4 research outputs found

    Spinal shock after a ground-level fall

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    Falls are the most common cause of spinal cord injuries (SCIs) in patients older than 65. The worldwide annual incidence of SCIs is reported to be around 15 – 40/ 1000000

    Lupus nephritis

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    Sistemski eritemski lupus (eng. systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) je kronična autoimuna bolest koja može zahvatiti gotovo svaki organski sustav, a jedna od najtežih posljedica je zahvaćenost bubrega, koja se naziva lupusni nefritis. U pozadini nastanka bolesti nalazimo kompleksnu patofiziologiju u kojoj ulogu imaju brojni genetski i okolišni čimbenici, što se odražava i na same epidemiološke specifičnosti lupusnog nefritisa. Interakcijom mnogih regulatornih proteina i citokina koji imaju ulogu u raznim fiziološkim procesima kao što je apoptoza, sustav komplementa, regulacija imunološkog odgovora i mnogih drugih te pod utjecajem okolišnih čimbenika, ali i hormona, dolazi do disregulacije imunosnog odgovora i pokretanja autoimune reakcije na vlastite antigene. Klinička slika lupusnog nefritisa je raznolika i može varirati od mikroskopske hematurije i proteinurije do brzoprogresivnog glomerulonefritisa, a posljedica je osnovnog mikroskopskog oštećenja koje nastaje u samim bubrezima. Laboratorijskim pretragama možemo posumnjati na zahvaćenost bubrega u SLE-u, no biopsija bubrega je zlatni standard na temelju koje se dijagnosticira lupusni nefritis. Patohistološki gledano, najznačajnija je zahvaćenost glomerula, na temelju koje se i klasificira lupusni nefritis, no u lupusnom nefritisu može biti zahvaćena bilo koja mikrostruktura, od tubulointersticija do krvnih žila. Liječenje lupusnog nefritisa značajno poboljšava prognozu i treba biti prilagođeno pacijentovim osobinama, potrebama i preferencijama. Liječnicima su od velike pomoći i razne smjernice, od kojih treba izdvojiti aktualne KDIGO smjernice iz 2021. godine koje se rutinski koriste u svakodnevnom radu te će ovdje biti prikazane.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect almost any organ system and one of its most severe manifestations is the involvement of the kidneys, which is known as lupus nephritis. Many genetic and environmental factors have a significant role in the complex pathophysiology of lupus nephritis, which is reflected in the specifics of the disease's epidemiology. Through the interaction of many regulatory proteins and cytokines which have a role in various physiological processes such as apoptosis, the complement system, immune system regulation, and many others, and with the additional impact of environmental triggers and hormones, a dysregulation of the immune system takes place, and an autoimmune response develops. The clinical manifestations of lupus nephritis are a consequence of the underlying microscopic damage to the kidneys, and they can vary widely, from microscopic hematuria and proteinuria to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The laboratory tests can guide us to suspect the involvement of the kidneys in SLE patients, but kidney biopsy remains the gold standard for lupus nephritis diagnosis. On histopathologic analysis, the most important structure to be affected are the glomeruli, based on which lupus nephritis is classified, but any of the microstructures can be affected, from the tubulointerstitium to the blood vessels. The treatment of lupus nephritis drastically improves the prognosis, and it should be tailored according to the patient’s characteristics, needs, and preferences. There are several treatment guidelines available to assist the physician to treat the patients, of which the KDIGO guidelines from 2021 are routinely used in clinical practice, which will be presented in this paper

    Lupus nephritis

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    Sistemski eritemski lupus (eng. systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) je kronična autoimuna bolest koja može zahvatiti gotovo svaki organski sustav, a jedna od najtežih posljedica je zahvaćenost bubrega, koja se naziva lupusni nefritis. U pozadini nastanka bolesti nalazimo kompleksnu patofiziologiju u kojoj ulogu imaju brojni genetski i okolišni čimbenici, što se odražava i na same epidemiološke specifičnosti lupusnog nefritisa. Interakcijom mnogih regulatornih proteina i citokina koji imaju ulogu u raznim fiziološkim procesima kao što je apoptoza, sustav komplementa, regulacija imunološkog odgovora i mnogih drugih te pod utjecajem okolišnih čimbenika, ali i hormona, dolazi do disregulacije imunosnog odgovora i pokretanja autoimune reakcije na vlastite antigene. Klinička slika lupusnog nefritisa je raznolika i može varirati od mikroskopske hematurije i proteinurije do brzoprogresivnog glomerulonefritisa, a posljedica je osnovnog mikroskopskog oštećenja koje nastaje u samim bubrezima. Laboratorijskim pretragama možemo posumnjati na zahvaćenost bubrega u SLE-u, no biopsija bubrega je zlatni standard na temelju koje se dijagnosticira lupusni nefritis. Patohistološki gledano, najznačajnija je zahvaćenost glomerula, na temelju koje se i klasificira lupusni nefritis, no u lupusnom nefritisu može biti zahvaćena bilo koja mikrostruktura, od tubulointersticija do krvnih žila. Liječenje lupusnog nefritisa značajno poboljšava prognozu i treba biti prilagođeno pacijentovim osobinama, potrebama i preferencijama. Liječnicima su od velike pomoći i razne smjernice, od kojih treba izdvojiti aktualne KDIGO smjernice iz 2021. godine koje se rutinski koriste u svakodnevnom radu te će ovdje biti prikazane.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect almost any organ system and one of its most severe manifestations is the involvement of the kidneys, which is known as lupus nephritis. Many genetic and environmental factors have a significant role in the complex pathophysiology of lupus nephritis, which is reflected in the specifics of the disease's epidemiology. Through the interaction of many regulatory proteins and cytokines which have a role in various physiological processes such as apoptosis, the complement system, immune system regulation, and many others, and with the additional impact of environmental triggers and hormones, a dysregulation of the immune system takes place, and an autoimmune response develops. The clinical manifestations of lupus nephritis are a consequence of the underlying microscopic damage to the kidneys, and they can vary widely, from microscopic hematuria and proteinuria to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The laboratory tests can guide us to suspect the involvement of the kidneys in SLE patients, but kidney biopsy remains the gold standard for lupus nephritis diagnosis. On histopathologic analysis, the most important structure to be affected are the glomeruli, based on which lupus nephritis is classified, but any of the microstructures can be affected, from the tubulointerstitium to the blood vessels. The treatment of lupus nephritis drastically improves the prognosis, and it should be tailored according to the patient’s characteristics, needs, and preferences. There are several treatment guidelines available to assist the physician to treat the patients, of which the KDIGO guidelines from 2021 are routinely used in clinical practice, which will be presented in this paper

    Lupus nephritis

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    Sistemski eritemski lupus (eng. systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) je kronična autoimuna bolest koja može zahvatiti gotovo svaki organski sustav, a jedna od najtežih posljedica je zahvaćenost bubrega, koja se naziva lupusni nefritis. U pozadini nastanka bolesti nalazimo kompleksnu patofiziologiju u kojoj ulogu imaju brojni genetski i okolišni čimbenici, što se odražava i na same epidemiološke specifičnosti lupusnog nefritisa. Interakcijom mnogih regulatornih proteina i citokina koji imaju ulogu u raznim fiziološkim procesima kao što je apoptoza, sustav komplementa, regulacija imunološkog odgovora i mnogih drugih te pod utjecajem okolišnih čimbenika, ali i hormona, dolazi do disregulacije imunosnog odgovora i pokretanja autoimune reakcije na vlastite antigene. Klinička slika lupusnog nefritisa je raznolika i može varirati od mikroskopske hematurije i proteinurije do brzoprogresivnog glomerulonefritisa, a posljedica je osnovnog mikroskopskog oštećenja koje nastaje u samim bubrezima. Laboratorijskim pretragama možemo posumnjati na zahvaćenost bubrega u SLE-u, no biopsija bubrega je zlatni standard na temelju koje se dijagnosticira lupusni nefritis. Patohistološki gledano, najznačajnija je zahvaćenost glomerula, na temelju koje se i klasificira lupusni nefritis, no u lupusnom nefritisu može biti zahvaćena bilo koja mikrostruktura, od tubulointersticija do krvnih žila. Liječenje lupusnog nefritisa značajno poboljšava prognozu i treba biti prilagođeno pacijentovim osobinama, potrebama i preferencijama. Liječnicima su od velike pomoći i razne smjernice, od kojih treba izdvojiti aktualne KDIGO smjernice iz 2021. godine koje se rutinski koriste u svakodnevnom radu te će ovdje biti prikazane.Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect almost any organ system and one of its most severe manifestations is the involvement of the kidneys, which is known as lupus nephritis. Many genetic and environmental factors have a significant role in the complex pathophysiology of lupus nephritis, which is reflected in the specifics of the disease's epidemiology. Through the interaction of many regulatory proteins and cytokines which have a role in various physiological processes such as apoptosis, the complement system, immune system regulation, and many others, and with the additional impact of environmental triggers and hormones, a dysregulation of the immune system takes place, and an autoimmune response develops. The clinical manifestations of lupus nephritis are a consequence of the underlying microscopic damage to the kidneys, and they can vary widely, from microscopic hematuria and proteinuria to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. The laboratory tests can guide us to suspect the involvement of the kidneys in SLE patients, but kidney biopsy remains the gold standard for lupus nephritis diagnosis. On histopathologic analysis, the most important structure to be affected are the glomeruli, based on which lupus nephritis is classified, but any of the microstructures can be affected, from the tubulointerstitium to the blood vessels. The treatment of lupus nephritis drastically improves the prognosis, and it should be tailored according to the patient’s characteristics, needs, and preferences. There are several treatment guidelines available to assist the physician to treat the patients, of which the KDIGO guidelines from 2021 are routinely used in clinical practice, which will be presented in this paper