154 research outputs found

    Richterov tip inkarcerirane obturatorne hernije: otežana dijagnostika

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    Obturator hernia is a rare type of abdominal hernia where herniation occurs through the obturator canal. It develops predominantly in elderly underweight women. It has unspecific early symptoms, which is the reason these hernias are usually discovered only after they have become incarcerated. Incarcerated obturator hernias are usually discovered on abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan or emergency surgery due to bowel obstruction. We present a case of an 85-year-old female patient who was admitted because of intermittent abdominal pain and vomiting. Consecutive upright abdominal x-rays failed to show bowel obstruction. Abdominal CT scan revealed a right-sided incarcerated femoral hernia that was not found during emergency surgery. After laparotomy had been performed, a Richter type of right-sided incarcerated obturator hernia was discovered with a small necrotic area on the small bowel. Bowel resection was performed and obturator hernia was closed with interrupted sutures. The patient recovered without complications. Obturator hernia, due to its rarity and unspecific early symptoms, can still be misleading even to the most experienced surgeons. Delayed diagnosis of obturator hernia can lead to bowel necrosis and perforation with significant postoperative morbidity and mortality.Obturatorna hernija je rijedak oblik abdominalne hernije gdje do hernijacije dolazi kroz obturatorni kanal. Najčešće se javlja kod starijih pothranjenih žena. Rani simptomi obturatorne hernije su nespecifični, što je razlog da se ovakve hernije prepoznaju obično nakon što se razvije inkarceracija. Inkarcerirane obturatorne hernije se najčešće prepoznaju tijekom CT trbuha ili hitnog kirurškog zahvata zbog simptoma mehaničkog ileusa. Ovdje prikazujemo slučaj 85-godišnje bolesnice koja je primljena u bolnicu zbog povremenih bolova u trbuhu praćenih povraćanjem. Uzastopne nativne RTG snimke abdomena nisu pokazale opstrukciju crijeva. Učinjen je CT trbuha gdje se prikazala desnostrana inkarcerirana femoralna kila koja, međutim, tijekom hitnog kirurškog zahvata nije nađena. Nakon što je učinjena laparotomija, pronašli smo desnostranu inkarceriranu obturatornu kilu Richterova tipa s malim područjem nekrotičnog tankog crijeva. Učinili smo segmentnu resekciju tankog crijeva. Kilni otvor je zatvoren pojedinačnim šavima. Postoperacijski oporavak bolesnice je bio uredan. Obturatorna kila, zahvaljujući niskoj incidenciji i nespecifičnim ranim simptomima, može biti zbunjujuća čak i za najiskusnijeg kirurga. Odgođena dijagnoza obturatorne kile može dovesti do nekroze i perforacije crijeva, što sa sobom nosi značajan pobol i smrtnost

    Influences of addition of powdered skim milk to changes of nitrogen matters during the white cheese piping

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    U ovom radu prikazane su promjene ukupnih i topivih dušičnih tvari tokom zrenja bijelog sira sa dodatkom obranog mlijeka u prahu u količini od 2 i 3 %. Dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su sa kontrolnim sirom (bez dodatka obranog mlijeka u prahu). Na osnovu koeficijenta zrelosti praćen je obim razlaganja bjelančevina kod istraživanih sireva.Changes of total nitrogen matters and soluble nitrogen matters during the white cheese riping with addition of powdered skim milk at the rate of two and three percent, are shown in this work. Obtained results were compared with the control cheese (without addition of powdered skim milk). According to coefficient of riping were observed the volume of protein denaturation to cheeses we were examine

    Nutritivni kvalitet hraniva koja se koriste u ishrani mlečnih koza u Vojvodini

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    The study was to conduct to evaluate the chemical composition and nutritive values of feedstuffs (forages and concentrate mixtures) used for dairy goats nutrition in Vojvodina. Samples were collected from six farms, including one organic farm. The results showed that the relative feed values of analyzed forages were in the range of good, medium to lower quality. Average protein content from lowest to highest for investigated forages was: corn silage (Zea Mays) (65.37-82.57g kgˉ¹DM), alfalfa haylage (Medicago sativa L.) (159.99-184.17g kgˉ¹DM), pasture (185.30g kgˉ¹ DM), and alfalfa hay (Medicago sativa L.) (167.48-203.60g kgˉ¹DM). The non-fibre carbohydrates and protein content most varied in organic hay samples (cv: 29.25% and 19.09%, respectively). Generally, feedstuffs used in organic nutrition, including organic concentrate, were of lower nutritional quality and moreover contained higher amounts of crude fibre and lignin. Especially, a high source of variation was observed in investigated concentrate mixtures for the crude protein content (p lt 0.0001), ranged from 135.32 to 209.87g kgˉ¹DM. Corn silages also varied substantially in their chemical composition and significant difference (p lt 0.05) was observed in regard to acid detergent fibre (ADF) and lignin content (ranged: ADF: 242.20-319.24g kg‾¹DM; ADL: 27.98-52.54g kg‾¹DM, respectively). Furthermore, pasture contained the most soluble materials during May and June and their content was related inversely to crude fibre amount. This survey highlights that investigated farms still pay insufficient attention to the quality of the feedstuff. For the development of intensive goat farming, greater emphasis should be placed on using higher quality feedstuffs, as well, standards for feed quality must be considered and established.Istraživanje je bilo sprovedeno sa ciljem procene hemijskog sastava i nutritivne vrednosti kabastih hraniva i smeša koncentrata koja se koriste u ishrani mlečnih koza u Vojvodini. Ispitivano je ukupno šest farmi,uključujući i organsku farmu. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se relativna hranibena vrednost analiziranih kabastih hraniva kretala od dobrog, srednjeg do slabijeg kvaliteta. Prosečan sadržaj proteina od najmanjih do najviših vrednosti se kretao u opsegu: kukuruzna silaža (Zea Mays) (65.37-82.50g kg‾¹DM), senaža lucerke (Medigao sativa L.) (159.99-184.17g kg‾¹DM), pašnjak (185.30g kg‾¹DM ) i seno lucerke (Medigao sativa L.) (167.48-203.60g kg‾¹DM). Sadržaj nestrukturnih ugljenih hidrata i proteina pokazao je najveće varijacije u uzorcima organskog sena (cv: 29.25% и 19.09%, pojedinačno). Generalno, hraniva koja su bila ispitivana na organskoj farmi, uključujući organske smeše koncentrata, su pokazale lošiji nutritivni kvalitet usled većeg sadržaja sirovih vlakana i lignina. Posebno su utvrdjene velike varijacije u ispitivanim smešama koncentrata u pogledu sadržaja proteina (p lt 0.0001), koji je bio rangiran od 135.32 do 209.87g kg‾¹DM. Kukuruzne silaže su takodje značajno varirale u njihovom hemijskom sastavu i signifikantna razlika (p lt 0.05) je utvrdjena u pogledu sadržaja kiselih deteržent vlakana (ADF) i lignina (u opsegu: ADF: 242.20-319.24g kg‾¹DM; ADL: 27.98-52.54g kg‾¹DM, pojedinačno). Osim toga, utvrdjeno je da je pašnjak posedovao najviše rastvorljivih materija tokom Maja i Juna meseca a njihov sadržaj je bio obrnuto povezan sa sadržajem sirovih vlakana. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitivane farme još uvek ne posvećuju dovoljno pažnje kvalitetu hraniva. Za razvoj intenzivnog uzgoja koza, veći naglasak treba staviti na upotrebu kvalitetnijih hraniva i istovremeno standardi kvaliteta hrane moraju biti razmotreni i utvrđeni

    Sirevi sa dijetetskim i funkcionalnim svojstvima

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    Modern medicine indicates the strong importance of diet in the preservation and the improvement of people's health. Hence, during the last few decades, a substantial interest for the production of cheeses with dietetic and functional properties has been present. Current investigations on production of cheeses with reduced fat and salt content, as well as cheeses with probiotic bacteria and dietary fibre are shown. .Savremena kretanja u medicini ukazuju na značaj načina ishrane u očuvanju i poboljšanju zdravlja ljudi. S tim u vezi, poslednjih godina prisutno je izraženo interesovanje za sagledavanje mogućnosti proizvodnje sireva sa dijetetskim i funkcionalnim svojstvima. U radu su prikazana dosadašnja istraživanja o proizvodnji sireva sa smanjenim sadržajem masti i soli, kao i sireva sa probiotskim bakterijama i prehrambenim vlaknima koji pripadaju grupi proizvoda sa izraženim dijetetskim i funkcionalnim svojstvima.

    Examination of the milk powder chemical composition and physical properties

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    Ispitivan je kemijski sastav i neke fizičke osobine mlijeka u prahu domaćih proizvođača. Rezultati pokazuju da ispitivani uzorci uglavnom odgovaraju propisima kvalitete.Chemical composition and some physical characteristics of domestic milk powders were investigated. The results shoved that examined samples agreed with legal prescriptions

    Textural and cooking properties and viscoelastic changes on heating and cooling of Balkan cheeses

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    The growth in food service and prepared consumer foods has led to increasing demand for cheese with customized textural and cooking characteristics. The current study evaluated Kackavalj, Kackavalj Krstas, and Trappist cheeses procured from manufacturing plants in Serbia for texture profile characteristics, flow and extensibility of the heated cheese, and changes in viscoelasticity characteristics during heating and cooling. Measured viscoelastic parameters included elastic modulus, G', loss modulus, G '', and loss tangent, LT (G ''/G'). The melting temperature and congealing temperature were defined as the temperature at which LT = 1 during heating from 25 to 90 degrees C and on cooling from 90 to 25 degrees C. The maximum LT during heating was as an index of the maximum fluidity of the molten cheese. Significant variation was noted for the extent of flow and extensibility of the heated cheeses, with no trend of cheese type. As a group, the Kackavalj cheeses had relatively high levels of salt-in-moisture and pH 4.6 soluble N and low protein-to-fat ratio and levels of alpha(s1)-CN (f24-199). They fractured during compression to 75%; had relatively low values of cohesiveness, chewiness, and springiness; melted at 70 to 90 degrees C; reached maximum LT at 90 degrees C; and congealed at 58 to 63 degrees C. Conversely, the Kackavalj Krstas and Trappist cheeses had low levels of primary proteolysis and salt-in-moisture content and a high protein-to-fat ratio. They did not fracture during compression, had high values for cohesiveness and chewiness, melted at lower temperatures (56-62 degrees C), attained maximum fluidity at a lower temperature (72-78 degrees C), and congealed at 54 to 69 degrees C. There was a hysteretic dependence of G' and LT on temperature for all cheeses, with the LT during cooling being higher than that during heating, and G' during cooling being lower or higher than the equivalent values during heating depending on the cheese type. Monitoring the dynamic changes in viscoelasticity during heating and cooling of the cheese in the temperature range 25 to 90 degrees C provides a potentially useful means of designing ingredient cheeses, with the desired attributes when heated and cooled under customized specification

    The quality of goat milk and hygiene management practices on farms in Vojvodina

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    The present work aimed to study the goat farms concerning different hygiene-sanitary and health management practice. Also, bulk tank milk of Alpine breed goats was used to investigate changes in the composition of milk during lactation on six farms in Vojvodina Region. The results showed that although 96.67% of farmers were familiar with mastitis, approximately 56.67% of farmers reported a lack of knowledge about subclinical mastitis and therefore not intensely monitoring udder health during the lactation period. Somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacteria count (TBC) were the most variable traits in our research and lactation average SCC between investigated farms showed a significant difference (P < 0.01) (a range from 1088×10³/ml to 3129×10³/ml). At the same time, TBC was found in a wider range, from 66×10³/ml to 3508×10³/ml. Further-more, SCC and TBC often did not meet the recommended quality level. Therefore, during the entire lactation period, 63% of the milk samples contained above 1.5 million SCC/ml and 37% of the samples were contained TBC above 1.5 million CFU/ ml. Results also confirmed considerable seasonal variations of goat milk composition and the milk fat was the component that most varied (cv: 33.16%). It was observed that organic in comparison to conventional milk chemical composition, was signifi-cantly different, especially in terms of protein content (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, goat dairy production could be of considerable importance in Vojvodina but dairy goat sector requires a more systemic approach, better hygiene milking conditions and implemented prevention and control programmes during the milking routine

    Trend in milk production and processing

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    Referatima i diskusijom na prošlom petom Jugoslovenskom međunarodnom simpozijumu o savremenoj proizvodnji i preradi mleka, aprila 1973. god., naglašeno je da obim proizvodnje mlijeka čini osnovu ponude na tržištu. Tada smo se realno zalagali da proizvodnju mlijeka kvantitativno i kvalitativno povećamo.Milk production and turnover, the two most important functions of the dairy economy, are increasing constantly. The total milk production has increased by 2.7 %/year in average and that on individual farms by 2.8 %/year, while the average increase of milk purchase amounted to 7,6 %/year in total and 9.4 %/year from individual farms. The increase varies between republics and regions, e.g. the milk purchase increase has reached a rate 15.8 % in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the same time production of individual milk products has been on the increase in a range of 2.1 % (butter) to 24.9 % (fermented milk products). On base of calculated increase rates it may be assumed that 5,300 million litres of milk will be produced and 2,010 million litres purchased in 1985. The processing capacity will amount to 6,800 ton/day. Thus the milk product manufacturing, excluding by-products, will reach a level of 1,310 million kilos. For the further progress in dairy economy a greater attention should be given to the organisation problem in future

    Comparison of the Chemical Composition of Whey Cheeses: Urda and Ricotta

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional quality of two types of cheese prepared from bovine whey: Urda and Ricotta. Cheeses were examined for chemical parameters and their amino acids profile was determined. The results revealed that the chemical composition of the observed whey cheeses was highly significantly different (p lt 0.01) from each other. The amounts of dry matter, fat, protein, lactose, ash and salt were higher in Ricotta compared with Urda cheese samples. On the other hand, Urda contained more moisture, fat on a dry matter basis and moisture on a fat-free basis (79.59%, 27.50%, 84.27% versus 69.82%, 21.02%, 74.56%, respectively). Especially higher yield, salt in moisture content and energy values were observed in Ricotta cheese (5.93%, 3.12%, 145.99Kcal/100g versus 4.39%, 2.40%, 108.97Kcal/100g; Ricotta and Urda, respectively). Whey cheeses are a particularly good source of amino acids containing approximately-Ricotta: Leucine (1.60g/100g), lysine (1.17g/100g), phenylalanine (0.78g/100g) and followed by threonine (0.77g/100g), while Urda contained leucine (0.80g/100g), lysine (0.45g/100g), threonine (0.68g/100g) and phenylalanine (0.31g/100g). Both cheese varieties contained glutamic and aspartic acid as the predominant non-essential amino acids (Ricotta: 3.91g/100g and 1.68g/100g versus Urda: 1.65g/100g and 0.80g/100g, respectively). Generally, from a nutritional point of view, the investigated whey cheeses could be considered as cheeses with low salt and fat content, as well as cheeses particularly abundant in branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine). These results also emphasize their advantages as products that present a cost-effective way of dealing with whey as waste material

    The effect of nisin and storage temperature on the quality parameters of processed cheese

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nisin and storage temperature on the microbiological, physico-chemical and sensory properties of processed cheese. Processed cheese samples were prepared without and with 12.5 ppm nisin, stored at different temperatures (4, 8 and 20 degrees C). Research covered microbiological, physico-chemical and sensorial analysis of the samples. In processed cheese samples prepared without nisin, aerobic colony count (ACC) significantly increased over the experimental period, while in nisin supplemented samples no significant increase was determined. At lower storage temperature (4 degrees C), the effectiveness of nisin was more pronounced. Yeast and moulds (YM) and psychrotrophic colony count (PCC) were below the limit of quantification over the entire experimental period. Also, no significant changes in pH values and textural characteristics (firmness and stickiness) were determined. Sensory analyses confirmed that processed cheese samples became whiter and less yellow, compared to fresh samples. The viscosity of all samples decreased over the experimental period, which was in line with the results of baking stability. The obtained results confirmed the potential of using this type of processed cheese in baking industry