financing of sports and sponsorship

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    Sponzorstvo, posebno kada se radi o profesionalnom sportu, ima naročit značaj za finansiranje te vrste sportskih aktivnosti. Razlog tome je Å”to se uz pomoć sponzorstva na efikasan način zadovoljavaju interesi sponzora da se kroz povezivanje sa nosiocem nekog sportskog sadržaja maksimalno poveća njegova prisutnost i prepoznatljivost u javnosti. Istovremeno, zahvaljujući sponzorstvu, sponzorisani stiče mogućnost da postiže bolje i prestižnije rezultate u odnosu na druge. S obzirom da sponzorstvo ima svoje specifičnosti, koje ga jasno odvajaju od drugih ugovornih odnosa, u radu je najpre određen pojam sportskog sponzorstva, a potom je ukazano na značaj imidža sponzorisanog i pravo koriŔćenja imidža, koje zaključenjem ugovora stiče sponzor, na odnos između individualnog i kolektivnog imidža, i na kraju na ograničenja u pogledu mogućnosti zasnivanja i realizacije sponzorstva.Sponsorship, especially when it comes to professional sports, has a special significance for financing this kind of sporting activities. Namely, sponsorship is in the function of efficient satisfaction of sponsor\u27s interests, which is reflected in maximization of his presence and public recognition through the interconnection with the carrier of some sporting content. At the same time, thanks to sponsorship, sponsored party acquire the ability to achieve better and more prestigious results than others. Since sponsorship has its own specificities, which clearly distinguish it from other contractual relationships, author pointed out: the concept of sports sponsorship; the importance of the sponsored partyā€™s image and the right to use the image, which the sponsor acquires upon conclusion of the contract; the relationship between individual and collective image; limitations for establishing and implementing sponsorship

    Entrepreneurs in sports

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    Pored pravnih lica nosioci sportskih delatnosti mogu da budu i fizička lica, za koja se kaže da su preduzetnici u sportu. S obzirom da se u pojedinim propisima i praksi za označenje ovih lica koriste i drugi termini, u članku je iznet stav koji od njih je najprihvatljiviji. Osim toga, u članku su obrađena pravila koja pokazuju da preduzetnike u sportu karakteriÅ”u određene posebnosti, a odnose se na: moguće pojmovno određenje preduzetnika u sportu i bitne elemente, koji čine taj pojam; delatnosti koje mogu da obavlaju sportski preduzetnici i uslove koje u vezi sa tim moraju da ispune; evidenciju i registraciju sportskih preduzetnika.Apart from legal entities, sports business operators may also be individuals, in the capacity of entrepreneurs. Author analyzes various terms used in comparative law and practice to designate these persons by pointing out the most preferrable solution. In addition, the article elaborates the specific rules that clearly differentiate sports entrepreneurs from other business operators. Those rules are particularly related to: possible conceptual designation of sports entrepreneurs and related constituent elements; business activities that can be performed by sports entrepreneurs and respective conditions that need to be fullfiled; records and registration of sports entrepreneurs

    Professional Sports Club

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    Povodom organizacije profesionalnih klubova primenjuju se dva modela. Jedan, povodom koga klubovi imaju slobodu izbora organizacionog oblika (udruženje ili privredno druÅ”tvo) u kome će obavljati sportske aktivnosti. Drugi, prema kome se klubovi obavezno organizuju u obliku privrednog druÅ”tva, u nekoj od formi druÅ”tva kapitala, s tim Å”to to mogu biti i specijalizovane sportske forme. Na osnivanje i delovanje sportskih druÅ”tava, kao sui generis trgovačka druÅ”tva, primenjuje se viÅ”e posebnih pravila koja se tiču: uslova za osnivanje klubova; uslova za učeŔće u stručnim i upravljačkim organima; zabrane viÅ”estruke svojine u sportskim klubovima, odnosno zabrane članstva; raspodele neto dobiti; nadzora nad radom klubova; državne pomoći (subvencije) klubovima.With regard to the organization of professional clubs, two models can be applied. According to the first model, clubs have the freedom to choose the organizational form (association or commercial company) in which sports activities will be carried out. Second model imposes the requirement for the clubs to be organized in the form of commercial company, in one of the corporation forms, provided that it can be also specialized sports form. To the establishment and operation of sports associations, as sui generis commercial companies, apply more specific rules concerning: the conditions for the establishment of clubs; conditions for participation in professional and management bodies; prohibiting multiple ownership of sports clubs, i.e., prohibition of membership; allocation of net profit; control over the work of clubs; state aid (subsidies) for the clubs

    Transfer of football players

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    Od početaka, kada se pitanje transfera vezivalo za postugovorni period, do danas, kada se o transferu može govoriti samo ako igrač napuÅ”ta klub pre isteka važnosti ugovora koji ima sa klubom, transfer nije regulisan zakonskim pravilima. Radi se o složenom ugovornom odnosu, kome prethodi predugovorna faza, pri čemu njegovo konačno dejstvo može da zavisi od ostvarenja suspenzivnih ugovornih uslova. Povodom transfera klub-kupac plaća naknadu klubu-prodavcu za kupljeno pravo. Naknada se iskazuje u aktivi kluba-prodavca.Even though legal perception with regard to transfer of football players evolved throughout the years, shifting the point of time where player could leave the club from the period after the contract has been expired to the period before the expiration, transfer issue is still not governed by the legal rules. It is a complex contractual relationship, which is preceded by the pre-contractual phase, while its final effect may depend on the realization of suspensive contract conditions. When the transfer takes place, club-buyer pays a fee to the club-seller for the acquired right. The transfer fee is attributed to the assets of the club-seller

    Lex sportiva and fair-play

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    U osnovi rad se sastoji iz negacije jedne tvrdnje, koja je u velikoj meri uvrežena u doktrini, prema kojoj lex sportiva predstavlja transnacionalni, odnosno anacionalni pravni poredak, i afirmacije fair-play-a, kao principa koji se posebno vezuje za sport i koji bi, kao jedno od osnovnih načela, trebalo definisati u sportskim zakonicima. Lex sportiva ne predstavlja pravni poredak, jer iza nje nema suverena sa svojim zakonodavnim ovlaŔćenjima. Otuda se može reći da lex sportiva predstavlja skup pravila privatno-pravnog karaktera, čija se legitimnost zasniva na autonomiji volje onih koji su se udružili u sportske federacije. Å to se tiče fair-play-a, radi se o principu etičkog karaktera koji obuhvata pravila ponaÅ”anja koja proističu iz moralnih shvatanja onih koji se bave sportskim aktivnostima o tome Å”ta se sme, a Å”ta se ne sme.Basically the work consists of the denial of a claim, which is largely entrenched in doctrine, according to which lex sportiva represents a transnational or non-national legal system, on the one hand, and affirmation of fair-play, as the principle that specifically binds to the sport and that should be defined in the sports codes as one of the basic principles, on the other. Lex sportiva is not a legal order, because behind it there is no sovereign with its legislative powers. Hence we can say that lex sportiva is a set of rules of private law character, whose legitimacy is based on the autonomy of the will of those who have joined together in the sports federation. As for fair-play, it is a principle of ethical character, which includes rules of conduct that derive from the moral understanding of those involved in sports activities on what is allowed and what is not