Transfer of football players


Od početaka, kada se pitanje transfera vezivalo za postugovorni period, do danas, kada se o transferu može govoriti samo ako igrač napušta klub pre isteka važnosti ugovora koji ima sa klubom, transfer nije regulisan zakonskim pravilima. Radi se o složenom ugovornom odnosu, kome prethodi predugovorna faza, pri čemu njegovo konačno dejstvo može da zavisi od ostvarenja suspenzivnih ugovornih uslova. Povodom transfera klub-kupac plaća naknadu klubu-prodavcu za kupljeno pravo. Naknada se iskazuje u aktivi kluba-prodavca.Even though legal perception with regard to transfer of football players evolved throughout the years, shifting the point of time where player could leave the club from the period after the contract has been expired to the period before the expiration, transfer issue is still not governed by the legal rules. It is a complex contractual relationship, which is preceded by the pre-contractual phase, while its final effect may depend on the realization of suspensive contract conditions. When the transfer takes place, club-buyer pays a fee to the club-seller for the acquired right. The transfer fee is attributed to the assets of the club-seller

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